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.-� W+are��t�rr���:i_��a? cdt c��%=�'���:. .. , .-• . _��_ .. <br /> _, <br /> .•.l� ' — . _— � <br />_.,..� _ _._.—,__. <br /> _.- . g3m i0�.309 <br /> — tneProp�ry 1ewuN�naaimep�,Lltldlr���IIhw1U�0pVon,Inlqlot��M��eoM�EllorWG►lo�D bp����OAPtocMC <br /> - 31ktQ:0loVhptl��efrem�t�w�ti�e0�zpxi�InourrWEytllnconneollOnwlNtuohProaMhup6ntnyPndMWdnlN,Ncur� <br />�r� Mr�pyindln�yo W ruL�nQKmoyGCtamslne,orto�PDNaIweliPrece•daefleiwohdWuotlanaWG�ora3Wr.tloaottrta � _�,� __ <br /> _ Aiopxqruponluoh�dlUOnisfUndermaydotorminaMy app11oe0onolProoaeOetolndeblaQneuMatlnolextendapo�tpon� <br /> - fh�dq�daN ohiry paymtnb un0ar tha Nole,or wre any aefautt Ueroander or herounen.any uneppnea mneunN os p�id W . . <br /> a� fiHtO�. <br /> �;a3 a iMOrmsna by tmdm Upon Ihe 000urrenoe ot an EYent of 0aiaulthereundor,o�II any aot le UikBn or lepal proe6Bdlnp � - <br /> oomtnhQeOxmknmatenatlyatteoULend�I�IMereftlntheProperty,lenderm� Inl4owndltorotlon,DulwlMOUtobikillonWdO � <br /> � s0f ead�1lelis W Ao antl ey eleo tlo e�ry Wherreal N Aeome neoeeaaary o pro�ot tha aeouAry hereoL Truator shfl4lmmaC0lat6N _ .. <br /> upondem�ndNereforbyLeMer,D�Y�oLendeiallcotuanAeupeneeaincurredendeumeexpendeObyLentlerinoonMOtlOnwtth � <br /> t�,�' theexer01e0by LenOe�ofNeforegolng rlphta,topetAerwlNlnterentihareonetNedateultrateprovlOedlnNeNOt�xTlc�at�ellb9 - . ,, <br /> i added t0 the lndebledneae eaoured heraby.Lander el�ali not Inour any IlabilHy beaause of anyNing It may do or omft to do '���yr f��; '�_ <br /> f-,� heraundar. 'd' t���Tn ; <br /> -�7 8. H�x�rEOU�M�Utltla Truala ehall keaD Ne Proparty In oompllenca wllli all epplloable Iaw�,adlnancea end ro8ulatlone , - <br /> roledn to IndWV181 hy lene ot 611vironm@n�el prolaCtlon(COIleolivery relerrOd to hereln ea"EnWronmenttl Law!").TNetor lIIEII olEt��(�i� .;,�t• . <br /> {s+�� koOD�haProperrykaehomNlauW�enaaa0aemedto6ahazardouaorWZlounAeranyEnvlronmentellewe(w1looMwyrofanotlW a� s �±_,�_ <br /> r�� heraln ee"Hezerdoua MataAelay.Truetor hOreDy warranb flnd wpreeena to Lender NaNhera are no HamrAOUe Maletlale on or �y, �2�Y y . <br /> ' � untlorNePrOpa�lyhueb�herebyepreealolndemnHyenOholdhnrmle�eLOnder,IteAlroetore,olfieero.emDloyeeaen0egente,entl <br /> -�`.� eny 6uCCelDOro b LenAeta NtarBaC hom end egeln8t eny and ali o�alme,damegBA Ioesea end IlabilitlB!a�laln8ln cOnnE011on wiN ,�`,�k�F,?.