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<br /> i�xa�ca�s-�_: ._—.._._..__ - _._..�._.---- � .. . � ���° ��t9�V� '' ���u ° ��
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<br />. __._- .. Q _a:' .. _ _ -_''--___
<br /> .:- _�::,;`�.'"� _ � � � _s���=:c
<br /> - „ Dc�•iu�ir•Ihnl i.cndcr rcquirrti. '1'hr in�ur�u�4•�:c.ic�9cr pr��vidin�;ll:c inyuruncr. ,I�nll lv;rhu�ru I�y l��a�i•����rr�ui,jcrt tu I.endcrl� ;:;�_
<br /> - .���r.�_ :
<br /> - `. °. ' , np�,rav;�l�vhicl�r.hull n��f Iw w�n�u+unaliip�vllhhcld. li'Il��rru���4r luilti tu iau�nl:�ii�cu«�rn�c dc�rrih��d n:w��e.Lrnd�r ntny,ut . ..^::�-,
<br /> l.rnil��•�optf�m.�dHnlo c��vcruEtc tu prut�ct(.cndcr�rl�;htti in Ihe i'r��p��fl)II)iICCUIYIIIIII'C 1\'IIII�):iraHruph 7. _ - - _ `
<br /> -J•:;.-°:-- - All In.ui�w�re�xiliclis au�l rcuc��•i►I�41�uU hc ucc�pti►hlc tu I.cnder und tihull inrlude n.t,mda�d�nuilhn�t�elau,�, Lrndrr , . ` ,.�
<br /> -_.� +1►uii i�❑r•a thc rt�tht�u lie�hl th��u,liriur uml ren��vi�l�, li'l.rnd�•r r�yuiros,l)omnt•rr s{t:,ll��i�,r►�ptly Nivr su Lt��dc�'itll r��elpts t•" `i , _ _
<br /> � '� ui'paid prc�7�tum�,m�i icn��vui nu�i�c�. in�iiu cvcnt��I lu.•,Nmruwcr�h�►il gi�•u p�ui�ipl�n�tic�• tu itl�: it�:t�r:mc: r:c:ricr;ux! _
<br /> -,. --:.::•:- �:,� i,cn�tct'. 4rndcr fita�y ntia�:c ix+u�t't�!'Ic�:�if nut�tu�lc protnpdy hy B�+rraa�cc --.,- -. - - --
<br /> �� Unlr.�s I.cnd�:r nnd Hurruwcr whrrwi�r nl;rcc in writlnb. In,uranc4 prurrcd��hull h�i►pplicd�u rrtituruli��n ur►tipuir ut -
<br /> ` Ihe !•'ru�crry dmm��;cd, if� Ih� r�.t:tir.uiun �u repair i� �runnmicnlly fri��ihle nn�l L�mdcr� ucwit�� iti nut Iry�enrd. li� Ih� _
<br /> , r�`st��r;U���n ur ri�p;�ir fti �tut ccunulnically tentiihle ur 1.�'ndcr� �crur�ty wi�uld h� ICs+cnctl. Ihu intiurnu�� pr�xC�dv �htill h�
<br /> . . tippUed to Ih� �un�ti ticcured hy ti�ls tirrurity Insuw�icm, whcihcr ur nut �I�un due, wilh :�ny cxcc.r p;d�l In klun•uwrr. If • , J„-
<br /> . ' ilorrmvrr+�handans �hc 1'r��prtly, ur d�,��s no� un���•cr wi�hin �0 dayti a►uuticc (rum l.endrr that thr in.urnnrr. �lu•ricr hu.
<br /> _ -= uft�icd to ycitia n cl+�im,Uwu l.end�•r mny cullcit ihc intiurum:c pruccrds. l.cndcr in�rv uxr Ihc pru�ccds ta nrpuir ur reslurc ;::'
<br /> thc NrupertY��r���P•ty suu�x s�rur�d hy Ihir Sertu'ity Imtrunt4nt.whcihcr i»•nu��hen dur, Th�3ii•duy prii�id�vill txr�;itt a�hLn �,, .
