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.,�`�L'-� �� ��ir�......-+�.�F�Q�j�i ' .' �i/Tl�4i�YwTL'i7l/F�cSf%nw __. � n���5 #j ._=.:- <br /> " .As�...� ��riiii 42 -I .4..�� 0. _�...- — _ .._ . <br /> � Fi=.r..... <br /> ] ` � <br /> P -1 i� c . "_ __ __.. <br /> F ; ���;t� . wq �j �. .. . ._ .. <br /> ''t4rSY1� 93° ��`f,)�I <br /> �trhii `_-I, p:_ � .� --_ <br /> '�' ff?'�=, Y. Candlmnetl9n.The prooeode of anp ewarA or Gaim}or Aamagsa,tllmot or oonfaqueMlal,f�eonncetlon wIM any ' <br /> , ,, sF' COnGEmne110nOtoUfeilEhlOgoliNeP�Op6rry,ape�llhNeof.ortorconveyanoemlleuofeonaemnatlo0,erohlt�6y�filpnOd .�. s �� �� - <br /> �� �.', end��all Ee DeiO to Untler. �''''7 � �{, ��- <br />�s �t F.•y e hIN08V8nt6f8t018ifSkIFlg0ltReP(OpOPo/.Ihb roCeedfG�i116E0-O��adt6lfiv3Ufiil6d0uredbytl110D0�d01TNN,witlt .:Sr <br />� r , j F: tne oxceea it env,paitl w Borrowmr.m the event oPe pertlai ukln ot�he Pioperry•umes�Bonower ena�enaer athorwi�e ;, J Sts,�M14'�•,;- <br /> r � agmeinwridnB,meroe�ellWeppIleGiof�eeumseaouretlby��la�aetlolTruetauohpropoNOnofMOpfoeaW�qU�quqto - <br /> -� ' kr ��- ��� NBtp�OpONOOwMOhihsUA01111toftheeumstaaur6tlbythlaDeeOOlTruatlmmetllntetyMlonoNS0tte01t�k111pGU�tON� �`'f. �' �� � � <br /> �`+ ��-„' fair market vaNe of the property Immetliataty Ddor W the tlate ol teklng,wIN t�e balance of the pracae0a PaIATO Bortower. �; �� `� ,a , � <br /> � _�„ iltheP�operryinaben0onedby6onower.oNT,eflernouoebyLentlerloBorrowxNelNeconCemnoroHeroromekaan � f �, -�_�, <br /> K. {r ;• awattlore9N0aCIeImlO�tlemegea,8ortowMlailftOrEapOnGloLenOerw�Ihln90day�etllrllfetloteWOhnOticll�f�1�IIW. >x� t�r* s�� � <br /> rJ+'�v -�°p± LlnGOnseuNOtlL0tl�0001100tlntlE0DN�1BpfOCBltl&BtL81100YlOptlOn,el�hR1�0/85bf89000ffEpllf0lNlPlOp8ily01t0 �� ' � ` 2-- � <br /> �t f�� t��.��i�� NBU I88!80GB fi0tlEI0R0 Of01h01WIES0 f0O111Wl11111 811p WChB neauonotpraeedatoorme� aienannmextenuor -''i�' i}iT���4 - <br /> 9 9. DP D �� i . rf:S -- <br /> iir� a r T��'- '=. p08lpOne N9 Gu9 tl8I9011ha mOMhty InllelimlOt!�OtBttfftl lp in persprap0a t anO 2 hereof or chanpe Na emount Oi woh ,±j�; ' �R�ij�,i � <br /> �j�_.$� �nnfellmante. '-�; zi ��'�{� o;: <br /> } E r� -,�;S.r 10. BortowxNOtRllatsdExtencionofOBtlmaforDaYmantormOtliNeationofemoN:etlonofNeeume6eCUredbythia ,�wi�� F4;;-,�a ;; <br /> � 1 j-:�,��:: DOBtl Ot Tni61 p�9nt6C Dy LOnCBf t0 e�y 6UCC0ls0�In InlMeat 01 BO�rower eh811 nol OpM619 b reilB80.In 0�y mB11066 tl�6 � � <br /> iinEiliryofNeotlginal8orrowerentlBOrrowehaucooeaowintareatLanAerehellnotberequiroGtocommonceproceOtlNge , ��i} -'�.v�t ' <br /> v <j���' eqe�nat eucn nuxeasoror reNae to e�tentl tlme for peyment or oNervriee motliN emortlsation ol Ne auma aewred by thle ,� ,. , '`}` �.S �_( <br /> t`�;°�.