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, : <br /> ..1'�fp . .:� -- ' . - . .i.-, U —___ _ <br /> . <br /> _.yk' . .. . . . n. � <br /> ' . . i_' � � _._.-_ _. <br /> . �. ___ _. �e��y '._. ..�... '",ii .:.��.� . <br /> -- -- ,�Ur ��'sVI� _ . . � . <br /> condemne�on orahor��king oteny pan ot�ho Nvpony,ortor convoymico In Ileu ot condemnadon.ue harcAy asslgned nnd <br /> �hd16e peid to Lsndar. <br /> ---- - t�}tlro cveM of n total teking ot ifx Property. da procads ehatl be applicd io �he su�ru uared by A�1e 3ecudtY _---— <br /> In�uument whWicr or no�Wen duo,wi�h eny exceae cild lo Bortowcr. In�he event ot a patlid�eking ot tiw Ptoputy in <br /> wLich tho felr makef v�lue of che Propony ImmWlarorj boforo�ho ceking la equd co or grcatcr�hen�Ao emount of lho cumi <br /> - - " seeurcd by this Saudty Inatrument ImmWiatoly beforo iha uking,pnlau Hortowor ond Lcndor olhuwieo agrw In writlng, - ---` <br /> =-� �he�uma�aured by th4 Secud�y Insuument �hall bo rcduad by �ho amount ot cho proceeda multlpIled by�ho foilowing <br /> fmqlon: (a)tho�ota1 unount ot the cume cecurcd Immediotety bcforo tho�aking,Aivldcd by @)tho(eir merket valuo of tho <br /> ,— Propo�ty immedle�ofy 6eforo the teking. My belance�hell ba paid ro Borrower. !n �he event o/e penlal teking ot the <br /> �-- � � ' PropeR in vihich Iha hir markec value of cho Propeny Immedle�¢ly boPoro tho taking h leu than the nmount of cha sums '� �- �� �� -- <br /> J c�immedinely 6etore the�aking,unlesa Bo�rower end Lendu o�henvise egrce In w�tNng or unleaa appllcabio law - - - <br /> — othenvise proWdu,the procceds�hell bo epplicd ro tha Nnu Kcurcd by�hb 3ecudty Instrument whaher or not the�ums ere <br /> tAen due. <br /> _-_s If Uw Propaty L ebandoned by Borrowar,or if,after rotice by L.ender to Oortower Net�ho condemnor offen ro mnke <br /> ___-=_�=- an eward or satile�cleim for demage+,Bortower tdl�to recpond to Lender within 30 deye�Rer the dMe tho notla la given, <br /> ----- Lender b euthorized to collect ond epply�he proceub,�t lu optlon,elther ro rcstore�ion or repelr ot tho Property or ro�he <br /> --��� wma secured by thts Securiry Insaument,whather or na then due. <br /> - :°:�a� Unles.+Lender and Borrower othawlu egma in wridng,eny appllcation of proceede ro pdncipJ shell not extend or <br /> �� _ postpone the due drte of ihe monthiy payments roPorted io in puagrephs 1 end 2 or ohenge the emwnt of euch paymenq. __ <br /> ��_. ll. Dorroxer Not Relwuedj For6earence By Lender Not a Weiver 6xrcna{on ot�he 6mo for paymen[ or —. _— <br /> '.{,r�r_,_ modiflu�ion of emo�iration ot tho wms cecurcd by�hh 3ecurity Instrumenl gmnted 6y Le�er 10 my aucceuor In intettat �t,-,- - <br /> v r ot Bortower shdl not operate�o rclease�he Ihbility ot�he original Bortowa or AortowerY sucasson tn imcrest.Lendtt - <br /> "'/ �E- shall not 6a rcwfrcd ro wmmence proceedings egeinst eny�ucceswr in Imerest or retuw ro ex�end Ume tor payment or �,_ <br /> ,qy� � �;,° otM1enviu modify amonhation of the wms aecured by this Savrity Instrument by rcason of eny demend mnde by the original -. ..