<br /> �"'�'.,. . .
<br /> � Ihe nulicc i,��ivcu, - .. .: � -
<br /> Unlesti l.rndcr�md t3urruw�:r�,tlicrwitic u±�r�:c in writin�, nny ,�pplicudon ut'prurccds in principai �hiill nut rxtend ur �_,.,,�;.•,''..
<br /> pi►sq�anc�he duc datc��t'Ihc mon�hly,nynun�s�f�:rrud tu in p;�rul;ruph+ I und 3 ur rliim�c ihc aimuuiu ui�hr paymcn�.. If ,, . . : .
<br /> un�icr piu�i�r�iph ?1 tl�c Prupcn)� is urquirrd hy l.en�i�r. Ilori•oa�or� ri�!h� to any intiurnncc puliri4.a�nd pr�x:ccd, rc�ulling �� �� �` ,:
<br />; frunt dunu��;c tu thu f'��opc►iy priur tt�the tt�quixUion .hall patis lu l.rndcr tu ihc cslail ot'thc,um� ucur�d Ny tlii. Sc�urily ' .
<br /> ,- � In�trumcnt innncdiiucly prior a�thc ncquixitian. Rorra��•cr's Lo��n Applicutlun; � ' ' ' � '
<br /> ' fi, l)ccupuncy, Pre�crviition, Muintenance iuid ProtecNnn �►1' the Prope�•iv: •, „
<br /> +. , . I.euseholdq, lion•ower�huU uccupy,c,t;tblish,und use►It�I'��upor���tis Horru��•�r\p►'inclp:�l re�idcncc«�ilhin�ixly�da►}�y iiR�r ','.•
<br /> thu cxccutiun ul�thiti S�curity Insu�rnicnl imd.hull cuadnu�t��uccupy Ihc NmE*:�ty us l�i,rrawr►•� princip;d retiidcncc li�r:►t i: . ;:;_.�`�
<br /> . � Ieutit one yeur :d�ter thc dnte uf nccupun4p, unlrti, Lrndr� athanvi,e agrr.a in wri�iug, which c�m,cnl .bull nut he �,,
<br /> unrcasunnbly withhcld,ar unlc�s rxlcnuulinp rircum�tiuic��s uxisl which urc l�;�rnd H�,rra�vcr;runui�l. Nurruwcr shuU nut i',;;;, . ',.�..• :; -
<br /> ' . �' drstro��,dam��gu��r im�xiir thc Pruperty,a�ll��w Ihu!`rr���+My to dctrriurutc.�,r r.mmiii��•a�te an th�: F'itqwrly. kiorru���rr�hnll ;,,� • ,���.:.:;;;.._--w',-
<br /> i hc in dcfiiult It'imy lurtrlturc�icti��n ur pruc�xdln�;,��•hc�hcr rivil rr crlmintd, is t+r�;un�h:u in L.�ndcr;guud 1'uith,jud�;ntcnt 1 .i �..;,;;�';, +:..
<br /> �,,._
<br /> rcn�ld i•rtiull In fcnt'citurc uf thc Praperry ur uthu����i,e mw�rially impnir 1hc licn cr�lurd hy thi� ti�rurily Inti�rumcnt ur ,
<br /> ' l.cndcr\ticcurity intcn•��. Horru��cr mny ruro surh a def'+�ult und r�iutitiUc, as pn��i�led in para�riiph I8.hy r;iu�init tho actiun � ,; ":��"`�,A, • . .
