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1 �_�sl{I . ., _ - . i . .._...._ _ " . t' K _ .... .__. <br /> ' • � <br /> � ` . . <br /> ..�. <br /> �' __._.._..� �..,.' __�.-, . � , _... �! . .. -C: ...... ... . . ......... ..r. : :- .-n.i...�:t L <br /> . _ . � , . . . - . . . - . ' . . �j- � � � _-„ — .._�LL.-_.._-. <br /> _ ,�ii� �a�'� '�: �, � . ;,;,� <br /> . paymontb Pfiloh qio tttcrttA to In P�ta3re h 4,or change tha emoym ot�uch p eme. M exceas piooceds ovee�u� . '_: ,, <br /> � amcwtt�equIrCQSO"peY all ou�statld�dg indeStednesa under ma Na6 end thb Bceuri�y[nswmen��daU be pata w uw emiry •.•�.J;._:�.; <br /> —_ IegWp entitiedNoRla _ <br /> B, Peee. Londcr may collat Rta and charga authorized Ey�ho 8xretuy. <br /> R (3ra�n0alos:e�re.baolU:M: . <br /> _ (U fkhulb Lender muy,exaept ea IIMced by rcgulaUons►isued by tho 8ceretarf�In�ho c+uo ot payment defaulu, , <br /> - - rcqulro Immedbtu�ayment In�u11 of e11 wms cuurcd Dy�M1la 5ecurlty Insnumen�ir. -- <br /> __ (q Bo�rower defeulu 6y faltlog to pny In Potl my monthlY Peymont rcqulrcd by Nfe 3ccudry Jnabument pdor . <br /> ���_:- �oorontheduedateot�honextmonthlypaymenr.or F . _ . <br /> �1)Bortower defuulu by fa!ling,for e pcdod of IAiny daye.�o pedom�eny mher obllgatlom wnWncd in thu : <br /> eeurlry Gutmmrnt. <br /> �p)Bale Without Cndit Apqrovel. I.endcr shell,If peimitted by rpplicable isw end wi�h the prior approval oi�e <br /> — Secrowy rcquim Immcdlete pAyment in tull otaU tho�umc cecuRd by�hte Seadty Instrvmmt If: <br /> __= p)A�l or part ot tM Proporiy.or a beneticlel intere�t in a tnw owning all or patt of the Propeny,la�old or <br /> — ocherwlw trensferted(other than by devisa or desanq by fio Barower,end <br /> __icm pi)71�e Propmy b not occupled Ey�he purehaser or grantw u hle or her pdncipal rcsidence,or the purchaur <br /> �;,T=;� or grentu doe+ w ocsupy �he Property but Aie or hu ercdit has no[ been approved in aaordanro - � � � � <br /> °- �.�� with the«qulrcmenu otiho Sarccary. <br />..-.�:';�`�- (c)No Weiven Jt circumstana�oceur chet vrould pemilt Lender m rcquiro immed(aro paymmc in PoII,6ut I.ecdu <br /> - doee not uiro cuchp�ymenw.I.ender doea not wa[ve ip dghu with rcspect ro wbsequent evenn. <br /> . (d)ReguI�ons of HUD Setretary. in many circumaimces roguiotioni luued by�he Saretary�vi111imit LenduY -. <br /> ,���;k�:� dghp,4i �he cex ot paymen[defeulte,rorequin immedieto piyment in futl and lorcclose if notpa1d. 1Na <br /> ___,�;�� Secudty Inmument doea not emhodze eaelcra[ion or torcclosuro if not pertnitted by reguleNons of the 3ecretary. '. _ <br /> �',.�_ (e)Mortgage Not Imured. Bortower ngreca tAnt should thla Seeudty Instrwnent end the nota secured thercby not ,, _ _ <br /> �ti�R�J r• be etigiblo for Inaurana under tl�a Nationel Houaing Act witNn 90 DAYS frOm�6 'f 5 " <br /> -� : date hercof,Lender may,nt iu optlon end notwlthstanding anything(n P,uagreph 9,require immedie�e paymrnt ln i�'< <br />. :�����. Poll ot dl sums securcd by thie Sceuriry Instrumenc A wriuen sieiement ot eny au�hodzed agent of the Scereury ;�,�,.,VT_..., <br /> _D�!i <br /> r��� deted wbsequent to gD DAYS 6om tlw da�e hcreoi,declining to insurc this Sceudry r�. � . <br /> r)�'{ In:tmment end�he note aecurcd thercby,:hall be deemed conclusive proof of aueh ineligibility. Notwhktending �!� �^- - <br /> �`$ t 1he torc otn �h(s o uon me mt be ezerciud b Lendcr when�he unevoiiebili of inauwna ia wlel dua to ,�It'��"_- -'=� <br /> �w t', 8 8� P� Y Y �Y Y ,?