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- <br /> S C .t�• . _ . . . . _._ .. <br /> _ _ <br /> � �i' "_— . ..__..... <br /> -=- g34 �o���o ----- <br /> � paymenu,which ero roferted to In Yaragreph 2,or chango iM unwnt of such paymeme. Any excese proceede over m <br /> ---� tmountrcq ulrcd to pay eli outstending indebtednese und�v the Noro and thia Rxuriry Wwment thall be paid to the cntity _ <br /> �, ;� Isgdlv ent(ded therc[o. � T <br /> 8. FeEa� Lender mey collect fee�and cherges authodzed by�ho Secrctery. <br /> ,�, - 9. (iroun0e for AcatereUon of UebL � <br /> �q,�� (e)DetautL I.ender may,except ea flmitad by rcguiatlons issued by�he Secru�In the ceae of pnyment defeul�e. 'f f `�n,�;,__ __ <br /> -- requim Immedlete pnyment In(ull of all wme cecureA by�hU 9ecudry Wttummt t: �� r <br /> � -� (p Bortowu Qe(aulu by tailing ro pty In full eny monthiy payment rcqufrsd by tAta Secutiry Imnument pdor =Y _ <br /> �s ro or on the due date otthe next momhly peyment,or �i.f� �e�+ �� =: <br /> a,� (B)gortower defaula by failing,for a pedad of thbty days,to pedomi any o�her obligetions conteined In�hls ,�� ��u� __. - <br /> � 3xudry Inswmear. ' �#``°''; <br /> .4`+"i'' @)Sale Wfthout Credtt Approval. Lender ahall,if pe�m(tted by epplicable Iaw end with the pdor epprovd of tha ;��!i ''�; j j. 'fY, <br /> ,�re,�y-t�.,� retary requirc immedlete payment In tull of all the�um�cecured by thie Sauriry Inswment�C ,ti�, +n .e -; <br /> , + - 4�„ �p)All or part of�ha Propeny,or e bcne6elal Intcrcst in a wat owning all or part of the Property,is:old or q r}y 4���$t ys f' ;< <br /> ,f��'�� o�hervriu uwkrred(other tl�an by devlu ordescen0 by�ho Bortower,end �s= i r r +"b � <br /> < < (ti)7Le Pro rt ia no�occu ted b �he urcAeser or tee ea hia or her rinci al residena,or�he urchuer +'*' 'k-� e <br /> P� Y P Y P B� P P P t,. a �� '�-: <br /> n1�,,f`�;: or grantee das so occupy the Roperty but his or her credit haz not been approred in ecco r d ance l�� �� ?k �t;����_ <br /> �� }r r y� whh�he requircmenu of the Secrctery. � ��e ���i� � '� � <br /> u ,,,� (c)No Watver. If eircum:tences occur that�voutd pertni[L.ender to requirc immediate payment in full,but Lender s��r� !y�(Sr,�s� ?�t .'� <br /> y t���. daa not�uirc cuch payments,l.enderdoea not weive fu dghta with respect to iubsequcnt evenu. ;y�.��/� �`�ri�,r:�,•:._ <br /> �t „n a�; (d)Regule loro otHUD 8euetery. In meny circumstences regulatiore issued by�he Secrctery will limf[Lenderb /�,y:,i. � r,. � .��,_- <br /> �' { 'i . dghu, iu�he case of payment defaulta, �o �equirc immWiete payment in PoII end farcclose if not paid. This �:�t Sty 1� � -k, <br /> ��Yy i Seturiry Inswment dcee not euthorize ecceleretion or forcclosuro if no[pemiiued by regulatiom of the Secrctary. Fy ='a, ?.