... .; � i��—.`�\ .� —r- - - - - -�r'lti. .\�.i� i-i , . . ° .�� -- . .. ._. .. -•.' ``= -�
<br /> _�� �t,. � �t' t - - ' - ' .- �1 ' . i`;.._ - 'r � P- -
<br /> "'. , ...'_�f �_''_ . a�.; __,' "' ,4:� . . .. ��L•. , ' '. . _ .. .. .... . .. . . ... _ ..J' _' . __. " _ ...��� _ . . ik_� `"
<br /> \�.. . .. � .. , ..: ��. . . . . �L'' . ` � �I'. . , - - .. � � , • -.rcw v'
<br /> . . . , .. _ .. �-; -��-
<br /> ���- �1..� `. . . : •. . , _ _
<br /> . , J�.�--iV�''T �•_�� . . � . . ` .. ... .. . . __ . _.. Ji.� "
<br /> \+' ..�l,,nr.--
<br /> .. .. . . . .. .. � �. "- _.
<br /> - •�"� �� �r�u�n ....._.�__�.�___.`___.�_.._._...,, 5...�.��f...���.J_��..��.:��.�:.��.3 —'
<br /> �t - � �\ "� ' � _� ._... -.
<br /> � . . .... .. . .. .. -.
<br /> �Y��_ . - ... . � _ ...-_, _ . .
<br /> . 1LY'���t . .. ._..��.�... rt,a. . -._, .• ... . 14s��1ill�lJN���-��—"
<br /> r�L�•�r������_�y�} '" + CC� -
<br /> '..iOQt��i�i� ♦ �� 1 �`J .� �i_ — .-_-_.
<br /> �-�`_ �R_� �� ��/� t � ��:_�-___—� _-_—_
<br /> T.� �� � -c_ -
<br /> �=_- •:� 18. MNoaN�ce�aue�'rotilalane, � - �
<br />,��._� � (a} �attowa�Nol fi�in�����.�K��nolctin of thr�tlmr�tor pnymont�r n�odNlcaflon at�mortlaatlun ol the euma eeou+h��eblhry n , _ °_
<br /> J �,� U��d o1 Truo1 arnntnd by I.ettidge to anY Euco�aanr In Int�+��el Qt C�c�rwwar ohell not nporoto to r8laase,In any menner, -
<br /> � ^f t!:acri}3l++R��+�++��war and Rortuwpi e eucaAS�vra 1��Inl�resl,Lnnc�er ehall not bo�oqulred t�commenco�roca�dingsngsimst ��.. _
<br /> �"�-.' L aunh euoa�aapr or roiuoo tv oxt�nd tim�tor pnymeM ur othorwiav muuliy dt�arttzatton o!the 5uinfl e�urad y lhin Da;.d of Tnrot � _ ,_..'�'"'�"�
<br /> � �� by roasa�ol nny domAnUe mnd�by tha nrltilna{HuFrpwar an�i Borrawc:'a auacsssers 1n Intro�� -1t� ��° :; �
<br /> � (b� Lendst'e Pow�rt.Wlthout altoalln�tho Ilablllty o1 any oth�r poreon Ilabto tor th� paymant of nny obllqndan horoln -� �� ,
<br /> E`= � montlonQd,and withaul�i taollnp t ho I lun or a N a r fl o 0 1 t h i s D a a c�o t T r u e t u p o n a n y p o�t l o n of thn Pro P�n Y not than o►t�oratatoro � . �``'�+fi R-
<br /> �- -
<br /> �_,;,..._ _
<br />:�,.� • � roloneod�s eoourlry far tho lull flmount o}nll unFatcl cblinntinns,Landor may,irom Nmo to tlmtl flnd►vHhuul nottpa(1)rat�noo nny �•= , � +`f�F;=`�:-'
<br />- =-- • porsan eo Ilflblo,(111 axtand thu maturlly or nitor any ot tl�o tormG ot flny euoh phllgatiann,(III)pront othor Indulponaoa,(IV)IQIUAAO k . , _
<br /> � ' or roconvoy,or cnuaa to bo rolonood or roconvoyed at any timo nt lvnd�r'o option any pArcal,portlpn or n�l q1 tttip{'roporiy, : .y
<br /> _��`'- � (v)tAke or relflnso �+ny othor or addltlonal oecurlty tor any obllDat►on huroln mantianod,or(vl)mak�compoaltiana or othr�r _ .
<br /> _- � �rranpomr�nta with dobt�rc�In rototlon therato. , ,
<br /> � (c) Pu�uoaan.:a Cy��asler f�ol e lNelvar. Any torbearanco by londor In exnrnlolnp t�ny right or romad��h�reundor,o�
<br /> ��`3.'�;,� ' othofwlse Aftorded by npqllat�bla law, sh.p11 not bo a wflivor ot Or prnaludo lhe exorciau ot 4+ny nuc.h rl�tti:ar t�ma�y T!f_ = . ,
<br /> `a"�'�'`:�+' •�`• •• �� procuromont af Inaurance or the paymont o1 tnxcs or othar Ilena or oharpos by Lender ehnli�At b���yaivor ot Lt�ndar'9 fl�ht 10 .�;ti:y-.,.�
<br />_ �.