„y <br /> "'� � r LendcrY failurc to rcmit s mongage imurence prcmium ro�he Secrciery. s t Sa''.�-: <br /> -�� 10. Relnstatement. Borrower he�a dght ro be rcinsteted if I.ender hsa«quircA immediete payment in full becauu � f�, „-- <br /> s'I t�* of Bortower§falluro ro pay on amount due under the�Note or�hia Savdty Inatmment. 7LIa dght epplia even efier �4 � �� : _ __ <br />-;:���r,��i toreclosure pmceedh�gi erc Insdtmed. To rcinste�e �he Securiry Inat�ument. 6ortower shall tender In a lump aum ell ,;`?��'i,.'�.�-,.._:=,._'- <br /> yY t,��� amouNa requtrcd Io bdng Dortowerh acwunt cument Including,ro the exunt Ihey erc obligatiom of Bortower under�hh � .. <br /> 3ecuriry inswment,foreclosurc cosu end reasoneble end cuaromary anomeya'fas and expensea properiy wwclated witA ��� ,x,�._�:�. <br /> � �.R: tha foreclosurc proceed(ng. Upon rcinatetement by Bortower.�hia Secudty Insuument md�ho obiigetiona�het It iecures p� ,��,� _� <br /> ' ,:{. �hall rcmain In effcet m if Lender had notrcq uircd ImmcAia[e peymem In full. However,Lcnder i:not rcqmrcd io eimit j-t�(�f-1� r _ <br /> ���,�t.i rclnate�ement if: (p Lender Aas eccepted reinsutement e�er�he commencement ot torcclosurc procecdings wi�hPn�wo �� . ,�,t,.�� - <br /> peare immedi�lely praeding �he commrncement of a curtenl fo`eclwurc praceeding, pp rcinstetement will preelude 11 - ;, '� '--° <br /> --*`�';�:% forcclmuro on dlffercnt gmunds in�he(umrc,or(iip rcinx�eeement wfll admrscly ottect the pflority of�he Iien crcated by � �� '��+r�A+`� <br /> ---���,;,' thie Sccuri�y In+t�umcnt. >r t 4,-r� �;�'y�y � ', <br /> �,i;•3 11. Oorrower Not Releoseds Forbearence bY I.ender Not e 1Polver. Cxtcnsion of�hc tlme of pa em or f T:27"� "' <br /> �� t,!= moditicatlon of emonimtion of ihe:ums securcd by thu Sceurity Insuumem gmmed by I.ender w any succesmr n intercs� � - ,1�, � *` <br /> '� �� ot 6orrower shell not opem�e�n nlenac�he IfnMlity of�hr migimJ Portnwer nr�ortowerl�succeuor in interca. Lender r ._, i <br /> r�;��'- ahall not bercy uircd m cammencc procecdingx egnimi m� in interet�or rcfum ro exicnd time for qymem or ' �it -�,��t �• <br /> o�hcrwise modify nmonizoflon of ihe aums xccvrcd by�hix Sccurlly Insimmcm 6Y nawn of nny demnnd made by ihe " � 11R s'�+ _. <br /> r; odginal Dorrower or BortowerM successarx in inlerca�. Any(or6curona by Lender m exereising my rigM ar mmedy.heil + _ _ � :j� ,� �„`� <br /> - nol be a wnWer of or preclude�he exereiu of nny right ar mmedy. ' <br /> -! .:�i L�p�r <br /> - ��, 12. Suceessora end Assigna Bound:Jolnt and Sererol Llebllity;Co•Signera. Tfic covenunta end egrcemenu of F�f,`��i y r,::. <br /> �.,.�,�,.'� thia Secudty Inswment shall bind nnd benefi�the succamrs md oti.ign.of Lender nnd Durtower.subjttt�o the pmvisiore , F ,y,,�h,,,_,�,, <br /> r-���� ot Pomgrnph 9.6. Uortowcrs covennms und ugmemenis shali 6e jo�m and eevcml. Any Bortower who co-s�gnz�his ' - "t t � �� <br /> -.�'; Sauriry Instmment but dces not cxecute�hc No�r. (nl is co-signing thi�Sccuri�y Instmmcnt unly ro mongogc,�mnl nnd - . '7�{r i'�, �� <br /> z. ;. eonvey lhnt 8ofrowcrY intercsl in thc Propcny undcr Ihc lcmis of�his Sccuri�y IniwmcnL•(6I is not personully ob i6nted�o - � �, _ <br /> . + " pay ihe sum.mcurcd by this Securi�y Instmmem:und(c�ogrces�lun Le�der and my other Bartower may ugrce w exmnd, � `.- • j i��,r.