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r�i .� } ` ' t Y �,; __ _ <br /> 5I1 " . - , . ,. . , . -i�. - - - -�4t � r:. r . . ;AS �rn - ..t 2cr <br /> c - �'. BOROWdt�MY Q�6�JG1�*�Y�-N�RhildhN QIGfl��I g 1��� t wi ���' r�ml r�m••r�t � � 'i;,K t � —" _-.._.__. <br /> _ - A mda�e xr��emnp�Mt m t,�dW Yo?d�daq�ugn�D�ddu���urs oly��eortowx�Nta�n n th��hr �: <br /> � � o�p rwt NI hpWmMt o1. N�Mn�Ntoa Oy ihH '8sw�1y I�iWimni qr Ulid»'f`�IGN(ipl fntk�tk�9a1�Y�H 11 6e k ; b� <br /> In'nehM�B�rtqwx�duMp U�k�n�D'A1aUon procpq�9�va m�IrlY�l W�0 0/,I�H�+t��Yon oi aYt ��tp IandN �;fx <br /> _-�� - (a hled to O�oNN lbKdu x11h metxW Intonntlon)d G9��^�+'Nh�., Iw��MQy�aO(rY N►ryutti-�ydu4� P+h ��y = <br /> ' nIN Cm'hd tR..r.p�ee�"�ktlon� �D Bortwta's-om�/ot tMf Wppxyyi-ft�pN�=nudsia► tl-Wi B�ddAv 3'..s _ <br /> � °= InnWmoM U a1�laaetwid, Bortowtr�A�i eompb wlt�nf the proHikns,ptlfie Iptae If OahoMia�6Vu4n fN'4dp io fhs :�:. - - ---� <br /> °° WonxO�.Ui�INanoW me tM 1»wf�hM not mxp�nMess LMdre�y�a to tne'm�roe�.ln wfihp. • � <br /> � 4�� s.Prot�atlon of 1.enQ���Ri�hu tn tNa IPro��tty,n ao�rowN hna io pertam me cevmmn Nei�xn�,t. - <br /> oon4MOd N Wa 8eoyi@1 In�CUmMt, a tAera b a le�l prooeemnp N�I mry al�Nland�r eftacl Lendet'� iqhu N Ni vrop�rty-: . <br /> ,,,.r.� (��eh�e�proeHMp N 6WauPUY.G�fe,for condertn�tlon or forleAure or t6 antam 4vro a rdpuNtloh�}, thm f�ndn mq . } <br /> ,,,� do end DAi ror whatcrer H nco»sery to prolect the ralua of No Fropetty�nA Lmder'e AghU L�Ns Propw�. Under'e �Wan� m _- ....v,. .. <br /> mty Ndud�Wp4W ury wma �earW Ey a lan rMoh hu p�odql ora ihle BtcirtNy Natruma.L rypwii9 In cowh D�0 _ _ _ <br /> ^;��£� raeonebte aftomryY tew�nd�ntahp on t�e Propery to make rcq�trs.Alt�ou9h Lenda mty 4ke actlon undar W�pu�p�ph . �-'� <br /> -:.-^�-.'�`:- 7,Lenda doea nal Mve to da ea _. <br /> _'��;'�''<'�, MY unounte dlsbuned Ey Lmda unda pu�gaph 7 e�N beoome �G�lonil debt ol Bortowa �laued Dy Ws - <br /> ='t:?���?p-��; 8pWf1{y IntVUrt�Mt UNase BOrtaYa end landa agf80 lo oih01 iBRIW of plymlRnt tllase amounq M�!bW htAlsl trom __ <br />:.-.y�C.�c't <br />,,��.....r•.tsu Ne dale ol At6unement at Na Nota nle aM �h�G be peyabla wAh InlereaL upon nayoe 6om lenda to Baroww roQuetlki9 <br /> _,-�:�. vnymmu <br /> `<"-�`�s'_' B. MoRD�O��rounnoe.II Lenda requ4eE monqye inwrtnee ea s eonmtlon of mN�g the loan eeawed by Ihia '---�` -�--�-� � <br />�.4;3.;a <br />-�:��"s`�'""� Beadly MsWmaµBorraver�hY pay the premNme requtad to meh�Wn the mortyape Nsuruwa N etled.II,tor wy retaaL the <br /> �`'''�:�},� matpepe haurenoe oovuage requ4eA by lender lepsae or aase�ro 6e N eMed, Bortowa ahd pty Ne praNum� raquYed to � __ - _ <br />�#•y:`:r,-.'