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<br /> ,� :�° :,— U�e Propa►iy In on tnkon ar dnmupod�lontlpr ahalt havc�tho uptlan,In ftp ooto nnd abao�uto dlacrotlon,to apply n11 auuh Proce e�� ��- --
<br /> �-'- f� attar deidunU�i�thnrntrnm�II caato and oxpona�o Inaurrad by It In aannantlnn wHh euah Procseda,apon any Irdebtodnoa9 aacuro M ��� �.
<br /> � "�` huroby nnd In ouol�orcl�t ao l.endor mny dcstormino,ar ta appty���ounh Proaaade,c�tt�r ouah daduotlon�,to tho r�atornUon olthe __
<br /> ,...,� �. -� . ��� —
<br /> -��*-�^ �� prqperty upon 6�n1�car�dllh�na aa 4enda�mby dotermina.Any appllc.t►tlan of Proco�do ta Indobtodnoae o�Q���unde ahnll b°�n�d t� �- _ _
<br /> ��^�� '� Iha duQ dtfto at eny pnym�otn��ndo�ttia Nato,or ouro nny N�tflult thnrc�under r�r htirFn�ndE►r.Any unapp , � ___
<br /> _ ��� �IIUll�Ut. � _
<br /> - 8, �ei�'iF�►�anca 6�l.cn�:sr•11�►an tha ea�urr�nco of un Evont ot D9lnulthu�qundor,or It nny aol Is takun o�lapal procoodin� 3
<br /> y{ ,�' oammn�aad whlph mptarlal{V aftactfl l.andar's intorool In tho Proporiy,Landar rri�y In Ito own dlaototian,but withoui�Eiiipnt{an ta da _� �
<br /> � ea,ditd+vlih�ut nattau ta ar darnnnd upon 7►uatnr nnd wlthout rolpaaln�Truntar Irom any abllp�t►nn,do any aot whl�h Truotor ht�s � '� _, ����
<br /> p�rand Uut Inlla to do and mfly�loa do flny uthar nat It do�mfl noaoasaiy to qrMoof the eaourlty horoof.'frueto►�f�ull,Immad�ntc�y - � ,�,,.;t. :
<br /> .�r• upan damflntl thnrafor by I.ondar,pny 10 l.ondor t�ll aoato and��ponooe Inaurrod ond suma v�pendod by Londor 1►i connoollon�vit1 �� .. .. �r
<br /> ` tht�oxnralflo by Lnndor ot tho foropalnp rlghin,topother wlth Intarset lhoroon�t tho dolnult rato pravldod in the Notp,whlah oh�ll b� r
<br /> ; � �r�°` addad to tha Indabtadnoes 800urpd haroby,l.vndar sholl nat Inaur any Ilnb►Ilry boanuae a1 enythlnc� I1 may do or omlt to da Y�ti`�` ; 1 r ;
<br /> s" � � haraundot,
<br />��-� A Haxsrdoua Mc�fodolo.Trustor sha l l lceop t ho Pr o p o r ty I n c o m p t f a n c a w l t h u l l n p p l l a u b l e I A�v s,o r.i l n p n c o s ond ro pulatlony i{;:<i1'.�`.":�4��'�'r'_Y _•
<br /> �- . � ra1ntinp ta Induotrtnl hygiflnn ar environmpntnl prot�ctlan(aotlaotivoly rotoned ta nnroin o�e"knvlronmanlaf Law�')•Tru�tor ah�11
<br /> -�- � kt�op tho Proporty Ir�p trom c+ll�ubatanaa8 daemed ta ba har.Ardoua or taxlc undor any Hnvironmantal Lewa(collentivaly rofprro.'!'20 `�'�'�� '?;��;�}���: �
<br /> ..Iri.. . .,r.I,,.�Sc.n�.
<br /> = harqln t�e"NAZardouu Matprlal�").Truslar horeby�vA�rente and reproa�nto to Lendar thnt tharo ura np MAZArdoue Materlals on at ;s,,.• .
<br /> =��- `., . � undor th�Propnrty.Truatar hpreby aprooa to Indemnity and npld hnrmlt�es Londer,Ite dlreators,oNicere,omployeo9 and eganl9,�tnd , . .
<br />`=?��° any�uaaoasora ta Landor'o Intt�raat,trom flnd c►pninnl Any and all alafmo,dnmAdos,looses and IIabllitios arlslnp THE FOREC301NQ �� . , 1 �
<br /> -�;� } thu presenao, uao,dlapasol or tranaport of any Naxprdoua Mntflrinlo on, under,irom or c�bout thp Proparty ,:.;;�;,�_���.
<br /> � � ,,. ,. . 10. Anl�nmeM o1 Rente.Trustor heraby asalgna 101.pnder the ronto,Issues And protits ot the Praperiy;p;ovidod that Trustor :��;_.___
<br /> ,�� _..;s t,,�:;.,° �. ohnll,untit the ocourrenco 01 an�vont o1 Dofpult h�rAUnder,hitve the right to colleCt�nd�OtF�ln suoh rente,lasuoa ond protits as Ihey . �� •
<br /> '� ��''� bocomo dua�►nd pAyable.Upon the aocus�enae o1 nn Eve�t af C�elault,Londer mey,eithvr In p�r&an or hy apont,with or without � � �
<br /> �",'. • ��,:.
