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.�"_ : gtn `7fA�• .:s�y. i . ,t";. ':A_ • .r . . 7..-•F,.;n .r-:i v��-c nf _. x �� x- �-.. <br /> �7i�. • � -V � _lLi�.ivaa.' Sii �v t�'`,.rE` - /r:,re ,t.,.:i.l„y.�{.:i i- af'T 'st .v .n � ,2: . <br /> �aT' f ::, ,vf.�._2 ...T!k7bc���-) r `y. � .....fS „r` _ —_—_ ..._- ...�'._wtn.'! ",','.¢-.. . - _ <br /> e—..v c <br /> ``� � S�i�7=� w "-^ ... ._ ...._. <br />{„ �Ffl�' � 93•�0�3�.� �� w, <br /> � � , <br /> r � ,1: �;,�6�� � . <br /> n �r ' ." ip -�,� <br /> + -�� UNIPO�l�C��EN'M!T&Borrower ena Lenae�oovanent entl egree aa lonown: E�.n���;�-,rk"�` <br /> '� � t -+'� i, paymont of PdnNp�1 end In1xHL BOf/OwC�6hE11 p�ONpily pay wMn Aua No ptln01pe1 OI Entl INS�lbt On Ne ��ti.l}� r �"-� <br /> r 1 ,�.�;� mAebIBtl88lOeW0enCetlDy1heNOtO�DtOp�entEndlfllEeNatplOEeDrOWGBAInthaNOle.BnCtiiBpAn0lpelOtentllnNro6tOn 1 -�:�r a .'` : <br /> ,, , •� anq Fulure AGvanOSO sOCUretl Uy the� ol Trutt [> -�,. ,d,�ti- +. , .: <br /> .;;?s.,;,,.�--�4 9. iuntl�forT�xNx�dlnwr�ne�.8ub��cttotpDtlublelawonoewtlnenwelveroyLenCer.Bortowera�ellpaYWLender G;��,-,�'LF,;�.-,�:, �«�;�. <br /> ry � �__�� OnN90flyfnOnNlyln6llllf110fN001u Anolp�nn0lnbronterepeyableuntlerNeNMe.untlltheNOteleD��d��hll.aaum(herNn 1 ;,� ;`i>�cz -.' <br /> Fan08'9 eq�a�to on9dwplNh of Ine yeany taxe�enA eaaeanmen�e wmon may ntWn DrbrlH over tnle DemG of Truat enA s t+,i�.a 1 ei � <br /> rl� 4 grounarenuon�hePropeny,�leny.D�usonanvNMOIYeerryonmmmmamimeme�ornemrumaunn D�uaone-nrsiMOt ��. ,K�_< � =�, <br /> � ' �t-�. yeerry P�Bm1ut0 m3Vlirt1l�b 10f rtlOrtg� e m�urmoa It eny,an�e reseoneery enumetea wtlalq ana�rom tlme to tlma by � � t;;c, $1 -: <br /> ��� 7;'- LenqB�On Ihe b9617 Of!6C!!l111lOIe E��ome ana reenonade eatlmntea mereot '. < + .r - <br /> t�eFunGeehetlbeheltllnan�natlNllonNeEeposlborecoounWOlwNOliereinaure0orauareMaed,bynFatleralorotele . �r r;-;-='•�"±�:• `' <br /> r .�!, a� <br /> �f�;� �": agancy tmcWEing Lerttler if LanQer le auoh en�nysUtuUOn►Lantler ehtll appry tha NMntle fopay e9e,iA tazea nasaemenla �: ,iSS wr�,�y,,,;s.�_ <br /> ,"L+�,�};,`'���}, ufeveancn�enOCOmpitinqeaiU esesnmenieanaWil�unle6r�LenOerpa�tlinqrrowe�pnlereeto^NeFUnGianOa�lleabelew �r��i'����;Yzz`-'f,;.;:; <br /> f�e eo <br /> , --`�� permneLentle�tomakesuchaeharga.8onowerend�endermeyagreeinwtltlngetNetlmeolexeoutlonofNle �sdotTruet tjf z�{{� ty�ff '? <br /> y---"" mat mtoreat on tha FunAa thWl ba Deid l0 8ortower,en0 unleaa euch aqreoment ia moCO or o IICCIC01asi�e�mroa avcn - „ ,� ,-. , <br /> _,?4 mlefB3tl000 p91tl.L0ntl9f8h911notbOfEqWf8d10p ayeortowerenyimereetaeemmpeontne�unaaLanae�e a�lgireto 5� ��f'�,,;,, <br /> ;, -' �v Bortower.wlthoutchar e,enennu9leccountlngoftheFuntla6howin oreAlteanAEE6ltatoNaFundsentlthe curyoaebr fi;f , - f-$-� . <br /> �.�"'"'-�-"�-% w�iC�eUC�Eeblttothe undawesmaGa.TheFunOSaraplotlgedaea ditlonalaeoutl tortheeumesawraAE tNeDeadof �_;.�r��•+;°.