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_ �f:j . ___ ___ _ <br /> - - <br /> 93= �o��ss __ --- <br /> of satq end lha eale,Including tha payment of the 1Yustea'e teea actually Incurred,not fo exceed iVe '�of <br /> , t�e princtpal amount of Ihe nWe et the tlm'of Ihe decteratlan ot defautb and reawnabla attorneya'�eea en ermitted — <br /> -- _ Gy bw�(E)to all�unu setur¢d bJ tMs SscuNty Instromrnt:and(c)anr excw to the penon or persone legalPy entltled -- <br /> ro it. <br /> E3. Rewmeyance. Upon payment of all m�m�ecurcd by thia Saud�y In:wmenl, Lendcr�hall requep 7Nateo ro <br /> > r000nvay�he Propeny end ehall�urtender thle Secudty Instrument and all notes evidencing deb�ettured by thla Sccudry �- - <br /> -��� InsmimeN ro 4luslee. 7tua�ee shdl reconvoy the Property w(thout�vartanty and�vi�hout charge m tho peison or persona �' '- c�� '`t --�- <br /> legelly enqtled ro It. Such penon or percoro ihall pay my rxoMa�ion cosn. - <br /> . — 23. Rnbstilute 71'uMee. Lender,e�i��optlon,may from dme m tlma rcmove 7tus�w ond appoint e succe�sor truatx to �d , '�:uS.,,.. "". <br /> any 7tuatee appointed hercunder by m Instrument rccorded in�he rnunty in which �hi�SecuHty InatNment is recorded. [ � _��� ��-- <br /> -_ Wl�hout conveyenee otp p0e Properry.Ilio mceeasor duatee ehetl succad to all the tlile, power end dudea rnnfemA upon ;j^„�'�� �;�� <br /> � �f�24h Request for NoiGrns�Dorrower rcquecu that copiea of the no�icea of default end sale be xnt to 6ortowerti addrcss `�tt,t,f `�t � ' <br /> a <br /> e�� which ie�ha Ptoperty Address. �.,`'!t�`� 3���'-. <br /> 2S. Rtdefe to thiv 8ecurity Instrument. If one or morc riders erc executed by Bortower and rccorded together with LV 4r- ,`,� h��, ph. <br /> � tN�Secwiry lrotmment,Ihe coveneme.and agrcemeNa of eaeh such dder ahall he incorpo�aied into end sheil amend and + r-' <br /> � -" aupplement the corenant�and egrcementa of lhis Seeurily Inswment as i(thc riderts)were a pan of�his Security lnstrument. �,-"',� <br /> F�1v-:t t�•+ <br /> -�-ai [CTcekapplleableboz(¢�)1 �'-,�,5 .. <br /> � y�A�'�s'e e=-,,, : <br /> ��� �A�usle6lcReteRider �CondominiumRidcr �I�tfamilyRidcr 5f}�ft�i���.j'�,ttv�.: <br /> fi � 1���eu�.-�'�xp�+���,�: <br /> y'��•. �Oredueted Paymmt Ridcr �Plenned Unit Developmem Rider �Oiwcekly Payment Rider i�,�,�x a i� �'. __' <br /> JT� A l FT.�tl[�VL�Z.-. <br /> ��'� �Ralloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider �f aft s ti' +�I�M'n� � <br /> » tLfA4U��r��aa. <br /> .r � }, i s <br /> 'n..� �Oiherts)kPec�fY] i i�f n�\�xD' ro� -�. <br /> ��"r�', 9Y SIONINO BEIAW,Bo�mwer acee Is and a reex m�he temu nnd covenanis conteined in�his Secum Instrument �°° €'?'T '`` <br /> P 8 Y ��z�z�}t�.s 4_K�_. <br />`.��s�p::1_ endinanyrideKa)ezecutedbyBortowerendrecordedwithi�. ;�1�'�;,;.y�,�•,�`,.