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1���..�T_ . (c' .- ._� .. r 4a }d-,..Y.F _ .rt' S.. 1=A. � ys1 �...� f f:- ..._. <br /> Y � .� � .�.. 1 1��.�L��/..� L� 5.... _ <br /> "_�` .. 1 � . Js� � r . ,� } �T . �,�'i_�`!�IM � - �I 2 ` . f : l �4._. _ __.. <br /> • � • rt <br /> . . .:•- � .-� . - <br /> ..,, i�'_ - � '. .,. - . ' � . <br /> � . . ` y . <br /> � pn 7'ooB'in9p1CAwe1wat111wimyruJemeeterwtlywoe reaffaerecte4.onchbd�?P�nS�wfd�ttaumG+us.e�pu�penainoety, � +.° <br /> : tastr�i�AiloftdatorC8a�8l�tf�Wlnay4��►Malk P(on��i�lw0eavered�9Ytn{S9eoqdy � ., <br /> $0]{Etl1WAR S70VBNANTB that IIottowet Is�pwNl(y selied o!1hp e3tatg hertby mqveyed qnd h@s�he dght to�y -' <br /> �r.d convey IQC�op�y end the!tM Prope�ty i+�aiv-neumbercd�ezoapt fot enEumbrancW of Fu9[d.,Bog_c}wN vlamnt�aqG •.: <br /> wNdefendgenemllyQietlpetoUHPro�nyageln�tallclelmaenddemand�,subJeatoanycncumDta�r2aotraard. , <br /> THl9 BHCt�RiYY iN31RUM8Nl'cotnbinas uN�am covenonu tor nitlon�t uto anA non•unlfvir�i e0venante with . . _'; <br /> Ilmieed variadon's6y JSdadiaTon to conatlimo e unlform�audry lnswturntcovering rb81 PmpertY. <br /> _' p�pp},�QOV►�iANIB.BorrowuandLandcreovenantandegceaa�followa: ` <br /> - — 1. Pa�menl of Prfadptl�nA Intatatt�epeyment rad 6�te CAaga. Bortawer shil!pra,nDrly peY when dua Ne. <br /> prinrt�NotandlnrcrestonthodeMevlQenaA�y�heNotoendenypropeymcntendtatechuge+EueundertheNota <br /> 2. FCodvtor'Rsaaad[nsurAnca SubJxttoepyItcaAlobwortoewrlftenwelverbyLcnda,Bptrowere�ellpay�o <br /> -- Lendu on the day momdly paymenro are due undu�he Not0.���1��Note U pefd In PoII,a eum("tunds�for.(o)yearly <br /> �exes end esaeumente which may ntein pdoriry over tdb Secudry Inswment as e Ilen on the Propaty:N)s�eat�Y Ieasehold <br /> -- pnymams or gmwd renu on Ne Property. it eny; (c)yeariY husrd or propeny Insu�ence prcmlwns; ia�yea�y nooe <br />" `�'� Wu�anoe premlum�,if eny:(e)yearly mortgege Inaurence premium�,It eny; end (�eny�um� payablo by Eortoww ro - -- <br /> Lender.In acoordena with�he�rovlaioro of p+�s�eph 8,in Ileu of thapnyment of mortgaga tasuronce prcmtumf. 7liese <br />-_—= item�are called"Bscrow Itemn. I.endu may.��aeY�lea md hold Amd�in an amount not�o exceed�he mulmum . <br /> � emount a Iendu for a hdmelly rclated mortgage loam m�y[equtre for Hortowerb aaow aocounl under�he kderal Reai <br />^-sxi� Bataro Settlement Prottduros Act ot 1974 m amended from time ro�ime,12 U.9.C.¢2601 et seq.("RBSPA�,unlese anothu . <br /> -` law�hat applla ro�he Amdn cete e lesser emow4 U ca Lrnder may,at any dme,collxt end hold Amdf In en amount not to � <br /> -w:�� excud tha luser emount. Lender may atlmate the unom[ ot Punda due on tho basis ot artem data end rcasonable <br /> entimata ot axpendiNrca of futurc 8scrow Item�or otduwise in eccordance with eppIlcable law. _ <br /> ��_3 9Le ivnds�hAI Ixi helA in m (nstiNqon whose deposiu aro insnrcd by e fedml agency, instrumentelltY,or enliry <br /> --" (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institu8on)or in eny Aedeni Homa Lotn Bu�k. Lender ehail epply�he ivndt to pay <br />�.',:�t,�".� �he Sxrow Items. Lender may not cherge Bortower for dolding and applying�he Fvnds,ennualiy uialyting Ne eacrow . <br /> :•=;*i,yT eocount,or verifyfng Ua Bscrow Item�,unlex+Lender paye Bortower inrerest on �he I§�nds md�pplicable lew permlu <br />:;�"��;; Lender to make such a charge. Howeva,Lender may rcquirc Bortower�o pay e one•time cherge for en indepeadent rcal <br /> - •:�.{� eatete tez reporting aervia used by Lender im m�necdon with�hb Ioan.untea��ppIluble law provtdu othernlse. UNe�.+en <br />`�:;��-`_�§� agrcement ia mede or appIlcable I�w requirca tnterut to b¢paid,Lmder stull not 6e rcquircd ro pay Bortowp any Inrorest or <br /> '-'�+��'� oamin �on Ne Fvnds. Boirower md I.ender may egre¢(n wnt(ng,however.�at intetesuhell be oald on the iA�nd+. I.ender <br />���""�"�� thall gfve to Borrower,wtlhout cAarge,an ennual accoundng of the ILnd�,chowing crcdits and debhs to the Amd+end U�e <br /> '-�?v'4� puryou tor whlch each debR to the Tvndf waa mede. 'Iha Wnds ere pledged ss addiUonal security tor elI�um�eecured by <br /> �_��, <br />-_;..- �hia Secudty Inauument. <br /> �i�is;e;?