�� oDWn oovere e w6alen Mlent to the mae e hwfanee pravlway N eHea, tl e eoat wbaleniWy aQuNdent to t�e W`-'---.. <br /> ,:v::....�- 9 �Y� Y89 -.----- <br />-,.�,:;qy7y:� aoet to Barava of iha modye9a Inaurence PrabuaN„bfleel, tran m eltemetn mat9a9e Inaurer �pproretl by Lenda. H �_. <br />�;.��r;.l.e�. eubatanWOy equMdmt maty�ge hturanee oovenpe b not mllabte, Bortowa eha0 pny to Lenda each monN�num oqud to __ <br />-,p�;<,4-;y, pntrtweNh of the ywy mohyi9e Nauruieo preMum belny peld 6y Barawer vrhen the h�uwnce oovenqe I�ptatl o�oan0 to �:,"�_ <br />'�. +,*'k"; 6a N eNeeL LenAer��0 aaceq, uae entl reWn theao peymente se�bw rasara in EN oi malgnpe Naunnoe. toes�etave --_ --- <br /> -.'�,C;-i,Z�,-� paymenb mey no bnqer 6e requ4ed,at Ne optlan oi Lender.H moNp�ge Nau'anee ooverege M 1�e�nount�nd(or the palod �:"•-� <br /> � s F� thei L¢nder requites)proNded by m Naurer epproretl by Lendw eqa4i 6eoomes ave4We end b o6lihed. Bortowx e1W pry F -��,. <br />� xz ' �1 Na premNmf requ4ed to meNleN morlye9e NauMCe N eHeot, a to proMde a losn re+erve,unH iha requ4qnent lor matyeg9 '�f;' <br /> t�h*` Neu�u mde In�aorEanae wAh eny wAlten a�eemmt 6et�veen Bortowa end Lenda ar eppLee6le lew. . � . <br />';��1�:i«;? 9. Inepaatlon.Lender a Ile eyenl meY rtuke roaaonable mUles upon wd Inepw�ona ol Ne Roperty. Lender ehd gNo �:,c�„ce: _ <br /> +'-�;''=i�' Bommver notles at Ne Wns of a plor to en NepeWan epedrying rawmble uuee fa fha M�peetlon. ''s5�e�,��'� �� <br /> :;�1.,. :'a.S��,:::_ <br />- �4.-,_w- 10. CO�dBII1t18t10n.Tlie praxda ol wy eward or delm tor demegea, dlred a coneequentlel,h eonnactlon wAh�ny . �fr;.��._- <br /> �sip t` �ndemneVon a other Wdn9 0l ery part of the Woperly, or tor oomryanoe h Peu ot eondemneEon, ere hue6y e6algneA end �t�'S . <br /> i #�s_ eheG be peld to LmEer. ,. !'� . <br />,+Y.�,-.� In ihe e+ent ol n tofel taldn9 0l the ProP&h� the proeeed� sMG be apP�� to the euma aecured by Nb BeaAry ,T,�y` �._ <br /> .f,�;.�y;;� Inshummt.wheNa-a nol then Mo, w11�en exeeae pNd to Bortowa. In iho evmt of e p�AN WdnB ol the PropMy N '�t:iy;�;.`-;;� <br />. ;,.'..f., Y t <br /> .�:,-.':._ vnueh uo wr me�ka[rah�a o�tne PraoMV 4nmemetdy hefae the teldna la epuel to a greeter then iha amamt ol ih�eume �''"<<,rx -•..____ <br /> � �r�r}: sewred by thla Sew�Ry Inawment Imn�edletey before lhe LWng,unloss Bortower and lender othenHSe a�es In w'IUny, Ne ���+ - _ __ <br /> � 4{5 eume aewred by Nb 8ewriry Inewment ahe0 be redueed by the unount of tho procaeda multlpYed by the IoOmvNp fnc9orr. Y�_�?�f� ��t�-. <br /> a°^% �,j (e) Ihe tolal emounl ol Na ewis aeared 4nmotll�tdy before the teldng.dlvldeE by (bI 1he W4 mvket valua ol t�e Ptopnly °�} -� <br /> - -.. •�;�.