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_ _ <br /> . R:.i r�. . . . . . . ` . C"J -: n[! 1: �.♦ "ll a._ �J� _[� __ . _ <br /> _ . .. � ' . l � _: .!" <br /> -i ..._ _ q . - ..t. . .�� . . <br /> .. • .q . .'d ' . ". <br /> . . �.��.. ��.��-i�_.. __.� l _i: ._ � <br /> �.��.'. .. . �.. ' - . .. . _ .. :�.�L.�. i_i- t: . .. <br /> '�.` . . '' _�_ . . . .. . : � . . . . �Y ' ` -'. � ' _-..._..__ _ _ __ <br /> � � �����3: <br /> 7+OQ87tIBR�Yff11 1 thelmDrovemcntb now or herWter ettaW on�ho p�opc�ndd all euemCnw,eyDurtenendes, . <br /> 'rnd fIh{urw now or he�P!6 p81►0�tI10 tlropppy. All,rcplaar�cnte w14 oQOiNon�ah 1 et4o bo Wvgre4 by�N�Sµudty ; <br /> . �.GI2WOIEN..AlI0I1�8PotC$OSIl81�ti(Mttd�Olilq�i&CUfll]LIiWtllttltNihO'PtopYty� _ . . - - - ' — . _ .. . . <br /> HOkROWBR OOV6NANf9�hat Borcowcr b I�wNity sclu0 ottt�e es�ato hcreDy conveyeQ end ha►�ho Nght to grant '.�� <br /> ' andconveythe Prop�ty aod tlw the Propeny la unencumbercd,oxaDt fOr encumbrencla of raoN. Uormwer w�rtante end <br /> willdetenAgcneialtyOetfAetoQwPropenyegalnstellciclmaanrldcmendbcubJattomyencumErance�oiacotd - -- <br /> THf9 &BCUAfl'4 IN$7RUMBNf comDlnW unifotm covenanu Por naHonel uso and ncn•unitonn covcnanp with <br /> IlMted vuietlona Dy Judsdiatun to constimte a untPom��ecudty irtatrumont covcring reel propeny. � <br /> UNlRDRM00y�AN7'9. 8ortowerandl.endercorenantande�eeeafollovn� ` � "� <br /> 1. Prqment otPr�ncl�wl and Intereak Prcpoyment end Lat Chargea. Bortower ehell prompdypey when due the <br /> prNclpa1 otnnd Intereu on�tua debt evldenocd by the Hoto md any prepeyment end laro eherga duo under�he Note. <br /> 2. FLnda for7luea and fusurantt. SubJat to appileable taw or to e wrinen walver by Lcndu.8ortower ahnll p�y to <br /> [.sndcr on tho day monthty qaymenu we due undu�Ae Noto,untU�he Note In pnid In NII,e cum('IVndf')for.(e)yearly <br /> �axa end uussmenu wAlch m�y e�Wn prlortty over thU Sxudty Inswmcnt a�e Ilen on the Property:(b)yearty leaxhold <br /> paymenu or ground renu on�ho Proputy, If eny:(c) yearly haurd or propeny inaumnoa premiums; (� ywiy flood <br /> inwranco pr.mium�,it any: (e)yeuly mongege Inwrence prcmtums.ff any; and(fl�Y wm�payable by Bortowu to - �� <br /> Lender,In axordence wlth theProrisione of paregreph 8,fn lIw ot�hepayment ot mortgage fnsurenco prcmium�. 1Teae <br /> ttema ere called"Cscrow ltem�. I.endu mey,e�eny tlme,collect and hold I1�nd�in an emount no[to axaed the maximum — <br /> amount e Iender for�[ederally rehted mortgage Iwn may rcqutr¢for Bortowerh excow oxount under�ho tederel Real <br /> &tatc 3ettlement Proadurcs Aet ot�974 as omendW from tlme to tim0.12 U.S.C.¢?b01 er asq.("R&9PA�,unless ano�her <br /> law that epplles lo iMe Amdf seu a luxr unount. [[w,Lender may,ot any�ima eollcet end hold[§�nds in en amoun�not to =..-� <br /> axoxA tAe Icsaer amoune l.ender may utimero �he amwne of Mnde duo on tAe basla of curtent dan�nA rcason�ble ____ <br /> e�dmatea of expendiNres of furore&crow[tem:or o�hernise in eccordance w(th appIieable Isw. -_...