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93; �to��.a � __ <br /> ayplicablc lew may speclry for rclmtnromeml boforo eelo ot iho Propeny punuam to any power of ealo contained In tAb <br /> Sceurity Instrumem;or(b)cntry of�Judgmen[enforcing�Ali 8ccurity[nstNment. 71wse condlllons are�ha�Oortowu� (q <br /> payt Lendtr aU cuma which thcn wnutd be due under�hli Secvh� [netrumtnt and �io Nae a�il no accoierailon Iud �- - <br /> aceu�red:@)cure�eny detautt of eny other corenenu or egrcementa;(c)pays all oxpensea Incurted in enforcing this Secud�y <br />. (nstrvmeny Including,6ut not Ilmlted to,ceawnable attomoyi'tce+;and (d)tekei cuch eaion a�Leader may rcawnably <br />� requiro to usuro�hat tho Ifen oi 1h1�Secudry Insttumen4 Lendarl dghu tn tho Propeny ond BortowttY obllgation to poy�he ___ _ _ <br /> sum� secured Ey 1hi� 3ecudty Inatrument �hetl cominuo unchan�{ed. Upon rcinsmtemem by Uortower, ebl� Saudty �-• � <br /> Inqmmem md�ho obUgetlona sccumA hercby�hall rcmaln NUy efknivo na if no accctereHon And aaurnd. Howcver,thi� . � <br /> dgAt to relmlete ehall not apply In the cese o►ecceleretlon under paregrcph IZ W�'''..-,- , -„ _._,. . <br /> 19. Sale of Notei Change of Loan 8ervicer. 7fio No[e or aputisl Intercs�in tho Noro(tog«her wi�h thie 9audty — <br /> Inswmem)ma�be wld one or moce tlmce without pdor notica to Uorrowca A�ale may result{n a chenge in�ho cnGty "'-�_ �—-- <br /> (known ae�ha'Lom Servitt��het colleras momhly paymemi due undar tho Note end ihis Saurity Inservment. 7liere alw �y;'T;,� <br /> may be one or moro changw ot Ne Loan 3erv(cer unrcteted to a�ale of the Note. If thcre I�e chanae of�he I.oan Servlar. <br />- Bo�rower will be given written notla of the chenge in ecwrdanco wiih pangraph IA above and appIieabk law. 7Le notice �!��� __ <br /> will etate tM name end eddrese of tho new Loan Servicer and the addras to which p�yments ahould be made. 7he notico will ,r` -: __. <br /> also contain eny o�u Informatlon required by eppllcable lew. -` �`TM�-'----�- <br /> av:�:r.m?,,.�nw�=_ <br /> 211. Hezardou�Substencea. Dortower�hell not cauu or permit�ho preuna,use,disposel,aomge,or rclease of any Ry,�,.-`���;_._ <br /> Heurdoua Subatenera on or in the Propeny. Borrower fiali not do,nor ellow enyone etse ro do,enything aRecNng the r,;,;K`{,1,r��t�"`_;r•�� <br /> Property IAaz is In violadon of eny Environmentel Lew. Tho preceding two�entenaa ahall not apply ro the preunce,use,or -.:i,_ ��S{fr�+ �;f- <br /> stonge on�he Propaty ot small quanNiea of Hezardoua Substencea chet are generally reeogniud ro he appropdarc to normal ,;d.`�StF� � -�'� �n-- <br />. residrnHal uses and to maintenenee of the Properry. x`;¢r,;�r,f�:-.--�='�' <br /> Hortower ahell promp�iy give Cender writeen noqce of my(nvesiigation,claim,demand,lewsuit or o�her eetion by any t�,t ' n:__ <br />� govemmentel or rcgulotory agency or pdvale pany Involving the Propeny end any Hezardou3 Subswnce or Environmenul r i�' � � �� <br /> Law of which Ho�rower hav ectuel knawiedge. If Bortower leams, or is noGfied by eny govemmenlal or rcgulatory ��; � c, e1P,y.�:;. <br /> authodty,that eny rcmoval or other remedietion of eny Hezerdous Substance aftating the Propeny is necessery.�ortower ,{r,!.,•,-;�r�r�-� - �= <br /> shall promptiy take ell neasaary remedial a�ions(n eceoNance with Cnvironmentnl Law. Y :�!.i'!}` :._.. <br />� As used in lhis paragiaph 20.'Hezerdous Subsinnces'erc�hose substences defined as roxic or ha�ardous substanas by �y�iasts��'�{�( �-�,,.;;. <br /> Environmentel Law md�he following subsiances: gesoline,keroune,other Flnmmeble or toxic pewleum producis,mxic ,r!;f`,;:;�s;^.�?.-'�-_.a-"° <br />' pesticida end he�bicides,vole�ile colvems,materials conmining asbestas or fo�mxtdehyde, and mdioac�ive materiels. As :;;.•;�.F i����;��'_: <br />� used in�his puagreph 20."Environmen[el Laxr mwnc federel lewa eM laws of�hejurisdic�ion wherc�he Property is lacated „t'�:,7,;.