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, � �_ _ __ <br /> � _ <br /> T I . ��� _ .. _ . . <br /> �. _ <br /> _-':�'V�J <br />..:: <br /> _r�__, 93- �o��oo _.. .. -- <br /> - 1. iavmtat of Pr1acIDO1,[nterest and Late Charge. Bortowcr chell pey�vhen duo the pdnelpal of,and imerat on, <br /> - �he debt avidsnoed by�fie Nuie md late chergos dua undutho Noto. — <br /> 9. MontAiy pa�mente of'Nsee,Inauronca snA OfAer CAargea. Borrowcr�hell include In euch montAty payment <br /> � together with�he pdncipul end intmest m al forth In tM Noro end eny ta�o eharge�,m instellment of any (a)�axea ma <br /> epeclel asseaamenu tevled or ro bo levled egalna[�ha Properry,@)Iwehold paymenp or ground rcnta on�M Propeny,and ,.,�.-- <br /> ,t,�. � (c)premlums tor inauruice requlrcd by Paragiaph b. �`,;. <br /> Bach monthlY instellment for Iteme (a). (b)and(c)�hall equal onatweiftd ot�he ennuel amwnu,aa rcasonebly <br /> t s< . ',,"� utimeted by I.endcr,plu� en amoum iufficicnt �o nulnmin en eddldonal balenco of not moro ttun one-sixth of tho � •, , L� <br /> � uUmeted amounte. 71�a full annuel amount for each h¢m shdl be wxumutatcd by Lender within a pcdod rnding one � - <br /> � {'-�,''� month befora m ttem would baome ddinquenc Lendu chall hold the emounn wllected in trup ro pay Items(a�@)and � �; __ <br /> , y+'-, (e)beforotheybecomedellnquent. y yt;r,c rr--."` <br /> If et eny time�he totel of�he paymenu held by Lender for Uems(e),(b)and(c),toguhcr wIth�hs Nture mon�M1ly , : +„fi,��h <br /> `{nL'r�x, paymenb tor wch Itema payable ro Lender prior ro the duo datea of mch itertu, exceM�by moro than onrsixth t6o t` ,r�v Z�'"� <br /> +'� ;> esdmeted amount of enro uircd topn such items when due,md if enta on tAe Note em curtent,then Lender X i��'��.",v�'r^}ij�i•s� <br /> r +cy�.�. �� � h y P it�he excw over one-a4�h of the eHlmeted ��'-h' j ���`r�SV«� <br /> t, . �,_ �hell e1tMr refund the axau over ona•sixt of the utlmated paymenta or c , , �s � s _,_ <br /> paymenu to aubsequent paymenu by Bortower,et tla opiion oi Bortower. If�he�otal of�he paymmta mede by Bortower ??��:� 4"� <br /> '�,�` (or ftem(a).N),or(c)ie insutficimt to pay�he item when due.�hen Borrower cAell pay to Lendenny emount naessary ro n,ir3;•;� t ,}`f"-•: <br /> , ` h " make up the deficie�xy on or betoro the dete�hc item baames dua +`�t t�;,����y11;'{-a� <br /> .'������;. Aa used in tlda Sccutit�Inswment."Serneteq+'mwu the Secmery oi Hou:ing end Urb�n Development or hi�or her .r}y.�,��;hzry�ll�:_.,.: <br /> �r �� - dalgnu. In eny year in wh ch the Lender must pay e mortgago insurena premium�o the Sxre�ary,each monthly payment .3,e�, c } ,. <br /> �S -7- ahell etm inclode e6her. (1) en ins�ellmem of ihe ennuel mongago (nsuruice premium to be paid 6y Lender ro �he 'f4��t t�1fi1��SFs .�'r,•_. <br /> . .,t ;�.:,. �- <br />''.1,•>:.