-___. ____ _ <br /> 'Ihe[i�nds ehall be held in an instim�ion whou deposite ue insurcd by a fWerel agency, Inswmemeiity,or ent(ty „ -- <br /> (Ineiuding I.endcr.if Lender ta�uch en insdmtion)or in nny Pederal Home Loan 6enk. Lender nheil opply tlw I'unds to pay <br /> the 0scrow Item�. Lender may nm charge Bortower Por Ialding end epplying�he Ponda,ennuelly arelyzing the escrow f F;c ,; <br /> aaounR or vedfying tho 8scrow Iiems,unlesa Lender payi Bortower interest on �he Punda and appliuble I�w pamits ��`�n� , <br /> I.ender w make cuch e chuga Hoxever,Lendu mry requiro Bortower ro pay a one•tlme cherge for an independen[rcal �--- <br /> esnta tnx aponing wvia used by Lender im m�neciion wi�h thia loan,unlese epplieable lew providea o�herwise. Unless an '��;z,)Y'�t�;�:.- <br /> ageoment 1�made or eppIicable lew rcquira intercat to be paid,Lendu ahell not 6e rcqulreA a pay Bortower any intercst or ,,;�:;�„_?. <br /> eamingt on che Ivnde. Bortower and I.ender may egree in wrlUng,Aowever.�het interest�hall bcpaid on ihe Funds. Lender ;,.,.9,VF`,.. <br /> eAill glve to Bortower,without cherge,en ennud ecauntlng of the FLnd�,showing crediu and debiu�o the FLnds nnd the � :_;— <br /> pwpou fw whkh each debit ro the Punds wes made. The Ei�nda are pledged as additlonel security for all sums secured by �'x%�-��'�;-,_� <br /> tNs3avd Imtrument. 'r?„�:#�;;:--�—. <br /> It the Aunds held by L.ender excad�he amoun�s pe�mined ro be held by epplicable law. Lender:hatl eccount w ;;o.:3r�`��;'»!--� <br /> P,v�—rwzr Yr ita a.cWs Punds in:xo� w�th tF�requ{ of applksb:e laW. It t.".e emeunt ot tlx Fur1 h^_L hy .-:':=1��"=-`'._:-�- <br /> Lender�t an lima te not suftieimt to the Pscrow Items when due,Lender me so no�if Bortower in writin ,end, in �°c�`�fs�t`.�-���-"� <br /> Y PeY Y Y 8 � :v<�,,i. y,,:�_. <br /> �ueh ceu Bortower�hell pay to Lender Ihe nnaunt necessery to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the ��Lf���+=,zf�:��;;,�._ <br /> deficienry in no morc then twelre momhly paymema et I.endert sole diaerction. ;�����;}�`��-�;�;�_'=_� <br /> U n ent in fuil of ill aums ueured b thb Secudt lnstmmen6 Lender ahall rom � rcfund to Bo�rower an �'�;S�',��;�.;:�`. <br /> po PaYm Y Y P P Y Y ����t� <br /> Ponda hdd by Lender. If,under puegreph 21.Lender ahell acquirc or sell�he Ropeny,Lender,prior ro the ecquisition or ��e,f,Cf:tvz;�;-__°.=�o:=: <br /> aile of�he Property,sMll epply eny Pu�ds held by Lender e��he�ime of acquisi�ion or sele as a eredit egainst the sums ;�if.;,<<;;.s3;;{.;_?_-_ <br /> saured by thf�Securiry Instrument. �i�•;c;;;�'.=.:Yr?:,�;�^! <br /> 3. Applleatlon of Peymenta Unless eppliceble Iew providu otherwise,all payments reccived by Lender under ;,;;:!;�{':,:t�_i:;:.-__ <br /> pangraplu I md 2 shall be applied:first,to eny prcp�yment chuga due under�he Note;secnnd,ro amounu payeble under ,•` c��?: T, _ <br /> parogroph 2;third,w intercst due.farth,ro pdncipal due;end last,to any late chergea due under the Nota n._�;w V �`�f;�±;� <br /> 4. Chergen; Llene. Borrower �hall pay�II ��xea,assasmenu,chcrges, fines end impositiona anribuuble to the :�, � <br /> Propcny which may ettein pNoriry over�his Security Im�rvmem,and leaselwld payments or ground rcms,if any. Bortower -�• '} d� "" -`- <br /> PaY 8 P P HreP Pa P Y z,:�,,j.