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<br /> �x alt�T
<br /> �}+ 3.r��y,.� - u Fd ,t wtr--._ -..
<br /> � _�� apPlicablu law mny��pecil'y far r�instntemcntl tu�faro snle ��f th�� Fr��{tcny pu��+uiuit tn�my po�vc� oi halc caaUdncd in�hiv _:,' E? ���1 =
<br /> �`�--�� Yw Secudty Ins�nnnent;��r(h)antry uF z�Judgmcnl cnf�irc:ln�thVy Sccu�ily Inr.nuntc�t, T1�o�c candidans uro Ihn1 l3urruwrr: la) _ -
<br /> n- -
<br /> *���-� � ,� pays L,em14r ��II sums �vhich t t t�n wnu ld t s c duc undrr I h is Sc�ur i i y I n s t n i m a n t u t t t l I h e Nolr, nti If nu nrce�Ieri�U�»�I�ad — ;'
<br /> -�;,�;;�.'� '� accurn;�i;(b)eur��s an3�dv'fq11I1 U�ilily iNltCf COYki1NINti lN 11�fCL'INl`I11y:(c)puys all uxpcns�y i��4mrrd in enGzrcink=thiti Serurity _
<br /> � t�i+ti�tm:.nt� incinctinF, tnn :r.r, !!m4i�d�el,•w".�H�uhIP uttnnuyti'faea: :��a �d) wkes ,uch ucttun n� Len�ie� mny re�►sunably �__.', _ -- _
<br /> � � � ,
<br /> -:�.,s� = ...� rec�uin to a��•u!���ha��he Uen of this Sccurlty(nytruuicnt.l.cndcry ri�Ms in thc I'n�}�erty i►nd li�irra�vcr�unU�nuun u���+�y ti�� - s . - .- _
<br />— - - sunts secured by thi,r• Secu�ity Intitrument shnll cun�inue unchm��ed. Upan r�instncemc�t by Hu�ru�ver, this ��curity
<br />=— Infitrumrnt and thr obUt;��Ue►nK secured licn:by sh.►II�timnln fully effective us i f no i�cce lcm l ion hnd ac c u r rcd, IIOWCVCR Ihis (.
<br />--"''� '�� �'. ' riIIht ro roinstntc sNnll not apply in the rasc af�cccic�alion undcr pari��raph 17. � . :
<br />_'_� . . Iq. 5vlc+o�►Vatet Change uP 1.uiin Scrviccr 7'he Nute or+�pi►rtiul Intemst in �hu Nc�ic ltogethcr wlth �his 5ccurity
<br /> "-�' ' Inrtniment)muy 6o sold uno ar mo.e time9 with��ut priar noUce to t�orrower. A sa�lo muy resuli in u chnnge in th4 entity ,
<br /> =` � (known as the"Loim Servicer")Ihut callects mon�hly pnyment�duc undcr the N�na and Ihis Sci:urity Inru•ument. Thcr��ds+� ___
<br /> _-_ --- ' __ mny bc+��no or mur�chan�tcs af tho Lon��Scrviccr unrclnted to n sulc of thc NaW, If thu�v is i�chnn�a:�f�hc Loan S���viccr,
<br /> �•_'• •-=,' C(11TOWCr will he givcz+.•.�►ittcn n�tl��n f�h�r h,�nAr in ncenr c iance w i l h p��n R r u P i l I Q t t h w c u u d a��ll:nh�i lnw. 7'lic notiee . -
<br /> _= will stnte the num�a�d aiddress of the new l,uan Serviccr und thv nddress to�vMch payments snuuia in�i�:c.i�, Tiic uuti.;u�v ili ,
<br />'`.��"'�� •� i�lso contuin nny athcr infomimion rcqui�rd hy appiicnble luw. ���„�ti,�l storn�c.,or relcusc u(i�ny
<br /> �- � :, • 8(1. Hnzurdouq Subsl��nces. surra��•er shidl nut cnuse or pemiit the prexence,use, { � • b'
<br />- _ • � • Ht�rai�iaus Substuncea on or in thc Property. Boreawcr shall nw do, nor allow unyonc clsc ta do, nnythin� aff��cing thc • .�
<br /> '��,• Pro}xny that is in violnUan oF any�nviranmental l.nw. 'I'hc pmceding two scntences�hi�ll not iipply to iho pr�.scnc�,use,ur
<br /> °�� stnra e on Ihe!'n* rty uf snu�ll unntltics c�f H��zc►rduus Substunces that;in generiilly rccUgnir.cd to bc apprapriuto to normul
<br /> ��` residential uses und o mninten�m�e of Iho Property. ' ,
<br /> - Borra�vcr shull promplly givo Lcndcr written nuticc of iiny investigation,cluim,dcmnnd,la�wsuit ur othcr uctian hy uny ; ,�_
<br /> � ' �uvemmont�l or n:gulatory a�ency or privutc purty inv��lving the Propeny imd nnp Nar.ar�lous Substancc ur�nvi�timmentul � • ��,..
<br /> -`: ` �� • Lnw oF which Borrower has arluni kitnwledgc, IP Hottawcr Ie.trns, or is i�otific�l by any gavcmntcnta�l or reculawry � ...
<br /> •� tiUlIIQTIIy,that u��:�emaval or othcr remediutian of i�ny Huzardaus Substznce iiifecdng ih�1'rupeny is neces.r•np•. Nrrruwcr ',,��,.;t�� .�
<br /> . ' shnll pramptly tatkn nll neces�nry�+cmedinl acdons in urcardi�n�o with Em�ic�>nment+il Li�w, , ,. ;�.
