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<br /> i �t�«��� payments nury u��I�►ngcr bo�cqninxi,nl thc c�p�iun uP Lendcr,il'manR��.11o it►cu�ut►��r��vcruga(in Ihc im►uunt au�1 for tha pari��d � K � -
<br /> ��r� =�=�� `''�+ diut Isndcr rcqtdrev)p���vi�ir�l hy t►n(nsurcr qp�1f�1VCAl Ily L.Ci1t1Pf 11�plltl hl�CUi11Cy u1��fIIUIlI�1 t111d Is ub1t111tC11. llar�•uwcr shnU�my �.��_,__
<br /> �a a,l +� � ;.
<br /> _�- �•. tho p�cmlume rca�uircd tu maintnin nwilg+�gL insurnnrc in cft'u�t, nr lo prnvida a lass nt�ciuo.unt l l I hc rc►��dreinnn t fur mm i g�►�o T _
<br /> -`^±,`=.�- ` insuramc cndy in nc�v�rciimr�•wiih uny�vriltcn c�g�x.cmcnt bctw,,�s:n Uornl�t-e�•un�l I,cu�t.,r u�+►ppli��uhla lu�v. � ; _�
<br /> �� � - �, ia�:�ectlun.l.cadcr or it9�;cnl muy uiuk�►cns�muhk� cntt'It�s up�+n+►n�)h�tncttit?�s aC th�I�ruperty. I�nder nhull�;ivo � y ,��R
<br /> ._'"_� !�r-rai�cr nutice ut tl►�Elme��P�►rpriar tu un inspccti�m spccii�jn}� i���+�ncts�ln�:lUk�lil��iu, mrfr;z;ii�m. �. � -Y �� _
<br /> ,. t0, Cm�tQ�ni�tloeti. Tho ��rur6cas uf lu�Y uwun1 ur �Ini111 tor dann��1cs� �ilu:cl u� �y�n:ca�u.�t1at, in c�crnn��llc�:t w11h �,ay @' _—___='°�'`'--
<br /> �i ��' �� c�mdcmnntian ur othcr tnkintt of nny pi�rt uf thc Pmp.ny, ur ti�r 4am��:yanti�c in If�,u ot�c��nd��nuiuion, uin c�:rcbx��ssignc�i u►i�i =- .,,. -
<br /> - ., shull Ue pi�id t�i l.cndcr. �" _
<br /> -.=-.T� ,;�. • In d�c cvcnt oF ii totnl tnkin�uf tho Propercy,tha pi'�,ca�d�shedl ha nppll�xl tn d�u s�ims sccurca hy tldh S�:eurily Inslrumant. ,
<br /> '-�� � �vhahcr ar nat then due, �vlth uny excess pni�l tn Narm�vcr. (n�h►�cvsnt ui'u {�n�ilid takinb uf thc P�t�pAr�y in ahic:h iho fnlr . . �
<br />.;;;,�_ �� . market vulue of�he Pr��}�e►Yy Immedintoly heti��u th��tuklo�iti eq►uil tc�nr un:atar�him thu �mu�unt af ihu suma sccurecl by thlh ,
<br /> ,_ � - ., ��= 5ccurity Instn►mcnt immcdintcly hetiirc tho tnkin�, unluss Aorrcawcr iu►�i l.cudi,�ot�tc•t�visc aUrrc in wrltin�t, tlan hamy sccur�d by _ . . .. __ .. _ _ _
<br /> -=,1 ` . thl� 5ecurity insnument shc�U bo rcduccd Uy tho iuuo�mt of tha piy��wd=, malli�flltxl by the tidluvrinQ fr�cllon: (u) thi� totn) f • ,
<br />-'�¢::�-,,. eunount uf tha sums sccured Immedintely bofare tha u�kin}�, di��idcxl by(la)tl�u f►dr n�urkut vuluc ��F thc Pr�,p;.::}� i:nntGCllutcly [ . . .
<br /> ��T` ` beFore tho tnking. Any b�tltmcc shnll be paad to [iurma�er. 1n tha evcnt oF n puninl tiikln� �+t'du I�mpeny in which thu fi�ir , .
<br /> _zz �:,� .
<br /> 'E'"' mcshct value af thc PropertJr immedintcly befi�rc iha tukin�S is luss thnn tht:ani�nutt�►i�tltC tiums sCCUrcd inu:tGdi;.�tely bufare thc .
