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�. �. .� . _ , <br /> _ � - ' � _ _ <br /> . . . <br /> :_W� :.� <br /> • �•• . - . . <br /> /Q� e /��r�p� <br /> perlo0�N�i Lcndet n,qulra. 7Le Inauranco cartler provlGing 0e Inaurence�hali Ue chosen 6�Borro�!6!�e AeFh �. <br /> pyroval which ehail not 6e unreasoneDiy wlmAelA. It Dortowet fdia to malntain cove deacdbe0 4boye,,.1 eadet m�ry.6t � _ <br /> -- �.enderlo�on,obiofncoveregemproteaLeaider§righalnUwPropenyinaaordancaw��psrcSreph7• = <br /> AU 16surenco poAcla and rsnewala�he116e aa-eptaDto to LxMqr and thall Includo e�mnAard mortgege clauso. 4ender <br /> - �hs11 dave tho rlgh�to hold Ux poilelea and renowats. [tLendcr rcqutra,Bortower�heU promptly giva to Lender atl nctlpro <br /> ot pdd prcmlpm�end mnowat notica. In tAa event of tou,Bartower ehW1 glvo prompl notico to the tnsuranoo aa�er md <br /> Lenden LenAOr moy meke proof of losa It not mede promptly by[iortower. <br /> iJntw Lendsr and 8ortower o�henvise rgrw in wrlting,Insuraneo Procud�ehalt be opplicd to reetoretion or rcp�tr of <br /> - the Noperty damaged,tt�tw rcs�oredon orrepsir Is aonomically lcastble ond LenderY st�idty i� na teaaened. If tho ,_ ,,, <br /> rcatontlon or rcpair W not economicelty feasible or Lenderl eccudty would 60 le+seeied,the insuranca praoeeds �h��be <br /> -- applled ro the sum�sxured by thb Saudry Inswmen4 whuhu or not �hen due,wtN eny excou pnid to Hotrower. It <br /> Bortowu eWndane tho Propecty,or daee not wwer withln 30 day�a notico from Lender thu the tnsurtnce carrhr hee <br /> offercd to ettle a claim,Nen Lender may collect Uro insurance praaeda. I.endsr may uso the proxeda ro rc�r w rcatoro <br /> �ho Property ot to pay tumf ucursd by NIa Secudry(nswmenA whxiher or not then due. 'ILe 30-0ay period w 1�be8fn whe� <br /> �e nouw i�given. <br /> ----= Uniw Lender and Bortower o0ienvlee earca In wrtt(ng.any app1lcatlon of proceed�ro pdndpal shell not exlend m `_ -. <br />. �� postpone�he due date of�Ae mmthly paymenro roferted to In paregnphe 1 end 2 or change�he amwnt ot the pa eme. I[ <br /> -�— undu parag�aph 21 tha Ropecry ta ecqulred by Lender.BomuwuY dgbt ro any Imurance po6ciea md p�resulqng <br />-'�=`� fiom dam�ge to tM1e Prape�ty pdor to the aoquisitton shell pase to Lender to Ne extent of the iums cxured by[his Security — <br /> _- InatNmentimmediatoty pflorrotheacquiaidon. <br />-?;�� 6. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Mslntenenee aad Proteclion of tbe Propertyt Borrower's Loan Applicedon{ -- <br />.._,_,�� Leasehold+. Borrowtt sAall ocapy,esubllaM1,and usa�he Properry 4+Bortower6 pdnclpal raidena wltA(n dxty dap Jter - <br /> - �he exeeution of�hie Sxurity Lunumrnt end�hall condnue�o ottupy the Propeny as Bortowert pdncipal rcsidena for et <br /> a ry�� least one year aRer the dat¢ of accupancy, unlw I.e�Mer o�henvise egceex in w�itlng, which eonttm ihett not be - <br /> 4i-� unrcxsombly withheld,or unleu extenuetfng eircumsroncea exist which are 6eyond Bortowerl mntrol. Bortower�h�l not iE <br /> - 5;{- dawy,damage or impe(r the Anperty,ellow t�e