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. . <br /> _ _ <br /> - .� <br /> . . . . . . .. ,, <br /> , , <br /> ----- --•- _ .. .__. . - - ---- - ••--- . . - _ <br /> < <br /> ,. - � - : . . . _... , �. .: _-: <br /> 98- _:�0��� <br /> pedodalhat ikndor tequ �i. 7ho irounncp ca�etproviding Uip lo�utenoo�AaU.Oo clre3eo by Nortuwer�ub ect tp[,endet! <br /> � �PP�!Y�,�vlilchshellnot�unreesoneblyw6AhoIA. itBorrowerfalb{omalmatncpvengedseer�bedabove,�dumey�,pl - <br /> : 1.endcrtioq7on,obteldcoveregetopmtectLiender6dghiefii�haYrop'enylnibcoidencewTfipdiegidph7� ' � <br /> AU insuranco po11cIW enQ renewab ehall Lb docepteDlo to Lenderand�h+ll InduAo e sWnd�rd mongage cluuse. I.ehAet <br /> + ihsl►havethcrgdttoholdthepcllc�andrene�wtis. !lLen�rreQulrcs,DMOweedlellpmmpllyglvelolendsr�llrtcaTpf± <br /> of paid premtuma end rcnnwel noNae, In�Ao ovpm ot lou,Bocrower�qell giva prompt notico to�e Inaurenco wsler and � <br /> Lender, Lendcrmnymekapraofotlaelfnotmedeprompqyb�Bortower. <br /> Unlesa l.ender end Bortowor othawlso egrw tn writing, nsurtnco praada�he116o applled to ttatoretion or rc�ir ot <br /> ihe Vro�iry demaged, It�he reatoretlon or repalr i�eoonomicaUy fuaible md Lendcrt secudty is na lasened. !t the • <br /> natoret m or rcpatr i�not ecanomfeaily fcasib�e or Lenderl secwiry would be leesened,the Insurenco DroceMs nha116e <br /> ap�lted ro ehe eums sewrcd by�AU 8ecurlry Iasuumenb whethtt or not then due,with u�y exoata pald�o Hortowet. It <br /> Bortower ebandons tho Propeny,or doea not enswu wtthin 30 deyi a notloa from Lender�hat lho Inaurance cattler pa� <br /> oftettd to senle e eialm,then Lender may collxt tt�e insurence proaeda. Lcnder may u�e U�e proaede ro ropalr or rcawro <br /> the Propeny or to pay sum��ecured by thla Sceudry Nswment,whe�her or not then due. 'Ihe 30-0ey pedod aJll6egln when <br /> �ho nodce b gtren. <br /> Unlaa I.ender end Hortowu olhoreise agree in writina,eny epQlicaum of praad+to principal efidl not exlend a <br /> postpone�ho dua date ot�Ae monthly paymen�a referted to in paragrephs 1 Nd 2 or chenge tha emount of tde pa eau. It <br /> parageph 21 the Property!s eoqulred by I.endu,Bortowab rfght ro my inaurenoe policlw end p�ttsuldng <br /> from dem�ga to IAe Property pdor ro the ncqulatNon�Aall paa to Lendar lo the astent of�he surtu setund by thb 3acurlry <br /> Insuumentimmedietely pdorto�heecquislHoa. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preaervation, Iltolnt¢nance and Protectlan of the Prope�tyt Borrower's Loan Appticadoni <br /> I.eateholda. Bortowa ehall occupy,estebllsh,and use�he Propariy u Bortower�prineip�l raldenea wi�hln dxty dayt atter <br /> the executlon of�fila 3ecudry Inswment and ehall conHnue�o ocapy�he Anpo�ty as Bortowerk p�incipal ros�dence for at . <br /> leau ona yeer aftu �he dete of oavpency, wless Lendu othenvise egeea in wd�ing, whic6 consent shdl not be <br /> unrcasonebly withheld,or uNeu extenuedng efreumstencea aeiet�vhich ers 6syond Bortowerl conaol. Bo�rowu shall not <br /> desuoy,damege or Impair the Propeny,allow the Propeny to detedomte,orcommit weste on Ihe Property. Bortowu shall <br /> be in delnutt It eny Podeimro actton or proceeding,whether efvil or edmind,la begun thet In Lendut good fat�h judgmem — <br /> eould rcsult in foRefmro of�he Propeny or o�herwiu matuially impalr ihe Ilen creeted by thta Secudty Inmument or — <br /> Lenderb cecudty Intercst. Bortower mey curc such e deteuit and reinslete,as provided in parsgnph 18,by eeusing�ho utton = <br /> or proceeding to ba dismisud w(th a mitng that,in Lenderk good taitA detemiinauon,precluda fodeituro o[the Borrowerl __ <br /> imereat in the Property or mhcr meterial lmpabmem of�ha Ilen ercaced by thia Secudry Instrument or Cenderl secudty �:� <br /> intcrost. Bortower d�all elso be (n default if Bortower, dudng ihe loan ipplieation process, gave maierieily fdse or p;` <br /> inaaurero infortneqon or ftatemenu w Lender(or feitW to provide Luder wiih any meterial lntormetion)tn wnnection wUA - <br /> the loan evidenced by �he No�e, Ineluding, but not Omited ro, rcprcsenuGona eonaming BorrowerY acupancy of the `-,. <br /> Propeny u e pdncipal residenee. If�hia Sccudry Inswment 6 on a leuchol4 Bo�rowcr ahdl wmply wich dl the provi:iona = <br /> of tir_k-e. It Bertowsr xqutrr_ta tltk to the Pro�n;,th�:-a:elbk and iN_fce tit!e sh�!no:mxrge unh�•LxM_er ngreee --- <br /> to�he mer�er in wriUng. :--• <br /> 7. ProteNlon ot LenderY RlgAte In the Property. If Bortowcr fdls ro pedofm Ne eovenanta and agramenu <br /> conteinW N thfa Secudty Inatrument,or therc ia a legel procaeding thnt may cignificantly affect Lenderl dahta in the = - <br /> Propeny(auch aa a proceeding in banlwptcy,probate.for condemm�ion or todeiture or to enforee lawe or rcgulndom).