<br /> -c ' t , brinping any Aation or proceeding,or by a rocelver appalnted by a oowt�nd wlthout repard to the adaquAay ot Its socuriry,enter ;lY`��1
<br />:�,��_. .�,��;.,+,;��;; upon and take passossion a4 tho Proporty,or any pArt Ihereal,(n it9 pWn�At118 pf In thp nflmQ Ot tha 7ru9te9,and do any acts whloh it _
<br />;,�:r y}:,;.,�•;; ,, deems necossary or desi�ablF to prosorvo the value,m�rkmtAblllty or reMnbillty o1 tha Property,a�any part theraof or Interoat thorein, ,;. • . —_
<br /> �'a,�;;�,,. 4+'� � Inoroaso Iha incomethera9rom or proteot tha sanurity horaof and,Wi1h Of WNh0U11Ak111g p0998891Q�1 OlhB Efl1118, oss coslspR d �.�:�,�r
<br /> � � ~�```'�'��' othorwlso colleot the rants,isaues and profNs theraol,InCluding thoso pasl due t�nd unpaid,and�pp y �`,; , .___.
<br /> ' �,;i,;�`�Y���;• "-
<br /> � '� ; -.ti,�-+•rr:• expona�s ot aporatlon flnd coUoctlon Inoludlnp Attornays'lees,upon any mdobtednoss socurod nereby,all In euch order as Londer .,\,,,;
<br /> ���� mfly detorml�a.Tho enterinp upon and tnking poa�esslan ot the properry,tho colleotlon ol auah rants,lasues and protits end ihp ,
<br /> � T. :.. , � 4�'.
<br /> r ' �ppllaAtlon theraot ns 2taroaAld,ahali nat cure or w�ive any doiault ar noticp o1 dotault hvreunder or InvaildAte any aat done in .
<br /> reeponno to 9uoh def�uit or pursuant to suoh notice ot defAUlt�nd,not�vllnstanding thp continuanoo In possesslon af the Property or ;".., ;,;� . , � �.�
<br /> . fhp C0110011pf1,fBCE11p1 c'�Ild Appllpi11100 GI►8Mt?.Issues ar profltp,�nd Trustee and Lvndar shail be eMitlad to�xarciso overy ripht +�,,: . �„�1.,�,,..,. , �
<br /> � providad 1or in Any of the LoAn Inotrumpnt;�ar by law upon 000urrenae ot Any Event of Oe1�uH.lnoludinfl without limllatlon tho rlaht �ti,� ,, :
<br /> ' tn oxarcise ihe powdr o}9ale.Furtha�,Lender'a rlphtA and remadiva undor thla paragraph sh�il be cumulative with,and In no wAY a ` � �
<br /> •� :, ..
<br /> _:. _ : -- - -° a $ � -� �'' -
<br /> IimltAtipn on,Londar'a rlQht�Hnd rpmodlp&unqar Any assignmant ot Ivaebo and rsnt-ra^•.avsied s s.r.atlhQ Pr� A Lendnr.TrustAO !� • �_
<br /> and tho racc�iver ehall bo IlAblo ta Aocount only}or thaoo ronta actunlly rocelvod. �`'
<br /> 11. Event�of Oataull.Tho}ollawinp ahall constituto an Event of OatauH undor thls Doed ot Trust:
<br /> -------. la► Pallura to naY any InAlallment ol prin0lpAl or Interest ot any othor sum aecurTd hprvby wh�an1 due,'�a�rumenta.or anv {'
<br /> • _ __ _ . . �- _ - _ - -
<br /> �- (b) A bteAah o}or�QtAU�t undor any provisiqn containod�n ii,e ivo�a a��o i3ao.+..t .�..a.,a�;�••••-�-�•••••-• - -
<br /> . _� �- I ;
<br /> • othc�r Ilen or oncumbranco upon tho Prpperry; ,.
