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<br /> �r 1 i T .�
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<br /> �1. . - � _ - -- . . --- - - --- ... . ---�,hl _ - \- _ .\J . -- - --.. .. -- ---- - _ �� - ,. � T
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<br /> t _ " ' '__ . . �Y._ . ._ .. . .. . .....-.._...n�.......;..._----_--- .._.. — _
<br /> �i� 1 � �. —_._�_: ........ ......... ____-- –
<br /> --- -- ' ��'� �.U a��iD�! �----—-
<br /> ���'.. ' �`�.�_.._--
<br /> ...., .�,�.'' �_ -
<br /> ;t •>; -�-,�"�, �criuilv thnl I.cndcr���`i ulr«. '1Tte iu�uraitce�nrticr��rovidin�;tf�c lit�unnuc+Itull br rin�tien hy'Hu�ra�vcr+uhlcrt tu l,eildcr ti _�-- -
<br />"' ��i�.4 � -��� � a � -- --
<br /> - u-",,.�^ .. i�prr,uvu)�ahirh hhnll nu11��uu�xiti�+mnhly�vithltcld. 11 Rur�u�vrr fnNs lu nuditinh�r����eri�h��d��erlb�d ai�uv�•�L��ndcr mt►y,u1 � _
<br /> �. - LClul�r�i���llon,ahtnin euv�ru�c lu pr��lec:t 1_cndrr�riHh1+iu Ihc t'ru��cUy In qcrard+�ncr�vllh�uiru�;r����h 7. �s -- _ .i
<br /> � -;:� All i►►�urun�e l�atleics nitd r�itct�vt�ls yhnll Ix�IfCI'L`�1INIlI4`UI I.411lICt i1111I\IIl1II IIIIIIIIII'11�IIt11lIl1YlI OIL11I�lIIZ:4:�I�ui��. l.c��dcr �.,� - .--
<br /> �ItHll huvu Uw�'l�?ttt ta itutd dt�polirter tmd r�itr�wtlr. If l.�t�dcr ceylti�t'+.[�arr��«rr,!iull p���tittiiptl� giyu tu I.rndrr nll rcti�cipt5
<br /> ���...:,- (fP�ti{ItI F)i�l'IUIU1111 NII�«Ilt.'\Vl1I IIOIII'Cy. ln Ih�vv4�1t ��t'1��y5,d�»�'����•�r yhuU lti��r �n��mpt n�rtirr tn tl��in.ut-ain��rt►rricr eutui _ _; ._-
<br /> =_` 3 1.e1��CP, l.cudcr mny m;1ka�ri'iti��f l�►I�»r It tlul�u.��l��1Pitill�ttl)''hy Nurru�ret'.
<br /> ,:4: • " Unlcss Lcildt:r�md liur�'uwer cNhct�vixc agrc�i�l��i'lting�in;ur:tnc� {�ritzccd+�tk�ll 1�•;�t�pli�d w rc+tur��dnn ur�rpnh•ul' �n�+� ,��_
<br /> - _ thc 1'r�i}�crty dumu;,cd, il' Ihr rc�t��rnliun ar rcpulr i�ccunuiuirally fcn�lhle nnd L�adrr\ +r�uriiy Iti IIl1I ICyyClil`lI. II II1C `r- r�;� -
<br /> � `- . retilt�Pnll�,n or rep��i� i� nul«�tilitluic�dl�• itu�ihie ut• l.�nder� .r�tiucily ��+�ul�l (�u Ie�ncneJ. Ilit imurau�cc pruc�`c�k shAl) hu ,.. ,
<br /> � up}�licd tu thu xuius sccu�tiQ by this S�curl�y Inst�umcnt, wh�thcr or nut thrn �luc, �vUh uny racc,� p;d�l ta Nurru�vrr. If' -_ ; �'� �' �
<br /> - . (�i�nawcr nbnnd�iny tltu Properly, or doc� �iul unswcr within ;ll duy� i� nutirr I'rum L�ndrr�hnt ihc intiu�•+mrc curricr ha• .
