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t v � . . - i, i a .r i :t�l- <br /> � - -J, . y / t � nc. � 5r i 1 [ .._.. <br /> .aF-..; 4 f 3v. sL - lj-_i., �6' : .J ��� iYj- c L 1 �. �e��r� � _ y � r . <br /> r R F}i'� i v 1 ';� Y S'+ re <br /> ...1 s- 1 t � yv a �+'S <br /> — rt i . .` r fi��"6��y I�IPIWM1�11�t11 Wq 1r� Q{j���IS�d1 6� � Va1 {n t.� r _" ___" <br /> __ ' �� 1fVMW� d tl��d��� � �01������� �t7 <br /> ! IVIIMNi � tQ�dd+,B�CU�iM1 FR+� i' , ' ` ` � ' �' . ' <br /> s � � tlORR thq4srtowMW .� MtM wq�rh aoqrr�id �+fal� tlirrf0l})�ovPnr�� L�'f�� <br /> �:,n... . .na in�t�,r c�r a�n:�r"���`�w�o'.��.a. . a eoR .ww�+u ,�a o <br /> --- vRl�hhnd iR��SPiv. �na rJYm� d�_ 1D-fay�c�l.oft�9i�_ , �i�•rN �-- --_ <br /> ..— , '��� . .. 1{{�3�yg �.4187qi1M�Hf � it -s671`'y��}- Ga7�p'.�tb���ki p. 'iF iY3 -3i40.- 6ift4l�.YCflII �w«.-•" .-- ,� - - <br /> `" � , -QNNd vrYtloI�� lwkAatlor`a qom s�und'qAt!!�MM 1�ilfumanl oov Y 1�W� � =� ' r' �,- <br /> UNSOnhiOG t��d BarmrormdtmdacaY�nuyt7imf �a iat�x . p� <br /> "`�' � 1:Paym�f�t oi Prt4ofpA 1n�I 1nNtadl P[a p►ym�n!an8 4�ta Chfrp��Qorrmrar ehu v.romp�r p�y xm��- y� <br /> -- •a e x�w h d p u.o f�n e h t x q�o n a�d a b��v t a�n a a o y t n o N a�N a i n y p r p►y m M U N d N q o h w� aw unat tA��'.q� <br /> -= Nota -- ' - � - 'i� :' <br /> Y' 9.Funda for Taos�nd in�ur�no�.BWHat W e�pPYu6y kvi or to i w�lttae wYrrr 6y[�ndw, BarowW alwlp.Y , <br /> to Nndp on 1M day montAy pqnndAU us aa und�►Ne NoM- unu (M.NojR Ia p�M h N't. a�Wn('iuna�7�Qr (q 1wq ' {' �, ~ <br /> � uxea Nd aeeeasmenu vmid�mr,y nuln pAomy over ihp sew�1C���wmaht u a M dn th�ire0rp't� Y�b Ia1MOI0. � <br /> - -:-cr,� pr�emluma M uaiayu�e)royNnb�yo�W9Reop„nv�iince P��n�,�iurinu N�n�s pptiDN Bcrtor M fa�noo0 0��� ,. <br /> j with ihe Drovlafona of puG�eph 8.B Leu ot Ne prymMt ot mat9t9�hwnncs pr�m�. m�atl Kant Yb �JM 'FIIC�Y�- - <br /> r, � pmro.� LerWer may, a erry tYns, cdea md hob Funds in �n unounl noi to aued N� rtwEn�um �mamt�Nnda for� - � . <br /> -,= icdaety rdeted mortg�pe ban may rcqu9e fa Baray!/'0 ltIXOw POCOUM WIdG Ih8(Odpd flpl F61C20 BCtlIUOdd PfpCCdl�tG? � � - . . . <br />�;��F ��'-+-'s� Aot o11874 u unmded kom tMe to Uma 78 U.8.0.8¢!O1 N �ay PflEBPA�, unNn �naNx kx tMt a to th�-P4�dt r- . _ <br /> . �;-.�:•t� — <br /> � s l.;._Z, may,e�my LLna oo7acl�nd hoW Fwde N�n unount not to tAe�aex Ynount - .� <br /> u,j,,,,�;y.�_� �ole�lesaa uraunc H so,lmde <br /> •t=��- Lenda mey ealNUta Ne emounl of FLnda Na on the bWe of artent dala�nd rtasonWN eaVmlfea of m�aidNm ol Murs _ . <br /> -ea7�"z,�gr. <br />'��;.��;�;,�:,;s Etaow Bems or olhenNae In aocorCenoe wAh�ppinble 4w. . <br /> ;�,�i�r.,;!;.