>�< Secrctery,or(ip a mmthly cherge Ins�ead of a mongtge insurenca premium If Ihia Savdty Inswment la Aeld by �he -.,1�a;r;.td�M"°� <br /> ` �` "" Secrta Eeeh monthl insiallmen[of the mortga e insuflnce remium:heil be in en amount sutflcient�o accumulate the 'r 4 +• � '�+•---= <br /> �u� 1�� �' Y B P t.E., .. <br /> PoII annuel matgage Ireurencc prcmlum with Lender one momh prlor ro �he date �he PoII annual mongegc insurana _. * + . . <br /> ��f - ' prcmium ia due ro the Secretery;or if�his Securi�y Instrument ie held by the Secre�ery,each monNly charge shell be in en � -�.�i( �+{"�t'�---- <br /> ' �1 - t emount equal lo onc-twelRh of ono-helf percent of�he ouu�anding pflncipal balance due on the Note. td �9 ; °' •-; <br />. •, �'x��:T .,�n:;� - <br /> If Borrower tenden to Lender the tull payment of eIl sums securcA 6y�his Security Insuumen6 BortowerL account �,�,,,,;{,it,: �'=s'�'"� <br />�:.'�i:�=,�'=�.;j� ahaU be crcdi�ed with ihe balence remafning for all instellmenu for items(e), (b1 end (c)md u�y mongege insurantt 1s,.7%t�xs�ry�i�?ia_'r��-� <br /> ?'t '�°+" prtmium instellment that Lender hes no�become oblig�ud to pay�o the Secrctery,and Lender shall prompNy rePond eny 1 i,,� � _ --- <br /> �"`�.r�ft�`d' excess Ponds ro Borrowec Immedietel nor�o a forcclosurc sale of the Pro n or its nc visition b Lender.Borrower4 .��,'.���,�:: �_��ji�s,«���- <br />.;'.:.t;�t,;.it;,. YP� P� Y 9 Y <br /> �� ���; oaount�hall b¢credlted with any balanct rcmetning forall installmema for Items(a),(b)and(c). al---.����� °"� <br /> �[ �- 3. A_pplimqon oI Peymenla. All paymcros under Pe�aglaphs 1 end 2 ahell be spplicd by Lender u followa: �y; „`�'d . <br /> f S r ' K�RY'�' to�he morcgage insumnce premium a be paid by Lender ro U�e Secretery or to�he monthly chuse by the ,, � 1§, f <br /> w.�+ ,(+�,�� Secre�e inateed of the monthly mortgege inmtance premium; �; � -'�` 1'i��' _ <br /> , � � �,to any Iexa,special aamssments,Icasehold paymenis or ground rents,nnd fire,flood and o�her hezerd � ( F�4�t�r'�r <br /> � t� �,�; msurenaprcmtuma.eareqmrcd: �t_ �y i� e t,�s -• <br /> .� 3 x3�;� �,lo mleieu due under the Note; �-..r.Y fi+ <br /> t d FOUKfH•�o amortize0on of thc principal of�he Note; � y�`�'� ^�qZ - <br /> � `� �l�i�� pg�( to lete ehargea due under the No�a J �rS� ��M1�,7��_.� <br /> � r i �� y, F��e,Flood and Olher Hezerd Ituurance. Bortower shnll insurc nll improvcmenu an�he Propcny,wheihcr now - t: ��}4 ���-� <br /> y',z.,�,..��; in existence or subsequently erated,ngainst eny hazerds,casueltiex,and contingencies, including flre.tor which Lender _: `r_, <br /> � � nquirea Insurence. 7fiis inswanm ahall bc maintained in the nmamis and tor�he periods�hat Lendcr rcquires. Dorto�vcr � ;i ✓2'�3 '�?.- <br /> � } � fr{'� shell elso inxurc ell Improvemems on the Propeny,whether now in exis�ence or suhuquently erccted. ageinst loa by flood+ ` � ' �u,`4 f n5,- <br /> a {� . e s ro the ex�ent requircd by the Secreiary. All insurence xh�ll be carticd wi�h companies npproved by Lender. 