�,7,,�if-_-t"�� <br /> � �4-`-- (e)Mortgege Not Ineured. Bortower egrees chet Rhould�hi:Seeuriry Inxtrumcnt end the no[e saured�hercby not ,�5{� ii'G v `;_ ; <br /> ��r C�'j}zi bo eligible for insumnce under�he Netionel Housing Ac[wllhin B m0 t he tram�he ;s� r „t i ��i,v �-. <br /> ,�,,ti,�j,__�� da[e hereof,Lender ma ,e[Iu o tion and nonvithstandin an hin m Para m�9;rc uire immediate ment in "'- '�+t'+���%r'".' <br /> Y P 8 Y� 8� @ P 9 PaY r�i ,! .. <br /> '�J y�'� -�"� full oi all suma ucurcd by this Securi[y laswment. A wriaen stetement of eny euthoriud agent of the Secretary t°.-:3����i}f�{ '-��_� <br /> `i 9. a dated xubsequent ro 0 t from ihe date hercof,declining to insure�his Security ;i+���,4 7S i zF`��"�. <br /> v� - H-- e rmeU°hhe - -- <br /> � e, Inswment enJ Ihe note ucu � ereby,shell 6e deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibiliry. Notwi�hstending `�YE � f�� �'is.- <br />�t�'�3� u'�'` �he foregoing,�hl:optian may not 6e exerciud by Lender when�hc unavailebili�y of insurence is solely due to x j- � t��ti�i�`. '� <br /> `�t��-f�. Lenderk teilme ro rcmit a mongage insurencc premium m thc Secretery. �t�;:,�� �yf,,�f_Y-,� <br /> i- g. 10. RelnatatemenA Bortower hss a right�o be relnsteled it Lender haz rcquired immedinte payment in PoII beceuse �,���p� q <br /> ��� *'3�� of Bomowerk failme to pay an emoun�due under ihe-Note or ihis Security Insirument. 71�is nght applies even eflcr �s, aL � ��I�t�^� <br /> * ��' � toteclosurc proceedinga nrc instimtW. fi rcinstete �he Securiry Inswmen4 Bortower ahall tender in a lump sum all �r�;,, t� ��.r."� r�cu <br /> �{�'� � ^' emounes rcqmrcd�o bring Borrower�occount cufrent including,m ihe extent�hey erc o6ligations of Donower under this � - + «. -_�;-�_ <br /> Secudt;ln.tiumen!.f�Msur�p•yL e,�d pr�_v_m�y1S a�A���ctrunarv atmmeyn teu and expenses prooedy essacieecd�vi�h `-:x -r�t rrF .o��r.-�-- <br /> e�. i A7' . �ryc foreclosurc proceedina. Upon rcins�etement by Borrower.Ihia Security Inatrument and �he obligotions that it secures �q<�,�+Y}�, r�'+ -t� ; <br /> r�z�t�i�a, shall remain in effect as it Lcndcr had no�re�uircd immedinte payment in full. Nowever,Lender is not rcquired to Pefmi� ,+�`ti� � ���({ �__ _ <br /> �,r S -�p; rcinstatement if: (i) Lender hes acapted rans�aremen�aRer ihe commencemem of foreclosurc proceedings wi�hm�wo �'+.d� � i f.= ._� <br /> �ri; n - <br /> S�� Y ; yw�s immedietely prcceding �he commencement of o curtem foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reins�atement will preclude ��4�,r1�� �¢t,� <br /> m forcclosure on differcnt grounds in the Pomre,or(iiil rcinxmtement�vill adver.uly effect�he priority of the lien crcated by 1{t�r,f n/��1.9? t: <br /> ,,:Y�� -�. thkSecurity Instrumem. t� •- <br /> � � j� �. 