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;l:! ....�, . �� : . . ... , . \t .,�°1 ��i� :1�.� .. _ ' .. _ t•: . . . .. :.1.a�:� :�)1'�• �;,.ti,,�t...�\'•`�.�,;:e';l•. . .. __a\yw �`��_.". <br /> . _ �\� .�.i. �J-b, . ...._. <br /> - l.`�,it' • " ., . ` '� '\l•'��:. _ ' _ . —__ <br /> .. : __•__ " _ —_- __ _ _ —_ <br /> . .'—_ ' '_.�_. —: . . . . . ': . - � — <br /> �., � � <br /> ' ` „ _ ... .. .. ... . ._ _ _. . . . .. . . . :11 . .. +�:'-' � - . -'z <br /> \` �. . \�s . \�.' . , • �;-'- - <br /> \... � ',;` ` ' • ' i J� . _..._._a_ -- <br /> j .. � � . . _ . . __ <br /> '_ _. .—.._. . . . . • � _ ._ .S^_�.�..r_"�_a.��•' _ - _-,. <br /> i�-.��.�;ti . •` ....._.... ... ...._. f .._.._.... . .. .. _. � . _�. ..- . ..---._ ... ---.r.�,.. _,- . , ,.... - <br /> �`, _.,'__ <br /> ���� 4���'�" �� <br /> . 17.7'ra�is�er��f Ihc 1'r+eperiy ur N Rcur.f7cinl Intr�r:�t I�i llar�+��ccr. IF nU or i�ny pan uf�u� r��pc y � i�i��5t in it " t � - <br /> . .��:.: �.,.;.��_-_ <br /> � (y huld ur IrunKft'�rcd(ur iP��hcn��llclal lotcr�st In Nurruac� ly sold or trnnsl'crrcd und Ilurra��•cr I�not u n�+turad pcsranl�vilhutU +�u <br /> L�ndur'a priur wriucu ran�rnt, 1.���do�� mny, al i1s r�►tlun� r�qultt� Imm�:dlatc payn��nt in f1iU at';dl :.��ms ���ur�xt Q�y this .�,;:;�``:- <br /> ,.:_r. , ,• St:itu'ily IntiUtll�lt`I►1, Ilutv4ver,tlds uptlm��ludl u��l hc cxcrris�d hy ln�n�lcr IP cxcrcisc i+prnhiNltc41 f�y li'dc'ru) lu���;is��i'li►�`d�►to ,'_;�':,:_ _ <br /> aP thla Sccurity Inslruntcm, -,. ° -- <br /> - ��. �' !E l.ender cxrn�ixcs ti�i�aptl�+n, I.r�idrr khnll hlvc[l,}rru►�er nuUcc��f�►r��:lrrattl���.7'he n�,ticc,tu�ll mti�idc+�periati c�f'nat - _ _ <br /> IetiG than 3il d��yti fnmi Ihe dutc thc nadr� ir tit�livend in• mnikd withli� ���tilch liurrut��er must puy ulPSlltit9 SC.•un��! t�y thix �.� ' <br /> _ � - <br /> _-, -�_�——� SL•CUIIIV�U��IUIU4III. I�I 7 1)(IlqYla iui iy lv 4►ar iiicau�uu�,priur tu�iia ex piridiun ul'�iii���w'iu�l, i.ondcr mu)� im���ke nuy r►,111tYI1CY . - _ <br /> � . . permittcd hy ihis Securlty Instniment �vltNaut iurihcr naUcc u�dcmn�id un tlu���►wcr. �-.�` =-=;; -' , <br /> � IN, ilm'rnwcr'y RI�I�t W ltcl�tstnte. IP 13arruu•cr mcetx ccrtuin conditluiu. Bc►rn����cr ,hi�il h�+v� thc+ r�E�hl tu I�nva �, . <br /> cnfi�rrcmcnt aP thie Sccu��ty Instrumcnt discantinucd ut i�ny Nmu pri�,r tu �hc rui�ll�:e ui; (u1 5 �lays (or si�rh attt:r peric�d ns •� ; . <br /> upplicublo Inw mny s��ify tirr rulnstiitemcnt) hcfi�rc ,idc ut thu Pr��pertp p�+r�uant tc� i�np puw;:r ��f siilc� c�mtnin:tii in lhls ., <br /> Security Instrument; ur(b)onlry oi'u jud�ment cnfurcin�Ihi.r•SccurUy Inslnw►rui, '1'hu�v run�litinns uia�thcx llurnn�v:r; (u)pnys <br /> ,_: . - � <br /> I.ender all swns whieh then woulci ba dua undar thiv 5rcuriry Insu�ument und Ihe N��tc us lf n� ucccic:nuinn h�xi o��curr��d: (b) _ <br /> cures uny dofnult uP uny uth4r a;vcnanty <ir i�grccment::; (r) pays nll Uvpcnscs in:•�irred i�� rnti,r�•tn�t Nd� Srtiuri�y lustnimcnt. _-- ._ <br /> includin6, but ni�t limited t�•, rc:tisunuhlu uttnrncys' fees:w�d (dl tiikes such actiun ns l.ender muy r���.�sat��.t+ly rc:y�dre ta assure ( , <br /> - tl�at ti�v ti�u�f th{.Secu�ity i��,t�uut�nt, I.