�Ta..:..�,; <br /> shill Ihese obli ations in the mmncr mvided in ara h 2,or if not �d in Ihat menncr.Uortotiver shdl � them on �-�*/�,F„_.�,�. �,;;. <br /> �ime diratly to the person owed p¢ymenL 6ortoxmr shell prompAy fumish�o Lcnder all notices o(emoums lo be paid under , �t`ty?r:v_["S;fz;-��- <br /> thie pazegteph. If Bartower makes�hese paymema dimcpy.Uorro�ver shall prompity Pomiah�o Lender rcttipts evidencing r��,' ��F s ..-': <br /> �he paymenu. .:�LJ;:,`•`�±e�,�s-; <br /> Bortower ahell promp�ly disehuge any lien�vhich hes priairy over�his Security laafumrnt unleas Ba�ro�ver.(a)egrees t.;� y � . - <br /> in writing ro the payment of the obliaation securcd by�he lien in a mmner ecceptnbk ro Lender,(b)contes�s in good faiih�he . +.;.L +�<7 a , <br /> Ilen by,or de&nds aaeinst enforcement ot ihe lien in,legal proceedings�vhich in the Lender�opinion operete to prevent the .;_*+` rf� _ <br /> enforcement ot�he lien;or(c)securcs(rom ihc holder of the Iien an agreement satisfectory to I.ender suboNinating the licn �•"'°"��`^-.�--�� <br /> to�his Saudt Instmment. 1tLender de�efmines eha�en n of the Pm n �s sub'ect ro x lien which ma ut�ein riorit `"-"�'��`7'v�`f�7i'`'-- <br /> Y Y P� P� Y� 1 Y P Y ;�.:..t,: :�' <br /> omr�his Security Insuument,Lendcr may give Bortowcr a notim idemi(ying the lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy�he lien or�ake — °'�= "',{i',ti=�r; <br /> one or morc of�he actions set forth above wiihin 10 dxys otthe giving of notice. ���';"�;,`.���''�y`�v:.-, <br /> 5. Nnzerd or Property Insurentt. Bortower shall keep the improvemcnts now existing or hemaRer ertt�ed on the _` "1.rt(?;;b:��:`..-� <br /> ;.:;.�,.'�.?':. <br /> Property insurcA egeinst lou by firq heards included wilhin the temi"exlended coverage'and any o�her ha�ards,including _:�,�,,��:,,_,-. <br /> floads or Oooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurantt shall be maintained in�he amounts and for the ���.�Fq:'.;t:. ._ <br /> �7[[:-._'..-�'.-'.�c. -- <br /> FarmlOM 9N0 Ipo�r1 IdNF�t) �.L-:� . <br /> �.,1' . <br /> {: - . <br /> lSC:: i: �.v: _I}�Sr��-� .o,:- 'Tb. .... -. - _' _ _ _'��'r;}<"_ . _ ;;_ - <br /> . . .. c�. . ..-� , ,—�- <br /> -- / r -� ` ._ ' - , � ' . . . _ <br /> ' .. _ _ . _ t., _ _ <br /> � 3 i.: " . . _ - . _ _ . . <br /> .:i)f . . _ . � _ . _ . - . .. ' _ <br /> r , _ <br /> � _ "__ ____. ' _ __ _ __ _ — ' - " . _ _ __' <br /> u - . ., 1� . . . - <br /> Y)! 1 .�. . .. .. . `_t . . . _ . ' . <br /> �/� yt:tiJ 1\. .. ' .. - . <br /> ay. . " - � -- L": . " . <br /> � . F. �.} 't . _ ' . <br /> { . . t. _ ` ._ -_ " i. - .'.� . <br /> r�' - - - - - - -- � <br /> : sz - r : . � �- - - <br /> ty --t t Y`� ` � .�.+ �� . <br /> � ti) `, ' i. �1 - - . ' <br /> � ? � � ' 'p.` �_ - � t � . . <br /> J ' t <br /> Ti �{- ��. � f - � t �5 ' L_� ' . <br /> /� F ( � <br /> i .l�iT / r YI Y}f. - ( . �{ l lI <br /> � I ��e _ `lk r 'r a � .a _. �� , c - ���� � . •� : � `.��`. h. .. . .� . _. _ . . <br /> . . ,� .. - . .., i„. ._. _ �.., , .. . .. . . . . . . � . . - <br />