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.r- r- - . . . _.e . l L <br /> ...1 + � . s <br /> _ 1 _ Y� �� y_j /R��{(1(_. • l _ <br /> � .�� . _ 1 �'1�. 1���1vYN#:' 1 ( ""`t =—_ _ .. <br /> + / � <br /> t " li' <br /> { . �' iDr1fca�le ltw}tuy.iytCify tor telnslYkment)be[orb Yila`q/Uwp��.ypursufnt to�ny pOweY Rt wle anWne011t IEfn ` <br /> 8aadty atn(metnpa(b)enpy ot�JuC�n t entoreln8tn�8eau►�y'InitrvmsnE. 'f4o�e eonEluau fr+Qiu B�rzowen.U) <br /> — y�i!� WI wm+adlrfi p�en vrovid 6eQ�a w�drr Ma�Caut[y lruuiim:ns and the tiotb a��+��:-��°�:'� ., .- <br /> , oocwrcd;(A)�ueimydefeulto!qqyoU�acoveneNt►orrg(yetnedu;(o)D�y�didxptnsw{nWmedinenforCinglhUBepuIW �;.� <br /> tms[�me++r,�nsludins,.ou�uai umuca[o,easonaia�uornay.•rasi+ne(a)uku�uCh actfcn.ea tae6�t m�Y�OMOIy � <br />— [cqul�e to aisu�d tAAt Ri6 f:en of thl�Qtcudq tnammicnt;Lender!righB Inthe Ptoper�y�nABorcoWOrb obtlg�flon(optY Ne <br /> suma spcured.ty U�la ReCwiry �nsumneni�hdl contlnuo u�ehuiged. ,Upon �elnsrolemenl Dy Hortowu, �hp Beciiidry <br /> Inawment ald Uw oDUgiUOnslcCured M1ercDy e�dl am�in fuliy eEtativb e�If no ruetenqon hid occ�rted, Ci6wevet,thU , " ��� <br /> • tlgJtttor�hiiMteennllnateD�intlwpseWexeluatlonundupu�gnpbl7. —�_ <br /> ;A,B�k of Note Chi e ot Laq Bavtcen 1fx Nae or a pudel tnurut N Q�o Noro(togcmu wtu��Na BecnA�y • <br /> Listtument)ma�De eo�d one or moro tlma wl t hout Odot not(ce to 6otrower. A s�e ma y result In�ehu�ge In tAe endry <br /> (knovm ei�he Loen Suvtoe�that coUeaa monthly paymente duo wdu�he Note end�his 8aurity Instrumenr. 1liere dw " <br /> may De ona or moro ehuigea ot the laen Bervlcer unrelete4lo e wlo of the Kote. Itlhuo I��chartpge of the Lom 8ervlar, <br /> Borrowa wtll bo given aiitten notioo of the change N e000Nence with paraS�auh 14�bove end ep 11aDio taw. 7fio nodoe <br /> will�taro the wno end addres�ottAa now I.oan Servlarand the eddres�to which paymente dauld 6e mada 7f�e naice will <br /> _= olso cameln any o�hu InfomuNon rcquired by appUceble lew. _ _ ,_:__ <br /> t0. HqurAwu BuDstanas. Hortower�hell not uu»or pe�mlt the proaenca use,diaposal,�to�aga,or��i'o�t� <br /> Fiazerdoue bLbstancta on or tn tho Pmperry. Bortoww�hall not do,nor allow myone else to do,�ri�ing <br /> — Propaty Nat M In Hotadon ot eny Bnrironmental Law. 'Ihe pracding hvo�entena+�hatl na eppty to ti�e pmaenca us0.ot <br /> etorage on tha Pmperty ot�mall quamidea of Hazetdous Substences ihat are genecally raognlutl w be approprlate ro normal <br /> rcaiden8al wee ond ro matntenance o[tha Property. <br /> __ Bo�sowu she11 promptly g[ve Lender written naico of any Imqtlgation,clalm,demend,lswwtt orother ecqon by any <br /> � govunnxntel or regulerory sgency or pr[wb pany involving th¢Property and any Hazardom Suhstenco or Envlronmental <br />._-;,� Law ot whlch Bortowu ha� ecmel knowiedga It Bortower Iwro, or ie nott0ed by eny govemmenlal or rcgutatory c—= <br /> authodry,�Aat eny romoval or othcr remedi��ion of eny Hezudoua Substence afPeaing the Property b neas�ery.Bortowu <br /> ° ehall prompqy taka ell neceasery remediel aalons in aaordence with Environmentnl Lew. ___ <br />-�::�� A�used In�hia paregmph 20."Hezardova Substencei ere�hou wbauncu deMed as toxie or Aazerdoua substmoa by — <br /> Bnvironmental Law and the tollowin wbsuneea: gesolina,keroune,other flemmeble or�oxic pet�oteum praducu,toxic <br />.:``_,-,_-'�-- pesueidea end herblcides,volntile co�venn,matedais wntafning eabaro�or foimaWehyde,rnd rodioactive materiils. Aa _----- <br /> _ uud In�hia paregreph 20,"&rvironmental law"meam hderal lewt end taxv of the Juriadicdon whero�he Property�s IocatW <br />��°--�'+7 that rclero ro heel�h,sefety oronvironmemd prota8on. -- <br />�:�`-;�� NON•UMFORMCOVHNANI'S. Hortowerendl.enderNnhercovwuntendcgrceeafollowe: -� <br /> 21. Acceleratton� Remedlee. Lenda shall give notice to Dorroeer prtor to flcceleretion following BonowerY <br /> 9� breacd ot any covenant or agrcement in ihis 8ecudty Instrument @ut not rior to