<br /> rn•prc,cccding to hc diymi,ud�vith o ruUn� ihiq,in�.�ndar��:ond fai�h dctcrmin;ui�m,pr�rlud�s fort'cinu�r ut�h�Nurru�vcrl ; . ,, _--
<br /> Intcrctit in �hr Prop�rty ur utltcr nuucrii�l impaitmem ��I'thr licn rrruted hy� this ticcurity Im�rumcn� ur I.cndcr', �ccurit>' ,1: . -
<br /> inleivsl. Qorrawcr shull also hc in dcl�tiull il� Nurruwor. .lurin�! thc li�:m uppUratiun pnx:cyti. �'���•� mttl�'riully i'al�r ur .:s:
<br /> ini�rcuriue inf��rnuuiun ur.tatemrntti ta l.cndcr(ur f,iiled t��providc I.cndcr�vith an)�nuurriul infurma�iunl In�unnccsiun��•ith �;�
<br /> ►he loan evidrnceil hy Ihe Nt�te. including, hut not limi�ed !u. r�prescntiitiun� cuncerning t3urru�vcr� uccupanry „f �hr �;
<br /> I'ruper�v i�s li principal re�idencr. I1�tl►i}Securi�}•lm�rumaut i,un a lua,e hu ld.l i�irrawer.hi�U cump l y��•i t h a l l t h e p r i�v i y i r ns � , ,-;
<br /> af'Ihc Icaxe, !t Hu�ia�aer acquire�icc titlu lu the Prrpei7y,thc Iea.chuld and thr tre�iUc tihull nu►mrr�!r unlr��c l.endcr li�:r�c. i..
<br /> 's�s' i -
<br /> � ,. � - --
<br /> tu the mcr�;cr in wri�in�;. �t f
<br /> � 7. 1'rotectl��n ��P I.cnder'ti Ki�;hiy In the Propertr�. U' t3urru��er I:ii1. tn prrFaiyn ihe ru��cn+un, ;md ugrrcmm�t. ;
<br /> � .'' colUt�incd in thix Sccurity Intitnim�n�. ur Ihcrc iti u I��al pnxrr�fli�� thc�t ma�• �ipnifirantly aff�cl l_cndcr� rightr in Ih� ;' ,
<br /> ' rrhitilc,fur cun�lemn:�lii�n�•r furi'citurc ar lu ent'ur�a lu����u'r��ul:Uiun�l,thrn ( . i
<br /> --- ------- I�•�l�crw tsurh i��u nrucredinu in bankruplc>�,p �
<br /> � � LC11dcf nt:ty dc�u��l puy !'ur whntcv�r i� nrt4•�:tr�• ta prol4cl 1hc �•:IIt10 nt tpr rmpcny:m�i i_rnuci'+ ii�:iii� i�i il�c :'::i�.::i:y. �._____._...._ _
<br /> - t �_
<br /> Lendct''.urtions mny illcludo�ts►yillg:�Il�' .r11111+�eCUCeJ l�y a lirn �vhich ha�pri��rit� ovrr Ihi�4�curity In�trumenl,t►ppeiu•m�� �• �
<br /> ' in cuurt,payinh rca,��nuhlu auorn��y•'le�•;md cntrrin;, on 1he 1'►•iy�crlp tu m:�i.c rcpairr. r\Itiivugh Lcndcr muy tukc iictiun i
<br /> - undrr�his p�iru�sr,iph 7.l.rndrr d�,r�uu►h;��•�ta da,�•. (
<br /> Any uiuuunls ditihur,c�l hy L.en�l�r und��r this �,;�ra�r:q,h 7 >hi�ll hcrumr udditiunal dcM al llurru��c�' tieCUI'�d by Ihiti
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unf�+ti 13urru��rr:II1lI Ll`I11I41'i1L1'Cd 111 UIIII`(Il'TI17\OI�a��nunt,thrtic+unuunh,hull hc:v intrretit 1'r�nn thu
<br /> dutc��i di�bu�scmcnt ut thc Nulu r+d�i�nd sh:�ll b�p;�)ablu, a•nh intcrctit. ap�,►i naiirc I'rum l.undcr tu Hu�ruwcr r��qucstin� i
<br /> � p.�ymen�. t.
<br /> 8. N1urt�;i��;e Insuriinci�. 11'Lendrr��quir�d mur��:ii�r in�u��+incc a>a ronduiun��f mal�in� ihc luan �cctu'Cd hy Ihis �.
