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�4 . _ .. . . __.__ _ _. . . � _ - . . .. . � �.+ ". <br /> l. . . <br /> ' . _ . _ . _.. _�.- .�._.c._ ..—� l.._A. �__ ".�..q Jd -_iJ �L � <br /> .�A . _. '. . .' . __ _ _ . '. <br /> . .. . _ . . . . f <br /> ���i��`�, `�' ` , , <br /> condemnaHqnorahertoicingoturypartat�haFro�eny,ataconveyance�nileuotconAemnacton.arelicrobyust�iiWspe ' <br /> - - ehellhoDaWrotender. . ; <br /> In the evpM ot a tceel t�Icing ot tAe Propeny,the proceed�•ihell applic4 to[he eump . rtd by IAIs Saui[ty ., <br /> Inatiument whWier or aot�hen duQ,wi�h any exMaa�atd to Bortower. n me'event of e�1�t Ing ot�he peRy fn <br /> wldch��o f�it maAcu valuo ot�he Vropeny lmmfdlntety ixtore�ho�oktng b equai�o or�e aler Aan�emount�IR3 i4hti �- <br /> eecured by thb Becudry instryment Imm�diettl1 boforo�he��kling,uniess Bortower end I,ender otherwi:e ngrce lA wriNt�, <br /> the�um�Kcured by�hb 8ocurity Inat�um�t�nell be reduad by�Ao emoune of�ho Vrocesd�muitlplied 6y�he Poltowing <br /> fractlon: (a)�ho rotel amount ot�ho sum�secued Immedlnteiy boforo the teking,divlded by @)the tdr merket valuo of tho <br /> - � Propeny immeWn[eiy befaro the�aking. My bninnee s�ali hepaId to 8orto�vee in tho erent of e parll�l uktng of the <br /> P�perty N whkh�ho falr mazice�value of the Propeny Immedletely 6eforo�ha tvlcing Is loxa then tha amoum of tha eums <br /> �ecuRd immediatdy bePoro�ha teking,unleb➢ortower end Lender ot�erwlx agrea in writlng a wtea�epplicpble Inw <br /> othernlsa providea,tLe prooeed��hall be�pplled a�he�um�securcA by�hl�Secudiy inswmrn�whuher or not iho eums ero <br /> �hen due. <br /> If the Prapeny li ebandoaed by Boirower,or it efter no�ice by Lendcr ro Bortower thut�he condemnor otPo�s to make <br /> m�ward or uttte n clelm for damegei,Bortower faib ro respond ro Lcnder within 30 deye aRer tha d�k the noNco t�given, <br /> -- Lender la authorize4 to allect mid ayply�he proaed+,nt lu option,dthtt lo rcstoreiion or rep9r ot�he Propnty or ro the <br /> euma seeured by tlila 3ceuriry Inswmen6 whe�ur or not then due. <br /> ilnlez�Lendcr and Bortowu othenriee�gree in writlng,eny appllcation of proceed�ro principil ahell not extend or <br /> postpono the due date otthe momhly paymenn rokired to in paragr�ph�l end 2 or chmae�he amount otsuch paymenls. <br /> 11. Borraeer Not Reieased� Fbrbearance Dy I.ender Not e Waiver. 8xtenaion of the tima for payment or <br /> modlflcation of amortizatlon of tho eums ucured by thia Savdty Instrument g�anted by I.enda ro nny euccessor In Interoat <br /> of Bortower�hell not operete to releese the Iiabtflty of the o�gind Borrowu or Bomowerh wccesmn in Intercat.Lendcr <br /> -- �hell not bercq uircd ro mmmence proceedingi egafnst my�uccessor In intercat or rcfuse to acteM Hme for payment or <br />-._::-� otherwiae modity emoNzadon of the cum�secured by�hia Secudry Inmument by rcazon of eny demand made by�he originet <br /> - = Bortower ot Borrowert�ucaswn in Intercat. Any forbeerenca by Lender in exercising e�ry dght or rcmedy chall mt be o <br />?��%a waiveroPorpreclude�heezerciuo(enydghtorrcmedy. <br />�-_'-� 12. Suocesson end Asst�u Bound;Jolnt and Sevuel Llebility;Co•signen. 7Le covenante md egrcemenu of�hia <br /> Sewdty Insnument ehe116ind md 6eneflt the mccumB md auigne of Lender end Bortower,subJat ro the provistoro of <br />� � pnregreph p.Borrowerl tovtnanu and ng`eemmu shall he Joint end uverel. Any Bortowtt who co-sfgns ihix Savdry <br />`°;;� lnawment but doea not exceute ihe Notr. (a)i�co-signing ihfa Secudty Insnument onty ro mongagq grant and convey�hat <br /> :-;y� BotrowerY interest in�he Property under�ho terms of this Secudty Inanumenr, (b)Is not persondiy obliQated ro pay the cuma <br /> ,.,� securcd by thle Secudty Inswment:end(c)agrw that Lender end eny other 8ortower mey egrce to exmnd,modify,torbear _ <br />- -- or meke eny eaommadetiona wi�h rcgatd �o ihe tertns of thla Sceurity Ins�mment or �he Note wi�hou[ iha�Bortowerk <br />�-?:-h� eonxnt. <br /> �i,] 13. Loen Chergm. If the loan saurcd by�his Savdry Ins�mmrnt is subject ro a lew which sets muimum laan <br /> ' chareee.end Nat lawis finellv