-'�s�-�-•�'-•��:- <br /> �' � , -' ; � � H Y ,_ � ,� �N*kr,, <br /> Tmet <br /> � 5 � �� IIII�eamountotNefundahald6yLanGer,topeNarwilluheluturemomhlylnstellmontsofFundeDflyablapriortothedue Yc�l���ry . <br /> 3� - `�'Y tlatea ot taxee.eseeaamaNS,ineuranca aremiumf anA grouna renle,ahatl eaceetl tha amount tequiratl to pay neW texee. _" .1 ,, <br /> � oeaoasmente.inaurance premiuma an0 9rowA rente ea Nay fatl dua auch eaceaa ahflll be,at BOrrower'e optlon,eiNer -- � "�,� -.;t� .. <br /> - prompny repaIG to Borrower or oredlle0 to Borrower on monUty Inemlimenb of FunCa.If ihe amount of ihe Funda hel0 by t^�' �ti `S���-i c <br /> �, 1911OBro11811notDa6u111olanttOpeytaxe0.a0aeeaments,insureneepremiumeenA 9founOrenba6tl18ytB11AU&BOrtowe�bhell 4 4 Y y��n. <br /> t � :' Gay lo LenAar en9amount neceaeary to make up Ihe tlellelency withln 30 Aaya from Ne tlata noNCe la melled by lantlur lo -: y - � _ <br /> ' BortowerreuuesungpaymentNereot �� + tf��?��� _-. <br /> f Uponpaymentin1u11olelleumaeecuratlbythiaDeedofTrue�LantlerehellpromptlyrefundtoBOrrowerefryFUMeheIGOy � --;: ^ �tf 9i' TE� <br /> `' +� Lantler.IfunCerparegraphlBhereotNSPropeMiesoldorlheP�opa�tviaot�erwiseeWmraAbyLender.LenEera�Nlepply. 4� sY�; <br /> nola�enhenimmetliatelyptlortotheeelaoitheProparryorueacCvieil(onbyLentler.enUFUntle�elAbyLenGeretNatimeof -•-:�,� a- Sk(.�,.;f3�w. <br /> - ��� appncauonasecretlltegeinetNewmseecureEbythiaDeedofTrust - -� <br /> ' - '��% 3. ApD��utionotPaymmU.UnlBeeepO���blelaw providwot�orvriee.ellpaymenbreceNedbyLenderunG8rlheNOte ���'t��kr �- <br /> '� andperegreGhatentl2l�ereof�hellboapptledDyLentlerflr6tlnpeymentofemOUnWpayaDletoLanOerbyBOrrowerunAer - - - <br /> -15_. p8f99repe?hereoi.lhenrointereatpayaEleont�eNOte,thentotheprincipaloftheNOle.antlNentointereatanAptlncipalon n _5:;;t .._; <br /> • anyFuNreAAvance& � -, S_l}�y=- <br /> ��� 1. CAarpa'Wm.BOrtowomshellDayelltaxea.essesamenlaendolharetle�ge&flnesantlimDositlonnanributeblotofha L. � � ,. _ <br /> a� Pioperry wMCti may eltein e ptlwity me�tMa Deetl of Truet entl�easanotA peymenq or grountl renfe,if any,in the manner `� r._ <br /> � providetl unAer oeregrapn 2 hereoi or.if not oe�d In such menner.Dy Bortowar maltlnp paymont when Eue,airectly to tlie „ t } `� '- <br /> C8yB61118feot.80rtOweflt18110�OmptlylufnlahtOLe�GetBIInollcaDOt9m0unte0u9unAer1hlaparegreph,enAinMeevent , +�" ° <br /> ' Borrower ehall make payment Alrectly. Borrower a�all promD�N W�nia�to LenEer racaipW evidencinq auch paymenln �;. _';;&.,; y <br /> 8orrower enell Grompiry 0�6onerpe eiry iien which hea pnoriiy ovar thie Daed of Truai prohdad,ihat Borrow6r sKeti nvt 6v - 7 - <br /> � reqmraUtoClacnargaenYeuchllenaolonqeeBOrtowe�e�allaqreeinwritingWlhepaymentotlhaoblige8onaacureabysucn '�_ .