�$ � ; <br /> J-S� 1he preeenee,use�Glapoeal or treneyort of any Heurdoue Metarlale on,under,from w about Na Property.THE FOREDOINO ��+�y� �f U ,. <br /> ;,i,�, WARRANTIEBANDREPRESENTATIONB.ANDTi1USTOR'808UQATIONBPUfIBUANTTOTHEFORE001N41NDEMNRK8FIALL i5` ,�syA���Y.i,�-. <br /> > BURVNE RECONVEVANCE OF TH18 OEED OF TRUBL � <br /> � 10.AtNpnm�nt of t1�nU.TruaWi herelry eealgne W Lender Na ranro,Iaauee end pro11u ot the Properry5 provldaA mat Truetor r� � �� • <br /> ehall,un�INaocaunenceotenEventofDOlaulthereundar.have�haripht�ocollectenAre�nsuohrenb,iafuesendprolneeeNey �a Hn€ua <br /> �-L y Dewme due and pflYBae.Upon Ne oonurrenca of an Evant of DelaulG Lender may,elNer In pareon or by egent,wlfl�or wlNOUt ' y� , s 7i <br /> y?�� bdnging any actlon or proceadinp,or 6y e recelver eppointed by a court end wiNOUt regard to the etleQuacy of 14 eeeudry,enter ��`-�;�'�� � �.�� <br /> �ta uponandlakepotseaslonoltheProperty,orenyDartNereo4lnlbownnemeorin�henameolNeTruateo.enCdoe�ryeclawhlchlt � t,�f, }3,�, <br /> r�!Sj� Eeemenece8aeryordeeirabletopreservethevolue,merketeDilltyorrentebillyotNeProperty,oranypartthereolo�intereatlhereln. � r,i,r' } - <br />_^.? Increase Na ineome therefrom or protect Ihe eacurlry horeof en0,wilh or wiUOUI taking poseeanion of Na Properry•sus for or .-;�?.!�'��'f��� -. <br /> a�`, <br /> olherwise eolleet Ne rents,laeuea end prollte thareol.Inelu01n9 those peat due end unpeld,entl epFb tha eeme,leaf wate end x;'�is£;:{�r', � '_ <br /> expenaesofoperatlonandwlleenoninolutlingattornaya'teea,uponanyinGebledneaaaeoureOhereby.ellinsuahordereaLendar 'l�� .Y �,-> <br /> �_Y; may delermine.The entednp upon and tekin0 Dosseallon of the Propery,the collecllon ol nueh renW,leaues end profite end 1ha , �2+� 1% , `� <br /> ._,.;� eDP��oation thareof es etore�eld,ahnll not wre or waNe any AelaNt or notice of delault hereunder or invalidate eny eot done In �+(,fi���'��°�t'._"-� <br /> rea neetosuchAelaultorW�evanllosuehnoUCeotAetaultend,notwilhslenAln theuntlnuenceln asefalonolNePro e or ft��k�,*�?."�."_�'-- <br /> � n�� Ne�eollbotlon,recelpt and applleenon of rante,ianues or prollte,and Tmatee and Lender shell be e Uued to exerelae every dpht £`E�t�}<c 7 <-.. <br /> vL,� roviAOd for in en ot th9 Loen Inetrumenle or by lew upon oecurcenee of eny Evenrof Default inclutling wiNOUt Iimiletlon the dpht fd}�i�°°{?it�r <br /> f�i`f� mezerciaeNe�orolaalaFuMer.Lander'ed8hleendremedtesunEOrlhiaperaprephshellbecumulatWewith,andinnowaye ,y`�-W�,S!. ,,_�; � <br /> -��, Ilmltatlonon.Lenaer'srlgMeandremodleaundarenyeasignmentolleaaeeanarentarecomedegainaimaFroperiy.Lender,Truetca ,,r ,,-� <br /> �i. end ihe reCelve�ihell bB IIe010 to acoOUnl only 1or th0ae ren18 ecNelry receive0. ��� e'� ��+ v �° <br /> _ -.},_ 11. HvanU ol O�huIL The tollowing ehell oonalilNe en Event ol De�auit under thie Deed ol Tivet . -'�� -=� <br />:i'.iv-L •.j.'.;;:�;;.:1 :.'