<br /> -. _;�: . ' tnkinF, unlcss Barrowc.r and Lcnder n�hanvisc agrec in��rt�itin�pr unlc:ss upplicablc Inw uthenvisc pr�n•jdas. Ihe procccds whnll ' .'
<br /> ba upplial ro tho st�ms stturcd by this Sc�:urit}�instn�m���t�rhLth�r ur z�ut �hc stuns iirc ihen duc. ,; .'. �;;su;,�:.:
<br /> � ' . If thc Prvy�c�tti�iv a6a��donc�l by Eiarm���:r,or if.:tticr nrti��:[���r en�T:r to Hrrr���ccr U�irt thr rondenmi�TOfiers tu miike nn ,,!"„•tY
<br /> _ �' ;1%i;;'?;+.';.i..
<br /> . ,�'�;., „ . a�v.�nl or scttlo a cl:iim for dt►mngcs, Borron�.r fuil�t�� �l���rrid tu L�ndet a�ithin �i� ctays aitcr thc d:itc thc noticc is givon, .� ��;,�'�'`;`_';ti`,;ti�;�t:'�'.:;4;ti
<br /> ,� , � °� �` � � :����;ti�i';.,
<br /> ��+t?��1,;�':..;. < . Lcnuc�r is itlUhorizcti tc•cr�ll;�;t i.nJ t�pply�ho pro��'d:,al itti���,tion,cltltcr tu resturatirn or rcpuir uf'th�: Pr��pcn�:i,r t�thc soms .,�� .: �ti ( ' _
<br /> �1��}���y�r�i •,; �rurctl by this Sc,�:uizt;:Ins2�umcrt,ti�•hcther ur n��t dicn du�o. �.��,'';`;� , �-
<br /> ,�,�; �,.'�..� Unless Lcndc�r and Borro�cer ��iher*v�sc aFnx in ���ridn�, anl� upplic�tian of prrn:ceds tu princip�►1 tihidl not extund ar �
<br /> : �:;1 p�stpa�a tho dua Qntu uf tha monlhly pi+yme»ts rnfc�rr�.d ta in pan��lmpi�s 1 imd 2 ur chnngc tho umount uf such p+rymente, " -
<br /> •• ' • I1.Barro�v�r Nnt Rbl4used= I�arUc.�r:m�liv Lendu�A1�,t ii 1'Yx�ivor,Fxtcnsiun of�hu tinw ii�r puymem ur mndificntiun , "�;
<br /> � af antoni�rnin���f tha sunn•cx�urr.�l by �I�l:,Sr�u�'lly Imtlunlrnl E}tNnlud hy l.cndcr to uny�ucc�::,+ur ln intcrest of borru�vcr shull . � ,_
<br /> � . nat apernta to rolcasc tho IlabiUty of iho��r+F�inti�)flu�rrn�•cr i�r �urruwcr'� ,ucccssury in intcrc�t. l.�:ndor shull nnt bu rcNuired to
<br /> . � comm.nco pmcccdings uguins� an�� �uexrssar in intui�st ur refu�c to extend tinw liu•p.�yment ur uthenvi�;e mixliiy umnrtirauion � .. ,'�
<br /> of the tiums s4tiu�cd hy this Sccurily h�ftrumm�t hy ren�an of any tilenumd mudc hy Ihu urlglnid Burruwer or 13arruwer's .::�
<br /> � rucccssorK in intorwst. Any fu�hc�►r��iuti hy I.rndur in cxcrcltiinN any r{ght nr r�mcdy yhall nut ha ;����uivrr ol' ur prccludu Ihc ` , ` R-
<br /> �' ' oxcrcisc��f nny ri�;ht i�r runutily. • .��
<br /> --------- - _ _
<br /> IZ. Succcs.r•orr� ui�d As.vlgnti Hound= Jolnt und Scvcr►�l l.lnhillly: l'o•�I};�ury, 1'h� «�vcmmts �md agrc:cmGnt�; af �hiti � � �
<br /> Sccurity In,trutncnl �hidl bind �ind hcncth thc �urres��ir. imd i►�signs�►i Itiniia• ��n�i i�nrr�nvc�, tiuhjeci i��thu p�avitiia�is�;i� - --' = ' - '
<br /> pi►ni�raph 17. [fnttuwer's rc�vonunts und a�;reementti shull hc.juint +md severul. Any li�irro�crr whu ra-�i�tnti Ihis Securlty �
<br /> � � Instrument but d��cs nui exuuw�he Note: (u) Iti c�rsignin� thiti Sccurity In�trumcnt unly �o m��ngugc, br.�m and c�mvcy thut +
<br /> '- - , ::. -- -= O(�TfUWCI''y iqtOf0.S!IIl 111C t'il)PCRy Ut1UCI't�lc tcmts t�t il�i+i�cwiiy iiiaii►iiiici�i:ii i i���Zi �i;;:tR:i�l�:.tllZg»S�: e::Y'»� !�!�S:!l22= ;° - ---- .�
<br /> sccured by Ihi9 Sccuriry Instrumcnt:und(cl nurcrs Ihut l.endcr nnd uny uthcr Ban•c�war tni�y u€rcc t��cxtund,mc�dify,forbcar a� ;
<br /> mako any iiccammalutinns with regnrd tu thc turn»af thi.Sccurity In�trwnem ur the Nute wi�huut thiU 13i�rruvver'y c�+nscnt.