�u1c�'��i�id�in i1��d�up�iiy iunl i3uuu�vct'���hli F;..�U�m tu puy tha sunis s�cu�r+i hy <br /> ' this Sccurl�y Instromeni shall r�mtinuc unchanged. Up�m r�insintcmcnt b�• Darro���ur, tl�ls� S:�YU'iq� Instrumcnt imd thc •,�; <br /> obli�utim�s sccurcd hc�•cM•sha1R rrmain fully ef'fcctivc iis�t na ucccl�sattui�hm�i u�tiunr��1. Hu���:���::s, this ri�l�t ta rcinstutc vhull • ;�;.•. <br /> not u�h.f�• in the casc��f:icr��icr:iti�n undcr�+nrapr.►ph 17. . ',+;:. <br /> U9. ��Ic uf Nu4�: CAa�t�4� 04 d.�ttn lcrviccr. 'Thc N�itc or ;� p.irtiid it�tui�:�r in �hr i�:dA (Ii�gichcr �vith this Ser.urily . �:�, <br />,`<i1••_::•,;;.':�,; Instrumontl muy Nu�rlil unr ar r.wrc tinr�s��athirt�t priur notic�t��Hurr���v�r. :\�;,'.c•tm.y rC�x:lt in Y riz�aigc in thc radt}•lknrnvn ', <br />,.�.:�.=ti°..�:�•�.i r�,s thc "l.o�tn Serviccr")that collrcts mnnthl��a�a}��ncros�9uc undcr the ]�utr::h:; this Say;ssti�In�tnnn:nl. 1'hcrc id�u muy hc ano <br />;�,,;,,,,;,,,,,�,. <br /> �,,.>"Ya��. , ur more cAanges��f the Luan Sen�icar unmlatcd tu c�sulc of th�Note. If theru is a chynti;w at'dr. [.uun Srrvic�cr. Aiirrnwcr will ha <br />,,,,:.�,. :•;;'.� , °_ ' • <br /> ° �'�: Fivcn�vritten nnticc of thc chim�;c In tucordancc with pari�g�i�Th IA ab�wc und appllt:�l��fY:1�:.��•.Tlic nuNcc will titutu thc numo und , � <br /> � ' addRi�of tho new l.oun Scrviccr ami thc ►idd�css t�� whlrh pa��ment� shi�uld hr m�c1,. 'IYt; nuticc will nlsc� cuntidn nny uther � � <br /> ' ' infortnFUl�m requircd ny upplicithle luw. � : <br /> ' 20. Huzurdaus Snbstances. B�vrowcr shnll ncd causc or permU thc p�cticn�r, usc, disposnl, sturn�;o, ar rulca�zc ��f'uny , <br /> Hiu.ardc�us Subtitunccs an ar in thc Pmpeny. Nurrawcr shull niH du, nor uUuw imyunc clsv ta du, iinything uffcr�ing thc • <br /> P���perty thnl ir in vi�+li�tion of uny tinvi���nmcntid la�w. 7'hc prcrcdin�; �w��r�cntenres �hull nut upply tu thc pr�•cnrc. u��, ur ► <br /> nwruga on thc Prupcny uf smnll q�umNticti i,l'Hi�iiir�lau�Suhstunrcy �hut ►�rc guuri�lly rccugnixcd tu hr+ippr„priutc ta narnud � - <br /> �csldenNul u.r•c.r• uml ta uudntcnimrc uf thc Pruper�y. ; = <br /> ' H��rn►wcr �hidl promptly givc l.endcr�vi•lurn n��ticc��t'any Invrstiputin��, rlidnt, dcmund, luw4uit or uU�rr ;�rtiun Ny u�iy i • • <br /> � g��vcrnmenad ar rc}!ulutury ugcncy ur privntc pnrty invulving Ihc 1'n►periy imd amy Hauirduus Suh�tau►���u�'I:nvir<�nmeaud l.cnv i , <br /> • uf which flurrowcr hn.r•ucuad knuwlcdgu. If Hurruwcr Iciirn.r, ur Is nutillyd hy liny guvrrnaicntid ur rcguliit��ry uuth�►rity. Ihat f � <br /> � uny remuvnl c�e uthc�remcdiudun��I'uny H��rardaus Suh.rtnnrc id'fcctinZt�hc f�roperty is ncressury. I3nrruwrr shoU prumpUy ti�kc t : <br /> " nll nccc+si►ry rcmcdiid ucUc�ns in ucrurdunrc wi�h luwironmrm�d l�nv. <br /> Ay uscd in this parapri�ph 2t1, „Hui.��rduu+ tiuhtitun�rs" arc Uiosc subrtamccs drfincd ati l��xic: ur h�tranluu�: �ubtitanccs hy <br /> Envimnmonini t.utiv im�i iha i'oiiawi�t� sut'��tiiflt�i; �;asnl{�7e, �:ern���t�, ctiihar t1iiRlRki�1I.