- <br /> �len m e menneractepfe leto LanAer,or�hell In ootl fei�h conteatauch Ilen ���� . <br /> p p by,or 0efantl enlorcament of euch Ilen in.Iega1 �- ' 3��� <br /> - � � pr0000Eingi WhICh OpB�010 t0 RreVent the BnfOfcBrtlBnt Ot ihe Ilen ot IOdBINrO Of thB PtopOfly of Brry pert Ufefeot �•< i - ', ! _ <br /> B. HatuC Intuwnc�.Borrower e�ell keep��e improvemente now eziatlng or�ereetler erecled on t�e Properry inauretl ( <br /> • egamatlosaby11re.1�ezerOainCUCetlwithintlieterm"exlendeticoveraga".entlsucholherBezerUaeeLentlermayrequire 7v;�';�; , <br /> � ' entllnluC�em0un19enAtoreuchDetlodaeaLOnCermOyrequire;DroWded.thatlsnCershellnotreyoirethettl�aemountof �� � ,,_�^�i. _ <br /> � - - aVCll Coverag0 exeeatl N9t emount ol COVarBge requlre0 to pey N6 6ume 6Beufetl by NIII DBOd Of Trult , � . � �1� . <br /> . ThleinaurancacartlarproviAingthelneuraneeehellboc�oaenbvBOrroweravDjectroepprovelby LenAer.proWdeA.thet - ����1•1(!� <br /> ' "� - � avc�eOPrwaleheilnotbeunroeaonabrywi�hhe�0.Allpremlumaontnaurancepolloleaenallbe�elAinlhemennerDrovlOetl • - _;�: .. <br /> . . � � un0er Deragreph 2 hereof or.if not peiA In auc�manner,by BorrowermaMng payment when tlue,directly to the insurance �' * <br /> . eertler. , ', :_�y`�. �. <br /> � Allina�raneepoileleeendreneweletheroofs�allbeintormeccaplabtetoLenAerentlaha111neluCeestentlardmorlgflge <br /> - clauaeinfavorofenCiMOrmeceeD�ebietoLenEecLenOerehellhevot�erl��t�oholAt�epoilcioaantlrenawelethereof.anC -- °,i;;;� <br /> : . BorrowBr6�811promptlylumle�tOLBnAet811reneweln011CBaenOBllreceipeOtpeltlprBmmmAlntheeventollos&BOrrower <br /> shellpiveprom tnohcetotheineureneecerrieranOLenAecLenAermaymakeproofofloasitnotmaGepromDtlybyBOrrower. <br /> Un18a7LenSerantlBOrrowerothe�wiaeagreemwnting.inauraneeptoeee0s6ha116eapplletltoreatOr9ti0nottepelrofNe , <br /> - Properry tlamegetl,prowAeO such resbtetlon orrepair le eCOnomically teaaible flnC Ne eacunry of iNa Deetl ot Tivat ie not _ <br /> - thereDy imGaire0.II SuCh reetOretion or rep9ir ie not eCOnomieelly teesibi6 ot if the�eeufiry OI ONe Deetl ot Trubt woulA 6e <br /> - imDairetl.tne insurance Drxeetle ahall be eDD��eA to fhe eume neeureO b Uis Oeetl ol Truat wiR�Ihe exceaa it a(ry•Pe�d to . <br /> Borrower.111h9 Properly la ebentlone0 Dv Borrower.o�If Botrower 1p110�0 fe6pOfltl b LBDAlt W1�MO 30 A9ye hOf1Nh8 tletB - <br /> notlee fe me�led by LenEet to BOrrower that Ihe in6utence cerrl8r ollere to aett10 a ela�m tor in6ufente bBnBfR&LURtler la ' <br /> eulhotlzeE to COi18CtenO Bppry th01n6urence Droceetl9 et lenGe�'a opYOn eilher to reflorallon or reDe�r of t�e Properry Orto <br /> ' fhe 6ume BBCtIf80 Dy thia DeBO of Truit <br /> �-.. Unlesa Lentle�antl BOrrowerotherw�ee egreem writinq,eny euch e00�����on of OroeeeOalo Orineipal ehell notextenCOr <br /> DoslpOne ll1e Eue tlete of Ihe monthly ina1811menU reterreO to m perapraDns 7 anC 2 hereof or chenge 0a emount of auch , - ' <br /> untler peraytap�18 hereof Ihe Property ie eeGU�red by Lentler,ell r1pht4tle anG inle�eat of OorrOwer in enC to <br /> anyinaurenee po�icleaenAln entl tothe proeeeCStnereotresvnmglromtlameqe totl�e ProDenyOnortot�e eelBOretqW 6fllOn <br /> � � shatl0aae to LenOer to Ne extent ot t�e sume aewred by thia DeeC ol Trust immeCiately pnor to such aele or acameition. <br /> 1 