%+--r-;� Deetl o1 TruM D reasOn ot an OemanE meA�b Ne otl inal Borrowor an0 Borrower'e auccessorn In IntaroaL •:;� *�":�"t.� -- <br /> �7+}'t��_��:`�,` 71. Forb�annc�byllndxNot�Wtivx,AnyforbeQarencebyLanAarinexercieinganyriphtorramedyherounAarOr �S� 't S � 1'-j�� '� <br /> , - :r�; otnerwiae aflorded 6y epplioeble lew,ehell mt ba e weNOr of o�preclude Ihe exe�alae of any suoh tlpht or�em�y �he ;,� 1jt3 -s j�r ;. <br /> 3$ � ,.�.�.s. praurementofinsumneaofthepaymentoftexeaorof�arllanaorChe�p9lbyLende�ehellnOtbBBWfiNMOfLB0E0rlfightt0 0 2 ��t -: <br /> � r, . `2 acC0lerate Ne�oeturity of the Intl8b18dn8Ra alCUrlC Dy We Deed ol Trust ;..,7 '� �,� <„�, . <br /> `s'1�?„� 72. R�m�tllwCumul�tivsAllrametlieaprwldeAinlhieDeeGOfTmateroAletlnctanacumulativetoflnyoNerdghta ,: iw'ttr � <br /> �L --i' -, remetlyunUerWaDeetlofTruatorflflorAeADylaworaquRy.entlmeybeaxerdseACOncurtentlginCapentlantlyorauecoa�Nery � � T-' �� <br /> { � 19. SueeatonanCASNpmBOUnd;Jdnlmtl8wantW6liry;Captlont.ThecovenenleanAegreemenbherelnoonteinetl ;',} , ,�ri ,�;�k. :< <br /> ' �s '•ci>'�� s�a116inA.anANerighl�hereunEerahe111nurelo,UereapectivesuoeeasoroanCasai naotLentlerentlBonower.suDJatto -� '� i ' - <br />-r �- , -.';�; NeD{ovislonaofparagreph77hereotNlcovBnenUanAeqreemenlaof8ortowe�ehelPDe�ointandseveraLTheeeptlonaenG �� . it - i '`��-_�= <br /> o.; � neeomqa ot tne peragrlpha of thia DeStl of Tmat B(e tor eonveNence ony antl are notlo ba u68tl to In18rDret or AeMe tha �',�++::::;;',{.���}�:_;._:- <br /> 4f r' r...t.: <br /> � ,•,r prOVisionanereof. 1� �., �r---:s�. ` <br /> , x =i•r� 1/. No11cs.Exeeptlotanyno8cer8qWreAundereOP���blelawlobegivaninenolhermenner.(a1enynotfcelo8orrower •,: � -'t��.:-� <br /> _._'.i�:' providetlbrinf�laDeeAOfTmst6hel16e0��enbymeilln�suchnotlCebyterlifledmailflAOree�eAtoBorroweranheProperry ^ j �eS,F�tsty,` <br /> � � - ,, '' AAOreeeoretsucho�heraEAreaaaeBOrrowermeytleagnetebynot�caroLenderesproviCetlherein.and(b)enynoticato ;, f� }i-�; r;,- <br /> + r�;_,.� Ientle�e�ailDeQrvBnbyceNfledmelLreNmrxeiptrequeatatl,toLentlereeAtlre¢sstaleAharemortosue�othereGtlreatea , � - � !{�.,_. <br /> r - • LenOermey0aelpnet9CynOticaloBorroweresproNAedherein.Mynotleeprovi08tltorinlhiaD88A01Tnnt8ha11beAeemed 4 �,t� - <br /> � -t����;i lo�0v0 been given to Borrowet Or LBndBr when gnen in 1he mannBf deeipnetetl nefein. -:t�1_���%x <br /> l,_�,.,,�.