<'-� <br /> .,,a,.,. (9) Fa1Wro to pay any Ins1911ment ot ptlncipel or Intarea�ot any olher eum 9ewreG hareby when due; ; . _. _ .�'�;.:_ <br /> �n.;; @)Abraa¢holordefaul�unGeranyprovlalonconlalnedintheNOte.tNeDeeUOlTruet.enyolNeLOenlnaWmente,oreny ��T;�;1� � _ <br /> obar Ilen or ancumbrence upon Me Property. <br /> �„+�; (o)Awtltolexeoutlonorelt9ohmemoreny�ImllnrproeenaehallbeenteredepelnNhuelorwhie�ahellbaeomeelienon 1' -,� °:;n+.�,=-- <br /> " ihe PropeM o�eny DoNOn NerBOf or int0re6t Ihoreln: . � <br /> 1-n; (�Thore ahall be fllad by or against Truetor or Borrower an ee�lon untler any present or Iuture ledarei,eWlo or olher � -1 i <br /> ..t:�;`. statul0,law or regvlelion releling to benkruptcy.IneoWenoy or oNer reliel lor deblon;or fiare shell be eDPOlnted eny Vustee, s^ ff'f�r �l_-. <br /> � rpceivarorliqvldatorolTru6brorBOrrowerorofelloranyDertotUeProperty.atherenle.leeueaorprofilethereol.orTmtror - < _ •> >f <br /> '��'�'� or Borrowbr ehell maka eny penarel e361gnment br N9 benoiN o1 eretlitore: '.��•`?�.;.'����'�„�.., <br /> (o)Tho ealB,tren6lor,leete,aseignmenL ConveyenCe or Iuriner encvmbranee ol ell or eny pan ol or eny Intere6t in�ho s- . r ��., <br /> ProDBn9,e1NOr volunterily or involunterily,wlthoul Ihe expr86a wHllen content ol Londer, prmided that huNOr ehall b9 .:,, - <br /> ��i+i�:?` permlltedtoexeculaaleaseolNePropertyt�etAOaenolconteinenopdonlopurcheeeandfhetermotwhiehOOOanotexeead �:,�;-.:;<t r���, �?-.,.�- <br />, ono yoer, � o. ...�� <br /> - (q Abentlonment ol tha Properry,a ,�.� <br /> ;,.:�; (g) ItTrualorlenotenintlMdual,theleauance.eele,Vensler,eeai9nmentconveyaneeorencumbmnceofmoiet�anabtel . -„� ,, <br /> — .x,r: <br /> �` ot percent ol(II a wrDOralion)ite leauetl anE ouUlandmg arock or(11 a partnerehiDl e btel ol parcent ol , � -?i „ <br /> pptlnerehip Inlereale dutlng Ne perlod 1�1a Deed of huat romaine a Ilen on t�e Propeny. i !«;�tk � <br /> 72. R�medi�t;ACalenllonUponD�teult.Int�eeventolanyEvenlofDelaWtLenOermay.withoutnoNeeexceptaareqWreOby f , �r -.ccf <br /> � � ,� lev4 Aecl9re ell Indebietlnofe eetured hereby lo be due entl peyeDle Bnd tne eema et�ell Ihereupon bee0me due entl peyeEie � _ ���--�?�r.;...'.��, <br /> "-'.' without eny preaenUnent demenC,Drotest or nollee of eny kind.T�erealler Lender may. , <br /> t.,-�, (e) Demantl that hustee ezero�ae�he POWER OP SALE pmMeO herein,and Truelea a�ell t�ereeIIer eauae Truntor's � - '�' ". <br /> In(ereet In Ne Property to be ao�A and t�e proceeUe to be Alatribule0.all in No manner proviOeG in the Nebretke Tm6t�Betle , <br />- 1. ' Att ' <br /> ��t (b) Exerciae eny and eli tlgNe D�ovided lor in eny of the Laan InBtrumenla or by lew upon xcurrenCe