11. Oorro�rer Nat Releated; Forbearance bY Ixnder Not e Welver. Fancnsion of the time of payment or .'�jtT�` i��.'�f � <br /> � t�,� modification of amortiva�fon of the sums secured by ihis Secumy Insuumem gmnred by Lender to any wceesmr m mtercst � -' ` '+r.F. �• <br />� .:s,.p, Fv.:, pc Y. 8 ;,i�{,;`c�;:;�h,`,F:f c <br /> .3;; of Bortower shell mt o m�c to relcau the Iiabilit of�he ari innl Dortower or Bortowerk sucnssor in intercst. Lender <br />--',:%s�'%<<t` shdl not 6e reyuircd ro cummence pmeeedin s a nmst m +uae+mr in imemst or¢fuce to exiend time for a mem or � -� �;'- " <br /> 8 S Y� PY ;,`i:: +. �� r� . <br /> , .�+ r'_ othenviu moddy amonin�ion o(�he sums securcJ by ihis Security Inetmment by reuon of ony demand moae by the �.,�. � -+��; , -(r� <br /> ` j'+ - - s original Bomower or Bortower�xuccessors in interesL Any fnr6e:wnce by Lender in e:ercising any righ�or remedy shall � ,; y_ . F4ri i: <br /> ,; ;- -t; mt 6e a waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or remedp. -- .�=1 t �� �yg�t_:. <br /> ,7 s � �2j_: 12. Suaeasora and Asslgns Dound;Jofnt nnd Several Linbllity;Co•Signers. 7Le covenants md xgrcemcnix of -•��� F a� A -- • <br /> r ,i ihis Security Inatmment shali bind und 6enefit ihe suae.mrs und aoigns uf Lender und Qorrower,subject to the provisions ��� i� --`; . �� <br /> � � i_�;.- of Pamgiaph 9.6. Uorto�rer: rnvenanu unJ ngreemems .hull Ix jofnl nnd .everal. Any Bortower�rho co-signs ihis t !��'+ :1T,•, <br /> Security Insuumenl bul das nm execute Ihe No�e: (a)ic co•,ignin@ thi.Securiry In�wment only to monguge,gmm and y; , �r _-y;,.,: <br /> convey Iha�Borrower's imercxt in thc Ropeny unJer�he�emi,af�hi.Scwriry�In+trumcm:tb)is nat personnlly abligaled�o <br /> ' ,%r� pay 1he sunu secured by ehis Securiry InurumenC nnd(c�agrce.�hat l.ender:md�my rnher 13orrower may¢srce m extend. ' ,'�q .� .j�f i�%'j,i�';'; <br /> ` � mod�fy,forhear or mnke my:+ccommedalinn.�rilh mgad lo Ihe�emi+o!Ihi+Securily Inslrumem or Ihe No[e withoul Ihat - �,�� i �� -� <br /> - .- 'yrs portowersconxem. -t.�t� a_'��� <br /> .t_t.,,Y.; 13. Nollcea. Any naicc�o Borto�vcr proviJcJ(or in �hi.S�turity In,�mmcnt.hall lk given hy dclivcring it or Fy -. ���_ <br /> ,�_ .4� mailing it by firsl clu+x mail unle.+applicahle Imv nvryirc� u+c nf anMher mcih�kl. The nolitt nh:di Ae dircaed la�he � �'-`. • <br /> \- � _ _,-. Ptopeny Address or any olhcr aJdres+R�mnccr dnignace�hy nnliic to Lender. Anr nnlicc lu Lcndcr shall he given hy , '� ���.j- <br /> first class mail to Lender;addrn..�a�ed hercin or any addn.. Lender dc.iEna�c.hy natitt to Bomn�cr. Any nn�ice , <br /> ..