-:.. '., t4.1 "Reque6tforN011ce.huatorenObeneflcleryr8pueatlhetecopyotanynotieeolGelaWtanEnotleeot681ameEeor -:r-?rp;;��:_� <br />- :.y-.,!••;��� exeCUteODythe7ruateBpur8U6nttol�eproviSloru118re0fbBBent101hBTruelorenOBenBfiCleryetlhBirroSDBetivBmefiing -,'..i�,•�„�.�„�., <br /> � -' 9aOre6?e}sel1oM86ove." � - � s•- • � <br /> c �..:%;-. 7D. UnHortn OeW ol TruaL•qov�ming Uw; 8evanbllity.The torm of deetl ol Vuat combinee unilorm corenanb for � � � C�� <br /> � ---" ,' naoonai uae anO non•unilorm eoveneme w�m iimneG veru�ione oy juriaaicuon to consaw�e a umlam eecurity manument �; � -� il� -- <br /> ,_ ,�_:r�. ;. eoveringtBalp�ODe,ly.T1�ilDeetlofTtuste�aAbeqOVerneCDylhelawollhejun6tlfc�loninwhle�iheProDerty� j ` " 't�+ ..�.. <br /> � � !s.- theeventl�atanyprovialonorciauseoNhleDeedotTmatort�eNOteconfllctawn�epD��ceblelew.auehcontlletehellnot t'� - +� "` .-�-� <br /> -`� allectOlherprovleionsolNlaDeet101TruetOrOBNolewNehCenbBgivenefleCtwrth0ullheCOntlictingprowafon&endtoNie Sn - 5 % <br /> ��' -� end 1�B proviIIiOne Of Ihe DeeO of Tro6t end 1he No�e are 0eelaretl ro DB aererebte. � t+r <br /> � �% 10. Bortowfr'�COpy.BOrroweranallbeNmiahetleconformetlCOpyofiheNotoentloflhiBDeatlolirustetlhetimeot r . `� i ' <br /> • executlon or elter reeorCalion�ereot ,- <br /> - '- � 17.T��m1�rolt��Prop�tly;A��umptlonl�allorenypertot��epmpe`ryorenmtereatthe�ainieeoiGOnrenaferreEby •;r; i <br /> -�i.- = BotrowerwithautLentlefaDhorwrltteneonsenLexeludinq(a)ihecreellonofallenoreneumbreneeeuDOrOlnatetolhleDeaA � i <br /> ofTru�t(D)iheuealionolepurchasemoneynecuMyintereatlor�ouaenoltlepphencea(e)etrenelerby Cev�eeGeacentorDy � . � :_ <br /> oparallonotlewupont�eCeflthofa�oinitenantor(OltheprentotenyleawnolElntereatolNre6yeeroorlesenotconlelninqan � . �y_._ <br /> . _ opdontopurehaae.Lendermey,etLenCersoDYOn.tleeleree�Itneeumaeeeure0bythiaDeeAOtTmenoDe�mmeAlatelyAVe � • � - <br /> . � � anC paye0le.Lentler e�ell have wa�vOC aueh oDtIM to accelerale d,priorto ihe sale or VBneler.Lentler an0 t�e pero0n to " <br /> ��'`-�- whOm ihe ProDerty ia to 6e 6old or iranglerreG reaell eqre6menl in wtllinp itlat ifle eretlit ot 6uGh p8r60n i8 9a11618Ctory to ' <br /> , . Lentle(entlNetlh0in18re81pByableonlBeeumlaeeareODythi80eetlo17rostehall0ealwC�reteaeLentlerohallrepUesllf ". � - . <br /> - �;t LBnEe�heewervetllt�BODOOntoeCCelerelepfontletllnt�WparegrBp�l7.enCABprroweresuCCBasorininlereatheeexeculetl - - - <br />.. ew�itlenasmmD��oneyreementecceptetlinwntinqDyLenaer,Lentlerahelireleas08orrowertrometlooligauonaundorinia ' <br /> _ � Deetl ot ima�ana me No�e. � � <br /> , . If Lentler exerd8ea 6uCh ophon to eGCelerete.LenOer ahall med BOrrower not�ce ol aceelefalion m aeeofEenee witll - '; � <br /> pareqre0�14�ereot8ue�nobeeehe�l prowdee penOtl otnoUealNen 30Ceya trom Ihe tlefelne nOt�Ce�amedBA vnlhin w�ich - <br /> - Borrower may pay 1ne auma OeelareC tluo.II Borrower taila to Day auch auma pnor ro Na expva6on of sucn panoA.LenAer <br /> mey.WtlhOUI NMBt noOCe ot CBmHntl On BortoW BL mvokB eny femetlie9 pefmrttetl by pereg�eDh 18 h8rB01. <br />�- ' NON•UNIFOBMCOVENANTS. BartowenntlUndeNUrihereorenanlandagwea�lollows: . <br /> "� �' 18. ACC�lanllOn;flNnitlles.Except ee pOViCetl m 08regrBOM1 17 hereol.upon Borrower a breat�of eny covenent or <br /> �,-;' agreerentol8orrowenMnfaDeeCOlTmst.mGUtlmgthecovenanUtoDaywnanCUeenysumsaetureGDyth�sDeeCO�Truet. � • <br /> „ Lentler pno�toecCalefe6on 8hLi1 mednOhCe to80ftowereb pfOV�080 m peregrepn ld here0lspeqlymg:111�he bteeCh:(2)Ihe <br /> act�on reQU�retl to eureauch breach:(3)e Aafe.notiese tnen 30Eayalrom Ine Ca�e tne nodee ia maAeA lo Borrower.bywhic� <br /> SuCtl DfB8C0 mu3[DB GurBtl:8n0 f4)it18He0urel0 ture Sutll DreeCnon or Oebre IOe Ae185p8c�he0 m�h8 nOtICB m0y r88W1 ln <br /> accelere�mn oline sumenecure0 by fnie Deeao�Tmstan0 eate olt�e PwDerty.The noveeanail luntler mlorm BorrowerolUe <br /> ngn!to rumstete efler etteler06on anC ine nqN tobnng a Goun ect�on to as5en me nomex�elence ol a 0ale WI or any oiner <br /> tlBIBna80�BOtrOwBr IOeCtBlerelion en0 581e-Il�he breeen�s notcurBC on orbefore�na Uele s0@tlheC In i�e notiCe.LenEeret <br /> Lentler'S oD��on may Oe[lere ali ol the sums secu re0 by In�s DeeU ol Tmstlo Ee�mmetliaie�y duB entl 08YaE18 w�0out tutl�er <br /> . dem8ntl 8n0 may mvoke It1e Oower ol sele en0 anr ol�e�remBtl�ea oBrm�IlEtl by apphCeble�ew LBnOer 5t1811 De enhtlBO to <br /> ColleCt ell t889on8Dle Cosis 9nL expenses�nCU�reOin pursumg�ne remetl�840rovitletl�nine peregrepll�utl�ng.butnot <br /> I�mrtBtl to.rea6oneble etlOmey!leea. <br /> �NhO POwer ol Se19�i mvokBtl.TNSt80 snall retortl e nohce o�GBfeuli in ee[n cOUnry in wh�cil the ProVelly or EOmB pBf� <br /> ihereol�910CetE0 entl s�all meil coD�elol sucnnot¢e�n t0emannBr DrescnDeO by apD����i0�8w10 BOrrOwBr 8�tl1ott10 o�11er <br /> DerEOne D�eECriDed byeDD��ceDle lew.Atler Ne lepse o�sucn bme es mey Ce req�vetl by appliCeDle�ew.Truslee shell qrve <br /> pubhc nObtO 013e18101h0 GBr6ons en0 in ihe