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_ ___ _ <br /> . . : _ _ <br /> • . , . , , <br /> ) .�:_, l � .:Ji .. _ �s _ _.L r �� � � t -_i,� { i t�+43 r� . <br /> 1 l• � 5- : I -f . � . .��_ . -.1 1. �1 >� _ 1.�: � -i` r � � \ 4.�1�I (�_y� � . _ <br /> � �_ • '. S -- //�� . -� e Y .�k � ,- !t . ., t c . y.t s <br /> , .t� _ 1 ._ _/ _: ; .. y�` � _ - � � ,�/(, t --P � � 'i <br /> ' � :'pNtod3ir�tLeiderrWuita'`IiwDi3NrukewHeip}6vlbIn�tlw+ntoruisaafl4#6QshounDy orroweRSUD�ecfSo/.eitEery r�ry — <br /> 1 _.�yptovll shtqNInWDpv�ne454�1�vWwlQ�iwlQ�It WC�fdls<om}Ipipocqver ede�tKd,bqve,Lende[ptpy,wf ` <br /> laad�B�lar�9DWR�4YS�3kPt44t4�+� aY�h th nyin rd�kriv�h 9� �. "�- i�—y-` — <br /> . N��curonoe )Cit anare e� ee�000cep�ep�ietio randsn�plinpmaoas�anA�rta oeiauk3 't+�iGeP- `� ' _ <br /> . -�nsubavsila.Tgtuw�ot�mepol�c►ee�«eow�l�.�ittsnas��i���n1roWF�ehl�yrom �tV�ta�ier�derklLtta�+� _ <br /> d(PalAyrcmiqqu'afidrc�wninalcaa. IdthebVentof{85i,8otr6wzr►1ta](gWOP�or�pFnocptothpinsorw}�c�urkrpnb- .- y :`� <br /> [Tndsr. Lendermaymolceproqfottoselfnpt�adopromp�tyb Uormwer.. . - + <br /> UrtxCS�LenderandBortop%e�btAe�sae$feolitwrltiny��surenca roaWaeli�116eApPlfedtortato{etidnatrcp�40f . <br /> 0 <br /> lhq Qto�rty Qemaged,il�ha nctoret�or re alr b ccono cWly t ble and Leader6 eavilry.l�not tea.sne4� U tho . ,.. , _ _... _.. .. <br /> rEytprpt�n or iepsU i�no� oml feas@Pib ar Lendsr8 iecuriry would be te3se�ay tha tnsurea�9 ytncoGda pnai►be . , <br /> - appped to�ha wma ceburc��thla,Sauflty Instmnienb whetha or not then due,wlthq�y eECOS�peldtu.gotiowu it ' <br /> BortoWcr ab�nGom tM Properry,or doe�not anawer wJthin 30 dqys e notico from Lender thet dx in:uronce certlor T�af <br /> otfercd ro aatlo e o1Nm,then l.end:r m�coliact the inauranco proaeda. Lender may uce tho proCeeds to re�ilt ot rcsroio <br /> tlro Pnparty ot�o pay mms«cured by eh e 8eeuriry Inanument,whethsror not Ihen Gua 7he 34day peflod w 11 begln when , <br /> the nodao ie gtven. <br /> Unles�Lender end Bortowcr otheiwl�agree 1n wrlMg,eny epp1lution ot p�ocxed�ro piinaipal aAa11 not ex�end or _. <br /> postpone d�o duo date ot the montNY paymems�eftmd to tn paragreplu 1 and 2 or change tha amount Ot th�o paymepp. [t <br /> under paregrap6 21 �ha[+roperty ii aoqulred by t.enden DortowerL right to any Inaurance pollclea rnd p ed�reaulttng <br /> from damege to tha Pmperty prlor to the eoquiatdon�hell pasa�o Lender to the ex�mt ot�he euma ceeured by thie 8xudry <br /> Imwment immedietely prior to tlro ecquisitlon. <br /> 6. Oavpopcy, Preservation, Malntenonce end ProteUlon oJ Ihe Properhl Qonower4 I.oan Appllcatlon� <br /> I.easxholde. Bortower shell occupy,eNebl�sh,end use tho Propeny m Bortowuh prfnclp�I rcaldence wllhin dxry day�afle� <br /> the execuHon of�hin 8au�ity Inrtrvment and�hail continue to occupy tha Propeny as Bortowerb pdnclpai rcaldence for at <br /> least ono yeaz efter �he dete ot occupancy, unleu I.wMer ahenviw egreea in wrftlng, whleh wnaent �hall na be - <br /> unreasonably