^ car i:axiL p::ltctlLUnt �t'txla�t:, tsixlc ---_-- " _ <br /> pcsdcidus amd hurhicidcs,v��IliUlu sc�lvcnts, mutcriuls c��ntuining uxhestas ur furc�iul�lchydc.und rudiiuictivc muturialti, Ati uscd in <br /> � - ___— <br /> , I h l� puru�rup h 2 0, "�nvironmcn tu l L.nw" mcany 1'cdur�d luws und luwti of thc,jurisdiction whorc tha Nro perty is loc.iwd �hat :� <br /> ___. _._ .._ . Pclt�to to hculth, satcry or enviranmcnti�l pt'utccUon l - + <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVF.NANTS.H�rr�wcr unct l,cnucr iunncr crncnnm un�i ngrce as ii�iii�ws; ��--' -`-�-� ' -- -j` <br /> 21, Accclerutlun;Rcmcdics, l.cndcr shull glvc nMtcc ta Horrmvcr prlor t�aa�c,cruNon FoUmvinA�arro�vc��'y h�cach f , <br /> � of e+�ti coveniu�4 or li�;recmcnt In lhlti ��tiurllv lnstrumem (but not prtur ti► a�ti�leratlon ttndcr p��rngruph 17 uniess � , <br /> appllcuble low prnvldrs Mhcrwise). '1'he notice zhull ypc�if�s (ti) the dcfnult: (b) the:�ctiun requircd to curr the defuult; ! � <br /> (cl t�dAtc. not Ic�.y thun 30 dnys irum thc cl:aar, tht�nuticc Ir�ivca tu Horr�nver. by ��•hich Ihu dcPault muht hc curcd;and � <br /> (d) thot PAllutr t��cure the deSuuU �►n ar O�eFa�rr the da�te spc�cli'icd in the a��Ucc ma� rcrult in iicccicrc�tian of the tiums • <br /> secund by this Securlly lnstri�ment i�nd s:ile oti the i'r��y�crty. 'I'hu notice .r•hall i�rtE�er InForm Bnrruwee oP tht riFht tn : , <br /> eetn�fato ufYer uccclerulion i�nu1 1hr rlRht to brin�; u �wwrt uctlun w axticrt the n�,a-t�xistenre of i�dePnult ar a�ny other . <br /> � '. _,' deiense of Barrawer to nccelrr�itfan t��d si�le. IP the iir�'uult i� not cu�•ed un or bePon the dute specl�ied in the notice. , <br /> � ' I.endor. at its opllan� mi�y rcyuire Immedinte pi�ymcnt i� Pull uP all xum. s�YUn�d hy thly Scrurity Instrumcnt without • � <br /> turther demnnd und may inr��ke the power of yale uncl i�a}•other rcinrtiii� permittcd by i�ppNcuhle Inw. L.ender shull l�r • <br /> enNtled to caA��ct all expcnscw incurr�d in pu�uln�Ihe rc�n�rdic.r•pr�wided in thiti para�t�uph Z1,IncludinR,hut not Nmitcd � � <br /> to,res�.saoable uttorncys'fciw t�nd cnsts of title evidenn. � <br /> ; ..� IIQ thepc�wer of sule is Ir�voked, 7'rustce shull r�rv�rcf » n�iticc ��i'dePuult io cuch cmu�ly in whlch an� pnrt aP thc ; <br /> ��`�� P�x���4y is lacated und !+hall muil a►ptcw u`such nMi��►lu�the manner pr�wcrihed by nppllcuble law to Uorm«•cr nnd to ' , <br /> the atE�cr persuns p�esc�lbcd by appllcnble Banv. APter thu time requircci hy i�ppUcnhlc law.7'rustci sht�U kive public nt�t3�r ; <br /> aP snte to the persons And in tho munner prrscrlhed by uppUcnblc luw. '1'rutit�r. wlthnut dem�nd a»�arrot�•er. shal9 sc11 � • <br /> the 6'raperty et pubUc uucUan to thc hl}�hest bldder ul the Ume i►nd plucc i�nd under thc tcrms d��,igo�ntad ie►thr n��tice��P � <br /> salc ir�one or mare pnrcelti nnd In an� urder'frustec dclermincs. 7'ru�tee ms�y pux9pane siilo of nU ��r u��- p�nessl of tho ' <br /> P��up�n�y by publlc unnouncement nt the time und pliuc oP uny previouslv schedal�vi halo. l.cnder ar its �cc�,m��e n�i�y , <br /> punhase thu PrupeMy ut uny tis+tu. � <br /> Fo�m 3028 9/80 <br />• ��.�}rv t���i n <br /> � I <br /> , ,. <br /> , � .� . <br /> . ( � <br /> � <br />� � .' ! - <br /> � _ <br />