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<br /> c�.:.... _ .... ..... . � _ .. . _... —._. -,•1...,,'1��1��--- `--
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<br /> � T(aC7G�'Hkitt WIl'll ull the h�q�ro�•rntrnlv�u�w�a�hrtcaltci r��•�t�d un thc�+iu{tcri�'. �u�+l nll r+nr�ni'n1y, il�)(Il111111i111►CV� s+:�t'u�+ r
<br /> .,�,t `' tlnd fixlu�es notv�n'hrr.ui'tc�'n purt ol'tho pru�k�ty. All repl;tcctncula;�nd;�ddlllunr shall uku Itr cuaered hy lilin tir�:urity • ., __
<br /> �, - � ` In,Uuincitl. All ut'thc t'omgoinH f��t�l'en��d a�in�iiis�reuri��Innicun�:nt uv ihe"I'ruprii�•.,. . -_-
<br /> �T�- F3G�2ti�U1��'t:E:C(�4'l�'slAl�!'!'S!1�r.t ���m,�.v�r ic 1aw11dlv�ised�rf th��r.�uh h�rehy ca�w.y�d vt�l har the n�;iri A��;rw�l _
<br /> — — -�� �--: �.._—._ -- - -
<br /> .- -;- =j :,n;!rnm:;t�`�C!`j`!:f����ht�i�t+ii 111�`F�'a�i1Y (x tsslCltCUtUikl�td,1»,Cl`41l(�Ui C�ICliU1�1fU114�'����f�l'OI'�� C:UtitlY�c'P�YIIt(t11iSfi 4tn�1 �' _ _ , --
<br /> �_ t ..� :_ � .
<br /> _.-='.-_- -- -. .3 wl11�tef'end gcuerully thr Iitle t���hc 1'rupc���y�►gaina►i�ll��taim,r•uanl A��m;in�ls,,uhjeci to awy ru�und�idl�44.i til TeCII(�!. �.. � ':
<br />'..,r 'fNIS SHCURI'1'Y INS'fRUMEiN't' c��mhitic:r unllorm r���•c��utu�s fur nutiu��i�l usr nnd i��m•umfonn cu�c-tt;lltiti �viih _. -•_. --- .-..-- -- --.
<br /> :`�;. . ,
<br /> ;,�x.;;, . , IlmHed�++rl�td�mti by jud.r•dictlun W c�mstitutc u unifonn�e4uiity la�.�ruou�itt cuvcrin};reul��roperly. .. — --
<br /> _ ' UNI�ORM('�1VHNAN'1'ti. Hun�uwcr und I.�udt�r�:uw:�t,�ql��tu1;1►,trre u.I�uUuws: , �
<br /> ',� 1. ��yn�ent aF Princlpnl und Intcresl;('rc�uynt�;i�t uniJ X,H�te(.'hnr�:+'y. Ilurruw��r shal) prumpUy puy�vh��n duc thc ,..
<br />'..�.:. .
<br />;.:,�:�-._:• . .. � prindpai nf nnd intcrc��m��he deht avidencrd by th��IV�it►:and;u►y lur:pa��auciu und lutc rhi�r�e�d�ro undcr�hc Notc, '
<br /> :.,� ,. Z. �t�ttcav i'i�r'l�xcs nitc�insurnncc. Suh,����t t��ap�;'t�:aNh:1;iw tin•lu�►wriucn wui��cr by Lrndcr.Hun•uwct tihnll(�ny Io ,
<br /> Lcttdcr�m thr di�y ntonthly paymenis ur�du4�in�icr tlin Nutr,�u�til th4 N�,tc is puid ln t'ull.ii�inn l"Fun�ls"1 1'ur: Inl ycarly .. ..
<br /> " • UI%Cti illl(I AtitiC5ti1S1Clllti Wllil'I)Illily 11I1U111`111AP11�ilYCl'lI{�.;Sccudi��lnsut�mrn! nv u licn��n Ihc F'�•operly; (Il�Yl':11'Iy ICll�l'Ill1Ill � : . . , - .. ,- .
<br /> ;'.�; � �.�.. p i�y n t e n t s o r b r o u n d re n t� a n t h c P r a p c�i y. i f� u n?�; I c) y eu r l Y �iu�u�d ur pru pcn y inr.un�ncu promiums; l�ll ycnriy tl��ud : .
<br /> insuruncc prcinlums, ii'iiny: lcl yc;►rly nto�lh;�tit�• insw:quc +an:��iium�. if nnv: aad ltl uny sinns pt�yli b lc hy Burra�a�cr lu r�
<br /> � Lcn�icr, (n uscorduncc ��ith thc prcwisii»�s af��ara�;r.iph ii,ire liau nf�hc paynu�u ui mor�gugc insuriuur prcmiums. '1'hcsc .