wiiMeld,or unlese extenueting circumstanca exist whicM1 ere beyond Horrowul rnnttol. Bortower shell not <br /> datroy,demage or Impalr the Propeny.allow tha Properry to de�edorate,or commh waste on�he Propeny. Borrower ehail __ <br /> be In default if eny fodeiturc actlon or proceedfng,whether olvil or cdminel,is begun tha[in LenderY good fatth Judgment <br /> could result in forfeituro of tha Property or othenNse meterl�lly (mpair the Iien creeeed by �hia Security InsWment or <br /> Lender§secudty Intercs�. Bortower msy curc suc6 a defeult end reinatate,as providW in paragreph 18,by causing�ho attlon -�� � - <br /> or praceeding to bo dismi:sed with a ruling thnt,in Lenderb good taith detertninatlon,precluda fodei�uro of�he BortowerY <br /> inrercat In tla Roperty or other matedel Impalrment ot the Ilm ereatW by thia Secudry Inawment or Lender!suudry <br /> imera�. Bortower �hall alm be in default if Horto�ver, during the loen epplicetion Praesa, geve matedeily feiu or <br /> inarnrete info�matlon or��atementa ro Lender(or feilW m provide Lender with eny mnrorial infortnaifan)im m�naiion with <br /> tho loan evidenmd by�he Note, including, but na limited to, rcprcsentetions conceming Dortowerb occapancy ot the <br /> Property ee a prfncipal_rcaldence. If�hin Security Insin�ment ia on a Ienuhold.�arcower�hell eomply with ail tha provisloro <br /> of the leasc. !f Bortowcr ecquirca tee t(tle to�he Propeny,�he leauhold end Ihe ke�itle sh�ll not merge unlese Lender egrca <br /> rothemcrgeNn�vdHng. -- �------ -- �---�------� <br /> 9. Protatlon of LtndePe Rtghta in Ihe Property. If Ro�rower feil: to pedorm �he covenanu and ogramenu �,,..._— <br /> contained in thi� Secudry Instrument,or�here is o legal protteding ihat may �ignificuuly attect Lenderl rights in ihe �r:'� -- <br /> Propeny(such u e procceding In bankmpicy,proW�e,for wndemnation or fodeiture or ro enforce lawa or rcgulatlons),then !�!��'-�= __ <br /> Lender mny do md pay for wha�ever is necessnry to pro�ect[he vulue of the Propeny nnd Lender�righu in�he Prapeny. �°=��'°"'— <br /> Lender+s nnfons may include paying any xums securcd by e lien�vhich haa priori�y over�hfs Secumy InaWmrnt,eppearing "-"- � <br /> in coun,pryina reesoneble anomeys'kes and entcring on the Propeny to mnke rcpnirs.Alihough Lender may�ake eMlon �'-`��ui'=���• <br /> under thta parayeph 7,Lender daes not hnve io do sa ".��"�'rE�'��- <br /> Any amoums disburscd by Lender under this paragmph 7 shall become eddi�ionnl debt of Bortower secured by�his �'��Z��`;;:�w���-� <br /> �i`a- <br /> Seeurity Insuumem. Unleu Borrower nnd Lcndcr e6`ee�o other�em�s of pnymem,ihc.ce amounes shull beur intercst from ihe �,f �?{=;ti:'ii�r=-===�-_ <br /> da�e of disbursement at�he Note rv�e and shail 6e piyablc,wi�h imcrcs�,npon no�ice Bam Lendcr�o Bortower reyues�ing -r �3�� a1° <br /> PaYment. �t';•rf`:�� t : <br /> 8. Mortgege [nsurance. It Lcnder rcyuired mortgnge insumncc uc n condi�ion of muking�he lonn secureA by�his ,�i;,}��t�,i,���;. <br /> Securi�y Insttument, Bofro�ver xhall pay the premiums rc�ryircd to muimnin the mongage insurnnce in etfeci. If,for any «1%'?.d•.."a::?S+�'; <br /> rcasan, the mongage insurance mvemgc rcyuircd by Lender lupses or ceu<r. �n he in effec4 Borruwer shall p.ry �he ,�n-�'�%';i�';:��e?"