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<br /> '�1`' TUtll:fNlilt\VI'I'H ull thr impro��r.mrntv nuw un c�mn�lcr crcctcd�,n U►c Esrup�r�y�,nnd uU cur►mr�v,,nppurten,inrcr•. ,�� - - -
<br />' �t' ..,.;.. .: - '-
<br /> _�t _ nnd fixlurr.s nuw ��r her�;iita�n p:ui u1 1hC p�rip�rlv. All ic��h�rcmeutv nnd i�ddUia���.hiill ;tl,u U.ruv�rcd hy Ihix ticcurily _ . • :°.�=e'�, _ - _
<br /> } Itts�n+m�nl. All��!'iht•ti�r.Z;oin��iy rcl'rrrrd t�►iti�i�l�ticcurUy Instn�mem i�r►h��"1'��uperly,"
<br /> - =- !tt?I1�:�)�VI:lt l'UVfiNr�NTS�hut[iurruwer 1+luwliilly ,ci+s�d a�l'11��eti�utc herchy�anvr}cd itnd h��v►be ritihl tu gri�nt L'._— �' I ._
<br /> nnd ccmvcy thr.F'rupc��y��,►d�hnt�he 1'ruinriy i��F�x�ku+nlx►•�ii,c xcc�►t li�r cncui��t�ranccs ot record. i�c,rr�,�vrr�v;�rtant��ind �-:- — _
<br /> -_-� wil�ctrti nd hen�r.dly thc titlr t��fhr!`ru}r'rly i�<<�ti►;t.!II rl.tllli4�Ilid ll�numdti,suhf CCt tu itny rncumlantnc�:s ul'rccurd. � � _ •�•- -
<br /> �� T!!!S SF.CIlP.!'!'Y 1N4'1'ltL�M4:IV'I' cUml�incr• uiW+�n►t �•nv.•pant. toe nauoni►1 usc und nan•emiiimt� c�rvcttunt. �vith f �' -�� -
<br /> � .
<br /> , -
<br />-`-_. ..-. ----- Ilndted varinA„n�by Jurisdic�iun tu consil��n��:�tutifutyn�ccurity i�i�uumrnt�uvcring rcal pr�►prr�y, ( �°'•'`.- ;
<br />=-- — -- UNIFUttM C(IVt:NAN'i'S, (lorro�vcrimd t.6ndrrcuuriu►nt un�l i�ue���a.r Fall��ws: � f _ _--_ - , -_
<br /> 1. f'�aya�eut oP Principnl Hrtd Inte�cyt;Prep�ym�nl und I.ate(:hark'.�y, klurruwcr�hull pn►mptly pny�vhen duu thc ( t : '
<br /> -,. � prinripal uP and intrrc�,��,n�i��acnc�:��a��,c«i t,y Il�c Notc nnd nny pr�:�myni��nl amd lutc rliar�;es du�:undrr thr Nina. ' :•.
<br /> a'=- ---=- � 4�nds fbr'l l��tcs f��n d In�;t+�Nnec. tiu h irc�ta np�l icy b lc law ur tu n w��i u�n�v u i v�r b y l.c u d�r,B u r uw�r ti h i►I I p i ry�u ,
<br /> _. : .. ._.. ._
<br /> �, Lender un the d�ry momhly p:iyments urr dua�indcr thr Ni�tr,unUl thr Nutc is p.dd in f'ull,n +am 1"Funcis„)fur: (u) ycarly i •
<br /> :- ._...._...... . I��KC� an�l���ci•uen�rat�whi�•b nu�y nU:dn Svinrity uvcr thiti 5ccurltv histrumcnt as tt licn un lhr 1'rup4rtY; lb)Yrariy Ic,►schuld � ._ _
<br /> - --. - '- .. pa,�r.e�,e� ,•r �n,�i:tc1 r�nt� �•n rho r�n,�•rty. il' :�ny� rr► y��,►rly lurrerd ar prap�rly i�i�ur:mr� prc:miums: td� vcurly flu�+d r-� -.----, - -
<br /> insurimrc prcmiums. if iiny: (r1 yaurly mutlg;i�;c insinunrc prcrnitims. H'+iny; und (Il +iny rumx payablr by Hurrwvcr tu "
<br /> Lcnd+:r, in uccurdan�c �vllh the provixions c�f pnrugrupl� 8,fn Ucu��I'thc payment af'mn�lgagc insuruncc p�emiums. '1'hesc �
<br /> itcm.urr culled"E��n»v Itemti.' l.c�ndar m.►y,ut any Ilmc,culicct aitQ hc�ld Funds in i►n unx�unt n�,t t����xcccd thr muximum .