<br /> �' accolarate tha mpturity of tho Indobtod»9ss s�cured by thls Dead ot Trua�
<br /> ,�;i;+ _�,•. ' (d) 8ucaoaoro ond 4lalpns Boti+ntl;datnt en�0 Seve�al Ltabfllly;C�iptton�.Tho covenan�i and ugreomonro haroln con- �� . „ _
<br /> .�� tnlnod ehall bind,and tho rlpht�hereuntior sht�ll inure 40,the respnctive euccva9ors and assi�nn of l.end�r snd Trustor.All ti .
<br /> �i, � covonanta and apreamont�a}Trustor Rhnll bo Jolm�and soverfll.Tho aAptlons snd ho�dlnpa o}th�peraflrppho ol thlo Ooc�d oi ��ti;:, �.�ct,��.t.
<br /> ��4}�,� �' Truat aro tor convenlc�nco only nnd Are not to be used to Intarprot or dellne lhe provislonp hvrool• ��l� . , Fr�?' �
<br /> �„��w�. (e) Requoal for Noticos.Tha partlos hvr�by roquest thnt a copy ot Any noticv o1 detault herounder And c�copy ot c�ny notico ,t,;.,��`., � � �,�,-
<br /> „i� .,t;;��; .
<br /> „_�;,,; ;� .._�i;i; of ealo hmr�oa�nder be malled to oach}�any to thla Qeed o1 Trust�t the address�ot torth abo�le In tho mAnner presorfbod y 'i,;,{�' � �y
<br /> �
<br /> �:. , ,.� ppplict�b1e lA�v.Exct�pt tor nny othor notico roqulred undor opp8cabba IAw to bo given in ancthcr m�nnor,any notico p7ovldod ,•�� �,
<br /> ,�_F�` rti � tor In this C1aed of Trus1 ah�ll be fllven by malling auch notice by cerii7ied mall Addresseif to th•r o!har ptvNufl,t�t the addrASS&�t •� ��,�
<br /> �c.� 0 a
<br /> r'�6t3,f4 �' � '�tt'•"� torth abavo.Any natico D�avldad tor In this Qeed ot Ttust shall bv a�ioctive upon malllnp in the mannar doolpnated horoln.It ,; ;yYS� t��
<br /> ��5��7�:°�-� � Trustor is mure thAn ano paraon,notlCe sent W the fl:i�iresa ael lorth nbuve ehall bo notico to F�II auoh peraana. ,;t ,� � =
<br />_.!.t.{?t\��. � - ," }.t.1.1 .
<br /> ,r;�,,��;•. (1) In�peeUon.l.ander may mako o�cc+us�to he made reasonable antrlos upon und Inspeclions ol iho Pr�perty,providQd ,,,�,��,,,..,,_-°--
<br /> ��_ thflt Lenttar shall fliva Truator notic��rior to�ny 9uch inapecilon apoaliylnfl reasonable causo fherefor relnied to lRnder's , ^, ���i�' _-
<br /> F�'� � intoiostiathm Prope►4y. ? �:` �5 r�'__
<br /> +• (A1 Rac�anveyanae.Upon paymnnt ot all sums qecurpd by this Ooed ol Truot,L9I1d8f BhAll fOQU091 Tf UAZBD l0 fBCOn�:6S 1hQ : i`�}Y��`, y `
<br /> ;Z�`,`',t; � F'ropprty�nd shall 9u�roncl0r thls Deyd o1 Trust And i�ll notes evldenCin�indobtedn@as securec!by thl�noed of T�uat to Tru9teo- �.�„t; ••� "'4�i�:F;:��t�=�•
<br /> -�aj���";'�'' ' r � Tru�teo shp11 reconv� the Propprty�vithoul�var:3ll�t AI1CI\Yi1hpU1 ChF1�q0 tJ thQ p0�9011 11�u0f90�9 IqQAIIy 6MI11pd 1h8f91C►. i+; .:�f ti'., "���•il.`.�i,j;`���
<br />�:;�;� ;:��•t , . y ,�:,.t: �t;�;�;;?,�;. �:
<br /> ���5;`'�. Trusto'SAAI!p9y Ail C�St9 01�UCOrd�tiOn,i1 ttny. ',�:,. ;.+•'";�`:' '
<br /> .%�,-, .. 1 �:
<br /> c ,. •.s;'�' ,F_,
<br /> � � (h; Parsonal Properiy; BeourNy 1��lreement.As additlanal security for thR paymont of tho Note,Truatar hflreby flrants .