� <br /> `y'',"G; moddy,forMn or make ony accommadaiian.o�i�h mgard�n�he Icmn of�hi.Smuri�y In.lmmenl or the Noic wilhout Ihat �?L•;',;q,��.'2..�.:,� <br /> � .2? Bortowcr�conccnt. ' '�.-`s „' - <br /> t,- 13. Noticea. Any nolicc�0 6nrtow�cr providcd for in�hi.Sc.uri�y Irotrumem.hali hc given by delivering it or by t _,1�� �4 �- <br /> _�t? -: mailing il by firxt class mail unlczs applicahlc law requires uu n(anothrr mc�haf. "fLc nmicr.hull be dirccud ro�hc z <br /> ,,}.', -, Property Addrccs or any alher addres+ Borto��er Jraign:rtc.M•nnli��a tn Ltndec Any nmiav�In Lender shall M given by � '�� �x . : <br /> ��i!�,:i'; first clan mail to Lcndcr:adJrco uatcd hercin nr any addrt+� I.cnJcr no�i.r �o Dorto�vcr. Any no�im `; �e�_��:'.���! <br /> `� " ` rovided tor in�his Securily Insirumcnl.hall ix Jeemcd�a hme Mcn givcn�a R��rtm��cr or Lcndcr xhcn given as providcd <br />:`Ni•:::: P .. <br /> m this paragmph. . . <br /> ��'.". 14. Gorem(ng�erabilitr. 'fhi+S��.vrifr hn�mm¢nt.6a11 M1. grnrm.d h� fidctal laa anJ Ihc lao� of Ila - . <br />...��:'�Ci', Jurisdiclinn i::ad�ich:hc Prapcny i.4wa�cd In�hc-r cm Ihal m} pnni.inn nr dau+c nf Ihi.Sccuriq� Im�mmem or thc . <br /> ..•, t Noie con0ic�s�vi�h�pplicahlc la�¢h confli�i.hall nat afkc�nlhcr pr.rc���hi�ticcurilr In.lrumcm ar�hc Nolc � . <br /> �'r:=:••.i which can f�e given e((a�c��ri�hnm�he cnnlliaing prarf.iun. T.+thn rnd�hr pnn i.�am nl Ihi.ticaurily In.uumenl anJ Ihe � . . <br /> - :=-'1 Note am dcclarcd lo M xvcrahlc. - <br /> l .• I5. BaROxtr'.s Cup�r. Hnmm.nhall hc gi�cn anr mnlnm�rd anp�af th�.ti.aunla In.�runn•n1. � . <br /> ��'�,:� • 16. Acslgnmenf of Renl+. Ilnrt�.xcr unaandiuon.dl�a..�gn.and van.l�n�a Lrnder:dl�h.•rcnt.and rncnu..�,f�hc _ <br /> - - - Propctly. 6orto�eer aulhomc.LcnJ�r ur isnd.r�agan.���c.din��hc rem.:mJ rc�r�mr.and hcrth� (IIfCIN l'lfll Il'll'JIII nI <br /> . ��'"::�. the Propcn�•lo p:ry�he mnh�o Lcndcr nr Lendcr.apenn. Ilnxc�cr.pnnr lu Lrndcr:mn�ar m Hurtawrr nf Hnrt�n�cr: � <br /> �?• brcach of any corenanl nr agrcemrm in�he Srcanl) Imlrumeni.Brnr.mcr.hall mllcal:md re�rne all rrnl.auJ n�enui�.nl <br /> Ihc Pruperty aa w�lcc f�.r thc hcncfi�..I L¢ndrr and Hnrronrr. 'llu.:n.�pnmcnt��1 rcnh con.�nmi•�cnt ah.almr a.a}nmrm <br />� and not an assignmcm for aJJni..nal•.cunty onh. <br /> If Lcndcr girc.nmice nf M1nad�io Hunnxcr. �+�:dl nnn�eccnM h� Rortuocr.hall M hdd M Hnnnnrt a.ItuU�r <br /> fm Mnefi�a(Lender unlv_to M appl�ed�o hc ILr ticrnN� Lnir.imenL�M I cndrr.h.dl M•i•nt�ik+l u. <br /> V'�-'-- colieel md remive all nf ihe renh df�hr f'n,Mn�::md�.�e.�d�t.n.�m u1�he 11�qrm .hall pa� all renn Juc md unpaW�n <br />�.�t��"',-�-- Lendcror Lcnder:ag.m em LcnJer:xrinrn Jcm:mJ�n�h.lcnant. <br /> - 8orto�rcr ha�nnl cxcculttl am prinr a�•ignmenl ol Ihc nnh and ha� no� and ���II mn �xtlomi any :ul �hai w�mid <br /> ��,��`:,: pmvent Lcnda Gum i�.righ�.undcr�hi.PdLI�f0�)Il I(�. <br /> .;F,.. Lender.hall no�he mymred�o emer ury+n.�aAc canv�,l nl ur maimam thr Prury•n� Minre or afn•r gFmE nnu.c al <br /> �- brcach lo l)nm+���cr. Hnxcvcr.Lrnd¢n+r a IuJiaaih:�prynmed reacncr mac Jo.0 a�am mne�hcrc�.:�M1reach. :\m <br />. npplicalian uf rcm.shall nm aurc ar a�aivc am Jclaul�or imalid:nc:m�o�h.r nght nr rcmcd�oi Lcndcr. lhn:n.�gnmrtn <br /> -.':c"�.'`�� o(mms of ILe Nrapcny.hail�rmiinu�c xhcn�hc JcM.emnd hc Ihc ti¢aumc In.immenl n p:nJ m Iuil. <br /> : 'C7:l: <br />--`i:.?YjE_? <br /> .;'fT,_.� ��.«?.q��,e�., <br /> -�`;�"�± E . _ . .. <br />