<br /> • • untouttt a Icndcr fbr i► tcdctully rcicited n►ortt�ugc luay nu►y rcyuire t'or [�mTU�vrr± oxcrmv uc�:uun� un�lcr Ihc 1'cdcri�l Rrul
<br /> Gstate Sottlrmrnt 1'r�mcdurc�Ac!uf 197h a�s umcndr�l frum timc tu lim�, 1"_' U.S.C'. §�6U1 �•r s��y.("k2t�SPA"),unlass itnuthcr
<br /> L•�w that aE,plirs tu Ihc Rmds sctti a les�cr ami�um. II'w,I.cmtcr muy.iu uny timr,collcct imd hold C'und+in au am��unt nui ta .
<br /> . cxce�:d thc Icyscr amuun�. l.cndcr muy c�tinr.uc thc:+mount �.t' F1m�k dur un thc b:asls ot'current d.u;i �md reas�mi�blc � . ���
<br /> ., • cstiinatcs oF cx�ndiluros��I'f'uturc Escrow Items ar c�thcrwisc in.irrurdancc with applicahlr law. • .
<br /> • The Funds shull bc hcid in un institutiun whose depusit.r• :ur i��sured hy ;i tcderal .�gency, inslrumcnt::lity, ur rntiiy .
<br /> .. lincluding l.cnder.il'l.ender is tiuch ain intidiutiim)c�r in uny Fedcr,d H��m�l.uan Bank. l.�:nd�r+h.ill upply the Fund�tu pay . -
<br /> � • �he �scrow Itents. l.cnder m;►y nut ch.�rge Qorro�ver f�n•hulding a�id upplyin� Ihe hl�nds, anm�ully anulyiint: tl�� cscrcnv � ,, : � ,
<br /> . account, or vcrlfying �hc E?scrow Items. unlcrs I,cndcr pnys t3um>��•cr intrrc�t vn thr Funds �md upplicabk law permits ;� ;:; , :_.
<br /> . l.ender to ninke such n �hnrge. Huwever,Lender may requira Hurro����r tp pa�•:e uue-tiine churgc I�ar�m independrt�t ro,►I ,, ,
<br /> . . � est�Ur tax rcporlinF scrvice used by l.ene�er in connccliun wi�h�his l��an,einlry�np��licahlr la�v provides��ther�vitie. Unles,:ui �� ._,�:
<br /> °,','::•` sigrcement is mudc or uppllcablc I;av n�t�iras int�rext Ii�be paid.I.rudc�shull not hc requirod tu puy BoRUwrr miy intrre�t ur t ' ;�:
<br /> . cnrnings on thc Funds. �c,ttowcr+►nd Lrndcr muy n�;rcr in writing.h�•��•cvcr,thiu intrrc+t shall bc paid un thc Funds. l.cnd�r ( ';;:"� 's
<br /> shnll givc to BoRawcr, without churgc, un n�muul u�counting i�f thc Funds,showing crcdi�ti and dcbltc to the f�unds and thi� ;
<br /> purprno fnr which cach dcbit ta Ihe flinds wus mndc. Thc Fund.arc plcd�cd ns addiUunul srcurity for�II�um� �ccurcd hy � ., �,
<br /> thiti�cc��rity Intitn�mcnt. : •
<br /> it' th► !-lindti hdd by I.cndCr rxr�ed the iunounls perniitted t�� bc hcld by upplicablc luw, l.ender sh��ll ac►4�unt tr � >'J
<br /> Bc�rri����er fa�r Ihc CxcCr�f'unds in urrord��m;c wi�h thc�cqt�i�cmrnt�ut'iipplirabl� lit�v. If thc ��mount of thc Funds hcld b�� ��
<br /> , ; ._
<br /> __ .
<br /> ; _; _ Lend�'r rtl ar��•time is not,ulticlent to pay the F:scrrnv items whcn cni�,i.cntirr�►iuy •�,nntii'y i3c�mKar in urisisz�,..sau.i:t �_ __ --- '-- ' '
<br />. ..
<br /> sueh case I�urrower r�all p:►y to l,under tl�e iunuun►necessur�• to rnal.c u�• thr del'Iciency. Burruwcr tihull nu�hr up the ;
<br /> .:�; .