-,�'p�,�.S,:� Pmvided for in this Securily In+lrumem.hall Ix dnnud�n ha�c M.n Fnen tn H�ttru��crar IsnJenrh¢n given m provided - . <br /> '::'��t`;?`:; m Ihis parngnph. . . <br />�_�;:�..�.:�'-:: 14. C.averninQ I.e�r:Sererabilifp. Thi.ticcnri�� In.wmem+hall h gn�rmcJ hy Fedenl I:nv and Ihc la�c of ihr � <br />-:, i.�.:�,:;;`'. jurisdiction in which thc Rnpen��i.Lxa�cJ. In�hr r��cm il�a�:my prnr�.mn or dau.c nl �hi.Sccuri�y Imvumcm or�hc ' <br /> : •:�1:d Noie con0ias wi�h applicaMc I:nr.wch nmllici.hall nni :dfca nthcr pn+�i.imm�(Ihi.ticauri�r In.trumcm ur Ihc halc <br /> °::��:��<<`'; which can M givcn cffcct wi�honl�hc conOicUng pra�i.�na lo�hf.rnd thc procnfom.,l�h�.ticrurn�'imlrwncnl:md�hc <br /> - '. Nait nre dedarcJ lo t+c u��crahl.. . <br /> -';�: ', 15. Barrao�er'.s Cop,r. R�� lr gircn on.aunlonn.d rnp�a!�hf.tiavrilr ln.vumrm. � <br /> 16. Assl�nment of Nent+. R�� uncondni.,nall� :nvFn.and tran.len In L�•rd�•r.Jl�hc rcm.anJ�h¢ <br />. - property. Bom��cer auihi�riic.LcnJer nr Lrndcn agrnl.�a o.IIrJ�hr rcnl.:md r¢�nmr.cmJ herch� Jnra.raah lenanl u! - <br /> ':'�_:'"-� Iht P�opC�i)'lo pat Ihc rcnh lo I.cnJc�n� I.cuder..�}rm.. Hm��o Ltndi•ri nnliar In I3nrta��er nl 13oRnuar: <br /> '::i,:.y�:`t,�'Z hrcacho(anyco�enamnraprecmenlmlhetiemm� ln4rumrnLBnrtnwer.heJlcuticalanJrrceneallrrn�.andre�enur�ol - <br /> �=�Yh-�'-` � �he Pmpeny Grt Ihe Ixnclil�d Lrndrr anJ Itnrruwcr_ llu..�..�gnmenl nt rcnh ahv.lule a.vgnma•N <br />.���1Y?r:;�':-'-. andnotan��iFnmcntt:�r�dditinual.ccumronh- _. <br /> I(LenJtr give+nauce ot hrcaah m Iinrtm�tr �a�nll rrnl.mrened h� f3nrtm�r�.hili ix held h� Ilartnwrr:n Im4ec . <br /> -- - Lv b�r1.l n(1 rM..� .nlv .F., nnl....i�.IM1... r.l h� Ilu. l'...-udh in�lnnnfnl' Ih1 1 nlalcr�hall It`fObllfd lu <br /> _ �.':5+,^-.'.:- mlleet and mceire ail of ihe,rcm�al�he Pra�m,':md ir�cr�ch ul U�c liopen� .hall pm all mn1.Jur:mJ unpend n. <br /> � --> Lender or Lenderl agcm on LenJcr���nncn JcmanJ�u�hc�rnam- <br /> � Borto�rcr ha� n.n ctn'mcJ am prinr a.vgnmcm al Ihc rt� h:n nol .mJ ��JI nol �xtlnnn am .rcl tlul ��nnld <br /> pre��ent LenJer fmm exercning f�.ngh�.midcr�hn 1`.ir.n:raph it. <br /> _ - _ Lcndcnhall no1 M rcywmJ lo cmc�upm.cdr e.�mrul nf or maml:nn Ihr 1}���kn) Ix li�rc�.r :dlcr yv�mg m�irci•.d <br /> - brtach Io Burto�rer. Hoxevcr.Lcndcr nr a JuJ�cialh appmnid rtcci�cr mac Ju.n:n.:m Im�c�hcrc�.a hrtaih. .\m <br /> ';�i:' �PPlicu�ian of mnh�hall nnl eurc or eanc anr Jc1:mI�o�nn:A�de�r am o�i�cr n�M or rtmrJ� ut LrnJcr. 'llu.a..�gnmrnl <br />' �,.'.��;pti��; ofrcntsuflhel'mpertr.ha111emnnalewhrnlhcd.hl.ravrcdh�lhr}c.urinln.Irnmcnlnp:uJinlnll. <br /> :.:fe.-'�'S' <br /> -,s:;- <br /> -':,�t���. <br /> `�i'.''���i: .��o ..Nr.v� � <br /> . . <br /> i � �. <br /> t i_ � <br /> A i <br /> � _ i <br />. ._ �. ?.-� _ ..__ <br />