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.-. . : . .:� . . • '� . , :... . :.�, .._1,.:3?.L:VL' � - x.,. .. .r - �ie;;:-' <br /> ._1 :fli ._.I _..... .. __1!•J <br /> ,., _ . . . .. �._.,�___. . <br /> ,l . _ . - ., i � 1� <br /> � - .. _ . ' - -•� - �. -.�,_- .- .: - -. �.i'i. �_�" <br /> .' i- .. . . : �` . - . :' .' x ' ' lrL¢il+. '�n - '' �� i . <br /> A ' - - _ -. _ - . -. - - Q� � � - - <br /> = �iBB dltho�ptS►vemtnlsrioWmtkresitereraltdond�eproyen�l�dt , �n�(ou. <br /> yq� u <br /> ana �wa aow orwhEseastu a�en ot�6opro rty,.A11 ikDiAcCaiRmv et�d adNtlons clialt tIw 60 cov2rcd�}! .��r(t}r, --F <br /> Insttunieut� Allott�atumgotngitmfanWt6i thia$aWiCJ{nsWmGnta9ttw"P�oP�+p'" _ . .;. . .• . � _- _ - <br /> BORROWAR OOV6NANf8 U�at Borcower i�lawtulty ceised dt�M e��ato henAy conveyed end�a��ho riBhi tu Bmnt °. � � <br /> md convey tho Prop�y�nd that Ae Ptopeny i�unencumbore0.oxccpt Por enambrmoe8 alttcar0:.flotrovnr iGui:nls end, — <br /> wlll dettnd gede�al(y ttia tlqe ro thsPropeny egainat eli cislm�and demanda,subJea a eny cncumUmnoae of recoN, <br /> '{71I8 88G411tPfY IN87itUMBNf com0lne�unifomi covenanu foi n9donel use and non•unifmm covennptn vd�h r' <br /> Ilmited varindoro by JuTicdlalon toconatimro e unito�m secudry Inanument covering real propeny. <br /> �Np+pWyppyB[9ANf3. Boerowerandl.endcrcovennn�endogrcoastollowi: . .`�:. <br /> 1 Prpmenl of Prindpal and tnleceaq Prepoymeat enA I.ete CTatgee. Bortower cAatl promp�tyPay when d�»�a <br /> principa1 otand Imeres[ort�ha debt evtdenced by the Noro and any prcpaymen[end Ima chargW due undertho Note. <br /> t. F1mds(or 7Lxee and Iacurana. 55�bject eo appItecbla taw or co e wrinen wdver 6y Lender.Hortower�hatl pay to <br /> I.ender on tho day montdly paymenu aro due under the Note,un[il the Note la patd ia full,e eum("ENnds')for.(a)yeafly <br /> �exes end eueaamente which may enein prlorlry ovu thia Securtty Inawmrnt ee a Ikn on�he Propeny;(b)year1Y�eaachold ; <br /> paymenu or g�ound renu on the Proputy, it any^, (c) yearly hezard or property insurenee premiuma: (d) yearty flood . <br /> Insumnce pttmiuma,if eny, (e)yeuly mongage insurance prcmiuma,if any; end(q eny wms payable by Bortowu to �� - - <br />- I.ender,in eccordance with tho Frovlaiana ot paragroph 8,in lieu of the psyment ot mortgaae Insurence premlum�. 7Aesa <br /> items aro ceileA'6urow Gema.' I.endu may,ne any time,collect and hold Wnde in m emount no[to exuM ehe meximum <br /> emoum a lender for e kderelly ttlated mong�ge loan may rcqutre Por BortowerY eacrow exount under the[ederal Real <br /> &tata SelUement Raedures Aot of I974 es emandW hom dme�o Nme,l2 US.C.9��«+�9•(��pA�1•unlea�anulher <br /> Iaw Uut appllea to the ENnd�sets a leasu emowt If w.Lender may,et any tima ce��«t e�d hold�in en amount not to <br /> excad the lesser amount. I.ender may eatimete Ne emount o[Wnds due on the basia of curten[data and 2asonnbte <br /> aHmata otezpendtmroa of future flscmw item�or o�henvise in eaordance�vith appIiceble law. °------- <br /> 77ie Punds ehall be held In m tnstitudon whose deposfla erc insured by a federel egency,inswmenteltry,or entity <br /> (inctuding Lender.If Lender Ie auch an inst(tudon)or in eny Federel Homc Loen Bank. Lender ahall apply the li�nds ro pay <br /> the Escrow Remv I.ender may not charge Hortower for holding and applying t6e i§�nds,mnuelly enalyaing tAo escrow <br /> aoco�nt,or veritying the P.scrow Itertu,unless Lender payi Bortower in[ere;t on tha Aund+ and appliable lew pe�mlts <br /> Lender to meke such a charge. Howerer,Lender muyrcq uire Borto�ver to pay a one•Hme charge Por en fndependent real <br /> uteta lex repotting servla used by Lender in connec�ion with Ih3a loan,unlw appIfable law prov:dea otherwiae. Unlw ea <br /> ageement i�made or epplicable I�w requirei intercat ro be patd,Lender nhell not be rcquired a pay Bortower eny Ncerest or <br /> caming�on�ho I'unda. Borrower end Lender mey aga in wriring,howcver,�at imuat shail be paid on Ne FLnde. I.ender <br /> �hall give�0 6ortower,without chvge,an ennual eaounqng of�he FLnds,slawing creditn md debfu ro the Fbnda and the — <br /> purynse tor which each debit to�he Punds wm made. 7Le Wnda ue pledged es additional ucuriry for ali sums secureA by _____ <br /> Ihis Secudty Inaaument. M'-. <br /> /f the Mnds hetd bv Lender excad �he emounu permitted to be hdd by �ppiicable law, Lender ehnil eaoum to �'_-_-___ _ <br /> Borrower tor the exceaa FLnds In eecordance wi�h�he rcquiremema of eppliwble I�w. If�he amount oi the hunds helu oy �.-:F.;�.__....___ <br /> Lender et eny time is no[aufReient to pay the Escrow Itema when dua Lender mry so notify Bortower in wdting,end,in -�.:<-� .::—�. <br /> cuch cax Bonower ahell pay ro Lender the emount nxeasary ro make up�he deficiency. Bortower ihall maka up the ,�'�},��'?.':;_,�_, <br /> deficiency in no mott ihm twelve monthly paymrnts,at Lender5 sole discrction. 5-��;'�"-�r��—'_. <br /> U n ent in full of all sums secured b thia Secud Insuument,Lendu ehali rom tl rcfund�o Bortower m ¢i� �"'"""""�`��:` <br /> po psYm Y �Y P P Y Y i+aC�l,.;S:-,.::iiav+c. <br /> Ponda heid by Lender. If,under puagreph 21,Lender shall ecqWrc or sell�he Property.Lender,pdor ro 1he aequi�ition or ;{;,pr�i�y���-=�- <br /> aaleottheRo `'.�'� �.��: <br /> perty,ahell epply my Pmds held by I.ender at�he lime of acquisi�lan or sile a�a crcdit egninat�he sums �nr;zi,._•yl�(ys:i;�A=;_ <br /> ucurcdbythieSceuritylnsuument. f:E'•'.�y._ k;.i=°��_ <br />� 3. Applicatton of Peyment+. Unlesa eppliceble Iaw provide.+o�herwise,dl paymenta received by Lender under :�,;:i�� - <br /> ore te h:I and 2 sAall be a Ifed:firsL�o en rc a ment cher es due under the Note;second,to amounu able under �a����`�t'� •�- <br /> D SreP Pp P Y P P Y 6 Y 8 wy ��S`s�luY4a `"`- .. <br /> are fi 2:th(rd,[o interes�due;founh.�o rinci al duc:end lest,�o an late char a due under�he Nore. . - <br /> 4. Char p; Llena Bormwer shell all �exes, esuasmenu, char ea, Mes and im Itiona endbmeble ro the •• s - gc_- .•.�,���� ' <br /> 8 PzY 8 P� S's!f?!�� r� �2<:��ss'.. <br /> Property which may ettein priodty over�his Sauriry Instrument,ond leaschold payments orgmund rcnu,if any. Uortower •:r�s:�r.