'Ihe incurontt ��``' ;,j :���- <br /> .t t��� � policien end my rcnewals shell he held by Lender and shull includc loss payuble clauus in tavor of.and in a fofm -.,� ( � �t�J•= <br /> r t�i` .. eaep�eble to.Lendec � �� t� +{,.7.- <br /> {„ r,. -� In�he even�of Inss, Borto�ver shall give Lendcr immediute no�icc by muil. Lendcr may makc proot of loss If not •� �u_� <br /> � _ � made promplly by 6ortower. [ach insuwnce campmy mnamed is hereby authari�cd ond dirccted �o molce payment for _ _�`+ 4�� 3h�: <br /> r i s;. auch loss dircnly to Lender,inatead ot ro Bartower and io Lenderjaintly. All ar eny part o(the insurance p�oceeds may 6e x `.�' <br />,.;,t��f;,_:_f epplitd by Lender,et i�s option,ei�her(a)�o�he rcduction of�he indebtedness under the No�e md�his Security InswmenL � ; a � ! ,re�.:." <br /> + � �� fim ro eny deiin uent amounis xpplied in ihe order in Paragmph i,nnd �hen m prcpaymem of principal. or(b)to the ��-"- r f!���. <br /> -�"-:�%a rcs�oretion or rcpair of�he damaged propeny. Any application of�he pmceed+�o the principal shall not extend or postpone - =�-��� �..'r��..`�'-e <br /> '� -rl"� the due da�e of the monthly payments whmh arc rcferted io in Pomgraph 2,or chungc thc amoum of such paymems. Any � v i- -. ��-�c <br /> -' sr�z?F• ezcess insurwKe proceedc over an nmouut reyaired to pay nIi rnnsmnding indebtednco under�he No�e and this Security y��C� �yr <br /> ,'ri�;;,:( Instrument sheil be puid to thc cmi�y IcgnllyentiUcd thercio. ,, !L.S.y;,.��?- <br /> ' "''�':- In�he erent of(oreclosua of�his Securiry Inswmem or other tr.�mkr o(tiile iu the Propeny �hat extinguishes�he �;:�:;�=:��:".:�= <br /> ,.,, ( -.'� indeb�edness,all right.Iille and interest af Rnrtoecr in anA m imumncc palicic�in form.hall paa to thc purchaxr. �: {1� : � <br /> �1 S. Oceu anc Preservation, Malntenomm �nd Protcetian of the Pro ert , Ilarro�rer's Loan A Ilcatlon: -t u._ <br /> ry` -': I.e&seholda. Oorto ver shall acw cslflblish,anJ ux Ihc Pm n �.i 6omnvc�r: nnci �I rcsidenm wilhio Pxt da s � - !� t��; ti� '` <br />,. k :,}.:a P�'� Ik Y' , P P� Y Y� <br /> :^..��;;.;•� aRCr�he execmion of Ihis Securny nsvumem and shnll mminue�a�xcupy�he Prnpeny ac Bumnveri principal rcside�e - �1`1%`«'s = <br /> . _j,F. � . � ��l':,: �"_�::..�. <br /> `-:'Y�",:,'�;u {or ei leut one ywr a11er Ihe daie af accupancy.unless Ihe Secrtlan•dcle`mines Ihi.rcyuircmeni a�ill �auu undue hardship .-; .�.•-:_-. <br />-�;;�'y'•,�-:�; for Bortower,ar unless extenuating circnm,Inncc�exi.� which am heynnJ Horto��cr: mnimt. Aartnx�er shall noiify i - - . <br />� - ' Lendcrs of nny ex�enuating circumtitance�. pornnrer,hali nat cmnmit wa.�c ar Je.vay.damage or mh.�antiaily change � -� �.. <br /> �:'{ Ihe Property or allow 1hc Propeny lo dcicrionte,rcaumaFlc wear anJ Icar exccp�cd. Lcndcr may m�pccuhe Rnpeny i(Ihe � <br /> ,�_k Propeny is vacant or abandoncd nr Ihc loan dclaulL LcnJcr m.ry iakc rca.anabic:re�ion�o prota'I and prcurvr such � <br /> ., vacant or abandoncd flopcny. Rartow�cr+hall aMo hc in dc(aul� i(liorto��cr.during Ihc 4cm applintinn�r ' - � <br /> �?