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._ __ _____ <br /> �1. __ <br /> _�,. ._ . _ . . . . . - - - =' �� <br /> -- I�3- �o�y ., - <br /> condemnetlon orothm teking oteny pert of�ha Property,orfdr wnvoyance in 11w of condemnatlon,ere heroEy oss gned pnd " <br /> �ha11 be paid to Lender. <br /> Trt tha svent ct a taal rofcl�ot the Prop;.ny, tiw �ha11 ba appited ro t6a comc r�cuncd by tMs Sxuriry - <br /> " tnawment,whe�her or na tMen dua.�vlth any excess pal lo Bo�rower. In tho eveN ot u qrt(al teking of Ilw Pro�Cny in — <br /> ._�: which the fairmatket valuo ottho Propeny immediewly befom tAe telcing it equel ro or�e tet then�ho emowi ot�he tum� _ . <br /> cecured by�hie Secudiy[natrument Immedi�iely 6etoro ihe mking,unles�Bortower and Lender othenvlae agrce In wdting, <br /> tho sum��ecurcd by�hia Saurity Inswment shall be redueed 6y t1w emoun�ot�ho proaWr muldpIled Ay�Ao follawing <br /> hncdon: (e)�he�otel emount ot tho cuim secnrcd ImmMi�eoly boforo tho leking,div�ded by @)1ho feir merlut valuo ot the <br /> Propeny immWlately betorc ehe taking. My balence ahell be p�id w Dortowce In tAe e�ront ot a penfe!wlctng ot the � <br /> _ Propeny In wAlch the falr modcet vatue of�he Property immediately beforo tAo t�king li les�then�he emomt o!the eum� __ <br /> eecurtd Immediately bofora�ho taking.unlese Borcower end Lender othenvim egrco tn wrhing or unlus epplicnblo law <br /> o�herwlu provldu,�he procceds�hall be applied to�Ae wm�securcd by�hie Secudty Inswment whNher or not tho wma are <br /> �hen due. <br /> It tha Propeny U abandonW by Uortower,or If,after notico by Lendcr to Bortower�hat the condemnor otfen to make <br /> --. en arvard or eettlo e claim for demega,Sortowm feils to rcspond to Lender wlthln 30 dayt after�ho deto�Ae mtice ts given, <br /> --- Lender le authoflzed to eollect end epply tha proceeda,ot id optlon,elther ro restoratian or rcpair of tho Propeny a to tho � <br /> wma eecurcd by�his Security Instmment,whefier or not�hen due. <br />_-- Unlesn Lender end Bortower o�he(wise egrca in wdiing, any appliu�lon of proceed��o pdncipal ahall not ¢x�end or <br /> — postpone the dua dete ot�he monthly p�ymenu mferted�o in paregmplu 1 end 2 or ehengo iho unount of such paymenu. <br /> -- 11. Borroner Not RcleesW� ForDearena 6y Lender Not a Walver. 8xtension of the ttme for payment or <br /> --- nwdiflu�lon of a�nonizeUon of�he wms iecurcd by thi�Security Inswment grentW by Lender[o eny successor In intereat <br /> -= ot Bortower alull not operoro ro rclesse tho Ilebiliry of the odginal Bortower or Bortowerb cucceason In imercat.Lender <br />-�_�� �hail na barcq uircd ro commence proceedinge against any sucauor In inures�or rcPose a eatend t(me for payment or <br /> „=;.:;� othenvlse modity emortizxtlon of Ihe auma aecured by thB Secudry In:trummt by reason of eny dcmand made by the original - <br />--; Bortowa or Barowerti succeamro in interca. Any forbeannca by Lender in exercising u�y nght or remedy�hall not be a =. <br /> ' welverot or pralude�h¢exerciu otmy right or rcmedy. <br />'-,r'.; 13. Succason end Assigm Boundj Jolnt nnd Severcl Llablilty;Casignera. 'Ihe covenenta end agramenu of ihis s;;� <br /> °`:�;+� Security Insnument ahell btnd end 6eneflt Uw cuaason end assig�u of Le�er ond Bortower,aubJce[ro the proviaions of _- <br /> -- � paregreph 17. Bortowerk covenenu and ngrcemenu sh�ll be jotnt end xveml.Any Borrower who casigna�hia Secudty k� : <br /> j? Inauummt but dae�not exame tAc Noia: (a)is co-signing thix Security Instrument only ro mongega gram and convey that E - <br /> f + Bortowerh tntercct in�he Propeny under�he eerms of this Saudty Insuumem; (b)i�not perconally obligatW to pay the suma �: - <br />-.-.r� seeurcd by thii Savdry Inawment:and(c)agrcea�hat Lender and eny other Bortower mey agrce ro extend,modify,forbeer ����,' <br /> .`,�;, or make eny eaommode�lom with rcgani to ihc terma of this Security Insuument or ihe Note whhout �hu Bortowerk _[' -��� <br /> u_.� consent. [� :'• <br /> 1J. Loen Chargea. If the loen securcd by ihis Sewdty Insuument is subJat to e law which xta muimum loan �..: <br /> �<-1 eher¢es,and thet law7s Rnelly interprcted xo iha�the imries�nr mher Innn ehemes rnllected nr m be mllectM in conKCtinn •-�•- <br /> � }:7 wlthihe loen excced Ihe permh�ed limi�a,�hen: (a)my:uch loan charge shall be rcduced by the amount nececary ro rcduce t- ' <br /> �' �ho eMrgo to the petmitted limit;end(b)any sums alrcady mllecied fmm Bortower which ezceeded pefmitted limiu w(II be g� `- <br /> `!