�y:�JR�+t4�:= <br /> .�.. .1..,:., <br /> that 21ete w heel�h,ufety or env(ronmenrol protcetion. �f�;_e�,���.•,a:s'� <br />- NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bortowerend Lendcr Ponhcrmvenant nnd agrce es followa: �- �,�,. :y=.4�;y�..;. <br />- 21. AeceleraUoni Remcdles. I.ender chall give nottce to 6orroner prior to acceleratton following Borro�ver's ,{�,{_`�4;y,^;y4;__j��.^. <br />� breach of any covenant or agreement in ih6 Security Instrument(but not prlor to acceleretion under paragraph 17 ��yr��t;.,;en.,,_.:_; <br />� unlesv epplicaEle la�v providw otheralse). The notice ahall specifJ: (a)ihe default;(b)the ectlon required to cure Ihe i�;,;•��,�,,�r.{;�aa..�• <br /> detaulq(c)a date,not lea than 30 dapa from the date ihe notice L+giren to➢orrower,by�vhith the default must 6e <>+, ri, ,�'�` _== <br /> the com+s uredeby thia Security Instumeot and ele�ot the Property.'The notice sh 1 N„hv inform Dorrower of �,��{,Y`K`�!#;�,�1�;�� <br /> the right to rotnstate etter acceleretlon and Ihe right to brtng e murt nctlon to essert the non•e=Iatence of a defeuit or +nn{`5;"�-•;�=�t,.��'_�_ <br /> an other defenac ot 6orro�rer to ecceleretion and sete. If the defeult ts not eured on or befare the date s ecitted(n �•"r kf:�:Z'`h�.`=,S• - <br /> Y P ,�;;,..-. f <br /> the not(ce,Lender et its opitom m�y require Immediate payment in full of ell sums secured by ihif 5ecurity Inatrument ,!.t:,•�i:_i::±�S,��i,s �;�_ <br /> wtlhout Nrther demand end may Invoke the poner of sele and any other remedfea permllled by appliceble law £.?�r�+;i;:�:r•f�:;n: t:,y1� <br /> Lender ahall be enlftled to colleM ell expenses incurred in punvins lhe remedlex provided in this paragreph 2I. �f;��`%SfJj���i��; ��BII <br /> Ineludin ,but not Iimited to,reesoneble attorne a'fees end costa of title evidenca "��;""..{,+i;>>��S � <br /> If the po�ver of sele L�Invoked,7Yustce xhall remrd a notin of deteult in each county tn whtcA any part ot the �.:,,�:'�;,�_J:;��j,���. ++! <br /> Property B located and shell mall coplea of such natice in fhe manner prescribed by eppliceble uw ta Oorro�rer ond ta �- �i ,a ,� -�: �`.� <br /> the other persom prescribed by npplicnble la�v. Aher Ihe Nme rcqulred by applicablc lu�e.'I}ustec ahall ghx publie � �a} �,��:;. <br /> notice of aele to Ihe perwna end In Ihe menner preacrl6ed by applicable lew. 7Yustee,without demend on Oorrower. �4;r,E,�r,?:y�f��'.s';:S�f;t`;=: <br /> shall sell ihe Pro ert at u611c euction m the hl hest bfdder at ihe tlme and Ixce nnd under Ihe termc desi neted In �;�'.='I�-;�'',�����4'<`.'.- <br /> P Y P 6 P S ,,r.;.,(;4"�%;sr';�,�k:�;. <br /> the notice of sele In one or more pnrceis end fn eny order 7Fustee determines. Trustee may pa�tpone cele of ell or any ,.� „ <br /> parcel of Ihe Property by public ennouneemenl nt lhe 16ne and plece atany prevtously seheduled sale. I.ender or IIS ,;��r�' �y�� -:j� _" <br /> d�'gU on�recel rt of eahment of Ihe t rfcc bid,7Yustee shell dellrer ro the urchaser 7Yustn'a deed conve In ihe ``rC�±� 't�'��� �j'��"S� <br /> P P D Y P P 7 B S��'�dt., �=_. <br /> Pmperty. 1'he rttiteis in lhe 7Yuslee's deed xhuil 6e prima facfe eeidence uf the truth ot the stefements mede Iherein. {::r?:•"'-�`>�� it"�F`;��, <br /> 'IFurtee shall apply the praceeds of 16e wle In Ihe fullo�rfng urder: lal to ell casfs nnd ezpensesof exercisinR Ihe powv rt,..;Fjt't:;�;: :'-:..:.t,;>,.; <br /> '..�.u..;.: <br /> �j�,,� htf ���` <br /> ;�, `� ' ,; <br /> ia n _ <br /> .a r <br /> ��d� a,�_..l.?'; <br /> �`� . .�_ .. -. <br /> I+ : <br /> Lipn�O$ 4.VY q�.r�a.qn�bC.�� h . �, . . <br /> I . <br /> � <br /> "_' " _ _ " '"_" . __"_' .-.. ��. —c I �1'_�•.�..r� <br /> '.i I _ . l-. �.". _ ._ . _ .. . . .. . . _ -_� ' • . <br /> � .r a�:� - � _ <br /> ... 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