��1 hunedletey belore ihe teldng.MY belenee 6heG be WW to Bonowee In ihe mmt o1 e Deniel taldn9 0l the PropMy N xNOh ;;L;�'i;1�2.�:.�`-. <br /> r ���� ` ih0 Ie4 mvket vaWe ot fhe ROpMy immed�ateN Ee�ore Ihe teldn9 b leaa then ihe emount 01�he evma �ecurad Immadlate.y t�4,,:(�y �$ �n,;� <br /> _ t '� 6elore Ne teldnp. unleae Barower enC Lender oihem�lse egree h wAliny or untese epplca6ie Isw othe�vASe ptaAdea,the ����.4, ` r � - <br />_ ;,�yt�i.;�, , ,xY.-=_ <br /> _ , ,,s,: ; Droeeadt aM0 ba epDOed�o Na a�ma axured 6y tMa BewAry InaWmwt whel�ar or not the wme ars ihen due. ry<;�.r�•.:3„ <br /> -•� II Ne Nopeny b a6andqwtl by Bommver. a M, aRer nollee by Lmder to Bonower thet tna oondanna oMae to m,ke an "�F�S ��'��}��y-' <br /> : .:. .. :%i;�.=:,-�:j::.;;±=r� <br /> a ? i ewmd a sel�e e daM lor duro9ea, Bonower feES lo respond to Lmder rAhN 30 deya �ftar ihe dete the notice It pNen, s LF. x c ,-:: <br /> t�...--� �"' Lender le eNhoAzad to eoDetl end eppy tha proeeade, tl 11e optlon. ellher to reslaelion or�epelr ol the Propetly a to �ti�y,� , t-;- <br /> � --;s- tha eum��ewred by thb Sea�ry Inawmem.whelha or nol then due. , -fi`i ;- <br />_ -'., �.';� Unlau Lender end Bonowtt olhmMSe egree N w�llhg, vry�pp7cetlon of qoceeAS to piindpel ehell not exlend or „ ,��, +��J:'..._. <br /> �, �' posQ�one Ihs due dale ol tho monlhy peymente relerted to h paro9nDha 1 end 2 or eMnpe the unounl 01 euch peymenla � , a„ <br /> ,� { %� 11.Borrower Not Ralaeaed; Fnrbaaranoe By Lander Not e Walver. E,aen�on o�fhe wna ta paymem or *�• A t ' <br /> - � " modXleetlon ol amoNmtlon ol lhe nume eeared by Ihls 9ew�ity Innwmen[gnnted by Landu to airy euceeesor in hlxeat '-�-'�i,��.y �� <br /> ol Bortower sheY mt operate fo releena Iha la6rtdy ol the al9lnel Bortmver or 8ortowef� auaesaoro M Interoat Lenda�ha0 yp��<S ..,r._, ,-_ <br /> - not 6e requirM to eanmenee proeeemnBa eyaNst eny suaeasor N Nterest or refus�lo axlend 6me Iw peymunt or othenWSe .,�'}"'.�-';�.;!i <br /> emoNraOm ol ihe aums aewred b Nis Sewd Insuummt reawn oi�n dem�nd meda f�e �'�-�� �'-�- � <br />- modNy Y �Y bY Y q' ��N -r �.:t ' <br /> Bortower or Borrower'e wecessoro in interest !vry fo'bwrenee by Lender in axerdaNg eny dght or r¢medy eMl nol be e � • <br /> -i� weher ol or preduda 1he exadse ol eny tlght or remeAy. <br /> q, - 72. Sucoeaso�s and Aaetgna Bound; Jolnt and Sevaral Llabllity; Caeignare. The coranams end �,-- 5'1 .� <br /> � eyreemenle ol thla Sew�y InsWmrnt ahN bind�nd benefrt Ihe aueeessas and esaigns of lentler end Bortower.eub�ed�o tha • °t`.�.