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. � _ ,:�.: ..��:�. . . _ . �;,.� : �,. _ <br /> - . ..� .. _ _ _ __ __ _ <br /> �-j . .. ,�_�... _ <br /> . .., . � <br /> ;,. , - �3�'�1��,' � , '; <br /> �. , ,. � ; ,. <br /> �yy11rhb14!Aw m�y�DxUY ku rolnst�temenq 6af9ro�e of tM Ptoperty Punuort to any ppw�rot s�la conWned�h U�(e '�f: <br /> � �SesUHry W Wmq��;or @)entry of e Judg�nt entorcing�hlag�wtry Inshuincnl. 'Ihose med�qonip�e iAet DoNo��or (ay - - <br /> , ptqn i.ender�11 eums rvhlcA thrn �rou1d be duo unda Mi Secwlry Inswment and U�e Noto df 1/no 6caiero�on he4 ` <br /> , rocut�(Oj qnct�eny detauttoltny aher cmenentf oe ag�cemenu;(c)pnri e]lexpensce IneumA In enfor�ing�hte 8 ry � - _ _ <br /> IdsWmsnb Ipcludin&,but not limlted to,rcawnabto ettomeyi'fua:gnA(d)�aka wcA ealon a�LenAer may reaaoM ty <br /> �{quim tn assuie Nat�he Iicn oltNa 9aurliy tniu��ment,l.endbrb dgtne in tho Froperry end 8ortowul obUga�(on topAy IAd ' <br /> eum� eeated Dy Ih(f Becuriry (nstwnen� �heli conUnue unchengW. Upon reinntekment by Bartower,thb 8uyitty• <br />_ :, Tn:winem uM O�a ob1lg�Non�ceared hercDy�heli rcmain Nily ofhbtivo es It no nccelen+tlm had oocurted. HoweveK Ihfe <br /> dghtto�tilM1Sigto�hallnp�dppIyinthocaseoTeooeterotlonundorparegmQhl7. � � . <br /> l�. B�k ot Noht Cpfu�e at t,o�n 8uvker. 'ILo Nola or epan1al interat in tho No�e(to8uher w(eh thla Saudry <br /> LuuumEnq m�y 6a aold ono or moro tlmw wi�hoW prtor no�ica to Bortower. A�ata may rosult in a chango In tho cnttty " <br /> (kn4vm e�tho Loan Seivlar")tha�coitects mon�hly paymenu due under the Noie and thl�Saurity instryment. 7Lero etso <br /> may ba one or moro cAmgea of Na t.oui Servlcer wuelated to a sele ot tMe Noro. If thero is a change o(the Loaa 8ervlar, <br /> Horto�vor will be given wdtten noHce ot tAO chenge in aocordenoa with paragnph 14 above emt apyIicable taw. 7T�o naiee <br /> . will nete IM name end�ddrea+of the new Lwn Savicer and the addres�to which Qaymenn�hould bo made. 71ia noHca will ___._, <br /> almconteinanyotherintoimallonrequirMbyep ticablelnw. <br /> 20. Razerdous SuDstances. Bortower c�l nol uuse or pemiit the prcsence,use,disposal,erorega or re(ease of any <br /> Haurdam Sui�stuioea on or la tha Properry. Bortowu stull not do,nor allow anyono elsa eo do,nny�hing affec8ng�he <br /> Proyerry Itut Is In Holelion ot eny Bnvimnmental Law. 7Le prueding t�vo eentaia�sdall not epply co IM prcsence.us0.or <br /> atorige on tha Properry ot emaU quantidea of Hazardoua Substences�he�erc generelly recognlzed to be appropdaro ro normel <br /> rcaldentlai usw end to m�intenance of�ho Properey. <br /> Boirower dull prompqy give l.ender wdtten notice of any InveaGgeHon,claim,demmd,laweuit or aher ection by eny <br /> �--° govemmenW or rcguleiory ngta�cy or privata perty involving�ha Property and my Hazardoua Substanco or L'nvironmenul ----- <br /> � Law ot �vAlch Bortowu