<br /> ulicrcd to�Citle n citduL ll►eu l.oi�der m��y c��llcc��tic fnsuruncc prucc�d,. I.end�•r m+iy usc Ihe pl'ur�Cdy lu rcp:►ir ur�t�turr .., .,, :�
<br /> thr Nru�����1Y ur to puy sums xcc�u�ed bv this Sccurity Instrumm�t,wli�thcr ur nn��h�n�luc, 'IYtc�l1•dny 1'rriud will hcl:in wh�-�i — ,:.,
<br /> .. --.�� - - lI1C IlU1JCC Iti�`IV4'll. ��- � -,, �
<br /> '�' '� Unless I.ender und Qorrowrr whcr�vi+c u�:i�� fi� �vriting. :in)• .�ppNra!:t,:t:•i�,r�u•cod� m principal ,h:ill iiu��!�tead nr , _. :
<br /> .M•' ,] ..
<br /> _.`s.�: ' . po.tpune thu due dutc uf Ihc mon�hiy pnyments itiferrcd to in p;�ni�:rnph. I und 3 or rhun�c thc iuiwut�l uf thu pi►yments. 11 ,,,�� �, _
<br />-- uo�ier pariigruph�1 thc Propeny is ucNuired by Len�ier, Hurruwer;ri�;ht tu+iny intiurnnce puliric, i1111I �ll'UCl'4'lI\ rrsuliin� - .
<br /> -_- irom di�magc t��ihc 1'�•�,perry prior to�ha ii�qui,rtiun ,hul) p:iss tu l_cnder tu thc rx�rnt��P�he�ums�c�urcd hy �hi� Sccuriry , '' . .. , .
<br /> ,�,} ' Inti►rumcnt iinmrdi�ucly prior tn iho+�cquisition. .
<br /> �1 6. Occupuncy� Yreservation� M1lulnleni�ace nnd Pratcctlun uf the 1'roperly; Nurro��•cr'.r• I.oup AppUcatlun, T�-
<br /> � , l.CiltiCllOItIY� H��rruwcr+h��ll nrcury,eytt►bli+h,and u�r thc F'rupury �i�l�urr.�wrr�prinripnl rctii�l�aoc wi�hin�ixty.luyti i�ftar . . ,� _�
<br /> '� . ,� �, '_
<br /> thc cxccuUun ui'thiti Sccurfty Inxtrunn�nt nnd shadl cunlinur to.xcup���1w Prupcny us Nu�ruwcr�principal r�sidritcc 1'or ut :��,_�
<br /> -'= •• ' least anc ye:�r ni'tcr Ihc datr ��f nccupancy, unl�,s Lrndcr �,Iht•iwi�r u�rcuz in �vridng, which cunwnl sh+►11 nut hc .. ,�.::T_ "
<br /> , �,,�:-
<br /> ��`` unrci►si�nuhly wUhhrld,��r unlcs�cxtcnuudng cireum�tunc��s cxi,t�.•hirh +�rc hryund Ilurr�����cr�cuntrul. H��rru�vcr,hi�ll not i'-.:__
<br /> ti;� , �lestn�y.damnge��r impuir thu I'���pr�ly,i�Uow thG Hvperiy to dcleriuriUr,i�r ci�mmit��•ntite on thc Prupert��. tlurmwcr,h.�U .. . , --
<br /> � � � he in detl�ult it i�ny tiirfci��nr:ic�iun or pr��rccdinE;. ��•h�ther civil i�r�ri�ti�iunl,ix h�►:un thut in l.endrr\guud fui�h judbmcnl �•����°� -_
<br /> `. � �o�dd msult in furi'elun'c ot' thc I'roperty ur uther��•ia: maiteri.ill�� impuir thc Hcn cr�ut�d hy Ihis S�curity Instrumcnt ar
<br /> � ' Lcniicr`�ccurity intctt:t. Hormwcr muy curo tiurh i�dcti�uU iind rein�tntc.�i�pruvided in piu•agruph Ilt,hy c+iu.ing Ihc uctiun _
<br /> ...___ i,r prucccdin�;tu hc�li,�ni„c�l wlth a i�►ding that,in l.�ncler�g��txl failh dctcrminii�i��n,rrccludc� tl�rfuiturc ul tlm t3urr�wrr's . ,
<br /> :; 5,. intcrctit in thc N���per�y or uthrr m+►tcriiil impairmrn� ui thc licn �r�ated hy �hiti ticcuri�y� In,tnunrni or Lrnder� �ecurily
<br /> ' intc�t��. A�nu��•cr sholl uh�� hc in dct's�ull if' Burruwcr, du�in� d�c li�un appliru�iun pr�x:csti, guvc matri9nlly i'iil�c ur `_
<br /> inuccurute infornu�tiun����tiiuument�t�,l.ender(c�r t'.�ilcd u�provide l.�nd�r with;�n�� muterial iniurmatiunl in ronnrc�iu�i with ._.
