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.� - •�'.��x•.�,�;i� H�v;.s�.-,�.�' �„'^^'-^�°^_ '_ ._. ... , . .. _., . - - .. . <br /> ., , , ._. .� ._ . . _ _ <br /> _:�l� . _ — <br /> . . . .. .-.—.�." _ '—_._ _. <br /> ._ .� __. <br /> -- 1, Poqmmt otPtinclpal,lnterect enA Lab Chavge. Borrower�hull pay when d�Nio pdg'��ga Nunat on, <br /> --- �7�a6eEtEV(denc:.dbylhoHateaadletechargaduew�de+�dt'Nota. _ <br /> - -- 9. Monthl�ppmente o14Lxea,Insuronce ond OtAe►CharQee. Rorrowar shetl lnoludo In cach monmly�ym ent, -- --- <br /> '"`� togetl�a wW the pdne1D�1 end Interut as cet torth In�ho Noro and any late chary{c�,m Instailment of eny(e)taxes and <br /> — epeclal easeumente IevIW or w bo levled agdnst tia Vrope�iY.N)iwe�otd peymxnu m ground rcnq on the Propeny,end <br /> y� (c)pnmlum9 tor Ineurance required 6y Paregaph 4. _ <br /> - Bnch moaihly Installment for itema (U. @)md(o)ihall equal onatwelM ot the ennual emounp�a+rouunably <br /> � esdmated by Lender,plus en amount sufiiolent�o maimeln an addldonal belance oi not moro Nan onaatxth ot the <br /> t`� m na�thatb�etaa�itun would�beco e delliWiqucnt��r shell ho!he emouunu colce��In uusi ionpap Itema(e),�@)nnd ' " ` <br /> �+�a (c)Lofon�heybecomedeltnquen� �r <br /> �"-.� 1 It et my tlme the rotal of the paymenee held by L.endtt for iums(a),@)and(c),cogether wtth the fumro monthlr , ,. , _M. <br /> a � payment�toT�uch Uema payablo to Lender prior ro tho due data of such hem�,exceeds by moro than oaeaixih the � _�` _ <br /> :y;'- esdme�ed emount of paymeN�rcquircd ropay�ush iieme when due,and if pa ment�on the Nwe ere cwrcnt,�hen Lender ��yi� v� _ <br /> shall efthu rcPond tha exces�ovar one•sixth of the estMated paymenu or c�t the exuea over one-:Ixth of the euimeted <br /> �"� prymsnu to wbuquent payments by Borrower,et the option of Bortower. if the total ot the psymenu mede by Bortower :J/A�r�.�.,��,;�: <br /> �''� for Item(e),@),or(c)Ie Inau[ficfent to pay the item when due,then Bortower�hall pay to Lender any amomt necessery ro f� ; <br /> k'4 �xa up me a�nci�,cy on or betorc the date the item becomea due. ` , - . <br /> -�' As usedln thU Securft Inswmen6"Sxrctery'mean+the Secretery of Homing ond Urban Develo ment or Ai�or her �v s ,s o`i.,�.,s,:. <br /> y a rvn0; <br /> deai . In any year in whlcA the Lendor mustpxy e mottgage insmance prcmtum ro the 3ecrctary,eac monthly payment {5,ia�n..z _ -� <br /> n� ;'t� ahal atao includo ei�her: (q an instellment of�he ennuel mongage inaurenee prcmium ro be pald by I.ender ro the - - <br /> z„ ,r� Seerctnry,or 01)a monthly charge Instead of a mortgege insurenea prcmium if�his Securiry Inawment b held by �he , ��iF :� - <br /> H�,;,� gare�ery. Eeeh monthly instellment of the mongege inaunnce prcmium ahall be in en amount wtflcient ro exumularo�he �,h� �� _— <br /> PolI annud mortgege incurana prcmium wlth Lender one month pnor m the dete the PoII ennuel moegege Insurance ��y . ._ <br /> ',,.i pmmfum is due to ihe Secretery;or if thix Secudry Inswment le held by th¢Secretery,each monthly cl�erga shall ba in m .