-._ The Funde sha�be hdd N en N�Nutbn vMOSe depoflle us Inaurcd by�tedeN�yw�5 In�umantaNy,or mUry pndu�y � _ <br />-� 4 ��; Lenda,X l.mda b nueh m NaNmlm)or b erry FeCml Home lan B+nk Lenda shd�ppy 1he Funde to pry the Fatt6w <br /> i'' � " Itnns.Lender mry not chvpe Bortam Por holdlnp uid eppyNg the flmda,mnuay�nNydp the eettow acoaunL w v p <br /> �e e'r <br /> }.n,ar�.�:�,r' the E�aow Nam. unleae Lenda Mri Barawc� Nteast an Ne Funda md eppleablo lar Pem�l,i Landa to mtke a --..,...-.. <br />`-' "�'t'' ohnr �.However. Lendd r te Bovarer to pey�onotlme oher0e(or ep Independml rW estete tax repoNnp�¢Mw <br />°:isgit�:tlt:�� B �Y �N <br />-�:�;�Y�.i�y�.,,' uaad by Lendx N oonneotlm with Nln loen, unpse appLeebte lav proMAea olhawlaa Untase m ��eanmt b meEe a . <br />+;e�•;� h epp1a61e law requlrei intereal to ba peid, lendor ihal not ho requ4ed to pey Bararer vry Nterat o�eeminga on the Funds <br />�i'���•' �`'`�i Bortowa mA lmder may e�ee in rrtitlng, howera, Net Nttteat elu0 M pdA on the Ponda. Lendar s�eY pNe to Barowx. - <br /> a,r;...,#�:;#;� . <br />;`:2�;�s����Q'{�.�� vA1hqM1 eherBe,en ennuN eawnUnO of tho Funda, �horMg eroA1e md de6%e to Ne Fund�and Ihe purpaae tw wAleh eieh <br />,_ �,;-.,,E, deDR to the Funda wes mada The Funda ue pledged ea�dmtlonel�eauriry tor aG�ume uared 6y Ihe BecuAry InsWmmt <br /> �;��r�y;,? II Ne Fundf helO by Lender m�aed the unounU permRted to be heid by npDO��e kw, Lender sMA i000unt to Bortaxa <br /> � �,:<�;( lor the mcceae Funda In a000rdenoe wAh the requtremmte of epp0oebb tAe emount ol the Funda hald by Lenda�t eny <br />-:�J;{:�1�t•�'s�; Iima b not euMdent ro paY the Esuar Iteme when due, Lender mey eo noYy Borrower h wAtlng� end. N weh ease Barowa <br />`�r�4*.`.;,,7k±� aha0 pey b lender tho emount neaseary to meke up the daAdenq. Bmmver�he0 mNce up tha deAqemg/N no moro thin <br />`_r ,�_.: f. IweN�momhy pqmeAe,at lendef��ole A�aetlon. <br /> r.,.�,�i,<<';�j=' Upon peyment�N IWI of eG swu seared by Ihb BewAry InswmmR Lendtt aMl prompty roNnd to Bortowa any <br /> � fur.M d�b;Lmds. If, u�Ms�reph 21. L!wM�r sM_o ooqyo-o er aa the Propary,lmeer.pMr ta fhe eaqulalUOn a ede ____ <br />�.-':�'�r:"<'�:�- of the Property,�hM eppy eny Fundi hNd by Lender at ths 9me oi e�qulallon or eale n e meAt egWat t�e aumt secured <br />_i�.`f.A�.��\�:i <br /> ,..;{Y.�.t::` bY Nb 8eeu�1y InaWmtnt. <br />- -,:y;7;c�•¢-{/ 8.Applloitlon Of Peyment8. Unleaa eppltable law proMdea olhenWSe, oA prymenu reoaFied by Lenda unda <br /> `<<•r'-,��?��� pereyepha 1 end 2 Meo bo�pp7e6 firnt,ro eny prepeymant elier9e+due undar Iha Notx eecon0.lo�mounte pnyeble undtt <br />'!jt;;�:;-';.�';; pareyeph 2 N44 to Ntereat due; iwM,to pdndp�due.and leat to�ny kte eherpee due wder Ihe Noro. <br />�:..,���.vi='S,:!