��-- <br /> ,, � - provisiona ol pereqxph 17. BoROweYS wvenanla end agreemen�a�e0 be Jdnt end neverel. My 8orrower who eo-nipne thia ���. - � - �i-_� <br /> SeWdy Inawmmt bul Aoea mt exeale 1he Nole: (a) h caalgninp 7h4 SeanTy InaWment ony lo matgage.qrent anA wmey :- - - . . <br /> Nel 8ortower'e Nixest hf the Properry�ntler lhe temu ol ihla SewMy InsWment: (b)is not peroonaAy o6Gpalttl to pry the � ' <br /> aume aewred by thu Securi7��sbumenl: end(c)egreea that Lender enU�ny olhn Bortower may agree to exlenA,motlNy. � <br /> lo�beer or make eny accommadaUOns wllh regerd lo Ihe terms ot�hb Secudty InsWmenl or Ne Nole wlthoN Ihei Bortonei a <br /> ConsCnl. <br /> 13. Loan Cherges. n tne�oe�sea,rca ey mis Sewriry Insvument b subjeU to e law which aMS ma�dmum loen ' <br /> � cha�ges.anA that law b fmaP�Inlerpreled so Ihal I�e Inte�esl or olha lo�n charges w0ecleC or to be eo11ec7ed in connecllon <br /> wllh t�e ben exceed Ihe pemi11e0 Iimtls.thm: (a)eny auch loan cherge nhall be retlucetl by Ihe amount nttessary to re0uee � <br /> the che�ge to the pemNted iMt: antl @) eny sums elready coYened Imm Bortown which eceeetleE D�etl limils wiA <br /> be reNnded to Barartt. Lender mey chooae �o meke Ihis reluntl by reAUdn9 Ihe pN�ipal owed undx the Note or by <br /> meWnq e dreci p�yment to Bortavec II e reNnE retluces prinapaL Ihe reduclion wID be trealetl es a nertYl Orepeymenl <br /> wilhoul eny O�epeymmt c�erqe under Ihe Nole. <br /> 14. NONC08.My nolla to Bonower prorNeA/or In Ihis Sewnly Inslrummt shao be qnm Oy ONheNng il or Ey mating � <br /> by fint Waa meY unless eppiceEle lew requues use ol enolher methotl. The nofice shali be duecled lo t�e ProDerry AAdress <br /> � � or eny olher eLdese BoROwer tlesignetes by nolice �o Lender. My notice to Lendtt shell be givm by fusl doss maa to <br /> ��d.:a unanea a1nIM hwrNn e�anv olher Ldd�255 Lrodtl de5iweiez bv nolice to Bortowu. Mv nolice nroWAed lor In <br /> , this Sewdry InaOUmeni shall be deemed to heve been 91ven to Bortower or LrnOer whm qhrn es proHOetl in fhis pereg�eDh. <br /> 15. �OVBffling Lew; SBVBfe�lllty.Thb Securiry Inslrummt shell be goremM by IeAeral law antl ihe lew ol ihe <br /> JurtaGlclion In whkh the Property Is loceted. In Ue event�hel any p�oHSion or dause of thu Seariry Ina6ummt or !he <br /> Nole wnNcla wXh appicebie lae. such conllicl shall nol allett olhtt provision5 0l Uu Searity Inst�umenl or Ihe Note rrhich <br /> � C!n b¢ ghM etlM Wiihout ihe COnflitGng prorisba To IhU entl Ihe ptMisions ol Ihis SeCUriry inslrvmenl and Ihe Nol<ero <br /> dedare0 lo be se+na6ie. <br /> 18. BOROwBr'9 Copy.Bonower shell oe gNen one conlom�M wpy o1 the Nole end ol this Secunry inswment. <br /> " _ F1]16.LM0�10A]) o�pr J o15 Y�\ � <br /> 930Tv LM I <br /> 1 <br />