�. <br /> �s. ;�e.:•�`a:;:,.;_.. <br /> prcmiums required ro obtain covemge sah.tuminlly eyuivulent �u !he munFnge immm�ce prcvioucly in e(fai, at n mst :I,r��.,��Vy�yt��?��;� <br /> subxmnlinlly equivolenl Io IhC cosl Io Bono�rer n(Ihe murlgage in�amnee prcviuu�ly in eR�rt.Gom nn nitemote morlgage i i y f n x -,� -.-_ <br /> insumr opproved by Lender. If subsiamioily equivalent mon@age in}unnce covc�agr i>nnt avnil:�bic,Dnvower shull pay m ?t-1r�.•ti. o �.�,�—F'�: �� <br /> Lendcr cuch momh u mm e unl�n one-HeelOh of Ih¢ r.�rl mon a c inwrnnn rcmium l+cin iid 6 Dorrmver when Ihc ! n; t` `{ 11�, s$`, <br /> 4 Y Y && P E P' Y . v�t 4I � L��,i " <br /> imumnce mvemse lu�ned or ce1�eJ Io M in efl'irt. Lender�rill accepl.u�c and relain Ihe+e paymenl.a,a�lo..rcxrve in lieu _ -:.; <br /> of monenge inwrnnce. Lao rcxn•e�:rymeN. may nn Inn¢er lu nyuircd.:n the ap�inn o(LeiWer.if mung�ge insnr.mee �:r.=�:j`"�tt�``i�4r«,=`�; <br /> mvcr+ c(in thc nmount anJ(ur�hc rial�h:n LcnJ.r rc uirc,) roviJcJ h m imunr a mvcJ h lxndcr a nin becomc. :>F;�,-�l:h"�" <br /> s r� v r r� rr r F ::,;��.;;5=�;"_,_;; <br /> availablc and ia uhlaincJ.Bom�o�er.hall pay Ihr premiunn reyuirtJ la main[ain mangagc in.unnac in c((ccl.or lo proviJe a -¢,..'�'�';%�-. <br /> lac.reurve.�m�il�he n uiiemem for mon•a•e in,ur.�nce aaorJan�r��i11�an-���rinan a•rcemenl t+eloecn Bmmicer :;<;�';"•?.�,�`�''-�-� <br /> '4 bF ) k � : t•,��. ;: �,t..".� <br /> and Lendcrar applicahlc I:nr. .%�4'`�j).`s`�(:;:�y:�'y�. <br /> �..�st.l._,,;, <br /> 9. Insptttlnn. LcnJcr ar in ag.nt ma� m:dr rc:nnnaMc¢mri¢,nqm and in.�climm�l thc Pn+Fxny. Lcndcr.hall �. .-:��'_ <br /> give Rortuvcr nmicc al ihc limc nf ar prior to an in.M1alinn.perifying rca.onaMc cnnr Ibr d�.in.�wclinn. ,i;�r?di:.,`:s����•:.:::.�--: <br /> 10. Candenlnetlon. T71r nx'�aMardaimf�nLun,mr...linr�nru� .<,_; .��.[-.- . <br /> p rnnm<linn nith:m� '{'". • <br /> ::I._;' :. <br /> timplvlvmA�-HnnieVucRMdir\lacl\IFIIN\II\ti7HlNEYf� Inn.mnen.rmm� 4w1 q��«!..�..���i... .=.-�'-''.°;����.�,.-� ,' <br /> ..,�te..x�.��...�.a..��. O - � _ . <br /> �.m..un unru..n� ����n-u�i . <br /> r ,'= _ <br /> l <br /> 1 .��.-C .J . .< �.p ��lG., v . : .- .. .- __ . . - .�,:i�,' ,I.: r 5}. . :�.�c:.v, - .. -. <br /> . . . . .. . - '} - - <br /> `:4.- � . � . . - _ <br /> •i. _.. _ • _- . .._ _ _____..—__ _ . _ _ <br /> C' �J.I' _ <br /> '•�.' ' - .. ' _ _ <br /> .,� ;}„ <br /> ��.J� '/. . .._ ' .. . . . . ' �' _ . <br /> g� _ .. . ' . . ��nt <br /> r '' r • ' } � <br /> e . 1 • � ' - " � . � <br /> .- �, - : .l: t ., � . . . . t <br /> � <br /> ' `. . 1: . . .- ' 4 <br /> . . . _ . . . �. �v . ... .. .. . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . ._.� . . . .. . . ... __ _. <br />