� <br />- } A. ChE1 88: LIB118.Bonowa sheA pey a0 terzea. aate6smmis. ehm8�a, 11nh enA ImposNOm et s to t e <br />��"'J;:;:?;i��>; PropMy whlclAmey �IWn pdoriy ma thla BewAry Inawment end lease�old peymmb a ground renle, B ary. Bortowa <br />��+'�k'�;�?'?��,i:-i shM pey Neea o611gatlone In fhe mumar proriEed N paragreph 2, or tl no[paltl in lhnt mmnM, Bortower ehe0 pay Iham on <br />'i��,::.3t.,:� -- <br /> �{��z-.:�?.•� tlme dreelly to fho per�on aved peymmt. Barowtt ehell prompty Nmis�lo LenAer e0 noEeea ol unounb to be peld unda ri,e--� <br /> - { S�5):'_-- <br /> � - thb penyraph.fl Bonaxer m�kea thase Deyment�&eety, Bonower eh�! prompty Nmish to Lmder reeelple erWmdng <br /> �i r y .`. iha PSYm'u1W. r .. <br /> " 1 � .'" Bortower slwll prompty dsehvpe eny!en whkh hea pdodly mer Nie 8ecurly InsWmont unleee Bortower. (e)egreea 'i' � <br /> � --Z N w�IWy to the peyment ot the oblgellon eeared by iha 8en N e menner�ecepk6le to Lender, @)conteela In qood IeNh the '� <br /> ' w W <br />_ �;�SJ�,����::- Gan 6y,or detends egeNat enbreemml 01 Ihe Cen h, lepel praceeAnpa whieh N Ihe Lmder'e opNion operete to prerenl �r��._- <br /> - F�;-�t the enloreement ol th� Den:a(e) �ecurea from fhe holder of the Oen m agreemenl uYslaatory to Lender su6adlnetlnp tha ��ra�� <br /> � tl;,.• Dan to thla BawiRy InsW ment 11 lender delttmine�thet eny pert ol�he Propery le aubJxt to�Oen which mey etteN pAoAry � ;� _, <br /> over thb SauMy Inswmen6 Lentla mey ghe Barower e notlee Wmeying the Ien.Bonower nhan seuay tho uen or teka <br /> - one or more of Ne edbne eet torth�bove wXhN 70 deye ol tha gNNy ot nolica. � W�.�-: <br /> �::�•'4`-'_':'�f', 6. Hazard O� Pf0{10r1y 108UfenC9. Bortuwa nhet keep Ne Ynproremenle nar Watlng ot httoafter eretled on Ihe ?�;��. <br /> � � - PropMy NeureO eyaNst Iwe by Ne,hezerds Nduded witNn t�e te'm 'etlentled eovereg�' enA any olher hazarAe, Ndudiny �i �-c � <br /> �� � - � floo0s or poomng.for whlc� Lendtt requires Nsuronce. Thb Imunnce ahe0 be meinteY�ed in the emouMe and lor Ihe pMOAa ��--- ; <br /> +�i - thet Lmder requYee. The insurenu cenier p�ovldng Ihe inwnnce shall be ehosen by Bortower eu6ject to Lmdeta epproval --' . <br /> wl�lch sheO not be umeasona6y wMheld. If Bortower 1a�s to maNlein coverage deamLM ebore. Lendx mry. at Lmder'a �i:,; ;- <br /> � optlon,ob1aM corerege to prolecl Lmdere d9hts N Ihe PropMy in ettordmce wTh peregnDh 7. t �- <br /> _ �. � N Insuranw po9clea end renewala 4heY be eeaptehb b Lmdtt end ehell NduEe�atenderd mongaye dause. Lmdel <br /> " --59.?