<br /> (C) A writ ol oxepullan or flttt�Chm�nt or nny almil�r process�hn11 bo antorod agalnst T►ustor which shpll became a Ilen on
<br /> tho Proporty or ony portlon thoroot or mter�st lhorain; � �
<br /> ' (d) Thorc�ehAll bo IIIUd by or Againsl Tru9tor or QPrrowor an aClian undor any prpsent nr'iutura IederEll, stata or other
<br /> � • � statuta,law or rogulatlon relating to bankruptcy,InsolvonCy or othur raliof fpr dobtors;or there ehall bo Appolntod eny Iruatee,
<br /> � recviver or Ilquidator o1 TrustOr or�orrowt�r or ol All or any pan o1 tho Prpporty,or tho ronis,Issuas or pialita Ihereol,or Tru�tor
<br /> or Barrotiver shall make any pAnaral aes�gnment tor thc�benel�t ol crod�tore;
<br /> (e) Tho ealo,tran�l�r,lesae,aesignmont,Convaynnco ar lurlhor encumbrnnco ol all pr any parl ol or any interpst In thn
<br /> . • perm d to�exacutc�a lea8��o}tha Propv�rty that does�nat cantn n�an pton o purahpae andthpPerm ot wlhch doea not exceed �
<br /> � one year; •
<br /> • (p Abandanmom ot thv Property; or ,
<br /> (g) It Trustor is not an�nd���+dual,tho isouance,sala,iranstar,ass�gnmenL conveyanco or oncumbrnnco ot mora than a totai I
<br /> � �� percent o1(il A corporation) Its Issued And outatanding srock ar Uf a partnerahip)a total al porcent at
<br /> pArtne►ship Intereate during the period thle Doed o1 Truat remains a lien on!ha Property. �
<br /> 12. Remedles;AcGeleratlon Upon Ootauti.In the event u1 Any Evant of pe4nult Lendor may,without notice axcept as requlrpd by
<br /> � law, declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be duo And payable and tho same ehall thereupon bacoma due and payable i
<br /> without any proaantmenL demand, �r�lost pr notico of any kind.Thereafter LendAr may: I
<br /> � (a) Oemand thet Trustee ex�rciso tha POWER OF SALE granled horain, and Trustee shell thereaftor cause Trustor's
<br /> � Intorest In ihe Prope�ty to be sold and ihe proceeda t�be distributod,�II in the n�anner provided in ihe Na6raska Trust Deeda
<br />'. Ao�
<br /> (b) Exeroisa any and ali ngMa provided lor In any o1 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurronca o1 any EveM o1
<br /> . Qetault;2nd
<br /> (o) CommonCe An action to torecloae this Qeed of Trust as a mortgAge.2ppo�nl a recelver,�r speaiticuliy entarco any ot the
<br /> ' covenants horaot.
<br /> � No remody hereln conterred upon or reservad to Trusteo or Londor Is intended to bs exclus�ve of Any other remody ho�em,ln ih6 i
<br /> - ,.. hor�under,nthe l.oa ylnstrumen1ls�ar n w�orni�eaafter extsring at av or in sqwty o hby 9tRtut�?,an�d may be exe Glsed ConCUrrontly, �
<br /> Indep6ndentiy or auccessively. ,
<br /> � 13. T�uotoe.The Truatee may resign at any timo without cAUSe,and Londcfr may at any timb and withaut cause appoint a
<br /> successor or sub�tltuta Trustea.Truotoe snoll nat be Ilable to any party,mcluding without Iimltation Lender,Borrawer,Trustor or any
<br /> purohA9a►p1 the Property,for any Iossor damoge unloss duo to recklo9s or�illlul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any
<br /> aCtlon in connoction with the enforcoment ot th�s Ooed o1 Trust unless indomn�tied. in writing, lor all costs,compenudic�al or
<br /> exponses whlCh may be associatad thorewith.In�dd�t�on,Trusteo may bocomv a purahaser at any sale at tho Property U
<br /> undor the power ol salo grAntod horein);postpone iho salo ot nll or nny portion ot the Property,as provlded by law;or sell tho
<br /> Praporty as a whole, or In separato parcols or iots at Trusteo's discrotion
<br /> 14. Foo�nnd�Kpansea.In thp evont Trustee solls tho Pruporly by oxorc���01 Power ol salo.Trusteo shall ba ontitled to apply
<br /> � any&ale proceeds 11rst ta payment ot au co9ts and eHponses of�,xci�olsinfl poiv�r M salo.�nc�ucl�ng all 7rusto�'s�oas,and Londor's
<br /> � and Truetee'e attorney'a fees,actually�ncurrod to extont perm�tted by appUcab�e law.In ihm oL.�t 9orrower or Trustor�xarc�sL s any
<br /> • right provided by law to cure an F_vont of Delault.4endar shall bo entltled to recav��r trom+ruscar all costs and oxponsos�ctv�liy
<br />` Incurred as a result ot Trustor's dolault, Incluclin3 w.thoul limitatlan nll Trust�,e�5 elcld atl0rnpy's lees.to lhe ont�nt permifled by
<br /> applicablo law.
<br /> 15. Futurs Advences. Upon requost ot Borrower,Lender may,at its opUOn. make add�E.���l and fulure advances dnd re-
<br /> advances to Borrower.Such adva��cos and readvancos,with interest Ihareon.shall be secured by this Deed o1 Trust.A1 no timo shell
<br /> thE�prinCipal emount ot the indebtednoss secured by this Oeed o1 TrusL not inc�utling sums advanCed to protoct the secunty of this
<br /> Deod ot Trust,exceed tho oripinal principal amount stAtod horem, or�..5,-32,C�,.5�— Wh�chover is flreater.
<br /> �
<br /> • • Leelie Hagan ,
<br />