�hen ' � <br /> Lender may do end pay for wherever(s necessery�o protat�he vdue of the Propeny and Lenderk righu in the Property. G"- <br /> l.enderl ac�ione may Inelude pnying eny sum+aecurcd by a lien which hee priodty over ihis Securiry Inattumenq eppeering ��- <br /> in court,paying reesona6te attomeyi tecs and entering on the Propeny to make rcpairs.Although Ltnder may teke ectton L-'r` <br /> under thia p�regmph 7,Lender daa not have to do ao. '=- <br /> Any umounu disbursed by Lender under this paragreph 7 sh�ll become addiqonel debt of Domower securcd by thla E�:_ <br /> Security Insuument. Unles+Bortower end L.ender egrce to other temu of peyment,�heae amounts shall bear intercst from the c•• <br /> date of diabursement et�hc Note rate end ahall be payeble,oith imercst,upon naitt from Lender ro Oorrower rcqueating 'r::_ <br /> payment. _- <br /> 8. Mortgege Inaurance. If Lender rcquired mongage insmence a��condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> Securiry Inrtrument,Oortower xhall pay the prcmiums requimA ta m�intein�he mortgege insurence in eBect. If, for eny - <br /> reason, the mortgage insurenet covemge rcquired by Lender lepses or ceases �o be in etkeR Borrower shnll pay the - <br /> prcmlums rtquircd ro obtein coverege xu4stentially equivalem to�he mongage insurvnce prcvioualy in e(fect,at e cost ° <br /> suAaumially equivnleN io�he cost to Botrower of the mongege insurmee prcviously in eftec6 fram on ol�emnte mongage ' <br /> insurcr appmved by Lender. It subsiontiel ly equivalent mongage Inmronce mverage is not avnilable.Borrower shall pay to - <br /> Lender eecA momh u:um tyuel�o one-twel�h of the yeerly mortgage insufance prcmium being paid by Borrower when the = <br /> insurance�rovernge lopud or ceaud to he in e(kct. Lender will accep�,use and retain theu paymmts a+a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> of mortgage insuronce. Lav rcserve paymenta may no longer be rcquired.a� the opiion ot Lender,ii mongagc insurunce "- <br /> mverage(in the emount and tor the period that Lendu rcquircs)provided by an insurcr approved by Lender agein becomes <br /> aveilable and is obtained.�ortower shall pay�he premiums requircd to mainmin mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a - <br /> loss rcurve,until Ihe rcquircment for mortgage insufance ends in acm�dance with any�vrinen agreement 6etween Uortower - <br /> end Lender or applicable law. ���- <br /> 9. Inspeetfon. Lcndcr ar i�s agenl mry makc rcawna6le emries upon mid inspectionx o(Ihe Pmpeny. Lender shall "� <br /> give Bortower�rotice et�he time of or prior lo an impeaion specifying rcawmble cause far lhe inspeciion. <br /> 10. l'onAemnetlon. lhe pracceds of any nward or claim for damages,direc�or conseyuennul,m connec[�on wM nny - <br /> SinpkFamfy-F�nNeMae/F}[ddk\lael!YIFOPf11NSfRCNF•\l��UndamCm�enann9190 �paR�+/�NFm _ <br /> dxunrnmla.r�er ■ � <br />- TsQMfIG1A�.U119hlOtAli16D��11)1 _ <br /> ..� . S� _ ._ _ . ...F,� .��p:.CT^�I, ..—iTT..�:��."..V�. .`..� .^j��'_"��'e's'n�+PTT' > _ <br /> " ' . ; " . . _ . . ' ._. ' . �. .. ... . <br /> ..�� . �_ .._ � � ' _ _ . _ _ _ _ <br /> . <br /> ... .- . <br /> -'—.) ... 1_ .. -.i .. . . . '. �. . . . . <br /> � .. �. <br /> . . �. - : � _� r . <br /> ! e • <br /> ) ' . �: . . . __ - � �_ F.. <br /> ' t •. . : . � . . .� ' . .. ...... .-.. f- . .-. <br /> _ Y - .. . . •. -' - .. . <br /> . !t _ � _ . . � ' <br /> � � /. .. -C . Y . . - . . <br /> P, � .� . � . `� . . <br /> ��. .:i. . . 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