<br /> ,�,�,`" . �hc loun �vide�icrQ hy tho Ni�tc, inrludiu�;, but nut limi�cd tu, rcprc�cnlutiims cs,nr�rninb H��rruwcr\ ixcupanry uf th� ., _ •
<br /> 1'r o p ert y u�a princi pi►I ru�idrnr�. li'�his Securiiy In,trument iti�m:�Ic,►.ch��ld.l3u�ra�►er shull cumply a�i�h ull the pruvisianti !'
<br /> - � • ot qic laatic. It Hu�ruwcr nr��uire�fcr title to�hc I'ruperry.�hc Icii�c ha ld and t ho fcr ti ilc�ha U n���m c r g c u n l c+,L e n J c r u p rrc� . _
<br /> �. , ,i _,: to th�mcrucr in�vTltin�;. `� `'
<br /> - - .- ° - - -
<br /> 7. Pri�tecN�►n oti' I.ender's Rights in the f'rupc�tv. if'I'som���rt i;3yh t.-� �.•rf�m:: ;h: et:Ye:ee►nt4 ���!I ���.'remncuts � ' •a
<br /> cun�ained in thi� Sceurity Imtrumetu, ur thcru i� a Ir�al pruccc.lin�: �hat mi�y .'ssn►firunUy :►ftirt l.cnder'� rights in t�ir � '`..
<br /> y ... Pf�►perly Isurh us u p��ocrcdin�!in hanl�rupte��,proh.►tr.ti�r�undcnuuuiun ur furtcittn'c��r tn�nt'��rcc(;���s ur rr:.�ulatiunsl,Iheu
<br /> � • ........ �. ..i . ., r�, wh:���,.•.,�• i.ncressan� lu urutcrt litc vtduc ��i'Ili� 1'�'��perry an�l Lrndcr'� ri�hl+ in Ihc Prupert}•. __
<br /> �;�_ _ ,- __ 3.�rd.. �.,a;:.,::u... �.a, r . . .__••-•-•• _
<br /> - - . l.cnder\��ction,muy inrludc paryin►�;ui�•�unn,rcured t�y i► Ilrn�vhich lia.priuruy ueer uttti�rcaritiy in.uwuc��i, �q,��.���..: �
<br /> � i�t cuiul. paying r�atiunuhlr �iuurnc�•�'f��, and rnlrrinp ��n tho Pr��perty 1�� m;il.r r►p:llf�. AIII11111LI1 I.cn�lr�may takc uc►iun
<br /> undcr thi+p.u•n�r��ph 7,Lemlcr du�r nul havu lu d�i+u.
<br /> . Any antuunt. di,bur�rd hy Lrndrr undcr Ihi, piir+i�r;iph 1 tihull hcrnmc ud�li�i�m;d dchl ut'Harru�ver,crurcd hy Ihiti
<br /> • Srcurily Instrumcnt. Unlu.ti Nurruw�r imd l.cndrr:►�;rcc tu uthor tcrm+uf paym�ut,thc�c unu�unt`+hull hcur intcrc.rt from the .
<br /> datc of di�bur.cnunl�il Ihc Nutc ralc i►nd ,hull Fw pa�•:�hlc. ��ilh inl�r��t, upi,n naiic� frunt l.rndrr tu B�urmvcr requc�ting
<br /> , .. puyntcnt.
<br /> � H. Murt�»�;c Insurancc. If Lrndrr rcyuir��l nu,rt�u�c in�urancr;i,a rumti�ian��t'mnl�inp Ihc luan ,cctu'ud hr e�i.