___--... <br /> 'zsr�-�e Bortower or Bortower�suceosso�s in intercst. Any for6earence by Lender in uercising eny dght or remedy ahall not be e � <br /> y��� �� waiver o(or pralade the aercise of eny rieht or rcmedy. 6;-%�j <br /> ,'�� o r ;r 1Z. Succeuora end Assign�Bound;7olnt and Severel Uability;Co•signera. 7'he wvenom:md agrcemenu of thfa +J r <br /> 5� ��i f- Securiry Instrument sh�ll bfnd end benefit ihe successon and assign�of Lender end Bofrower,cubjat ro the proviaions of �1F� � <br /> �'F t� paregreph 17. Oarowerl covenentx end igreements slull k joint end severeL Any Bortower who rn-signe �hia Secudry F,S;�,'� - <br /> 4n.��s EC�;, Insuument but daa not execute Ihe Notr. (a) is co•signing�his Security Instrument only to mongege,grent end convey[het ���4H _ =.. <br /> ,�o`x,�Fi�: Bortowut intercst In�he Property under the terma of this Securiry InslrumeN: @)is no[personally oblige[eA to pay the suma �:: +r��-. _ <br /> �- <<���s:ja�� searcd by�his Sceudtylnswmcnr,and(c)esreec�hat Lender end my other Iiortower mey egrce to extend,modify.Porbeer �:� rv�, f -� <br /> .�' {�yfz�-:, or make eny accommadationa with rcgerd ro�he terms of�his Security Inslrvment or the Note wi�hout thet Bortowerg 'k1�i# �� '� �,._ <br /> ° nt`:. cansent. -;��` i <br /> �{����t�: 13. Loen Chsrgta. If the loan ucured by thix Security Instmment is subject �o a law which wu meximum loan ,�:�?r� ty* � L=� <br /> -�,:,_ chuges,and that law ii finally intefprtled m that ihe imeres or other loan chafgen collected or ro be collectW in conneciton �3;n 1 K+ ,_ <br /> ,1 +XU[v �vI1M1 Ne 10811 Clttted[�e pemlrtteti Ii�11RS,lhen: (a)nny such loen chxrge shall 6e teJun:J by ihe�mwnt newaniy io�wiui2 �', �, .-�� <br /> j� { thecherge ro the permined limi�:nnd @)my aums nlrc�dy mllceted from Bortower which exceeded permii�ed limits will be � (r411.. s eh .� <br /> y,�T_: rcPonded�o Bolrower. Lender mny choose�o meke this rcfund by rcducing the principal owed under�he Note or by making a � ����� L°$ ---- <br /> „-+r� �r i dircct paynunt ro 6otrower. If e refund rcduces principal,ihe reduciion will be veated aa x paninl pRpayment wi�hout ony -i�;,-, ,�r���'�` --- <br /> *s �r ; ' prcpaymentohargeunder�hcNota ^�"�cj, 17�'�-- °: <br /> r"��/�'�'-.� 14. Notka. Any notice m Borro�ver provided far in�his Securiry Insuument xhnll be given by delivering it or by �-;�'� �'�� �'t ! -: � <br /> :,�.,�-,e�,. maitingitby£rpelassmailunleasapplicnblelawrcyuircsuuofano�hermdhod.'Ihenoticeshu116edirectedmihePropeny iy;�r ,fdy�,�'�r "' <br /> _� s�,>k i� Addreaa or eny aher nddrcss Bavower designarcs by no�ia to Lendec Any natice to Lender shull be siven by first clou 1�.;ti �j{,r��,�,:;::: <br /> �,ir ne�hia S nuriry Insdtrument�sh 11 bc deemcd��ehnvc Mc gvend�o�6urtuwer ur��LcndB��vhen gi c�Yu. pro vded mahis '�-�"s�'�s "i�'�;.. <br /> .r„t til. �. '_:: <br /> tfs 'S,�;�� P�B��hCovernln� I.e�r; Severahillty. This Securi�y Insuumem shall 6c govemed by kdeml law and ihe Inw of the �i�t�__� ��.