�� -.. ----_-- <br /> a,,�t� emoun[equel ro onatwelfth of one•helf percent of ihe ounlending principal balenec due on�he Nota '� rL��.� . - <br />.��": lf Bortower tenden to Lender the fuil payment of all sume securcd 6y this Saurity Insaumm6 Bortowerl�ccount �r�,� � ,�; A <br /> .---���� shdl be ercdi�W with the balena rcmeining for all insullmema for items(a),(b)end (c) end eny mongage insurance ,,,, 31� !:�� �`>�-- <br /> : ,4 prcmium inatellment thet Lender ha+not become obligated to pay ro tAe Secrcaery,end Lender shall promptiy rcPond any �`�!.} 4E10" -� <br /> -�`;< exceaa funda ro Bortower. ImmWiately prior Io e forcclosurc sale of the Rnperty or iu ecqui:ition by Lender.BotrowerS }'�L"7 r�T`�`t _ - <br /> .:i j account�Aell 6e oredited wi�h eny balence remaining for all instnllmenla for items(a).(b)and(c). � B < ,r`-,r —' <br /> tr jA 3_�.�rsAsQ�p�.Iitetton ot Pgegymenta. All paymenls under Paregraphs 1 md 2 shxil bc epplied by Lender as follows: iI"" -ypF,if,s , , <br /> 5" Su ��instead of the m�onthly mortgage in umn ei Prcy Le�er w the Secrctery or to Ihe mont6ly chuge by the /i r�;S {t��$r�� <br /> ��. f aP, a +'�5:�•-.. <br /> � ��f� � to any�azes,apeciel easessmenu,leauhold pnymems or ground�enta,end firc,flood and aher hanrd u �>f•�+ .- <br /> , ,�: Insuranapromiums.eareqmrrd: �j��r�L�s{' "` '; <br /> �IRD•�oinuiatdueunder�heNote: J T��tyr�����i��i.nni.. <br /> - ��- Fi]UKllf•toemortiza�ionaf�heprincipaiuf�tR�:aiz: rr�� .'-��ct � z5+a.-. <br /> -I" p(gg �o late cMrga due under�he Nota r� � { � ti- <br /> t�z �,}� �e,Flood and Othtr Hazerd Insurence. Borrower shWl insurc all improvemenu on�he Propeny,whether now tie a�2�-j� Z�iy�; <br /> r In existena or subsequenUy erected.ageinst eny hewrds.casualtia,and wntingencies,including flrc,far which I.ender �iRS� � ,;t��,� �: <br /> ��-�'_'yg, aquires insurenee. Thi�insurencc shell 6e mnin�amed in the nmoums end for the perlods thet Lender requircs 6arrowcr ?.1.�_;;,,v K <br /> -� ` shall elso insure all improvemems on�he Propeny,whether now in exisrcnce or subsequently erccted,agaimt loas by floods ���,�y�,e--S 4�'E�};� �. . <br /> ---ir 4: to the extent rcquircA by thc Sccreiary All in�umna ahall be cartied with companies opprovcd by Lcnder. The insumncc �) ,h� �i � <br /> .• .t-! polidex end any rcnewels xhall bc hcld by Lender and shnll include lou payable clausen in fnvor of,and in a form �' �.-� 3��]li <br />=.. 1•� acceqabk�o.Lendec 1'�4�' -in t'ia€e'�. <br /> -;r��. In �he event of losa, Burtuwer.hall givc l.ender immediutc nu�ia by mail. Lendcr may m¢ke proof of loss if not .f:�-,;t,,..