�S' maierielly ful.m or inaccuatc in(annatinn nr aalcmrm� �n LcnJcr (nr fail.d m proriJr Lcndcr wilh any malcrial �� -- <br />' � infomifllion)in cnnnMion�vi�h�hc laan cviJcnnd b)��hr No�c,induding,bm na� IimilcJ la,rcpre.cmalinn+mnc:ming - <br />- `-.' ���� 8ortower's u�cupancy uf Ihe Prupeny u+a princi�xd rniJence If Ih�,Securiry�Inarument i�nn a leasehold.Rnrtower.hall <br /> ' �.'� mmply wilh Ihe pmvisioro uf Ihe If�onnarr acyuire.frr li�lr m ihr Ro�wnr.ihe I.a.ehnlJ and fee litle.hall nnl � . <br /> ':�';)'• '�-� be mcrgcd unle.�Lender ngrces to thc mcrger in xri�ing. <br /> ".?��•.°���� 6. Chorges to Oorrao�er nnd Protection of Lender'.s Rlghh(n the Properh: finrt.n�enhail pa� :dl go�rmmcmal -� <br /> _ .:'•r:i} or municipal charges.fine+and imp�nilinm�ha�arc no�incluJeJ in Par.�graph 2. I3.�rto�cer.hall pa��ihea ohligalium nn � <br />. � �.�:".'�: timc dirtclly lo�hc cntity�rhich i.a�rcd �hc pay�mcul. If failurc tn pa���aulJ aJe.ncl� a(ka LrnJcri inlern� in �hc <br /> '. ;,:�,. �. Propeny.uponLender�reyuc.�B�mm�cnhallpromptl�fumnh�nLcndcrtecc�p�.cvJennng�hacpa�mcm.. _ <br />_ If Oortower( maAc�he•c pa�� the�u)mcm. rcyuv�d hr Paragraph fa0. �w pcdonn am nihcr <br /> covenenis end agrcements mmained in thi�Secum��Imwmen6 ar�hem f.a Icg:A pnxccJmg�ha�mar�igmficantir a((.a <br /> - LenJcr'e rixh�.�n tlu Nouenv UmL a>a pnxecdin�: in Iw�lrup�.�.for.�mJcmm�ti.m.n u�.n4me IiN?IA IC}YIJIIUIhI. <br />. - - then Lender moy Jo and pap wlu�ever<.�aq��o pmiec�thc ralue nf�he Prn�ny anJ La�Jerl righb in Ihe Rnpenc. <br /> ineluding paymenl o(lue.,hazant inwranc<:mJ oiher flem.inemianed in P.�ngr.iph?. <br /> Any nmwnts diaburscd hy Lcndcr unJcr thi.Paragraph•hall Mcomc an nJJiuonal JcM of[fortnxcr and M.cruml <br /> by lhis Sceuriry Instrumcm. Thc�c amounn.hall Mar imcrc.t from�hc Ja�c nf Ji.hnncncem.:n Ihc Nnlc raic,anJ:n Ihc <br /> �� •����. option o(Lendcr,shail 6c immcdialcly duc anJ payahlc. <br /> - 7. Condemnetbn. "ITe prt+ceed�o(any���ard or dafm(or damage..J�rcc�or can.eyuenual.f n cnnnecfian��nh am <br /> � ��" ' eondemmtion or o�hcr laking of any part o(Ihc Rupcny,ur for conrcvancc in placc of conJcmnauon,art hcrcM-a�.ign.J <br /> �,��i:�;y�'7 end shail bc�uid to L<nder Io Ihe exient nf�hc full amnunl of Ihe indehteJnca.lha�rcmai:�.un�ufJ unJcr ILr Noic and Ihi� <br />� Saurily IrtstrumenL Lender�hall apply tuch preweeda Io Ihe mJuclion af�he mdebtedne..unJer the Nole:md thi.Securilc <br /> .,`5.�;��;%� Insuument, fin� to eny ddinyuem umounl. applicJ m�he ordcr provided fn Paragraph 1.���J Ihcn la pmpa�mcnt .,1 <br /> i-'• rinei al. An a hcalion o(Ihe to�teds to Ihe rinci al .hall nol e��enJ �+r +.1 ne �he due d�le nf 1he monthlr <br /> ,;�>,{tl.�'_':` P P Y PP P P P' F'� P' <br /> � i - <br /> i �rv«1..i�rvc�.� <br /> - - � -- -- -- - - - -�.. . . <br />