<br /> , � Sccurity Inytrumcnt. Hi�rn��vrr.hiill p:►y �hc prcniium, rei�uired tu main�ain �h� murign�:r in�urancc in rflrci. IG fur um
<br /> . retssan, the mung:i�:e in�urancr cavcra�c rrqtur�d hy Lendrr I:�p�e, ur r�ii•c. t�� he in el't'ccl. Hurru��•rr sh;iil pi��� �lhe
<br /> • ' prentiunt� rc��uir�d lu ubluin rovcra�c suh�lantinUy r�tui��;�lenl t„ thc m��rlgi�ge intiurancc prcviuu+ly in rff�rl, at a r���l
<br /> �ul„limlinlly cquiv;�lrnt tu thc r���,t �u Ilurri,��•rr��f ihr m„rt�acc imur►mrr pr�viautil�• in r1'1'crt, ir�,m iin :illcrn,ur m�,ric:ipc
<br /> :, .``;�°
<br /> iny�uer.�ppr��ved by Lrndrr. It tiuh��antiully cNui�:d.n� ntu�t�.�h: im.ur:�nre ri+��cru�e n ni�t:►�:ulahlc.Hurru��cr,hi�ll pu� w , ",
<br /> ,..,1;..�
<br /> ' Londcr ua�:h munlh�i+um�q�u�l t��nne-��rrU�h ut'th�yrurh murl�:;i�r intiurancr prrmium hciuc pnid hy Harru�err«•hrn �hc �.� �
<br /> ' inuuunrc ciwrragr lap,cd�u�ru�ticd ti�hr in rlfrrt. l.rndrr��ill arrc��t.uu:md ralain Ihr,r piqroicnh a,a lu���crv►in licu , .
<br /> i�f murlgi�ge insura�iicr. I.o•• r�,erve pa�•m�nt. m;q• nu I�mgrr hr r«�uirr�l,.0 �hr up�i„n ul'Lcndcr. ii' ntun�i�e in.ur:nicc ,
<br /> cuvcr+igr lin thr miwiuri an�1 fnr Ihc prriuil Ih�u l.cnd�r rcquirrv��i�u�•i�lyd h}•nn in,urcr a��pr�,vod hy Lrnder again hcronm.
<br /> uvi�iltihle:uid i•nhtuino�i.Rurru�c�r�hall�i;q•Ili��,rcmium,rr��ui��cl t�+mainluin m��rltuge inwranrr in ol't'rct.nr tu�,ruei�lr a
<br /> . " lotir rescr��,unlil Ihr rcquirrntrnl ti�r m��rt�_;�g�imur,uur rnd,in :u•i��rdan�•e��ilh un� ��ri�tcn ac�rrmcnt hcl�eren B��rru��er
<br /> • und l.endcr ur upplicuhlu I:t�v. i .
<br /> . q. InspecUon. Lendrr�,r itti agrin ma� mat��•rra.�mahl���•nlric,u�iun and �n,�,rrtii,m uf Ihr 1'ruprrty. l.�ndcr,l�:dl
<br /> , �ivc H��irowcr nu�irc��I Ihr tinl�ui u����riur tn:u�imE��•i ui+n�p�rit�ing rea.�+nahlr i au��I'n��thr in+�ti'ctiull. i
<br /> ' 111. ('i�ndemni�Uon. 'I'hr prorre�l.��1 an� a.�a�J��r rluiiu 1'i,r d;�ma�c,,diro:�ur run,r��uential.in�•��unrcti��n�vith :m�• i .
<br /> tiwgl�•I�.nnd��•Funnlr\1nc•FrrdJir V�ie l VIH'�tN�t l\tiTRI�R:\f l nu�•��u�„�ru.�m. 4 vll �t��rc�•r,�rn�,:ir,� �
<br /> . � .
<br /> �nr.n��ilr.�tu.mi.,rnnn•,��u •
<br /> ., I��u•��rr�'all IIUN�:tu.�!t�it I�\i�l��?�I ll�i �
<br /> � �
<br />. .�i
<br /> ' �
<br /> � �
<br /> . +
<br /> � � '
<br />