� ,�(��j <br /> -,�„ mede prom��ly by Darrower. Each Insuronce mmpmy cancemed is hemby outhurittd nnd dirccted�o m�ke payment Por � � -� ;�T , <br /> euch loss d realy�o Lender.In+tend ot�o Oonower ond lo Lenderjointiy. All or nny pen af�he inauronce procceds may he .���,ly _ �� ,`¢�`t a;-:;� <br /> �.- ��� �pplied by Lender,ut its option,ei�her(n)w ihe reducUon nf the indeMedneu under the Noie end this Secumy Insuument. <br /> - " fint ro en delin uent emounu npplicd in ihe order in Paragmph 3,ond �hen to prcpuyment of pdncip�l,or(b)to the --,�'` � ��`���-- <br /> �(�p.,�: �eatorallon or rcpuir of the demnged pmpeny. Any applic�iion ot the proceed+to the pnnapal xhall not ex�end or postpone , t. ;� �i��4�N�{ 14' <br /> � #i-° �he due da�e of the momhl mems which are rcfertcd io in Po�agmpM1 chnnge ihe amuum of such paymenis. Any ,�,_;,�.,y,.;���y,;.,;;�-�:,_�- <br /> ��. . Y WY ' <br /> excess imuronce procecds over on amount rcyuircd w pay oll oWslondinF mdcbicdness unJer ihe Note and�his Security + �y,� ;�;.. <br /> . v;�; r .ejfi) �i5 �F <br /> -.j. „_ Insuument shall he paid to the cneity Icgully emitled�hercm. . . .$) , i:--. <br /> In the event of torcclosurc of this Security Inewmem or ather uan+fer o(�itle to the Propeny�hot ez�inguishes the . - -�_,,;, ��,., y,,.:" <br /> �'+) indebtedneu,all rigA6 tiUe und interest of 6orta«xr in and to imumnce pnlicics in(orce thall pa.�tu�he pumha+ec �'p , ;;�j�j t--,"- <br /> --=a S. Occupency, Prwervntlon. Mnintenence end Protecllon af the Properly: Darrmrer'a Loan Applicatton; f ..zfk �,��.. <br /> -+- -•� Leeseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish.anJ use Ihe Pn+peny as 6orto�ver's prmcipal rcsidence within six�Y days .r�v(i� � <br />,. ;._,._.f, after�he execution of this Security Insvumem und shal I cominue m��upy�he Rupeny m Bortower's principai rcs�dence �5 , <br /> forat Ieast ane ywr aRer�hc date of occupmcy.uniea th.Sccm�ary dc�emiinec thix nymrcmenurill cause unduc hardship . � ;,`ti,r=< <'--�: <br /> for Bortower,or unless extenuxting circunis�ances exisi which arc l+eyonJ Romm�crm m�tml. Dorto�ver shall nolify � ���'�� _' <br /> a.__ <br /> .'.���i Lenders of eny exlenuating circunnlances. �orta�nr+hall nol rnmmil waqe nr Je.Irny.Jamage or wb�lunliolly change %`;i_..y_ <br />.-."�`.-7 tht Propeny or aI lo�v Ihe Ropeny lo dctcrionlc,rcmanahle wcar and Icar en�cplrJ. Lcndcr ma�'impect Ihc Propeny i(lhc �- <br /> .�"i Roperty�s vacant or abandaned or the Iwn defau h. Lender muy takc rc1 onahlc adian�o pm�ec��nd prcurve such f � <br /> ! vacnn[ or eWndoned Prnpeny. �ormwcr shall alm i+c in dc(auh if 6nrroxcr.during the lo:m applica�ion Prcxn.. g+�r t , <br /> -�.;4j� ma[erielly falu or inaccurale intofmalinn or �Ialen�em• in I.enJer (or B�iled lo proride Lender e�ith any mncenai <br /> - in(ormolion)in eanneclion wilh the loan evidemxd by Ihe Nrne,including.hul nol IimilrJ ln.rcpm�enla�ions coneeming , <br /> �,:u.