` If�he FLnds held by Lender ezceed 1he amounu permined ro be held by applieable law. Lender�hall aocount to <br /> �t° Bortower(or me exceu Funda in eawrdance wi�h�he�eyuiRmcnia of ayyL'�abla law. If tt�aznwM of tM S4nd:fxld Ny --- �---- <br /> �^j� I.ender et any�ime la not aufticient ro pay the Escrow Item�when dua I.ender may so noNfy Bomower in wriUng,end,in <br />;�_r���l� �uch case Bo�rower shall pay ro Lender�he emount noceasary ro make up the deflciency. Bortower ahdl make up G�e <br /> 31:� deflcicncy tn no moce Ihm twelve monthly paymrn�a,at LenderY wle diacretion. <br /> ��j Upon payment in fuil of ell suma suured by Ihis Securiry Instrumen4 Lender shnll promptly refund to Bortower eny _ <br /> °r'ir,.i` Punds held by Lendec If, under paregreph 21,Lender shall acquire or xll the Propeny.Lender,prior to�he acqui3ltion or y}�.: <br /> ��::'- aale of the Propeny,ahall epply my Punds held by I.ender at the[ime of ecqutsition or sale a+a crcdtt egainat the sums �' , 1��:_ <br /> ._��`.:x cecureA by U�is Savrity Insnument. ;;_ <br /> �`-'-• 3. Applicetion of paymen�. Unless appticable lew providee otherwiu,ali poyments received by I.ender under r���r - <br /> --,yZ, paregrephs 1 and 2 shall be epplied:firs6 io eny prcpxyment chuaes due under�he Nore:second,to emounu payable under q� <br /> i- . paragroph 2;�hird,to ineercat due founh,�a principal due;end laz�,to nny lare chorgea due under the Note. „ } . <br /> - 4. Chargea; Liem. Bortower :hall pay ell texes, azsessmenu, charges, flnes and impositiona nt�ributeble ro the r,i�� x�-, <br />-�.-n��;�.y Property which mey a�tein priority over�hia Securiry Insirumem.end leasehold paymema or ground rcnts,if any. Bortower ,rs S4y=___� <br /> . S:�- ahell pay ihese obligations in thc mancer provided in p�rag'aph 2,or if not paid in�hot menner.Dortower sfiall pay�hem on u� � � <br /> �+�`• time direcdy w the person owed prymem. Bortower shail promp�ly fumish to Lcnder all notia:o(amoums�0 6e p�id under fr _ �_ <br /> '..r.s �r=�,": • <br />:-�?:;;;•s, thia paregreph. If Bortnwer makes thex paymems directly.6ortower shell promptly fumish to Lender rettipis eridencfna :F,�f�,.;;,-: <br /> -"' �he paymenu. ` :� <br /> - a�-r Bortower shail promptly diuherge any lien which hss priority over this Securiry(nauumem unless Bartower.(a)agrces iht __, <br />`�i7''�;,� in writing to Ihe paymem ohhe obligation secured by the lien in a mnnner accepleble lo Lender,(b)concests in ood feilh Ihe '.s`7' ::=�.• <br />...+.{;,:� 8 •".'`]l..�.,� <br /> .-�,-_ lien by,or defenda againsl enfarcement of�he lien in,legal proceedings�vhich in the Lender i opinion opera�e ro prevent the ,.+r _� <br /> enforcemene of the lien;or(c)ucures trom tlu holder of the lien an agreement wtisfacrory to Lender subordinating the lien � t � <br /> a-_�;- ro this Securiry tnawment. If Lendcr de�emiines tha�any pan of�he Propeny is subjec��o a lien which mry attain prioriry ,��"+ ;�i <br />� ._,.. �.�. over thi:Security Instrummt,Lender may give Barrower a notice idemitying�he licn. Bortower shell satis(y�he lien or�ake �y � , <br /> r :• one or morc of the aaions set fonh n6ove within 10 days of�he giring of nolice L j� ' ' <br /> � 5. Hozard or Propert)'Insurnntt. Borrower shall kecp�he improvements now exis�ing or huea�er erected on�he g <br /> �; Property insured against lou by�rc,hazards induded within ehe�ertn'ex�ended covcrege"and any a�her huefds,induding i <br /> -�.: ,�� floods or flooding, (or ahich Lender reyuires insuranee. This insu�ance ,hall be maimained in �he amounts and Por the :'{��i�•y�� <br /> .• Fxm37L 9N0 �Ntr2�4hryR�i1 � t�',. <br /> f �' <br /> f`�--, ' <br /> ..'c'f �' <br /> . , _ ._ . ' _�-,- .. . _ . - .. •- <br /> �G�J "Ft�•'- _ .._ - , . _: . . <br /> ._ . _ . . . ,.. •. .r. . <br /> .,,� <br /> ..:r�_— -- - <br />.. ".:j;.:" .is;` . <br /> ' :1 Ia• . <br /> �-�•` `•�� - . . <br /> '.�.:' <br /> I. � S` . <br /> :.Y](�a."�:.'., ' _. ' . _ <br /> t.._ `1� <br /> ) :. .• - . ._ . <br /> tz _ <br /> ,. �_ " . . . ._ . <br /> � � - , _ • <br /> � , . , _- <br /> ' - . � �. . <br /> r _ � � : �; . <br /> ' � � - ' .. ._• ._ <br /> 4 (i "_, ' � . . . . ._. ._. .__ __ _ . <br />