���;j:,;�'•;:'%. <br /> shell pay Iheu oblige�ions in the m�nner pmvided in paregreph 2,m if not paid in�hat menncr,Uartower ahell pay�hem on 5�ih�:,:%tsi�'L��",:�;�`.;.� <br /> �ime direcqy�o tAc person owed payment. Bortowcr:hall promptly Pomish�o Lender ell notias of nmoumn to be paid under '�;,s:i i;,:�3t;�l±y��«.iw_. <br /> thia paregroph. If Bortower maka these payments dircctly.Bortower shall prompily fumish to Lender receip�s evidencing .;�4f �,sr s�?G'��f: -. <br /> �he paymenu. � .}{� „h.��'I i� �•- <br /> Borrowet shall prompqy dixcharge any lien which hns priomy over�his Securi�y Instrumem unless Bortower.(a)egrees t .< <�t gy�_-. <br /> In wri�ing to the paymeni of the obligation secured by�he lien in o menner acttpteble to L,ender,(b)contesis in good fafih�he �����.,;;�. [�i,�..,,; <br /> Iien by,or defends egainst enforcemem of thc lien in.Iegal praceedinga which in Ihe Lenderl opinion operare to prcvent ihe -�, i Y�•s -: <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from thc holder o(the lien an ngreement smisfac�ory�o Lender subordinating the lien -��,;i i��,�,�.',;,��;;;�-+.-: <br /> ro�his Security Inswmem. If Lender determmes that any part of the Propeny is mbject to s lien which may attain priority � �4 � u��;. =: <br /> over this Securiry Inswmen4 Lender may give Bortower a notice identifying�he liea Borto�rer shall satisfy the lien or take ; ,{f q.y �, `:.� <br /> one or more of the actiom set(onh abore wi�hin 10 days of the giving ot no�ice. '""�»,f,-°s_x#"�i_�: <br /> S. Hezerd or Pro ert Insurance. Bortower shall kee the im rovemems now exis�in or hereafler erected on�he ��'.-,��"' '�1"'-'`' - <br /> P Y P P 8 -� y,�;};t��;;:-!�Y°r,�: <br /> Property insured agninat loss by firc,harards included wi�hin�he lerm'extended coverage"and any o�her Aazards,including :;.t.y,.,;A•',,;,->'';>.. <br /> floods or flooding, far which Lender reyuircs insumnce. This insunnce slull be maintained in the amounts and Por�he ���„i-_.�r;�:; «�,+":�- <br /> .::r,;' <br /> •-_: 'i..,'J�:�:"}h�. <br /> iurmWL 9N0 �NR�:^JM1NS�sI }�_'-'.ti��.'i°?i`� _ <br /> , _i:"s` � _�t" - <br /> ;�,_. �'2� . <br /> � � _ <br /> r. . C-r' <br /> .� �¢_. . _.:, . . ._.� .....,t' ;"r.° �^`Z. �. ti�� �.—' —'—� . — :^y -. <br /> .��.. . . '.,� <br /> t� S . �( . . ' . - _ . . _ _ —. <br /> � i..;.,n l. fi , . - .. <br /> , <br /> �- ;.o .�._ - . . - . . - . ` . <br /> . <br /> . � <br /> : . <br /> . . <br /> -�.,:-.-.. -� � . . . . - . . : - <br /> i�� : �- -�- _- - --_-.. -' � - --- ---- -- -._- —- --_ - -- -� - <br /> ' , ` - - , . _ . . <br /> 7 _�r. � � ,� - � . - , - . . . - - � � - <br /> 4�j.-- - E� . . ... , ' , - . -_ <br /> .rt.1.. . . � - - { _. -.'.. .. . -. .�` �-.. .. - . <br /> -: j � F :. .-!. -.. - ... - - , <br /> 4 {'.5. 5 4 -S ' - ' ' . <br /> � � � ' <br /> Sw `. . , . . _ - t.- - ' . . � <br /> � � <br /> /� � _ <br /> -r t. ..4' - � �• <br /> � ' i l L . - �. � r ' . <br /> ) t� ) .1 . �? � - � � }� i - - � -- . <br /> � J � t - ' 14 t.. f �' r r _ <br /> i �� / J L f. <br /> � S `y. , f `� � t �r � \. _ . 7 f[ ) ._ <br /> .x .>F. .. a .. . ,� . . .ttS " 1 >. _ .,r . . .. � .. . .�.\u ...i:2� '� i � -n._ . .��? _ . . , _ <br />