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<br />�,� T� uf c+:de,and Ihe t�u1c.lneit�tllaK tlie��uyiY�c��l uP Ihr'il�utitcc"y fcn�y uctua!!y inc�+rred,not to cx��ccd 7.0 �d�<< �'i � — . . _
<br />.-..��.----_ ;.� Ihe pslEUlnttl nnuj�tui�►P ihe nnta nt tt►c Ume uf Ihe cicch�a�Ntan of�Ielaul4,w�d r��ntini�i�ble��Uu��ievy fGCV uw permlQcil _ � -
<br /> `�` by tc�r�:lhl tn nl!�uu�q secur+�cl hy Ihlv Srcuelt�Ue�;lru�ncnti�n�<<I c�s�y exresv tu It�e pe�•tian or pr.esa�.9 tr�.�lly cmiited _ __
<br /> � � tu ti. -
<br /> �' ' �t. �.���v..yu„�•a. I��ruti �vmcut uf ull sumr:�ca�cd t,y ttti,tic�urity inym�mrnt. I.t'Utlt:� b{iHII Ilt,l4l4{��U.'`�.`� �ll F-' __ _ _
<br /> - "i �ec��llyey tro i�ni' anci annii ,ii�ic«:e�t`�#: `:.•::risY l+:��tu•ek�t�� +u1•�uiI nutcs c�idcncint� drbi �t�:wcd UV lill; ';�-:u�ti} �- _ __
<br /> � ,-;� Iu�t�unt�iU tu'ih�5t��, 'ih�stcc sH;di �ixc�itv�y• t!x l�ay-.ccty �v!!huut�v{�rrn�tl} ;�n:I \YUItUW l'I1lU'�,l` IU 1�14 p��r�an ui�ici,c��; G .— -� _
<br /> .a r�; ' � Ir�nlly ca�iticd in it. ��reh pc�sor�or pc��un�tilinll p:►y nny rca�rdnllim a�titv. — -:r ;,,��..-
<br /> -� ^` ..� 2i. tiu6atitute'�'u91c�� Lendrr,nl itti upduu,m��y Ir�tim timc tu timr remuv��'Ifu�1c��nnd appuint a,uc4c„u��austcr tu - -
<br /> s''"� nny 'Itutitcc npp�dntcd hcrcundcr by nn in.trumcui recurdrd {�� Ih� cuuuty lu «•hi��h thiti ti�curily Intitrum�`n► i, a�curdecl. , ._ ,-- ..� �
<br /> - =- Withaut �a�lvo ytmce aC Ih� 1�•openy, tlio su�reti�or Uutitec nhall sucte4d lu ull IttC tille. putv�r und�lulirs�unt�rn'd upun . . �
<br /> .�;. ,-_��� 'llu:,tcc Iturcln nnd by applirul�lc I,�w. � , �
<br /> -- � . 24. ftcv�u�r,t Por Nnticcs, potr���vcr rcy��ua�r Ihut c�,pic,ut'Ihr u�iticc�ul'dcP.�ult cm�l+ulr ix�senl tu Horn�wcr�uddro.rti •
<br /> - r��ush i��itr�,•,��ny Addrc�;s. .__ ...
<br /> tS. Rldci�y to this Sccurlty Inatrua�ent. 11'unc ur nu�rc �idcn uru rxccutcd hy Hurn�wrr amd i��orded tctigiitu•r witii . .
<br /> � • thl�: Security In1tnimen�. Ute coven:tnty und oE:tti�ments ot'eacN such rid��r,hi►II b� iiicor{H�ruted into nnJ nhall nmend nnd • ,
<br />--- 's �'� �'� � sppplom4nt thu cuvcn+nUti i�nd i�gt�cmm�tx ol'ihis Sc4u�ity Insitunnnl ns 11'Ihc ridc�•l�1 wcre n parl ul'Ihi.Sccurity in�trum�•�u. ji .
<br /> �i=�:.. • . . . .:.
<br /> ---- - :°.�; .: �Check iippli�obla b��x(csll , ��
<br /> `=�� cr' I•�l1•;unil t.iarr . ��: _ ��
<br /> " �AdJuti�nl�lc R.►tc ltidcr �('�mduminium Ridcr � Y -�.,.
<br /> 4,s •.P:' . . n
<br /> i a"r�r,-� ..