� Borroweri occupmcy of Ihe Prupeny as a prinary�rc�iJrncc If thi�Stturily In+lmmenl i�on a Ieaahold.Bortox�er shall _ <br /> mmply wi�h�he pror�mon+of�hc Iea.e. 1(Dartnuer ucyuirc+�ce�l�k�o the Pn+�anr.�he In�.rhnld and(ee utle.hall nn1 , <br /> . he merged unless Lcnder ngrec�lo�he mcr@cr in nri�ing. . <br /> 6. Charges to 6orran�er and Protectiun af t.ender'x RlRhis in Ihe Pruperh�. Nnrtnwcr.hali p:ic all goremmemal <br /> ur municipal charges.fina and imprnilianc thai:uc noi incWd.d iit P+raEr�ph_'. Bom+xcr.hall pay�hc.c ahligmiom nn <br /> timt dircctly to the enti�y which i.ox�ed�he paymeut. If failare�a p:n ��nu!d aJren¢h af(ert LenJer: imrre.� in �he <br /> Property.upon Lender i rcyu.�l 6amiu�enh�ll promptly fumi�h�o IrnJer«ccip�.eviJennng�he.e paymem.. _. <br /> • If Darrower faila lo makc Ihe.c pu}mcnh nr�hr paymcnM rcymrcd h� Paragraph 2. nr pcdnm�any o�her <br /> ��'•:Sr wrenw�ie md agreement<contained in thi.Secum���herc i.a Icg:d pnxeeding�hal m:n�.ignificamlr afkcl <br /> '�-'�i" Lcndcr's righ�c in�hc Pn+pcnr nurh a� a pnx'rcJmg in hanAmpk),f.,r amJcmnation nr to aiforcc la��.�+r rcgul:nion.�. _. <br /> - -� - _.��._.�...: ....�.�. .,a,.v...�..... <br /> ',:j I�en LenGer may do nnd pay wna�cvcr i>nc� iv F.fawZi:uia::::::a::.:C:�y.:;:6.....:...._._..r..._:....'""_"�__:. <br /> - - including paymem of�axea,h:vard inwrance and other item+menunneJ in Paragraph?. <br /> �� Any amounis di:.bur.�cd by Lcnder undcr�hi.P�mgraph•hall Mcume;m aJJitinnal JeM..f Bom+wer and M�erund <br /> "'.:#'. by this Securily Insirumcnl. Thcu amnunix.hull hcar imcreu Grnn ihc daic of Ji.huncmcm,at Ihc Nmc ratc.and al�hc <br /> oplion of Lendcr,shall bc immedialcly due and pa)aM1ic. <br /> -- '' � 7. Condemna�lon. The p'ocecd•of any a��:vd or alaim(ot Jamage..Jirec�or camnryemiai,m rnnneciion�oi�h am <br /> -�+'±'�:'" mndemnation or a�her laking of any part of Ihe Rapcny.�r for come�:mir in plaac of ronJcmnation.arc hcrchc a.�igncJ <br /> - and shall be paid to Lcnder m Ihe exient of Om PoII amuum nf�he inJeMcdnc+��hal remain.unpaid undcr�he Nme and thn <br /> '�''?;^' Saurity Inswment. Lendenhall appiy wch procecJ�toihe¢duc�iun n(Ihe indeMednn.unJer�he Note anJ Ihi� <br />-�=��f����:;� Ins[mment, firsi Io any delinyuenl amounis appliod in Ihe order pmrideJ in I'araFmph 3, anJ Ihcn �o pmpaymcm nf __ <br />:�°i,a-"`"• principal. Any applicauon ot Ihe procccds to thc principai .hall nnl czlcnJ nr pnlp+nc �hc duc dalr of Ihc mamhh <br /> ..q. .9 <br /> f� ' Y <br /> �L� i��m:..���wtr•i <br />. t;.... � � . _ _ _ _ _ . _ — . .._ _- __-__�_._.-_ �l <br />