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. _____ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> .: <br /> -,x1 -.. -._ ....._ .. _ - - :-'- ? .`---- <br /> -� .. :.. . .. <br /> , . . <br /> . .. ;es• _ _ . <br /> epplicobb law mey�pecfty for rolnsietemcnt)bofore eate 9t�he Propeny punuant to any power ot s���mla <br /> Ss511ry(qsu�umeaq ot @)cntry ot e Ju0gment entorcing thl�SavNty Inswment. 7Lwo conditlone ere�hat Bortower. (a) • i <br /> _ . � ppy� �„enGOr atl eume whlch then would be duo undcr �hb 3auriry insuumxnt wd�he Noco ae (f no acaic(aifon fied - <br /> occufrW;(b)cura eny dofeolt of eny other covenanu or agrecmcnu;(c)pey�ell oxpenace Incurrod In enforcing�fite 8uud�y <br /> — tn;trtttnxt,trlaiing,bui noi IYnited ro, tasars:L�::ttomey:'k�:ond tW wkes sueh xtton s� Lsndu mey meson!bly -- <br /> — rcquim lo essuro thnt�M Iien of thle 3audty InatNment,LendcrY rlgAro In the Fropeny and Qortowerl obllga�lon to pay No <br /> wmf eaurcA Dy thb 8ecuelry Inahum��nt shell contlnuo unchanged. Upon rcln:�etement by Bortowa, �Ala Sceurli9 <br /> Instrument ond iho obllg�tions acurc4 AereLy fia11 rcmain tulty eftec�ivo a�1/no eactcration had oaurtcd. Howovbr,�hta <br /> ' dght m relnatero�hsll not a ply in[he caso ol accelcmdon undcr parageph 17. "" ` ° <br /> --- 19. 8ah of NoteJ�ong�o!Lo�n 8ervtccr. 'Itio Nae a n penial Intcrest in ilw Noro(toge�hu with�his Securiry <br /> Inawmcnp me�y bo sotd ono or moro timt�whhaut pdor nottw�o Bortower. A eolo may result In a cAange in tla entiry �' <br /> (known ss tho Loun Servlar")�het cotlecu montAly paymrnro Me under�ta Noto end thl�Secudty Insnumem. 'fiero eiw <br /> ---- may bo ono or moro chmgq ot Q�o l.oan&rviar unrolated lo a uto ot Iho Note. It there li a change ot tha Wm 8ervicer. <br /> Dortowu will he given wrltlen notica of[ha change in eaordance wl�h ph IA above end eppIimble law. 'f1�a no�ice <br />-- will state�he nuno end eddrcas ot tlw new Lom Servicer eml Na�ddreas�o w Ich paymenu�hould 6o rtudo. 7Le notica wiU <br /> atao conwin eny ather Informatim rcquired by eppIicable lew. <br />-_— 20. Raurdou�Bubstenca. Bortowu�hall na caum or pemilt the prcsenu,um,disposel.swnge,or rciease of eny <br />:--'ym Hezardow Subsunae on or in Ihe Propeny. Bortower chall na do, nor eilow enyone elae to do,enything etteciing Ne <br /> = Propony thet b in vlolatlon of eny Hnrironmentel I.�w. 7Le preading twa wmenco��hall not appiy�o the pramca uae,or <br />�"'j-� crorege on�he Property of�mnll quantfiiea of Hezardoua Substenas that are generally recogniud ro be approp�iaia to nomml <br />���"�a residendil usea md to meintenance ot�he Propeny. <br /> y� Borrower ehall promptly givo Lender written notice of eny inrest(g+tion,claim,demend,Ievnuit or other ealon by ony _ <br /> goremmental or rogulatory ageney or privaie pany involving the Prapeny md eny Hezardous Substaricc or 8nrironmemel <br /> -� Law of which Botrower has atual knowledge. If Bortower leem�. or i�notified by eny govemmental or regularory � �,-�-- <br /> d;r;;r� autdodty,�hat eny removal or other rcmediadon of any Hazardoue Substance pffect3ng ihe Property Is necesaery.Barower ��•:- <br /> t� ehall prompfly uke all nesesaery rcmedial aalons in eecord�nce wi�h Enrironmcntal Law. �' - <br /> r <br /> .7`� A�used(n thia paregraph 20,'Huardou�SuMtancw"erc tAnse aubstances deflned as roxic or hawdoua aubstances by _ ,� `=!' <br /> ;`;� Environmental Law end the following cubs�mcee: gasolina kerosene,o�Fer Onmmabla or tozic petroleum praducu,toxic �-,-t_:_ <br />:�`.;, pesdcida end herblcida,volatlle solvente,matedels conuining�sbestos or fortneldehyde,end radioanive materiais. As %�S�kys"f-. <br /> - used In ihis pareyaph 20,"Environmemal Lew'means fedeml lew+and lawi of the Judsdiction wherc�he Propeny Ia located '�-'".-'�1�.= <br /> v; �hat relate ro hWth,wkty or endronmental protection. � - <br /> NON-UMPDRM COVENANT3. Bortower end Lender funhcr covenam end egrce ea follows: i�f�;,_ -. <br /> '.-s'. 21. Aceelerationi Remedies. I.ender chall glve nolice ta Qorro�ver pdor to acceleretion fotlowtng Oorrower's .`�L�..-- <br />;._:�.:� breach ot eny covenant or egreemmt tn th�Security Insirument(but not prior to ecceleretlon under paagreph 17 �ary„j,!