<br /> � • As used in this paragraph 20,"Hu•r.ardous Suh�tnnces"nre thasc subs•tances dofined ns toxic��r h�irardous suhstan�es by , ��"
<br /> Environmental Law and the follawing substanccs: gi�soline, kerosenr,oth►+r tlnmmnhle ��r taxic petrotatutt producis.toxic ,;F•�.:. �=°
<br /> •.:,``�. pesticidcs nnd hc�blcides, volt�tilc tiolvents, mntoriuis containm� i�sU�sto� rn• furnii�Idchydc,und radiaurtivc matcrial+. As ;._';;! ,, _-
<br /> ',�::. . used in this par�grnph 2(1,"Environmentnl l.a�v"means fcder�►I laws und lu�vs oi'tha Jurisciiction whem iho PropeM�� is lcxnted .'i;;;',�
<br /> � - �- _ thnt rclnto to health,sufety or enviranmcntnl protecdon. ,
<br /> - NON•UNIFORM COV6NANTS. 8orro�ver and l.endcr funhor covens�nt itnd ugrce us follo�vs: � �,°."�
<br /> - Zl. Acc�lernllan; Iiemedte9, l.ender shall give natice to Horrawer prlor to nccele�ation�'altu�ving I3orrinver's •
<br /> � �� hraach of n�iy c�venr�nt��t��iecme�t I�thl� Src���ity a���trunient(6ut not priar to ucceleral9A�undG�{+ar;i;�a�r�ph 17 , �,,,, �
<br /> � ���::
<br /> .:^�:;:' unlcs.q Appilcnbte IAw pravidr.s olherwise). 'i'hz�notdce s'hAll speciPy: (a)the dePaule;(bl the iutlan rcqulred rtw��re the �,.`t;..,'•>.. ` _�
<br /> '�' zltfasl:;it)s��:e,ssQi!QSS l4ann�ll��ye����ch�cinte thu nottce is eiven ta Borro�ver.bv�vhich the de6�waC must he � �`
<br /> _ -___ __ ,� �.:
<br /> � cured;nnd(d)thut Pnllure to curc the defauld un ar 6efure lhe dnte specit7cd in the no9ice mn�•resnN in ac�r��rntion oi � -- - - ;
<br /> the sum9 securecf Dy this Security Instruc�ent and sule ai'the Proprrly, '1'he notice shull fLrthcr i�form Burrpwer af �;
<br /> ' � the rigM to reinslate t�lYer mccelerntion i�utl the�iuht ta brinA u cuurl acttun to nx5ert Ihe oun-existence oY u dei'pult ��r �;,.�,.
<br /> - any otner aemnse oi narro�rrr i�aczeic�r,��..—...ttw::.:�. 3q:ts�«-f�u!'•!�n�t�ur�!!!n��r hefore�he dute s�cificJ In __ __ _�_��
<br /> ' � the notice,I.ender nt its aptiun muy require hnmedinte pnvment in full oP all sum9 secu�ed by thls 5ecurity dsz.�lrument ��t`
<br /> without Purther demund nnd muy invuke Ihe pu�ver uf wde und j�ny othcr remedlc9 permitted by i�pplic�ble li�w.
<br /> , Lender shull be eatitled to callecl i�l) expensev Incurred in purtiuin�; the �emedlev prc►vided in th19 piiri�grnph Z1, ,
<br /> ' Including,but not limited tu.rei�su�iuble iit��rneys'fees nnd costs��i'tllie evidence.
<br /> If the power��P suic Is Invoked,'I'rustee shull rerurd A nuttcP of dePuull in each county io�vhich any pnrt uP the ,.,:1,
<br /> � Proper9y Is lucuted und shull mnil cuples oP such nutice I�the munner prescribad by i�ppllci�blo In�v tu Ilor�mver und ta
<br /> " the other persnrns prescrihed by��pplicuble IAw, After the Nme requlred by upplicuble luw�'I1�ustee shall�;ive public
<br /> � natice af sule to tha persuny a�nd In the mimner presc�ibed hy npplici�ble luw, 'IFustee,withuul demand on 8urrmver,
<br /> - shAll sell the Properly ut public uucUun tu Ihe hi�heyt bidder a+t the time und pliicr and under the termy desl�nnted In �:: . .
<br /> � � the noUce uf�ss�le in one��r more purcels and in uny order'11�urtee datermines. '(�ustec muy pasipone side uf ull ar aay , -��.;;:;;-' �
<br /> � n �,i....;`;;�.�1'.:
<br /> ' nnrcel uf pie Prn}�orty by public unnoumavnvnt ul the dme and pl.�cv�oP uny prevluusly sch��a9uled snle. l.cnder or Il� :,.�,;.� '•,;,'''•
<br /> � deslFnee may pu�chuse the Pruperty nt aoy sala. � "` � �
<br /> . Upon rcce9pt uP puymeM oi'the pritr bid.'Dl�ux4��c ahull dellver tu the purchatier'll�utitce'y deecl cunvcyinp thc ,`:;��'r��
<br /> Propesty. The recitAls in the 7�ustee's eieed shnU bc primu Pucie evide�cc nf the truth of Ihe statement.r•made therein. '
<br /> 7lrustee shAll npy�lv the pruceed.r•uP the s�le in the Puftm�ing c�rdcr: (ul tu uU cuyty und expense���'excrcisin�the poe.vc�
<br /> . ;�,: ','�
<br /> .��:., f
<br /> �?;.:`,`�. Cl>rr��l�-N 9i90 i�a:c.s��l�Iki,ti��,�
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