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. • ,. <br /> , . ,: . _ <br /> :;�,,; ,� <br /> _ .. .._� . . <br /> � � 93- 1043d9 <br /> = te.t�toe.i��+,ir��:t;,;�z. <br /> _ lp�ortew,q�lo1RNNMd.Ext�Mtonotm�um�torp�ymmtormoe�AOatlonotamoNp9onotihaaHneeaarestr�tlqa - <br /> �� DedofTruatYunNdbyl�ndvlo�nywoa�forinlnUre�lol8ortowa�htllnotopu�tstorNNMln�nym�nnv,NNl�billb <br /> �""`� olNeodD�n��BOVOwn�na8orrcw�/i�uoonwnlninMre�LL�ndenhtiilnolEOrpulr�0tooammsnW roo::OlnptCpa�rr•t — --- <br />"'�'"-"_'� auohwooaseoroneNwto�x��ndumelorpaymentorWrterwlismoaiyemonl:�nonofthe�um��eouredgyMl�Wkof6uot <br /> ey nuon o1�ny a�mmC�m�d�ey�n�odpintl Bonower and Bortowd��uoaerwn In Intusit <br /> :�,���,� @) L�nd�/�►pW�n•Witl�out afle011ny N!IlabAlry ol eny oN�r pHwn IIL6H for th�p�yment of�ny ODIIpt90n hxNn <br /> - mBnUOnadan0wtthoNatYdOtlnpNONanoraherpeolNleD!lOO1TN61uponanypONOnofNSPropiMnotlhenorMeretofae , ____ <br /> --� rNwted��aaouriryrorthNUll�mounto1a11unp�lAObllpauon�,LOnde�mry,homtlmetoUmenndwltlwutnotice@rNx�s�ny � .... . <br />:''1�;,,:.r pewneolqDi0.P9ex1�nANemafudryonH�nnyolNeterm�ol��ryeuehobnpauon�,Nqpnn�omarmauq�nati(hdrotw�e _ <br /> ;.�s<°�:» or reconvey,m oauts to bs releaeed or reconvayed et eny tlme et LenGel�opUOn erry perael,portlon or ell ol Ne roperty, _ <br /> y;;.�,�;,�� M�ke or rNeeee anY othar or aAdlOOnel eecudry tor n�ry oDllysUOn hereln mentloneA,or(vQ mako aompolltlona or oMe� _ <br /> ,5 ,� ertanpemente wlt�debton In relntlon Nereta , . <br /> �� �-�; (o) Forb�u�na by Undv Not�Walrx�Any torbeamnce by Untler In exeroleiny em tlpht o�remeAy hereundor,o� �t._ _n` . <br /> ONe�wll0 uflOrAeA by Cpp110oE10 IHw,chell not b0 a weNe�ol or preGUdo the e:erolee ol eny 6vob dpht or remedy.The , 4 _ <br /> �i i Droouromentollnwnnoeorlhepay�000�o110xleO�01h0�I1BnlO�Ch9�0lODyLen0B�6�eIlnOtb0aw81verOlLOntler►�IphtlO � -� <br /> ds���s„ eoceletale fhe meNrlry of Ne Indebtedneea eaoured by IhU Deea of 7ruri <br /> (� Buecnww�nd A»IpM Bound{JWnI�nd 8�real LI�bMI�n C�D�on�.The oovanenl6 enG agreemenle haeln oon• <br /> r a. telned ehell Elnd,en0 t�a rlyhle hereundar ehell Inuro W,Ne�eapootive waeeaaare anG aeslyne ol LenOar en0 Tmator.NI �__- <br /> 3��w �� oovenenle end eB�eemenle of hueror shall bo Joint and eavaral.Tha captlona end�eedinga ol Na paragraDhe ol thl�Deed of � _ <br /> r�, ty`,; hunt ara tor convanlenoa only and e�e not W be ueed to inlerprat or deHne tho D���o�6 hareo6 +�,x"r �,�,_. <br /> ��'rf_;; (e) Rpu�NlorNotla��.ThaDeroeanerebyraqueatNatawpyofanynonceoldelailtnereunderen0aoopyofenynotice F � __ <br /> � �f+;- of cele hereunder be malled to eeoh peAy ro fhie Daed of huat et the edd�oea ee�torlh e6ove In No menner p�eacrlbed by ��� �,•. <br /> �;�y��'� 4DPlloeble law.E:cePt tor any oNe�no1MS requlreC undar aPPtioable law to ba Bhren In anoMer manner,any notice P��� � < <Y °°--. . . <br /> i ��S forinlhlaDaedofT'uetehallbeplvenbymeilin8suchnotioebycaNlledmelladdreasedtoNeofha�parliea.etthea0dieeaeet ��r <br /> ��+-f. IoM abOV&My n0tle9 provldBd tor in thle DeeA of Truet ahflll 6e aflective upon melling In NB menner deelpnated�oreln.II 'C�+�s,�Y <br /> !