acceleration under paragraph 17 -- <br /> `� unlea�applicable law provides otherw(se).The notice ebell epecity: (a)the Setautl=(b)Ihe actton requlred ro cure fhe <br /> detault:(cl e date.not lea th¢n 30 day�hom 1he dnte fhe notice lv gtven to BorroNer,by wAlch Ihe defeult muat be �N;,;--- <br /> -�-": cured�and(d)lAat tetiure to cure Ihe defeult on or befare the date�pecitted in I�e notice may reauit in acceleraiion of —`� <br /> the sumv saured by Ihls Secur(ty Instrument and eale of the Propertp. The nofice shell Nrther inform Borrower of �' `'" � <br />�-�`-�S� the right to relnstate efter ecceieratlon and the right to bdng a court ectlon to essert the non-exlstentro of e deteult or �'a��:."` <br />-r::4!y� an other defense ot Borro�rer to aceelentton and eeie. it the detault fs not cured on or betore Ihe date spedfled In �`.�'�%`�""-� <br />>__-i Y �:il.,'.:�djt: �.. <br />,:xi,t the nottce,I.ender et Ita optlon may require tmmediete payment In NII of all auma secured by ihb Secmtty Instrumenl ,r��;r„_. <br />._.:i.i� �Wthout Nrther demend end may Invoke t6e pmrer of axle and eny other remedies permlited by appllcabie lew. -f-:5���;�,c,-.: <br /> Lendcr sfiall be ent(tled to wllcet ell expensea incurred In pu�suing the remediw pmvided in IhU peragraph ]l, N ,� - <br /> ;?^�I inciudfng,but not Itm(ted to,reasoneble altorneya'feea and cosla ott(tle evfdence. r7 j i� �' <br /> If the po�rer of eeie b Invoked,7lvslee shell record a notice of defeuit In each county in which eny part of the :��..,,�,b'l;�.: <br /> `' Properly b located and ahell mall rnpiei of auch no�ice In Ihe manner pttieribed by eppllcnble lew to dorroner end to �a, i , - <br /> 'i� the other peraons prescr(bed by applicaDle le�r. ARer the time requircd by appticable In,7Yustee shell gfve public ,A� j� . <br /> notice of wle ro the peraoro end in�he manner preacribed by applicable law. 7Yuatee,�dthout demend on Borro�rer, r n ,� <br />'e};�3 shatl sell fRe Properry et publk aucllon m the Atghest biddcr et the tlme end plece and under the terma des(gneted in ;,g�sl��s_`�,;� <br /> -�� the noltce of a¢le In one or more pareels and in eny order 7Yustce determinea. 7Yustee mey postpone aale of ell m eny �,'zC ,;-. <br />„``� parttl otihe Property by public announnment at the Iime and place of any previously scheduled sele. Lender or Ih { ' 4�-- <br /> :,__�I designx may purcFase the Property at eny aale. "h'�=``�°r3-- <br /> Upun receipt ot pnymenl ot the prftt bid,"1}ustee shnll dellrer la the purcheser 7tustee'n deed canve�ing the tru�"�y ' <br /> ��; Property. The rxitata in the 7Yusia'x deed ahall be pdme facle evidence of the truth of�he sfatemenU mede Iherein. t y y � <br /> -, �. 7}usice shall npply ihe praceed+otihe sole In the tollotiring order. lal fa all rnstsnnd expenses otecercLsing Ihe poo�er y , .. <br /> r� <br /> t� i {i 'G -" <br /> <{�� S�Y ' <br /> } � l��f <br /> ��_ `�� <br /> 1 <br /> y�n <br /> t � <br /> _:.lj� dtl. ._. <br /> Porm W7E f90 ipaer5.9nryiva �-,;�,�-� <br /> �.._i <br /> �y'' �',; <br /> I �-:^T���Tv�.�.�— '_�-'1"1{ '�.t.•in� . !.��• !c- . <br /> -s�,.,�T� e�.,.....,.�n _ ..... .. . ..<ur,.- _ �`2:-• �':n3.:�p-2u .f'�'_ -f.J.,•.r.��?sT'�•...__v_.... .�F <br /> i <br /> �-r- --�--. ��i,. . . . � - _ . . _ . <br /> �- �� �. _ . . . � . <br /> r- "i <br /> [ . :', __'._ __ " . " ___ ' _' " ' ___ _ —' _ , "_ - " - ' _ _ "" _ <br /> {�r �r'j y . . � . . " . <br /> � 7 i t �n }� -�� � �i ' � � - - , <br /> ,' • <br /> . . __' � _J: �.- .f :� .- . � � .. <br /> yt� � . ' ; _' . . � . _ . _ � . . . . <br /> � ` <br /> y 'p 7 , .. . , . :. _ . . _ - . '. . . <br /> r, - . � ' _ • � - , . - . <br /> y t :(1__ . . _t ' _ <br /> t i ,� <br /> a2oti� Y S rt �- 57t 1' :( ' � � 1� ..�.:,' <br /> *,�} : � . (� � � �� � - <br /> �+`,�jj( �- � � -- '�_r :-; i . . _ j( <br /> �'t'... :rr:` . . . . qrr9 r �, ,..` . - . . .... . . . .. ' � r ... . { _ _ <br /> �.,r.. ,.� ' � :":�'.� 1i.-.�-..i4.!. . . _ . . �, _ d.�� . ::�I:� . <br />