intemrcted m that�he intercrt ar other loen cherees collec[ed or l0 6e collected in wnnation <br />`�'�;'� wlth iAe loan exttsd the pemiittW IiMta,�hen: (e)eny such loan cherge:hall be rcAuced by the emwnt necessery to reduce <br />'�'�9 the eharge lo lhe permined IImiG end(b)ony suma elrcudy colkcted trom Bortower which ezeaded pemNttW limfta will be <br />--�'''=� rePonded ro Bortowec Lender mry choou to m�ke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note orby meking a <br />'''f dlrctt payment to Borto�ver. B e rcfund mdum principal,the mduction will be treated os u partiul papayment�vithout eny -� <br /> +�ll. <br />�:-rl,� prcpaymentcAnrgeunder�heNote. <br />- � 14. Hoticea. Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Securi�y Instmment shall be given by delivering it ar by = <br /> -:?�1 meiling(t by fint clms meil unless applicable Inw rcquircs use of nnother methad.7Le notice sh�ll be directe�J ro tAe Propeny - <br />[__%>j� Addrcx+or eny other nddrcsn Bortower Aexignu�ex by notitt�a Lcnder. Any notla ro Lender shell be given by firt class =. <br />•.,�t� mail a Lenderh addrcas a�u�cd hercin or eny o�hcr addrcss Le�cr designates by notice ta Bortowcr. Any notia provided for , <br /> ,,,,_(� in thi�3ecurity Insnument shall be decmcd �o hme been @iven to Bofrower or Lendcr whrn siven as provided in �hix _. <br /> P�+Sreph. <br /> :� IS. Governing La�r; Severebllity 7fiic Scwrity Insuumem +hnll 6e guvcmed by kdeml Inw xnd ihe lew o(the . <br /> jud�ic�fon in which the Propeny is locnted. In the event thm uny pmvision ar cluuu o(this Seturity Inswment or the Note = <br /> :� wn0laa wi�h applicable law,such mnFlict slmll nat affec�a�her provisians of this Sewrity Initmment m the Note which enn _ <br />.:•,:;� be gWen efkc�wi�hout�he con0icting provitiion. To this end thc pmvision.o(thiz Securiry Instrument und the Note are _ <br /> -=-�,� declnrcd ro be sevemblc. -- <br /> { 16. Dorrower'a Copy. Dortower shall be given nnc rnnformaf copy of�he No�c nnd of�his Securiry lnstmment. <br />�_f�;`1 17. '1}anafer of the Property or a Benellclal Interext In Uorro�rer. I(nll onmy part of�he Propeny orany intercst in - <br /> ��,,:�� It is cold or vansferted(or if n 6eneficinl intere,t in �orrower is mld or�mn.krred und Borrower is not a namml persoN - <br /> - �vithout Lenderr prior written�ronxn6 Ixnder may,a�itn up�iun,rcquirc immnli:ne puyment in NII of all sums secured by = <br /> �hia Seeurity Instrument. However,this op�ion shall not be exenised by Lender if exerci,e is prohibited by fede�al Inw as of <br /> the date ohhis Securiry Instrumem. <br /> If Lender exercisea�his op�ion.Lender�hall give Borm�rer no�i�c of nc�elen�ian. The noiice sh�ll provide n period ot <br /> _>,� not less Ihan 3D days(rom the dam�he nmice i�delivercd or mailed wi�hin which Bnvo���cr mu.�p+y all.unu uecured by�his <br /> ;�:� Securiry Inshument. If BnrroWxr fails io pay�hc+c .um.prior la Ihe cxpimiinn n!Ihi+ �ricd. LcnJer may invoke any <br /> '�''" rcmedies pemiiued by this Securi�y Instmmem wi�hout(unher nntim or JemanJ on Barn�xer. - <br />�.'�±'� 18. Qorrower's R�gh/ to Relnsfata If Omm�rer mcen cenain conJi�i„n.. Uovnwer.hall hare �he right lo have - <br /> 4C_i� enforcement of this Security lnsuumem dixnntinucd a�:my�ime prior�o�he carlicr oL (a�5 days 1ar wch other periad ax . <br /> _:':H timpkFamd�--linnle\laeh'rcddieVorCVFOH\II]\iNl\iF:]T-Fnnnnn('wenana 9/90 �ryX�I••!^Nln� . <br />::.s5 <br />: P':1 <br /> , f:� <br /> .i� � <br /> ';��.�.��. � . -x �� �� 1 Ctlt �° . . . ,-:tr.-. � . ✓n�-� � -i� i�� -. rrf�' . . <br /> � �4�.p _ _ _ . ' _' _ . _ . <br /> ��e �..,, - , � r .. . <br /> ,,,_: -. _ .. . , . .. <br /> . � . .� r ._ . . ' . - . . . <br /> _.:�.- �� _- � - - <br /> �f . . � .., ._, .� . . - - - -.: .. " . - . <br /> - ---- --- � --' --' - ' - - - - ��'._- e -. <br /> - ._, .. ' --' _ _ _ ' _ _. <br /> �.. ..s_ . _.. .,__ ,_ .. . . . ._. . _ _ � ..r ____ ' . -, <br /> {. - - . . -_ . .. - ' . ..... . _ <br /> ! r�y�-`�� - �i:. . . . ' - . . . _ . <br /> ' ti.;}, � t . � ' . . - " - � - <br /> � -:" s�_ �: - . 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