<br /> � ` Lendor unaF-r tho Nabraska Unlform Commercl�l Godo a oeaurity intareet In eil ilxtu�Qa,equipmont,and other parRanal propecYy • . ��
<br /> ,
<br /> ��.: " �. . -
<br /> � — -- - used In aannaoiion wiih 4ne►oai satata ar lmprav�msnta loaated thoreen:?n�!�ot othnrwiso dooltl►Gd ar doemad to bo 8 pArt o1 , , �_
<br /> .. ---- __ , ...
<br /> ",, the real estAte soourod horaby.Th161n9t►ument ehall po canetrued ae a Security Agroomont undor AAfd Code,and tho 4anAO► � :.
<br /> .;�; ahull have all the Nflhto And romedles at a secured party undor eald Code in addltion to tho rl4hts and remndino CreAtad undo�
<br /> and accordod tho I.onder purauant to this�eed o1 Trust;provided that Lender'e rlphte and romedlos under thlp parppraph shall ��
<br /> ;.�.:i _ - bB OUt11U�811V9 WI111�A�m m�o w� a iimiiaiiui�vi�,Zai� °•�°•� ~�^°^ •°^1O�Ino un A y " ' , r
<br /> y _ �o o a ��,.�__„___.____.rlg►Any othe►BBCUfIN 841f8fl018�181 �Qd b
<br /> f- __ -- ;�:`
<br /> Borrower or Truotor. � -" ;
<br /> • (q Ll�oe and F.ncumbraoae�.Truetor hereby warrants And rpprosents that ihore Is no defaull under the provislon9 0)Any t
<br /> �� mortflApe,deed o1 truoL IoASO or purphaeo conlrnCt dpac►ibing�II nr any pArl ot the Proporry,or olher contrpct,Inatrumont or
<br /> aproemont oonatitutlnp a Ilon or onaumbranco agAlnsl�II or nny part ot Iho Praporty(colloctively,"Llone"},Oxletin(�as ot thE+ I
<br /> ' dote�t thla Dead o1 Tivat,and thal nny and all exl�ting Llene remaln unmodHiod except As dlsclosod to l.r�ndar in 7ruator's � ,
<br /> ` writton dioclosuro ol Ileno and oncumbrancos provided tor harein.Truetor sholl timoly portorm all of Truator's obllpAtlona, I .
<br /> -�'' � ' covonAnto,reproaontntlons nnd warrAnt�oa under any and oll exisitinp and futuro Llono,shall promptly farward to l.endor coplos i . •
<br /> of all notloe3 af dofaull sont In cortnactlon with Any nnd all exlating or lutuie l.iens,and ena�l nat�v►thaut Landor'o pripr wriqen
<br /> - conasnt in any mAnnor modify the provlatons ot or allow any luture advancea undor any oxlstinp ar tutura Uena. � ,
<br /> � �) Appliaatlon o1 Paymant�.Unless otherwlse roqulred by law,�ums pald ta Lender heroundor,Inaludlnp wilhout Ilmltatian
<br /> payme�ts o1 prinolpai and IMerUSt,Inaurance procooda,condemnatlon procaeds and rents and profito,ahall be applled by �
<br /> Landar to the amount9 due and owing lrom Truotor and Sorrower in auch order na Lendor In Its sola diccrotlon do�me deslrable. i
<br /> ;'� �� (kl J�ve�abiiHy. II any pravi�fOn pf this Deed o�Tniat contlicts wlth appliceble law or is deClared invalid or otherwise �
<br /> • unenlorCeAblo,auch confllCt or InvAlldity shall not afloct the other pravisona ot Ihis 1]eed ot�IruAt ar iho Na1e wiNCh Cen be �
<br /> •� glven eftect withoullhe cantllcting provislon,and to Ihls end the provisions ol thla Deed o}Trusl and iha Note are declared to be � ,
<br /> sevorable. ! . ,
<br /> � . � p) Te�me.The terms"Truator"and"Borrower"shall Inciude both sinpular and plural,and whan the Truetor and Borrower `
<br /> � "-!!`:• are the same person(s?,those tt�rma as usod In this Daed ot Trust shall ba interchnngeablo. •
<br /> (m) Gavernlog Law.This Deed o1 Truat ahail be govorned b�the laws ot the Stato 01 Nebraeka. I
<br /> , Trustor has executed thie peecl oi Trust as o�the date wr�tten above. , � / ;
<br /> . . , �,`7,` L____,_L� �� T�� s.�.'�_ I
<br /> � : �
<br /> Trustor :
<br /> . ,
<br /> —:____.-_::..___ '�, .
<br /> ' . y . ,
<br /> ..i n•C�:�• .
<br />_ ' �ryt +K�` '' 1
<br /> , . . �,�.
<br /> .1,, ,
<br /> ,�.
<br />