-_ <br /> Si`.F� �� +E`l.iif� t+St <br /> �� 1>N t + ' <br /> t i � /� ����l��F1N <br /> � I_ 7 // � rF,t isJ <br /> °T��' .�/� � ��[� � /.y__ � "'�bJ�.{l.}�,��< <br /> �< i � " ' T°°� vTzr�4G������°"�"°'�IScaU 2 � � <br /> 5�1° �_ �L � •��� t� Barmwer sr.,�.�.cr3-+ <br /> �, #,`� Socia.l/Security NumbcrI 16 ,r-���F���,1 <br /> �°'4�� (/1/F.c[/4�..L /V� l/(�^f (Gwl) Yt��i�o r�?(17fk: <br /> �Z�` T � <br /> , ��; L110RI6 N P11flBY -n""OY1f ut[°v�e <br /> i �- SaclalSCCUrityNumber S05-N6-0411 d�;i��-�'��fF,{��a/�� ._ <br /> ,r`: t"�/!{"�}ti'.-: <br />:•;;v:W; STKI80FNEflRASKA. RkLL Counryss: r:'.,��:�_?,'{�,??�,'- <br /> � a -' 1 'T a� <br /> "�1 On�hia 46th dey of Xty, 1993 ,beforc mc,the undcnigncd,u Notary Poblic � ''-� -l;'}� �,,�._� <br /> , r_,( duly tommissioned and qualificd for seid county,personnlly cnmc WIMDALL R PIIHBY !1lID LAURIB N PIlHBY `j,:�};;y`�-; <br /> `..�2i HQBBNID !1!(D BIP6 .io mc k�rown to 6e thc �•;'';;t`j;�;� r���,-: <br /> --- �;' tdentical persons(a)whose nnmKa)arc subscrihed to Ihe foregoing inslrumem and acknowledged the execmion [hercot m . jY: :+2'f' � = <br /> I `y{ Y` <br /> + �': � their voluntery uci oud dccd. � ' ��t`'r"�'f -. <br /> r .' Wlmeasmyhendandnornrialunlut ND IBLIIHD inseidcounty.the �yE �`�.�`�S��,�,� �- <br /> +� � datc ntorcsafd. �� q k. . t� : <br /> My CommJsaiR7!f3Plr.c;:. __�. - .CL�_ 2�i, `5�`�3�'y� . <br /> F{ JOLY 0. !�NY�`x,'..:�a-.:<i�.:�,.0 ROH RA L RBBD Noury PuhGc z � i� l r�ty�t �•_. <br /> '{�x� NUHE�iA l rc�EJ REQUGST FOR RECONVGYANCE t ; �-'��y j '-s�r- <br /> ,� T07R �'^�1�m:xhDluhiu.lYYa .,�,--,.�'ir� � d� <br /> « _`�� The un ersigne �s t c o�der of the m�c ur notes ucurcd by this Deed o(lFus�. Said note or noms,togc�her wi�h all c -�,t A�� � '.- <br /> olher indeb[edntu secured by�his Dced af 7hs�,have been paid in full. Ynu arc hercby dirccted�o ca�el seid note or notes <br /> �.Vt� and Ihis Deed of Trust,which arc delivered hereby,and to rcconvcy,wi�hout�vammy,all the ee�a�c no�v heid by you under S` J�-�_� f °r.,- <br /> � , �his Deed of 7Fust Io�he person or persons Icgally entiticd�hereto. - � <br /> � ; <br /> pate <br /> eb."r.l� �4 -. <br /> '.'�.j:.1 Ibrm3DS8 9A0 iNKn.'/nNxnl s: ' " <br /> =.;v4..}'� t'.��i''. <br /> .,f,^',r �_: � <br /> •'`� ''_ <br /> .-�:�;�syl - . <br />-,t ? ..ra-.-,....�.r_... r �.�. .._._ .,.�r,, ^ ,.. r, — T' . �;;'r.T . ' ;,;...,�' ," "- � . � <br /> .._.. _-....,_ . �-„� <br /> -i ,< t , . {[3"" - ..-•... . ..r,_S^_.,_: .., e.u's- . .- �_ - . _ .�T =v:' <br /> ,.. .,t <br /> r v .� � <br /> a�-! - a- r t( } ' . . . " . J _: . . " _ <br /> •�c z� _ . . . _ ' t ! � . . _ <br /> �L F.,� S t __-U _ . _ - _ . . ._. <br /> t� . .-- - _i _. .__ l ' - .T —T . ` - _ . <br /> bWF�'{ I!-' L S ' ' . . 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