<br /> ' � itcros iue rullcd"�scraw It�ms.' I.cndcr ma,y,at i�n�•lint�:,c�.,llr.rt und hold FUnilti tn nn.�mount nui tu excccd ihc uuiximum .
<br /> ' , � itm��unt n Iender far a► federulty r�liued ntai�tg:t,�;.a lura� m;�y r��{uire far Rorniwer�escrc�w nccuunt wider thu i'edara�l Itcnl .
<br /> hstate Settlement Pracedure.r•Ac�vt' 1974 uc:im���xdr4'.ff�'nllirn4 ta�in�c, 12 U.S.C.��(�l)i c�►scy.C'RF'SPA").unlcss:�nuthar .
<br /> luw thiu npplicti ti�thc Flmds sotti,�Icsxcr imu�turi. If�o. I.cndcr ruuy,ut any 1im��,collcct und hold Flmds in un+imuunt not to
<br /> � . exceed thc I.sser umuunt. Lender nu�y csiUpatc• cho umount uf� 1•luidx duu un lho l�axi�; �,f currcnt duii� :md reuson��hla .:,,`',; :,
<br /> • estinu►tes ol'oxpenditu�•es��t'future Escn�w Itct�ia ur utherwise in ucco�dancc���ilh uppUcuhle Inw. ; .
<br /> ' Thc Flmds shi�ll bc I1CI(I III 1111 IIISUIU((l)O WIll15C l�l(�Otillti AfC II15U1�1I I)�l il Fcdcrul u�;cncy, intitrumcntaliry. ur��n1iry :„ i
<br /> • (inciudinB Lcndcr,it'l.cndcr is�uch un intiUlutinn)u�in :my Fcdcr+�l H��mc L��an 13unk. l.cndcr shall iipply thu Fund�to pny , :;_`
<br /> .. thc �scrc��v Items. l.cndor may no 1 c hnrgc H o 1'ra�ve r t i�r h u l d i n� a n d i�p p l y i n g t h c f�u�t d�, annui►Il y am�l yrin,; thr rscrow fr •
<br /> • ' airount, ��r vcrifyinF thc liscrow ltcm�, unlc►s Lendrr pays Bormwcr intcrort un thc Nlmds iinci i�pplicuhlc lu��� permil.r •.
<br /> ' Lrndcr to mukc tiuch i�cha�rgc, Huwcvcr.Lrndcr may rc�uirc E�orr��wcr tc� pi►y i� one-timc churgc for an indcpcndcnt rcal .•,,..
<br /> c.r•tate t��x rcponing ticrvi�:c uscd by I.rndrr in r�mnerUuii w�th this loan,unlcss upplicnblc I:nv pr��vides othcrwi�c. Unlcss,m . ;,,_'-
<br /> � � a±;�cemcnt i9 madc nr upplicaiblu Inw rcquiirs intrrest to bc paid,l.cnd4r shall not hc required to p,►y l3orrowcr nny intci�c.t ur ,,;3
<br /> . , ,:;;., � ran�ings un thc F�uids. ll��rrawcr und I..cndrr m;iy aigrer in wrltinF,howevcr,that intrrest shnll br pnid�m thc Fundy. Lcn�lcr .. .. �.
<br /> shall give to Horcower,wilhout chui'i;c,un nnnual��cruuntin�;of thu F1inds,.hiiwing ritditti aml debi�z to�he��'undti und thc , �
<br /> . �;,;;<��?' pu�pose for which each debit t���h� I1►nd���•;�s mt�de, �'he f�unds.ire plydgcd��s a�iditi�•nal srcuriry fur ull+ums secured hy ., . ,,.•
<br /> . .•.
<br /> thir Security lnstniment. ` • '
<br /> � If' ttw Nundn c�ld by l.endcr cxcecd thc umuunts permittcd to h: hcld hy iipplictibl� li�w. l.cndcr shidl ucc��unt t�> , .. �:
<br /> ' - _ --- - _, _
<br /> �onowcc for thc��xccss t�ttnci� in ucc�rdancc�viih ihd �eqtiiieiri�i�is ast.o;•��i'se:tt�lc lat�. !!'!he;��t1�?�nE ot'thc hLnds hcld by , ' � �
<br /> L.rnd�r at uny tintc is nut �uflicic�u to p:►y thc 6scrrnv ltcros whcn duu, Lendcr muy so notify I���rrowcr iu writing. imd, in � •;;
<br /> � �uch cutic [�urruwcr shall p:+y to L_cndcr �hc umc�unl ►tecc�.ary tu makc uQ thc dcficirncy, I��m•t�wcr shall makc up thc ' •
<br /> ---._._ �Ieficiency in no nturo thun Iwclvo ntunlh{S'Piq'n1c11ts,at I..cndc��,��lu discrcUon. • ;
<br /> 1'
<br /> ___ _ _ _
<br /> —. Upon payment in PuA uf ull snm� �rca�4d hy this ticcuruti� uitiuum�;nt, l.cndc�+iwii p���i���,iij �ei'u�:;i.::f::.r.:=::'=r�r; f- -
<br /> hLnds hcld by l.cndcr. If,�mdcr p:�rugraph '1, I.cndcr tihnll ar��ui�4 ur x�ll thc Pn��x'rry,l.endcr,pnor ta ihc i►cqui+itiuit u�'
<br /> snlc uP thc Prnpc�ty, tihall upply any Funds hcld hy Lendcr at �hc �int4 uf i�cyuitiiliun c�r �i�lc us n crcdit againtit thc tiums . .