� ��r TruaWr 16 more Ihan ona�ce eent b fhe edArene sel foM ebove ahell be notiee b all auch peroona. ���J���;��,� <br /> il��`.Y: (q Impwllon.Lontler may meke or cauee to be mede reaaoneble envies upon antl inspeotlona of tha Proparty,Provlded u��r <br /> ��j��d+�� thet Lender ehall Biva Trueror notice D�or to any eueh Inapeelion epecitying rea6oneble eauee therelor relaled b Lendefs y� �n�u,a y,� ._ <br /> ,try �<� Inlereat in tha PropoAy. <br /> vi i� <br /> , � (8) R�eonvsyanu.Uponpeymen1o1s11iumanecuretlbytMeDaeCOlTruaLLenderaheilrequeatTrusteeloreconveytha s�� �-� <br /> ���;C-a � ProparlyenOehalleunenAerNiaDeedolTruMenAellnoteeevlAencinyindebtetlna�asecuredbythlaDeedolTruetloTruetea. t �}rtf.4yr•unF <br /> -l<�tl'�'� Truetee ahell reconvay Ne Property wlthout werrenty and wi�hout charge to the peraon a pereona IeOally entltletl thereW. ,f�r�3�x � �' —. <br /> �?��,�, �-" Truator ohell pay ell coals ol eiry• pa)`r.���.�;��i ' . <br /> -. ��'�i': (n) P�non�l PropMy:8reutlty A9r�sm�nt.Ae edditlonal eewriry lor Ne peyment of 1he Note,huetOr�ereby grante 1�;�;i;x�+,�ti _. <br /> +x + !. LgndarundaiNeNabraekaUnllo�mCommereinlCOdaeeewrlryln�ereatlnellflxluree.equipmgntendothe�peroona�Property ��-t � _, <br /> �tai'e� u66tlinCOnn6otlonwlthth0ree188t9teo�imprwemanfaiocatedihere0n,m��a4tothot.v2BeCa:WrWOtd�meOtCCesRgha f�f� y, -- <br /> �it...'..- <br />;:3::;•;.;t_ Ne reel aeleta eacurad�areby.Thle IneWment n�en be conahuetl ee e Becudry Agreement under ea�G CoAe,and Ne Lende� �.';i f`.;��if'�,,,:' <br /> -- z�f '�` 6hallhavealllhariy�bandremeEle�olaeeeuredpertyundorealOCodeinadEi11on1othedg�teanOremeAleforeeladunder . ,� 'x �� . -,. <br /> °� °i�`^-' enda000rdedNOLende�pursuanttothieDeedofRUetprovldedNetLender'etlphbentl�emaAleiunGarlhlapnreyrephshall ',rf, ,;;a `,1,--=�� <br />;;;C�.��,,.t:: � <br /> �^„<<.3;: Ce wmulaWa wllh.enA In no way e IMitetlon on,u�aera ri9nu ana�emaaiea��aar eny ou,e�saovriry eflreemen���ned oy !�',�:; 7"';�;,'•"y,���i'_ <br /> ��; Bortower ot Truator. '�-;7; ?r;1` �°i <br /> -`Y+j-,'. m LUn��nd Enoumbrane„.Trvstor hereby werrente end reproaeNe that��era b no OalaWl untler Ne provPolon�ot eny Ay �,,`. <br /> �- `���Y'• mortpeqa deed ol vuat leeae or purenene wnuect deacribmg en or any part of Ne PropeM�or oNer contrao�InsWmeM o� ;,�'" �• _. ' <br /> :;'�'i.'