<br />' 13. I.onn Char�ev. If tho I��un+ecured hy thiti Serurity In�trumcnt is suhJcrt ro n Inw which sets muximum laim charaes, ;
<br />� uncl thnt IAw is flnully interpreted su th�it �hc inwrutit ur uther loun rhiu��s cullerted ar te�ho c��llected in connection with the
<br /> 4„;, loun exceed the permitted limits, then; (u) uay �urli loun rhurge tihull ha reJuced b}• the utn��unt �tecessary ta r�duce thu chur�e
<br /> ;��,,, .
<br /> ;,;•;�.,,� ta thc pemiitud litnit; and (b) :my sums ulrcudy c:oll4�ted fnmi Bor�cnvcr whi�h cxcccdcd permittcd limit, wil!br roiuncleel to
<br /> �;;
<br /> ''`;,.:". � Borrowcr. L�ndor mAy chuusc to ntttkc this rofwid by r�ducing tho principal u��•e�l undcr Ihc Notc i�r b�• mnking a dimct � ;
<br /> �,,,,,,
<br />, �: � . ;� .) ps►y�;�ent to hlonowcr. It' u rePund reduccs prinripal. �hc rcductiim �vill bc trcntzd �s a punial prcpu�•mcnt wi�huut nny � ..•.
<br /> ��� '• � '' ''" prepaymcm ch�rgc undcr thc Notc. ,
<br /> �.�:�.,,.,
<br />'•','.;,:,ti'.. 14.Natictw. Any m�ticc to Borrowcr pruridcJ ti�r in thiti Sccurity In��rumcnt�hall hr gi�•cn hy dolivcring it ur Uy mnilin� ���` ��.
<br /> ;:;,.��;• it by first class m�il unleas applicublu luw rcquiras u���f ane�thcr methnd.Ttse�e��tice�hc�ll ho dircrtcd tu tfic�'ropeny Add��:ss :
<br /> . ''''�' or any olher address B��rruwcr designiitos h�� nuticc ta 4end�r. An}� nuticc tc� t.c��de� �hi�ll hc� given by first cluss muil to '`
<br /> I..endoPs ldtiircss stated hu�cin or uny othcr riddres, l.cndcr dcsi�n�t�s by nuticc tu 8nrruwcr. Auy nudcc prc�vidcd for in this
<br /> . Security Imzrunwnt shnll ho deemcd tn hi►ve heen given ta Burru��er c�r l..endcr when given us prcwided In Ihi� paragruph.
<br /> . � 15. Go�erning l.aw; Severuhlllty. Thic;Sccurity Instrumcro shull hc �;��vcrncd hy i'cdcrnl Imv and �hc luw af thc
<br /> ' ' Jurisdictiun in a�hlch thc Ampeny is lacutcd. In thc avcnt �h.0;�ny�provisiun ur cluusc ut'thi+Sccurity Instrurncnt or tho Notc
<br /> ` • conflicts�vith appflcublc luw, tiuch co�fllct�hull nut�d'i'cct athur pru�•i,icros of this Scrurity Instrumcnt ur tho Nutc whlnc�an bc �,�
<br /> • �'� given effect ��•ithuut tho cantlictin�provision, Tu this cn�l thc pru�i.inns of thi, Sccurity Intitrumenl:ind tho Nato ure declared �
<br /> = to bc sevcrablu. �
<br /> ^ 16. Dorrawer'ti Capy,Bormtver tihull he givrn unu runtiirnted ci�py uf the Nutc and of thiti Security Inst�ment. I
<br /> � Foim 3028 91fl0 �
<br /> P.iqnA�J6 I
<br />_ � � I
<br /> I
<br /> 1i: .
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<br /> i7�f: �� ' . . , ' ,
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