-� rcPonded ro Bortower. Lender may cAoose to make�his refund by reducing the principal owed wder�he Note or by meking a t�s���� <br /> _-;� dircet paynunt m Borrowee If e rcfund rcducea principal,ihe reduction�vill be trented es a putiul prcpayment ai�hout any ��,��,- <br /> t� prcpaymrnt charge under the Nota � <br /> 10. Noticea. Any notice to Bortower provided for in this Securiry Insuument ahali 6e given by deltvering it or by R; - <br /> '�� melling It by flnt class mnil unless epplica6te law rcquircs use ot ono�her method.The no�ice shall be dirated to the Property j <br /> ,yi� Addrcas or xny aher nddrc.v Borrower dexianutts by no�ice ro Lendec Any noqee�o Lender shall 6e gtven by first clese �^•`-" <br /> mell to LenderY addrcss xmted herein or any o�her nddrcs.Lcnder dcsignntes by no�ice to Borrower. Any notice provid�d for r�_„_: <br /> - in IAis Security Inslrument :hall bc dcemcd lo hnvc 6cen given �o Oorto�vcr or Lendcr whcn given ns prorided in �his ' <br /> o�% � <br /> Ay. r�pn. k� ' . <br /> l j� IS. Governing Lew; Severabllity. This Security Instrument+hull 6e govemcd by &dcml law end Ihe la�v of the <br /> juriadiction in which ihe Property is IaatM. In ihe event�ha�nny provision or ciuux of this Security Inswment or the Note <br /> �� rnnflias with applicable law.such conNct xM1nll not affect oiher provisions of thia Sewrity Insimmem or the Nde whicA can <br /> be gtven effect wiihout �he con0icting pruvision. To thix end �he pmvision,o(this Security Inctrumem and�he No�e are <br /> ..�' declarM ro be�vereble. = �� <br />-�?-c� I6. Darro�rer's Copy. Borrowcr shull 6c givcn nne mnfomicd copy of�he Note and a(this Secumy Ins�rvment :��' <br /> �" 17. 7Ye�uier of the Praperty ar o Oeneflcinl lntereat In Borro�rer. If all nrany pan ot�he Pmpeny orany imercst in +'*`- <br /> ,;'� it is wld or trxnsferted(or if a beneficial imere+t in Dom�xer is wld ur tmrofcmd and Bortowcr is not n nmuml pef.on) �;i;'. <br /> wilhoui l.enderl prior wrincn conxnt.LenJer may,at i�s upliun,myuirc immnlia�c paymen�in full of¢tl sumc sewred by "e'-, -- <br /> r-��� Ihis Seeurity Inswment. Howevcr.Ihis option+hall not hc ezcnixd hy LenJcr if cxereiu is pmhibi�ed by feder�I law as of F� .- <br /> the da�e of thia S�xuriry Instrument. F-.' <br /> If Lenderexercius tliix aption,LenJenhall gire Uortower nnlitt of amelemlioa The nntice�hall provide a period of <br /> �'� not less than 30 days(mm thc da�e thc noticc i.dciivcrcJ ar mailcd ni�hin�rhi.h Ilorrm�cr mu.�pay all,um+ucurcd by this �{�� "�� <br /> Securily Insirumcm. If Borto�vcr fails�o pay�hnc +ums prinr�n�hc cxpin�inn n(�hi.perioJ, Lendcr may invokc any r <br /> rcmcdies permilled by Ihis Security In.lntment wilhnm Ponhcr nntiu orJcmnnJ nn Bam+��ec 1;..� � <br />++�i� 18. Borrmrer's Right to Refnstete. If Bnm��rer nuct. .enaim m�Jiiinn.. Onrrm�cr.hail M1are �he righ� �o have C <br />-_-.-. ...._.._..:xnl c:::i:Sx�vti: ::.r.antcn:.::..conti�:_c.:..: � .: = .,t:.t..�,�.� oC ia:: � . lnr..n.h nlfrcr . "r''`� <br /> , _::;: :;:.... . .: ,. �..,.... <br /> Sm�k(amd)-�lanNe\1�eh}eddie)1�cCUFOR\11\ti7Nl'\1F..\T-l-mLVmC��enam� 9N0 qvtt.lnl/�ryCfH Fr " <br /> �.� L`,� <br /> +� .°r�.r.,_-.-.-,-r " " ' ., ` <br /> _ _ ..�n�... . . . . . . _ . _ ._ _ -i . .a.IJt... . n . . .. ,. <br /> t . •( yx!_ ' ' . . . <br /> _.;�_� " ,..'� . . . .. . . . . <br /> ' ... __ . .. . . . " _ ' " --____ _ _ _ ' _ _ <br /> ;T'�.J. � . . . <br /> - ��G.�b "."1.:.1:_ �._�y - . - " . - ' _ <br /> . �t` I� . . . . <br /> � �� <br /> 1 { <br /> i y�.� f _�1=�y I 5 . . ' . <br /> Z� .. . ._: • . . . <br /> 1 t ,`\ '�/"-' 4 . - � - , <br /> 4�?��.� -'.�.. .. �L :,�_^_� � , . . <br /> :.�'. ',1�• '.iP.° - . .� . ' . . <br /> bi . , . . . _ _' . <br /> ;� <br /> f ' . <br /> j , y 1 . - . � � . <br /> - :� t_� . .. _ ' _.Y.1. • .. . _ <br /> � 1 . _ Y � " . . _ . . ._ . <br /> . r <br /> _�_ . � . - _ . . _ . f <br /> t 4 - 4� +> .( - . , ( <br /> I l {( <br /> L � . . . .�.i f �. t . �. in � .. .. . �' .. • .. . . - .• n. . . . .1. . � . .. . . .. _ . !'�. <br />