<br /> . 5criaity Inxt�umcnt, l�urruwcr .h;ill p;i}• ihc pr�mium+ rrNuircJ a� niaiiu;im th� murl�a�:r in.uruncc in rfi'crl. It'. fi�r iu�y
<br /> `,�:;, raastm, Ihc nturt�;iige insurimcr r���crugc re��uiro.l I��y L�nder i:ip,cr ar �xa�v. u� hr in ��4'I�ct. ll��tru�vrr ,hull pay thc �
<br /> .`��''' premium� r��yuire•�I a� i,ht�iin covcrnee yuhtiiuntially ei�uivulrni to thr n�urtc:+pe in,uranrc Prrviuu�ly in rl'irct, iu a ro>t I '�;,,;_;
<br /> . sub�t.uidully cNuivalen� to�hc cu�� �ii Nurru�err al��hr mortgiigr in,ur�mr����rc�•iuu,l�•in eil'rri. il�an an,�U�rnatc nu�rtgage �
<br /> � insurcr lippruvcd hy Lrndcr. li'•uh�tiuuially r��uiv;ilrnt morteugr in,urmre rt��rra�;r i.nu�i��•;iilublc. Uurru��•cr�hull puy ti� .
<br /> l.endcr ruch m„nth u•wn cquul tu un�•Iw�II'th�+f�hc��riu•Ir mur���a�r in.ur:in«prrmium hcing paid hy Nurruwrr whcn thc
<br /> . in�urunce cuvrragc I��p,ed nr ccu,cd tu hr in rl'frct. Lendvr��ill a.:erl,u.c�in�l r�lain Ihc,¢p;►y mrnl�a.a lo"r�ur�•e in liru
<br /> ui'muri�ti�C in,ur�mrc. l.us, rr.rr��r piq•nirnt, �uliy nn lung�r h�m��uirrd, ul ihr upliun vf Lrn�lcr. it'mungi��:c in,un�ncr ,
<br /> � cuverape lin thc iunuun��ind f��r thc periwl�h;it l..�n�i�•r re��uirr.� pruvidr•1 h�• un in.ur�r appnrvc�l hy Lcndcr u�nin hcc„me� ,
<br /> uvuil,ihlc+ind i,��htiiinrd. Hurri�wcr.hidl pn��ihc premiuni�r.���uircd w maint,iin ntur��,i�r intiurinc�in r17rr�,ur lu pravide a I
<br /> .. lu�s r¢scrvc,unlil thc r���uimmcn� fur moi1�ugr �n.uran��c��nd,in arc„rdun�� ��iifi:m�•«i�it�cn a�:rrcmrnl hrl�vccn Hurru�vrr f
<br /> . i�nd Lcudrr ur.�pplieaMr law.
<br /> 9. Iuypectlon. Lrndrr�,r it.a;�cnt uia>� ma}.� rca�uiiahle rnlrir, upi,n :md in.pr�tio��, ul Iho I'rupctt�•. l.cndrr•hall
<br /> ' ' �ive N��n�ua•er nullre a1 Ihc lim:ut�ur priur tu an im��:��'uun.�,e�el�inp rc:��un;�Mr c:uuc tur thc in,prrUun. •
<br /> 11). Condeumi�olwt. �I'he �,rureed�of am a��:u•�I r��rlaun ha �lamaf:r..�iu�cr���r rim,c��uenliul, in cunncrliim�vi�h ao� I
<br /> I
<br /> timcl�•I.muh Fanutr\lachkcddic\1+�clVFIIR\II\�INL�N�X'1' l'ndmml'����•n.m�. 4�V0 i��,i�rtnrnp,icr.�
<br /> . � �.�r.��I.i�r.It�nm�.,Fnim+.hn � i
<br /> fnlifi�'I l.ill I�uN�:UI�!APLI�I I�1�I�IIr1'11�11.II
<br />. ._.__.�'___'... 1.
<br /> _.....__ . ,_... � . �
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<br /> 3
<br /> . i
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