��,+:�:� <br />-�,,{(,.. y�.! aprOemaN eonNllutlnp a Ilen or eneombranee ageinat nIl or eny part o1 tha Properly(oolleo0vety,"Lbns'9,B7ItYnple Of N0 il�:_`.,.',_'id:i��`i+„': ' <br /> , ,i�'�s {: data of thla DeeO ol Trus4 en0 Nat any entl e�l axistlng Liena remein unmotll�etl exceD�ee tlieGOaed to Lender In Tmatore , �� <br /> .. }� .�„ Wdft00 dllOb7Uf0 01 IIBO!911E 011CUInDf9nCBD p�OVICBd IOt hBreln.TfU6bf eh911 tlm01y pOdOfm 011 01 TNBIOrB OWIQLtl00& x � >�� -�°�;� <br /> _ -,, �,,� covenente,reproaanmtlone entl warrentlea under eny enA ell exlaWng anC WNre Liena shall pomplty lorward lo Londw wplee .` ;± ,r. "� <br /> �� - '• of ell noticee ol daleutt eent in conneelion wiN eny en0 ell exictlnp or IuNra I.�ent,and ehall not wlUiout Lendefe D�r wdtlen ' ���{ �� <br /> ?��t � - +- � conegnt In eny manne�modiy Ne prwlsione ol or Nlow any IuWre eAraneee untlor eny exktin0 m 1uNre IJOna ' > �_ i� , .. <br /> �_ -��` '_ �) ApD��a11on01P�yminU.Unlebaotherw�68requlredbylpw,eum6pe�dlole�EerherBUnABr,includingwllhOUl��mNetlOn - - +> ❑ �T��. �. <br /> + - peymenie ol prinCipel end Intereat,ineurence proceeda,wnCemnation D��eetla and rents entl D� be eppiled by ' 1 ` ��5 r <br /> ?�-.j LonOertolheemoun�sduaandowing/romTruataendBOrrowerinsuc�orGereeLanderinibaoledixretlondeamadeairebla - �� ',{ � <br /> ,o �ti_ - (p S�wnbllNy.It eny proWeion of�hie Deed ol Tmat conllide wiN appliceDlo law or is declere0 InvellA or otherwlae + �, � f <br /> ' unenlorceable,eueh eonllict or�nvallCiry ahall not elfect the o�her D�ovlaona ol Nie Deed ol Trunt or fhe Nole whleh een be �, ` <br /> _ '� glvenelfectwiNOUtNewn111WnqprovlalonendtofhlaenEfhaprmisionaolthb0oe0o1TmatanAtheNOtearedecleredtobe � -���_ <'g�: ' � - <br /> �. .- -� eOVe/ebia + �r Cct3 - <br /> (q T�tmt.The lerms"T�uelof'and"Borrower"6haI11nUUde both einp�lar anC pWrel,end when Ihe huslor flM Borrovrer _..-f �JJ7' --� <br /> 7j�`�� . �- 8re tl�e eeme peteon(!).Ihose lerma Ba used In ihia DBBO ol Trvit shell nengeebia L -_ , _' <br /> �.i , �, (m) OoraminQ Law.ime DeeC ol7ruet ehau be eovemeA by the a o�ihe 8fe� 1 Nebreeke. f <br /> � -_t� TNelof hee ezoCUied thie DBBC ol Truet ef of ihe dele wrNten ebove. � � � 4 Et --- <br /> r�� C � <br /> . d _�;t ' T`uato� , Ivs68R� �,_ _ <br /> � �,1S•LLLL� ' �:: <br /> �ti' �"�''��`irua�or y�- �. <br /> � . <br /> _ .`.�'-�`-+� " . <br /> .,v}'' .�_ . <br /> ::�r' <br /> `��. <br />- � ;••-«_ .. <br /> ''-'i:% •�:h%6's Sl�N-+ R�n•• �� . <br /> -"_;i t7 Nvt\MV'TFt <br /> �'� '�,` . � «Si'pi.tVl.!'S'/4r.'��- <br /> 'i�:' ......._ . - _. - . " <br /> 1 <br /> '�n: - -i� <br /> ':::i'i•��ti. <br /> _ ��w��,�.'�4 <br /> __ .., „ <br /> ,':!.'f.:�a- . <br /> .".•�S�f <br /> �,'� .. ..t.:y. <br />::;,_�4�.�,7. <br /> iw � <br /> V � <br /> , ?�' �_. <br /> r}�:'. _ _ _ _ _ __ _-- . _ .. ._. - <br />