`��'t�r'f'-_ ;. <br /> a'f �,,�_i,; jurisdic�fon tn �rhich ihe Propeny is lacated. In ihe cvem tha�nny provision ar clause ot this Security Inswment or ihe No�e ;� « � d,-; = <br /> � �.y can0lcu with npplica6le luw,such cunflict shuil nu�uffat oih�r provision.of ihis Sewrity Imtrument or the Note�vhich can 3`;.;1'�'" s' r ``t.���- <br /> � Z�' � be given etfect�vithout�he conllicting provi+ion. Tii�his rnd �he provision.of�his Security Insimmem ond the Note nrc ' �'� ��'�r �,=?'•'�- <br /> t� * ,'. c declared�0 6e severable. i^ :n.;�+;i,.'.'-. <br /> -���y{�T: 16. 6orro�rePx Copy. Bortowenhull he given one cmfumied copy uf�he Nu�c nnd of�hi.Security Insvument. ,,;'�� �. �5!- l•�` <br /> 7'� ��J" it is sold o7rtmnde edhloP it sebcnefic nl�f te�rai in 6avmnr��,oldYOr tran.dcrrcd and Borto vc�i noi a nnta I�perwN -tn�F,,' � ��xh�.;�_ <br /> ' °- --i� wi�hout LenderS prior wri�cen consem,l.ender may,a�ii.��p�ion,reyuim immeJiate paymem in full o(nll sums saured by �=•�r�f� s 9� .; <br /> )5 � ..c ° �i r 5ur[� ' .-- <br /> this Security Ins�mmem. However,this op�ion ahall nrn lk ucrci.ed by Lender i(exercix is prahibi�ed by kdeml Imv aa of �-,. , _ � <br /> ES�b thedateof�hisSecurirylnstrument - .- �'1�t} -''�. <br /> . �Y, If Lendcr exercius ihis opiion,Lcndcr.hall gi�•c Dorro�rcr notice af accelcntinn. The nmicc,hail provide a period uf � : ,c ,�y_:_,.: <br /> '"i.� ,1{�_ na Icss�hen 30days from the dmc ihc natiar is Jclivcrcd or mailnl wi�hin o�hich 13orrnwcr mu.t pay aIi.wn.xcund by Ihi� -•� --rti�:;.,;-- <br /> ) --;)� Securily InsWmen[. If 6ortox�er faik to p.�y�hc.c .unt.priar�u�he expiratian of Ihi.�rrial. Lendcr m:ry invoke any ( �!: , <br /> � 1� - ` remedicspennilledbythisSecuritylnsuumeniwithuutfunhcrnnliceordemandonRommec [ <br /> � l'j, _? I8. Borronyr•s Rlght to Rcinstete. If Bnmmer nnrK eenaim m�dilinn+. Itartuircr .h:dl have Ihc right lo harc � <br /> 't� "� �nfnrrem�m of Ihic�•In+!mn:rn�dFrnrt�4.wv) •�.�m I�mt^rirr In Ihc aidii•.•^r. :se e d.i�+�or wch olher�ri�d s• °- - - <br /> .a�}�'.._f t< r _.. ..'. <br /> }tYt : SmglrFamJr-Fannle\lae4'm:dklfaCV1111N)tl]yTRINF.S"f �l'nA.xmCu.rnan 9N0 qVAfl..fOpq'�V <br /> a -( <br /> "..i•�'� . . <br />--- 'j�:u i: - <br /> r� �. � -r i_ J i ` v l.. .._ •': _ .. .... ... . . , . . . i� . .. m - I.:( . . - . . .. _. . <br /> ...pytl;_�; "', . . . � . <br /> ''r:; <br /> l.\`�'4i.�I"6..:_ ,-�).: . - . . <br /> `.l'ye'.Y`u •.1,•;.i,ii.. - — .__ . . .._. <br /> �Plt f i ' _ 3 . _ _ ' . <br /> c3 � i - <br /> > t ' <br /> ...75. :r ::::is : .t �r- .. <br /> L t } 7 � . _ _ _ . - . <br /> _ � <br /> _� - � r . - . - � - . <br /> 'S F � � <br /> r���,i:, c� R� - - - - . . . , <br /> - !r y <br /> - +y"�� �r ? , _ ' <br /> i � i. � � + � 3 _ ',S . <br /> � *;i <br /> t { � � �Z �T� h�c .'.� Jr � � - - � � � <br /> } l ^S � � .• i _ _ . . . <br /> � s y x. r "` ._t � �' _ _ _ <br /> .�:.�.: .,iE�. . ... . .. .... ... .r �., �.... �: .,. . _. .. . _ . ... - . . .. .. . .Y.'� _.._. . _ .. ... .. _ . . . . . <br />