hea ectual knowledge. If Bortower Iw�u, or ta notlfted by eny govemmental or reguLiory <br /> - autlwdty,thet eny rcmovel or other rcmediatlon of eny Huardoua Substnnce af@cflng tho Rnperty b neceasary.Borrower — <br />...T=� tAill promp�ly�eke all mcessery remeAial actiona in�aordana with Envtronmentel Law. ��;t.:-:-_. <br /> At uxd in thb pangraph 20."Hezardous Subsiences"ere�hose aubstence�deRned m�oxic or huerdoun substenas by <br />--�� Hnvironmmtel Law end the following cubsnnees: gasoline,keroune,other Flemmable or roxic petrolwm produc�,toxic y-___ <br />--= paticides end Aerbicida, vol�dle eolvems.materiala comeining ubes[m or fortnaldehyde,and redioactive meterfala. N �=��-- <br />:_;:-;� used in thi�parageph 20,"8nvironmental Lew"meam fedeml lewa end Ixuti of ihe Jurisdiction where the Property(a laned -____. <br />-�� thet rclata ro health,eafay or emtronmentel proicetlon. -��,� <br /> � NON•UMFORMCOVBNAN7'S. BolrowerandLenderPonhercovenantendagreea+Pollowa: � .'- <br /> ?� 21. Accelerefloni Remedies. Lender chall give nodce to Borroner prlor to acceieretton following 6orroeer's �. . - <br /> ,,. brweh otany mvenant or egreement in thu 3ceur(ty Instrument(6ut not prlor to ecceleretton under paragraph 17 '���;�,y,��: <br />- -- unten applicable law providee otherwise). The notice ehall speciry: (a)tbe defeult;(b�the acdon requtred ro cure the E:;,;,:;;;_.-.--.=:--••---��� <br /> -�� defaultt(y a dete,nOt lean then 30 daya Rom the dete 1he notice u given w uorroner,by rhieh[he defauh mus[be - _--°°�'-----� <br /> k curcdt nnd(d)thet tallure ro wre Ihe default on or betore the date speellled In 1he noUee may result in acaleration ot �'�__ <br />.,,�,`� the cumv secured by ihia 3ecurity(nstrument and aele of the Properly. 7'he nottm ehtll furiher Intorm Borroww of ,��i�_°__--�-, <br /> the dght to reinslele a4er acceleretion end Ihe rtght to bring a murt acttan to assert the non�exfstence of a detaull or ;M� � �: <br /> .�'� eny other defenae of Borrower to ecceieretlon nnd aele. if the defeult L+not cured on or beforc the date apce81M fn -� s-��v--- - - <br /> -_� Ihe nodce,Lender at Ila opttom m�y requtre Immedlefe payment in iLil of ell aums aecured by thu Sewr(ty Instrument � ��'tit-_�., ° <br /> vlthout Nrther demand end may Invoke Ihe po�rer ot sefe and eny other remedia permttteA by appilcable la�v. ,��k- jn ; �t.�(:,. <br />_:.,;�� Lender ehail be entttltd ro collect ell expenses incurred In puraufng Ihe remediea provlded In th� parograph 2I. 'r.N�.t=•��j��,�,�o-?,Q= <br /> =,� tncluding,but not ItmltM to,reesoneble airorneye'kea and msq of lttle evidence. V#y�`�yct ¢j t''�}�" <br /> ,a It the power ot sele ta Inroked.7Yuntee shall remrd e nolla of dtfeult In eech arounlr in vhkh any part of the , ,�y , - -- <br /> �� Property b located end ahall mall mpiea ofsuch notice in the manner prescribed by eppticeble law to Dorro�rer and to ;+hy�.