m9nner oreECnbetl Dy appuceDle lew.Trustee.w�Itloui 08mentl On BOrrOwer. <br /> 5h8115a111118 PrODe(IyelDUDhC auGtion to 111e niylf eSID�CCe�a�ihe bme An0 D�CB entl untl0rihe tetm!CBAqnetBC mih8 nObGe <br /> ol sale m one or more parceie entl��sucn orCer as Trustee may tlelermme.Tmstee may postoone seie o1811 or eny pereei ol <br /> ih0 PrODOrty Oy OuDlic 8�nountemenl et Ihe 4me entl D�eCe ol eny prev�ous�y SCnBtlu1EC SBIB.L8n48r Or LBntlBr'!08signae <br /> may purct�eEO Na PrOpBfiy 8t eny aela. <br /> UNa��wCa�viaiun����mdOfi��vNnceev.Tmsieeanaiideirveriomoourcnaser7rust88loeeaconveymy mErrpparry50�0. <br /> Tha realals m Ihe Truelee'eCeetl 8han Ue onmalaae en0ence O�the trut�of t�e ste�ementbmBtle Iherem.Trua�884�B119pp1y <br /> 1�8 D�OC80tl!O�Ne!!IB m RIe/ollowmg orQQr101 tOall rQBSOne�le COS�!enG 0x09ns89 olUelBIB.Inclutlmg.bul n0lhmiteG IO. <br /> Tmateeel88fo��0lmoreNen ?eOT��egrOSe8818pnt8.tBaSOnAbi88tlOmaysleeaBnGGOfbolhtleev�tlence: <br /> 1D)to 911 fum8 68CUf8C Ey VII!DeeC 01 Trust��d IC)tlle exC8A1.d eny.t01t1e Detson or OBr8on9 18{�Blly Bn1�tleC MBfeto. <br /> 1Y. Bonowai s Riphf lo lielnstefe.NotwMetanumq Lentler'a acce�erauon oi t�e auma aeeure0 Dy wa Oeetl ol Trus�. <br /> Bortoweranell navethe nqntto nave9ny D�oCeedinga b20un by Lentlerlo enbree ine De80 0l TruatGfawnlmuBtlatenyLmtl <br /> pnOt101tIB 0Et1�8lt00tCUrolp)ihB fi1N08y b810re IDB 6919 of t118 PropBrtyOU�iuent IOlhe DOW at oleele COnlemBtl m Itle Deetl <br /> • of Truat p0 entryof a jaGgment entoranq fhia DeeE ol Truat it 1a1�rrower Days�entler a�l wme wnicn wouia De then aue <br /> untler t0ie Deetl ol Trual.NB Nole en0 note�fecVnnq fulure Ativence4 d eny,he0 no actelereuon occuretl:lb)Bonower <br /> . curoa ell bre9e�ea of eny othereovenenq oraqr0emenla of BOrrower eon�ein0tl in Ihle De80 0l Tt�at(e�BOrrower Oaya all <br /> reesonable expenaea meurred Dy LenCerentlhuetee enlorc��g Ne eovenentsanG ayreementeal BorrowercontnmeA InN�s <br /> Y: DeeOOfTm5ten01nenbranglentleYaentlTmateeeremeCiesaepronAeC�nparegreD��Bhe�eot.inclu0�ng.EUtnotlimi�etl <br /> �� • to.re96onebleeltorney'eleee:entl(tll�rroWertekelBUellecllonesLenOarmeyreaaoneOlyreQUlretoasaureNetMelienol <br /> � ., thq DeeG of Truat LoMere Inlureat m tl�e ProperryenC Borrower'e obligatlon to Dayt�e aume aeeuretl by Viia Daed ol huat <br /> - � 3�911COntlnu9unimDeifBU.UDOneuc�OBymenlOnOCUtBDyBoROwBLIN8�0BtlOfTruelLn0lh0oDlig9LOnl88Wf0tlhBt0Dy � <br /> bh911 rem8ln In fi11110rG0 6ntl 6118Ct 8!d n0 BCBIBfllfon 110G OCGUtfBtl. <br /> ., <br />