- � aha0 here the dpht lo holtl Ihe paEtles anA renewab. If Lmder requtren. Bortower ehiA pmmply yhe to Lmder a0 receipta ot ���:•' ��, <br /> peld premiuma md rmewal nolicea. in the evenl ol loas. Bortower ah�ll gWe promp� notieo lo the inaurence eerlie�anA ' <br /> � � Lenda.Lender may meko praol ot bss H nol meAe D�omply by Bonarec � <br /> � - UNess Lender nntl Bonower oumvise agree M mitinq. Insurance prouetls ahell 6e app11e0 fo reslorelion or repnir ol <br /> 1he Woperty dameyed. i/ the rnslaeUOn or repe4 le ewnomicely feaa�le and Lendera seadly b not Insened. 11 fhe ' <br /> �" matae0on or repalr is not econoMaly feaable or Lmders securiy woui�i be lessened. the Naumnce proceMa a�aA ba - <br /> . BpplkO lo Ihe sume newteA by this Securiy Inslrumeni. whNher or nol Ihen Euo. nilh eny e:ceaa peid lo BortowM. II <br /> ' � Bortaxer ebanAOns Ne Property. a does not answer vrilhin 90 Arys � notice Irom LmdM ihat Iho insuronu mMer hea <br /> � �� - oflaed to aeMW e c41m. Ihm Lendtt mey colleU f�e insurence proceeGS. Lender mey use fhe proceetla to �epeir or <br /> _ - reelaa 1he Property or to pey sums seareG Gy t�b Secunry �osvumnt. whe��x or nW ihen due. the 30-tlay period vrill <br /> Ceyin when Ihe nollce is pNen. <br /> _ Unless Lmtler md Bortower olhmrise egrce in wming. eny eppGCtlion of praee0s to pr4iapel shall not eaend or <br /> : - _ j poslDOne Ihe due dele ol 1he monthy peymmis relerted to in peregmpha t end 2 or chenge Ihe amounl ol the <br /> . - peymmis. 11 unEer paregraph 21 iN o�operty is acquired by Lende+. Bortower's dpht to my Insumnce poGcies end pmceeAs <br /> � resuNng hom Mmege to the Property p�ior to the acqulstlion sheli pess�o LenAer lo IM1e ezim�ol the sums by fhis Stturily <br /> '_ ' _ ..i — ..:....�'.iv�':.O...f '�... <br /> _ _ �8. Occupancy, +Preservetion, Maintenence and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower'e Loan <br /> - - _ AppllcetlOn; L9a80hOlda. Bortorrer shetl occupy. esteblis�, and use Ihe PropMy as Bortowers prindpel resldmce <br /> � wi1hB s64y 0eya alter Iho ezeanion ol thie SewrXy Insvument�nd shaY conlinue lo ocwpy t�e Noperty ee Bortoner s prindpal <br /> . - . realdenw tor e1 Iees1 one year ailer Ne dale ol ottuDanry.unless La�der othefwise eg�m in wriWq. wMCh consmi shall not <br /> be unreasone6y wR�he1E. w unless m�lenuaing drwmstances exist r.hich are 6eyond Bmoweri coMrot Bortowa shaY nol <br /> y . Eeatroy, tlemepe or Ynpair the ProDMY. ellan fhe RopeM�o delriorate.or commll waste on Ihe PropMy. Bortower shell he <br /> - in dM�utl X eny IorlMure aWOn o� D�oceeCng. whelhtt drl or crvmel, is bequn Ihel n Lendera 9ootl lailh judgmml coulA <br /> - -�� , resutl 6/otleXme ol Ne Properry q othemise mete`IeGy impe4 Ihe hen aatM by ihis Sewriy Inawment�der'a sewriry <br /> :�; � Intxesl. <br /> 1 r� FtJt6Lp0 P�9N gv�]c15 � <br /> i f. <br /> �J. <br /> ` � <br />_�. .. . , 9YIt5LM _ ._ — _ C <br /> t <br />