� �d�z' <br /> :i� @e o�her peraon�preceribed by epplicable Imr. Atter the time required Ay applicabte la�r,7Yustee chell glve publ(c •��yR' `�6'�•�-,,+_. � <br /> :,'� notla of eale to the persona end In the mnnner prescribed 6y eppllcable le�r. 7Yuatee,�rtlhout demend on Borro�re. ,�, �ae--,cp}�'t �;-. <br />-;;t shell cell lhe Property at public auetion to the htghest bfdder at the Iime and plece and under tAe terma dealgnatcd in f r �� �r}- - <br /> ;� t5e nodce of sele tn one ar more percele and�n eny urder 7}ustee determfnea. 7Yustee may pastpone anle of ell or my i�y4�+�;?t:X`, , <br /> �<i� parcel otthe Property by public announcement at the time and plece of eny previously seAeduled sele. Lender or f4+ �f�������;;;; <br /> daignee may purchsu lhe Property at any anle. r�� �,v'"' <br /> -� Upon receipt of peyment of�he prlce bid,7Fustce ahall deliver Io Ihe purchnser 7Yustee's deed mnveying the �} � �1 y{�;f rr"„�r� <br /> ,. Properly. The recitaia in the 7}usta'�deed ahell be prtma fecle evidence of tAe truth of Ihe atatemems mede therein. i�s� -fi �fa�v' t�<_: <br /> .: 7}uslee shall apply 1he praceede ot Ihe sele in the Polloiring order. fel to ell costs end expenses of exerelsing ihe po�rer _ i , <br /> t� ��5 <br /> v ��`i�/rY dt� ��ir�l�: <br /> �� �f i 1 I�' .�S� �. <br /> .� .�`r.�[`.1/v�,�}�'�t3-. <br /> :.:!+ ��y �i+.Y�J :j+i) <br /> .'i t+' -�-L� � ::�oid.-? <br /> :_Y .��``ii�,i�:t.�'}.F�'.:iy i. <br />� :,7 .S`2':�`t?s��(7;`=,',-> _' <br /> %'l .� h y .oi. � <br /> 'i� kormtOA Y.W �p�er�../^Nen� _ 1��� r ') <br /> d , �- <br /> .;-.l :`� :3 .o _ <br /> u� � <br /> .a F{ <br /> �1 � <br /> ; r , . r:h�^��-+-T ry� -�.--e�:.-{� it`�:�-n J - u SI a:�4� . j . I.� . <br /> �_�� ' .� F�: r� s e _ ' _ <br /> � � c�'' ,, } � 4- ;' y � ' I <br /> , ;: > . , . . <br /> ... .--,_ ,v��rr'z .� .f-•.-- '"-- -----: _ -_ --_.rr_ -'--- `�`- ,�-. ..,-.-.� - .i ,� <br /> Jf i.- � :- -. M1j-r i ,_�. — _ _ - - - " " <br /> f �i 1 <br /> I -�� �ri•Sc S_r l,N '� . . . <br /> . • , r <br /> ur t .4hrJt -� - ) � ?! ��� 5i Fy � , i . .., i �� ' � _ .. . - <br /> w.�' }�_v.}n ♦ . -1dz �:°S/7' ' vi ._ �:t_ i - _ --�r - . . . _ . <br /> t 'S- .�t r t- -- i _ r F. _ '-. <br /> a A�" _�- 1. _< ! <(•_ � l- ! 9 .' ,� . . . � " ... <br /> 1-. f� \ . - - ' � <br /> �� _ '{ - b. 5.! 1 � 1 .l 1 � . _ <br /> .l V - �-- V V � � _ 'j 1 ) { 1 <br /> ? � Sl �. - L- 1 �T � . � .�5, . ' . <br /> f t�1 - T � .l t} t _ �� �i \ V .l <br /> t a- k�l ��t � ti r� t( 1 �4 - i < <f3 �iy ,� : . • <br /> +'-'i� i - �t _ ��� . � � �-. <br /> v�i �x Yl - H t 4.. _r 1 } . � y Ci � r 1 { t t' !T ' <br /> �l J. V S 1 - [i r A ! /�< � S�- i f f � ` '�. <br /> 'S„ � ;'l Y � t 3 _ ! ,1 l.' 1 > _�) [� f � <br /> . t� i L�c4 1 r_� . � (-• Vi �: 'l �'�-' 1 , i� . '` y U r . � . J . <br /> . .- y . . .. _ � . : l .4 ...°:f.� r . . . : +1 ., d)❑ � t. -..r� fi . .. .. � . <br />