_.__-_-_ <br /> ,aC unleas applicahle lon providei othenrtse).The natice eAall epecify: (a)the deteult;(b)the actlon requlred lo wre the , i,s��,, _. _- <br /> �etauCii(e)s dY�,not less:A:rt'Adays fram the date tAe nmlce Ia Borroirer,Ey+rhlch!6e detault must be ��Y - <br /> " cured;and(d)that tailure to cuee lhe defeult on or betore the date epecllltd tn ihe notice may reaull in nctelerefion of �i,�'��' s�;� <br /> ' -f� iht sum+securcd by Ihtv Scemtty Instrument and aale of the Praperty. The notice shall Nrther Intarm BorroNer of e , �i'+e <br /> ihe r�ght ro nfnstate a8er accelen�ion and the right to bAng a court aelion to essert the non•exlrtence of�default or �`t; t ;G��F�=� <br /> S : !va cy},��� . <br /> 3�� enY other deRnse of Oorrower to accelenllon and sale. If the default Ls wt cured on or before the dete ipeci0ed in �,� , , „ . <br /> t� the notiee,Lender at id option may require Immediete peyment In full af all sum�secured 6y th�3eeueity Instrument rF+�y�d£���j�u_'-�_.� <br /> -? wfthout Nrther demand and may Invoke fhe po�rer at saie end eny o16er remtdlea permitted by applica6le law � �- �� " <br /> - c� Lender chall be entiticd to wllect ell e:pensea fneuned In pursuing the remediea provided tn tAis perograph 21, y�, �r,aj'� �T�. <br /> '`� induding,but not Ilmited to,reasonable elrorne7a'teea end cmtv o/thle evtdence. � �' ,i.;�-�FF�s �� <br /> IP the poirer ot sale b Inroked,7FUStee shnll record u notitt ot deteult in exch eounty In�rhkh eny pert oY IM1e i�t f'``� <br /> s`� Property Is loeuled end ahall mall mpies afauch notice tn Ihe manner preuAbed by eppliceble law to Dorro�rerand to ,( �, +�`,���'�-� <br /> ',�:� the other peraom preaeribed by opplicuble Imv. After IAe tlme«qulred 6y upplicable law,7Fustee shall gWe pubiic r�"�.�v_>f�l� <br /> notice of aale to ihe persons and fn Ihe menner prescAbed by appllcabte le�v. 7►uslee,�rifhout demand on Borro�re, ��4, j,r�f�,� <br /> aball sell lhe Pmperty at publie auction Po Ihe hfghest bidder et the time end place and under the terma designeted In ; �� �„ <br /> '�� ihe notitt of sete In one or morc parcelx and in any order 7Yusfee determfna. 7Yushe may postpone saie ot etl or any r s� �<��,'� .: �.: <br /> [;7 arcet of the Pro ert b ubtic announnment et the time and Ien of an revfoucl scheduled sele. Lender or fU s iv '�,� -_ <br /> P P Y Y P P Y P Y �,� �, tk':�,� a., <br /> a dal�namaypurchasethePropertyatanysele. c+ � ' ' <br /> �- � Upon recefpt of payment of the price bid,7}ustee shnll dellver to the purehnser Truaree e deed mnveyfng the �yin,�; ` { ��'h 5 cS <br />:�.T�e Praperty The recltei�In the 7Yurta's de�d shell be prfmx fxde evidence of the lrutli of Ihe xmtements made Ihere[n. ;�f��S4._.,, �,;,,,,-,,_.;. <br /> 7Yustee aAell epply 1he proceeda of lhe sale tn Ihe Polla�ving order. (a1 to aIl casis nnd expensev otecerctsine the po�rer � ��r .�`t,S� ,;;�, <br /> '� �i -f``5: �� �- <br /> ..]e .�f�.;�t_�.L�iE1.- �; <br />'" .s:Al�..� .�j��.lrf.jL�:•. <br /> �'�'�������r ti�;�',: <br /> .::i.{uii J. " . .;. <br /> .'9;'.�:.1.41r- <br /> - �;f"_:ti�. <br /> �, <br /> F.� f�nrm W7N f W .rya�.•ln�.,�e�.i i <br /> ' �, nF <br /> -,.� � , • ��. . <br /> )ly��'�'j—„„'--�r�y.'-• -.�� . .- _- ' . _ .. 'r• ._ -F • :'i_r r---:r '. -:�^ii<Y` �.5•-�zi . ... <br /> ,.. .,-....... , .. � , . ;.. _,-, <br /> /i - <br /> � `�_�. ,'r . . _ - .. . . . .. _ <br /> '�;: J!J- � . - - . . . . <br /> _ _ , '_- _,_ _.____ - _ .. .". _ _ _ . ._. - ___-.__ . . _ .. . <br /> . ._,':_ . ' _ - -r .' _ ._. <br /> _ }`, } _ ' _ . _" _ " " ' " <br /> 1 ' � . <br /> f. . � <br /> � Y �.- - . - . .. __ . . . <br /> 1 ,'i f 4. -. .. ' ' .. <br /> � + � f <br /> � q �.- n - �- _ . � � . <br /> i l t.. - . . . . . <br /> { , <br /> 3 ' <br /> . _ . . . <br /> � ". - .' .� .. . . . _... <br /> 1� -.: ' � -.I"t ..-. - . - . - �_ . : . . . .'. . .� - , <br /> < �f ..q � ._ . . .. . <br /> ) �_ : 7 - �. _ _ ' _ _ <br /> P ,� i - r <br /> .0 � r. t� - . _ . <br /> �� � � r - ..> • . ` <br /> t t <br /> ' 1� „ j- r' ` , . 7 ` _ '� <br /> ; _ _ ' 4r' _ �� } _ �}F <br /> ��. +it . . . � .. . ` ..�. . .. ..� ,..,. .� _ . . . _.. .- . . . , _ .. . . ` .`u�.. �... _.��� _""ii.-. ., .,_. . ..�. <br />