<br /> recurcd Ny this Sccurity lnstrumcnt.
<br /> :�, Appltct�tfun uP 1'a�mcnty, Unl4s:, npplit'tthlu luw pruvidus uthct'wiu. �ill puymcnt� rcc�ivcd by Lcndcr undcr
<br /> � pnrubn�phs 1 nn�l"'�hall b��+�pplicd:lirti�,tu any prepayment chargu��lua undcr the Nute; ,econd,�o umuunts p.�ynhle under
<br /> paragritph 2;Ihird,tu intc��:•1�luc:f��urth.ta princ�pal duu;uitd lust.t��uny lat�.churges duc undcr Ihc Nutc, �
<br /> 4. l:hi�rgev; l.ic�c, Nurruwcr tihaU pay i►11 inr��. asscssmcnts. chur�;es. finc� and impcnitiun� ,Utributahlc t�� Iha
<br /> Pr��perty which muy a�tnin priurity ovcr this Sccurity In�truntcnt.�md Icusch��ld puymcnts or�;ruund rent�,ii'uny. t�on•uwer �
<br /> , ''��,:��' shall puy thesc obUga��iam in�hc mannc�pruvidcd in paragruph ',��r if n���ruid in�h�u m,►nncr,firn•n�wcr shull pny Ihem�m `
<br /> time dircctly to Ihc person��wed pi�ymcnt. Ti��rrower sh:�ll prumptly 1'urnish tu l,ondc�ull nnticcx ut�i�ntuuntv lo bc paitl under I ,
<br /> • �. ' thiti paragruph. lf Bc�rrower m�kes�horc puyntc�Us directly, Ilorruwcr shi�ll prumpAy f'urni�h cu l.cndcr rcccipts evidencing f
<br /> , �hc p�yments, t
<br /> ' Horrowur shull pn�mptly ditirhur�;c any licn which has p�ia�ity mcr this Serurity lmtrument unlcss liorrawcr,(iU agrcc,
<br /> ��,;,�: in writing to thc pi�yment of't'.0 ubligniiun xcrured hy thc licn m u nuinncr�icccptublc tu l.cndcr:(h)contCsts in gnnd fliith thc � .
<br /> , lien by,or defends,igainst rnt'urcemem ut'�he li�n in,lrgal pr�+crcdingy which in�hc I.cnder���pini��n uperutc to pnvent the ,
<br /> • ,'r:;'���', eni�arcement o1 tho licn;ur�c)+ecureti fram the holder of�he licn an agmement�.jti,f.ictury tu L.ender suhardinatii�g the lien
<br />, , , . to this Security Instrumeni. If Lender detennin�s that an}•pan ut'�h� Pn�perty iti subjcrt to ii lirn�vhich m.+y aunin pri��riiy
<br /> • � over this Security Insuumcnt,l.cnder nury givc Borr�+wrs a�iotice i�icntifying Ihc lion. Hormwcr�haU sati�fy�h�licn ur take ;
<br /> onc or mun:of'ihc uctians sct fbr�h ubovc within 10 days oP thc givinx;aS'm�tice. �
<br /> , ' S. Haxurd or Pr��perty lnsuri�nce. (�ormwer tih�ll kcep�hc improvcmcnt�nuw rxisting or hereuftcr crrctcd on the
<br /> � Pr�perty insured aguinst loss by i'irc,hatards includcd ��ithin Ih�1��•ni"cxicndcd cuvcr.igc"and uny i�thcr haru•ds,including
<br /> ` � tloods ar tloadinP, I'or .�•hich l.cndcr rcyuirc� in�urotarc. 'I'hiti in�usancc �hall nc muintuined in thc amc�unls and for th4
<br /> , , h'a�m t02,9 9i90 �p��,ce'nl'n pae�:.�
<br /> :_-_.- - - �
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' � - - -
<br /> �_ _ _ _
<br />