<br />:.',.::t:' � ',. doticiency in nv nu�ro Ih,m�«rlvc monthly paymcnts,m l.cndrr.l•,olc�ii�rmtian. � . ,
<br /> -�--- Upon !u►yment in fuD��i'ull sunu scrurcd bY this�ecurity lnstranu•nt. Lender�hull pm�i�ptly ret'und m Hurro�ver any '.. �
<br /> __ _ . ._ -
<br /> _ _ _...._ _..�..___.___ .
<br /> = �• . Fl�nd�held hy Lendcr. lf,undcr puragr-�gh�l, Lcnder shiill nc�svirc�r tiall the Pruperty,Lcud�r,pr�ar to tnc aryuisiiiun ar ��''' � �
<br /> sulc of�hc F'ropci�ty, sh�dl nppl�� uny F��nti+ hcld by I.cndcr m the t'smc of'acqui�itiun ur ��de uti u crcdU ai;aimt thc sums i
<br /> sccured by this Securiry In�trumcnt.
<br /> � i. AppIIc�U��� uf 1'��y�ments. Unl�ss applicablv Inw p�ovidcs rnhrnvlse, idl paymentti received by Lendcr undcr •
<br /> paru�raphs I amd 2 shiill hc applied: lirtit,t��;�ny pmp�}•ment rhurgc.r• dur undrr�ho Nutc;�ccund,�u atnc�wu>p;ryablc undcr � ,
<br /> pa�ugrnph 2:thi�d,to inlcro�t duc:fc�unh,to principal du�:and lust,tn uny liuc rhi�rgc+duc undcr Ihc Nota f .
<br /> 4. Chur(;ey; I.ieny. Hurroa-rr tihull pay all taxrs, ussc,�ntrnt�. chargr`. (inr. und impusitiims �ntrihutahlr t�, �hc I
<br /> , . � Pr�peny whlch m,�y att;dn priorily avcr Ihi.Sccurity In+irumcnt,w�d Icahchuld paymcnt.or gruund reniti. ii'uny. Hurru�vcr
<br /> shull pay thcsc��bligations in thu mwmrr pruvidrd in para�;rapl�?.,ur if nul puid in Ihat mannrr.H�,m�wcr�hull puy thcm„n �
<br /> � time dlrectly ta�he persun����•ed payment. HuR��wcr�hi�ll pri�mptly 1'urnish tc�Lrnder all nuliccs uf amuunt�a�hc puid under
<br /> .' • this p:uagruph. If 8orro���cr makcti thrso paymrnu dircctly. Horrowrr tihi�l! prumptly f'urni�h tu l.endcr roccipts cvidcncing
<br /> , ' thc paynxnts. i
<br /> ' ' 8arco�ver�hnll prompdy dischurgc any licn whirh hu�prioril����ver�hi,Securi�y lnstrume�tit untry�Rrtn*�cer:la)agrces
<br /> in writing t�the puyment of thc��hlig�iiun�ccurcd by thc lien in a ntunncr ncccptablc ta l.ct�drr:th)conte�t�ia gtuxl fai�h the � �.: ,,
<br /> , ' lien by,or defends a�ainst cofarcement oi'the lien in,Iegi�l prcK�rdin�;s which in the l.cnderl opinion uper.�te ro pruve�n the .•
<br /> c»farccmcnt uf thc licp;or(c)ticcures t'n+m thc holdcr ol'thc licn an agrcument sutitiPuctory w I.cndrr�utx+rdinating thc licn '
<br /> to�his Security l��strumem. IP l.cndcr determines thal any p��rl�d�Iho Nrope�1y iti tiubjcct to a licn���h:c!►nu�>•at�ain prinrity
<br /> aver this S�curlty Instrument.Lcndcr may give Borc��wcr u noiic:�identifyinb Ihe licn. Borro��er�haDl�atisfy�hc licn or takc
<br /> one or mo�of thc uctions scl forth alw��c�ti�ithin 10 day.r• ��f thr ci��in�;of nvticc,
<br /> � 5, Ha�,ard or Properly lnsurance, Qc�nawcr shtdl kce�thc impruventcnts naw cxi.tin�ur here�lite�crccted an the �
<br /> Praperty insured�igainst loss by fire,huinrd�included within the ecnn"extrnded rover.�ge"and any o�her hazards,includinb �
<br /> ' floods or tlooding, for which Lender reyuires in>uiancr. Thi, incurance �hall be n�uintained in �h� umuunts ;tnd i'or thc i
<br /> � • i .
<br /> Fi�rmJD28 9/90 (�w��;��:n/'A�ulgr.cl
<br /> I
<br /> :_ -. ___ = i -
<br /> !
<br /> f
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � �
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