8. PreaenatlonentlMilntonancsotVroperly:Leaaaholds:Contlominiums:PlannetlUnitDereloom�nU.BOrrowerehan <br /> i keeD��eProDertymgootlrepairenOShellnoteommrtwealeorDermrt�mpe�rmentottlelenornlionoffneProparryenUeneil <br /> COMG� w�tntneo�avswmofanyieaeeilthisDeeaofTmauaone�eeeenoiA.Ilth�sDeeCO�TrusneonaumtinaeonGOmimum <br /> � or a D�annea umt Oeveiooment.Borrower snen peAOrm an of Borrower s abl�geuons unaer the tleclerevon or covenenta <br /> � creaunq or govatmng the oon0om�mum or o�annetl unrt deve�opmenL ihe by-�ewa em regulafions of tho contlomiNUm or <br /> pie��eC unit tleveloDmenL entl eonauNent Cocuments.II a eontlommium or plenneU umt Oevelopment n0er ie exeutetl by <br /> � BorrOwBfentlrBCOttl8d1098thltw111Nhi508@tlOfTruSt.M000V8�Bn16enEflgre0mBn1lot8UCht1CBtl1181IbBinCOfp0l9t8tl <br /> int0 en0 ShB119mBntl Bntl bupplBmeni lh9 cOV0�en18 entl egreemente 0�iMi!D00C 01 TrVlt e!d 1�0 titl0�w��B e peR hBfeof. <br /> 7. ProteelionolLendoY�BacurityJtBOrrowerta�IStopertormfneeovenentsanaagreemeMecontematlmthbDeeaol <br /> � Tmst.Or d eny OChOn Or ptOGeetlmg�9 CommenCatl with m910n911y eHeCls Lentlei e mierest m t�e PropBrty mCNGln9 buI not <br /> nm�te0 to.emineniCOmem.maolveney.eotle enlo�cement,orarrangemenl9 or proeee0mga mv0lvmg a DankNplorEeceEent. <br /> ihEn L8nC8t 9l LBOOBf'S OD��On.upOn nOI�CC f0 BJflOwBL IliBy 1118k6 6uCh�SEUfSB SuCh SUfII!Bf1f1 I8H0 SUtn <br /> aCUOn es n necesaeryto prolect LenCei a mtereaunclutlmq.butnotl�m�le0 to.C�sbursement olreaso�aCie etlomay eleea ena <br /> enlryuOOnIhBPwpBrlytOmekelBDe�B.1lL0ntl0rreqmrBOmongeqemsurancea9acontl�LOnoimekmgine�oenseCUreOby <br /> �h0 DeeC of Trusl BOrrowet 5ne11 pey ih0 Premmme reqmr0tl i0 memiem 1uCh msurBnCe in BtlOCt unl�l such Iime a!Ne <br /> requrtementlorsuMmsurancelermmeleameccortleneew�thBOrrower'sanalentlet'swnnenagreementoraop��C9lbelaw -- <br /> BOrrOwer s�ail Pay tli0 emount ol all moMgege msurance perm�um�m Ihe menner provitleO untler paregrapn 2 hereol. <br /> Any emount! O�sbursetl Dy LenEOr Du�auant to thie pareg rePh 7, xM1� mtBrBbt Iheroon. she�l Decome etltliti0rai <br /> �nAeEtatlnese of BOrrower 6ecureO DY Ihts D8e001 TmsL UnIBB!BOlrower entl LentlBte0tB0100Mef lelm9 0l DeymB�t.4utn <br /> � am0o�ts sh9�l Oe Dayeble upon nohce lrom lenCar to Bottower repues�ng Oaymant�ereo7.en0 a�ell D88r mle�B3tlrom tne <br /> tla�B ol tl�SEUrsemB��etllle rete oBy9C�01rOm Itmeto Lme on outstentling pnnbpel unOBr lhe Note unl0ab 08yment0l iM8�eb1 <br /> at sucn rate wou10 De Contrery to apPhceDle�aw.m whtch event suctl amounW s�all D08r mierest at Ue higtleal rate <br /> � oerm�s9DleunOerevD��CeE�elew.NONlr.gconlBmetlmlthsparaqrapn7shallreGmroLenoertomcurenyezpenseorl9Keany <br /> acuon nereuntler. <br /> 8. Inipati0n.LenCer m9y mekB 0�tause to Da m9tle reasona018 entne3 uGOn antl mSOecM1Ons of Ih0 ProDerry.O�owCetl <br /> lh9i L8n0er 6h8�1 qrve BOrrOwO��ot�ce D��ortoenyauch inbped�On spetdymg r888on8Glq e6use Ih8r8�or8 t81918d toLOntlBi s <br /> ' mlerest m Ina PropBrty. <br />