<br /> _ •' � �Graduatcd Pirymcm Ridcr �Planiud Unit pcvcl��pmcn�121dcr �E�i�vcckly N•y+�r;rit I.l�icr � .
<br /> � ��'�._.
<br /> � �� i• a Bnllo�m ltfdcr �ttatc Impnwcmcni RiJcr �Scc�nd H��mc ltidcr � . , � ,�i =~.
<br /> ��` h -
<br /> Li.'. . � 'lYlrY
<br /> a� � ❑O1hCi�ti��tipCCl��'� , --
<br />�3�; _—
<br /> ;�-- BY SI(iNINO SELU�V,Burro�tier accepis au�l i�grees to thu temn nnd covenunis contai��ed in ihis Serurity Instnnnent . ---_
<br />-3��} • ' and in uny ridcr(�l cxccutcd hy BoRa�+�er nnd recorded with it. �
<br /> - _.s-
<br />`.:::4 ,
<br /> ;•y Wiu�esses: , �.
<br /> w�• . . �a�--=_� -r...--''/ l&tia�? E;�:!' • . . {�'
<br /> ,�.;' t:T ;d —' ._' f7arin W. Jac sen -�'�.'°"°i ,-
<br /> � 'uciiil 5cc:urity Nw�cr 5��_�°o GO�a3 — -- --
<br /> _ � ,,
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<br /> �� _ lSeal)
<br /> •— ' " �
<br /> .__.— _ ._,_.._ _- - O..nl� _: . ACO SB .N�sn���.•r ._ ._ .
<br /> ---- �.
<br /> '__... _. Soci��l Sccurlty Numtkr �505 a8 7481 , � i
<br /> ' ' STATE OF NGQRASK�1, Hell County ss: �
<br />• :, .
<br /> On this 17th day�•f June, 1991 ,bet'orc mc.!he undcr�ign�d,a Notary Public
<br /> ' .+'`.;;.. duly rommis�ioned nnd Nuuflfivd li�r�.�id ri�unty,p�rynmilly r:�me Dorin W. J�CObsen and 9onnio S. JsCObsen, ,,
<br /> •• '.`I',� each in his end har own right, and os spouse of oech othpr .«�»�������'+����'�ne .`;'�
<br /> �'� ' • ' idontic;► ercons(s) ���hose name(s) urr suhscribed ta Ihe fore�i�ing intitn�ntent und :►ckno�vl�dged the execuii�m thcrcof a� •
<br /> '` ` . ��iair
<br /> °��; : . h� vi�luntary uct nnd dced. .
<br /> ::,,.�t: � .
<br /> : s�,;:�:: ,. WiaiL;.,��y hand an�natArial sca : nd, !�+?brask� n in snid county.thc ��
<br /> ` ,•:,., clutc nforesaid. 6ENEMl NOTAIIY•SqAI el M�basb , � �"'>.�j�1.P-r_.._
<br /> ,,;�� ,...,.. f`v4iti,� 4 � . . .
<br /> �-�;i. ,,�"t�'�"' My Commissian exQirc. � �HO F.OONMEN . --_ - .. .. -
<br /> �Aypomm.f�D.Au�.4. 5. N„��ry F^�:��.:;
<br /> �:�;�i. ,.
<br />;�,_�ti'�� REQU{£5'G'FQ�i Si��".��ONV�YANCf �.
<br />::.',��e�� .: �:., TO TRUS"fE�: ' ,
<br /> , � �ri�,:: , ��
<br /> , 1;,,,t<<,1r; . 71�c amdersig�ed is the hold�r oi the notc ur noteti securrd�-���his Dced of'fYuti1. Sa�d aerte or n�ncs,tagether wlth.a�� �
<br /> �, • �
<br /> ather indc�tedness secumd hy this Dced of 7tus�,have been paid in tee�l. You urc hcrcby dire:.-.:1�a canccl said n�te ar n�*,es ��:.•+�; _ .
<br /> nnd this I)�:cd of 7Yust,whlch�UC dcUvcred hcreb�•.:+sid to rccc�m��,withaut wurrunty,aU tlt:��t.uc now hcld by yuu und.r . ;:��,;�.�
<br /> • this Uced aP 7tust to thc pcnun or person�Icgally c a;i:icd thcr�tn. �
<br /> `'.•
<br /> • • l)ata —' � `— ,
<br /> �,. . � Fu*m=o:tt vr4U q,u,t��n ojn na;e•,, ! ' .
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