Anpeny ro dctulora�e,or commit wasle on the Nopeny. Borrower�hall <br /> +;h be in defeul�if eny to�feiture aaion or pracceding,whuher civil or crimiml,is bagun�hat in LenduL good teith judgment �s 5��.:. <br /> -- -'�� could rault in todeituro of the Prope�ty or o�hmwfee matuielly impa3r the Itrn creeted by th[e Secudry Inswment or -� <br /> �" Lenderh«curity Intercac Bortower may cure�uch a deteult end rcinatate,as provided in paragroph 18,by uusing the ulion �� r�� <br /> •"�� or �ocadin to be dismissed xith a mlin �he6 in Lenderb ood faith datertninetion,precludea todeiturc of�he Bo�mwer'e " _�` <br /> ^ : intertat in the Propeny or otha maredel�impairtnent of the Ilen crated by this Sauriry Inswment or Lenderk ucudty �', �.;� <br /> �y _� imercat. Bortower �hell dso be in defeult if Borrower, dudne the loen appliudon proce�e, gave meterielly f+lsa or ���r,,_ <br /> inaaure�e information or netemenu to Lcnder(or feited to provide Lender with any matenal intomntion)in wnnectim with <br /> ''T,t� �he loen evidenad by the Nou, including, but not limited �o, rcpresentetions conceming Bortower`e occu cy ot the ,°r � <br /> �r �t� <br /> �y�j. Propeny u a pdneipal reaidrnca If�his Saurity Inawment is on a leauhold,Bortower ahall comply with elI� e pmrisiona iti°�"t:, <br /> -�,� �f!!e!r_e. !f BmoWet�qulro fee t{tSe!�th.!Prcprqy.ths I��!hnld nnd tlk fes title ahell mt merge unlw LendenBrccs ;� .- <br /> ro the merger(n writing. 'L` ` <br /> e tt�, 7, p�atectlon of Lender'e Righls in the Property. If Bortower feila to pedomi �he eorenanu end agrumema 1F�4'�_. <br /> �n� conuined in thi+Security Inatmment,or therc is n Icgal proceeding that may significantly eftect Lenderl righu in �he r� � ., . <br /> --:=:'= Property(such ea e proceeding in bankmp�cy,probeca tor condemna�ion or fadeiwrc or�o entorce lews or regulations),then S.�u i ,.. <br /> � ���� Lender may do and pay for wlutever iz neanery to protect the value of the PropeRy and Lenderl righu in�he Property. +JF3�'�. � <br /> .�� � I.enderl actions mey include prying any suma secured by a lien whieh hes prioriry over this Security Insimment,appeering � � � <br /> in mun,paying reasonable attaneya'fces end entering on the Propcny to make rcpain.Although Lender mey tnke ection g«tt, <br /> -i -'� under thia paregraph 7,Le�er das not have to do so. [�� <k� �" <br /> -�-<.,r.{j� Any amounta disbursed by I.ender under�his pamgreph 7 shell 6ecome edditional debt of Bovower cecured by�hia 5 <br /> ,� Secudty Instmment. Unless Bortower and Lender ngrce to o�her tcmn of peyment,thtx amounu sholl har imercat tmm the �n"�,, <br /> { � datc of disburaement nt the Naie mte nnd shall be payeblc,wiih inurcst,upon mticc irom Lendcr io Bortowcr reques�ing ��'r' � -� <br /> � payment. r � ' <br /> x,.� �+ 8. Mortgege[naurence. If Lender rcquired mongege insurance ns a condi�ion ot making�he loan saured by�hin �k - <br />-���F�i'�. Securiry Insirument. 8ortower shall pay the prcmiums rcquircd ro mafntnin ihc mongege Insufantt in effat If,for eny ;;._�;;-_c-. <br />°:�:,�». �.,,;-:.,:, <br /> - , rcnwn, the mongege insufana wve`age requircd by Lender Iepus or cwses ro be in efRct. Borrower ahall pay the mt , ;: <br /> - '.