of Bny Eve�t ol _ <br /> � Deluulf,afM <br /> '�rtF� (c) CommenceeneclfonloloreUoaefNSDeadolTma�esamongege.eDPOinlereceiver.ortpecificellyenbrceanyoltne � <br /> - Covenant6 heroot. <br /> �;�9 NO r6mBEy�erein GOnlerro0 upon or re30rv80 lo TmS�ee or LBnCer tb m�entleE�o be exclulive Ot eny oth0r rBmedy!he <br /> LOen Inalrumenls or Dy law provl0ed or permltlotl.bul eaeh ahall be be m aCCIUOn�o every other remedy given . <br />- hereunOer.IniheLOanlnetNmenbornowor�ere9�terexletingallaworinepuiryo�DyeleWle.enEmeybeexorel68dtoncurrently, <br /> InAepenEentty or euccesaively. <br /> 73.Trutles.The Tmeleo mey rea19^at eny time witnout uuse,end LenOer may at anr nme antl without aeuse e00o�nt e <br /> 6uee6bsor or eoDStltule huatee.huslee s�ali not be��eble W eny Oerry.i^CWtlmB wil�ou111mileGOn Le�Uer.8orrowe6 Tmator or any <br /> - purch0•.or ol the Property.�or anylosa or Oame9e unleas Eue to recklos9 or wdllu�m�acontluct anO s�a��nol be requrteA lo tEke eny <br /> eGllon In eOnnecfion with Ihe enlorceme�t o11N! DeeA of Tru9t u��eu m0emndied,m wnting,lor all co918.compen984on or <br /> ' expans88 which mey be e53ociattA aOCNOq Tmstee may become a purcnaser al any bele ol ihe PropBM GuOiciel or <br /> undm No pawOr of sale B�eMed 9ereiN;pos!^ona 1"^aelo .M ali or�r.y pc^.�on o�I�e prorlEBtl by lew,Or 5ei1 I�e <br /> - �� YIOpBfly 6!G YmOiB.or in aepamrc yuiw�3 Ji ivi>u4��vo:'w o.'.:::..o r�. <br /> '_�}_�� 74. Foo�entl Ezponeeb In the event Truatee salle fhe Properry by e•em�se ol power ol sa�e.Tms�ee Nall be enWetl to appty <br /> �`--,?; e�y eete proceedi�ret to paymem o�ali coab enE exDensea ot eaerUSing power ol sale,inclu0lny en Trus�ee'e leea,and LenOer'e <br /> and TNatee e etlorney'a le6l,ecNally IncurrOA to exle�t permitted by aDG���ble�ew.ln the event BOrroWer or Truefor exerciaea eny <br /> �.����_ right proWdeA by lew to cure aa Event ol DeleNt LenOer 6ha11 De en�nleE to recover Irom 7msror all cosU an0 expenaea ecluelty <br /> - - - Incurred a5 a roault ol TNetora dela WL��clutliny wi�hout I�mMalbn an Trus�ee a end attorney'a Ihe ex�ent permined by <br />� `�� epplica6le lew. <br /> �•: 76. Futuro Advaneoa.Upon�oqueal ol Borrower.Lentler ne op6on,meke aAtlitlonal entl luture edveneee enA re- <br /> `�''� edvanCBatoBOrrOwer.Suehadva�ee9endreaAvanc0a.w11hlMereetNeteon,6hei1be6eWretlDylhlaDBetlofTNaLAtnotimeshell <br />�-%i.�s� f�eprineipelemountollheindebletlneeawcuredby7hiaDeedolTrufl.nO27ntW�➢rtgGtdnaetivancetlloD�otedt�esecuriryol�hia <br /> ��>��•. Deed ol Truat exeeBA Ne odginal ptlntipfll amount e�etetl�emin,or S whiehever ie prealer. <br />�e,y,_:3. <br /> +'�1 � . t{ <br /> �t • . <br /> � . <br />