�Y�, premiunu ttquircd �o obmin covefage suhsmntially equivalent ro the mongage incurance prcviomly in effat, et a cost � � ; <br /> �"' ��; substantidly equivalent ro�he cast to 6ortower uf�he mortgage insumnce prev�ously in effect,from an ul�ema�e mongege �- <br /> ��tr� insurcr eppmved by Lender. If su6stemiully equivalent mortgage insuronce coverage is not available,Bartower shnll pay ro �t��t7n.� <br /> ;b.},a;, Lender ach momh a sum equal lo onedwel(ih o[the yenrly mortgage insuronce premium being paid by Bortower when Ihe -, <br /> „�,��" insumna mverege Ixpsed or ceued ro be in effcet. 4nder�vill eccept,use and rctuin these paymenu ns¢loss reserve in licu r �" �_ <br /> � �< <br /> ., • of mongage insurence. Loss rcservc prymems muy no longer be reyuired,at chc option of Lender,if mongege insurence �� �� ._.: <br />-•�4��-��`'^` cover.� e(in the amount and for�he nod�hat Lender¢ uires) rovided b nn insurer e roved b Lender a ein becomes :.:>�„•� <br /> t;~�i;. available and is ablained.Oavower shall pay the premiums rcquired to mainiain mottgagePnsurance�n eNect.or�o pmvide a --.. <br />. ,�;�,-.,f. loss rescrcc,nntil thc rcyuircment for mongagc insumnce ends in acmrdnncc with any wrinen agrcemem beiween Bafrower j ��� _.-._ <br /> ' - andLenderornpplicablclaw. '��` +��'`� <br /> � U'<� 9. InspecNon. Lender or its agent may muka rcasanablc entria upon and inspec�ions of the Propeny. Lender shall ti ��? <br />%••�,fb��`� give Bonox�er no�ice at�he time of or priono an inspection speci(ying masonable cause for the inspection. r,�-=;'- , <br /> -�:"r�`�� 10. Condemnetlon. 'Ihe rnceed�of an �wnrd or daim fnr dama es dircc�ur conu connnuon wi�h any - '-�� <br /> P Y• 8 4 7"..��r;.,. <br /> "�� SingleBmii�—Fannk\LHF'rtddle\1vcC�IFt)R\I1\STRI'!fE]T -l'mformCm<nan 9N0 �ryi�3.�Jnp+F�u <br /> .. t oN�uue�mleevl�r■ <br /> .(l?'} bUMf�Y HOQSYNAIOP.I[61LTN1]I <br />-;'.�.=�`. __ _ ' <br /> _Vy <br /> '�.:J�y:� �- . <br /> - ( . <br /> 4l ' r _ t . ..--a-c�,_-'` ..ii r: _..�- -.. '1:,. S s 7 � T?�:�.:�-... .� _ .. <br /> _ _ ,�..�.,:... <br /> 1yt.� . .� - . ' - <br /> �y � � � � . + _ .. _ ' _ _ <br /> ,�.'.:::,t ;: . . �y� � <br /> , .. <br /> t �, � <br /> - - - -- -- -- - � - <br /> � ., - - <br /> K,¢_F _�. � ) . - .. . ' - - <br /> Y� a�� J `r : . . . . . . . . <br /> i a-- i F . - i . . . . .. . . <br /> -- ._� S° _ /it' .. . . . -. � . � ,'. .: . - _ . _. . <br /> _t° .1 i=; �_ . _ .. . ' ' - _ <br /> , { <br />( l51 _ r,}. -: .�: . ' _ <br /> -�1S f�`i b I 1.�: ' - . � ' . . <br /> il -���-�{: t 4- .. � ; . . f!� <br /> ,} . <br /> i _t � y ✓ ��� f ,� 1 . - ' �. � _ <br /> ` � i 1 � f <br /> � <br /> �C� E 1� 't � � : - ' � - ;r �h - :+.' i 1 -7,` ' ,} , ' . <br /> } � t � ' f i-� t J � � ' - � t� 3 J <br /> a/� Y•� ,l •O� 1 ,i f L _ ��� - V � ,i _ i . i - '.i <br /> `' <br /> ? - r Y i, r rt 7.c ..�-.. .. . . . .. ���.. <br /> �F .,_. ._ . .1 F�a.�ir . .. . _ . .. A . . . . � _ . . . . .�. .. .. . <br />