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_: .� <br /> � <br /> , :. _ . .. <br /> ... <br /> ' �8�•` ���s _ _ <br /> ;A.6Trc,b7dod�nA Otha liawrd iawrnnce.Bortower�hell insuro all lmprovementa on tAe Pcopeny,whether now�tt ' <br /> - cxlata',Cq otsutisoquCnUy Crcaed.egdast my hereMa,ersu�ltk�,end tonHngenclea,lnetuding flro.-for wht�h LaWu requlree ._._ <br /> Irtsurancq, 1111r iriwrenoe sAatl be mainfatnt0 in�ho emounp�nA tor�ho pertode that I.ender rtquirea. Bo�rower s�all e]so <br /> Inwr¢et!Itap[Uvemente on tho Propeny,whethm now In exi�tenco or eubuquentiy uectcd,agalrot lau by ttoode to Iho extent _ <br /> rc�dred Dy the 6ec[etary.All lnwrenee shall 6e aanicd whh compnnle�epprovcd by Lerder.7Lo Inmrenco pollcles end eny <br /> rcnelvais cinll 6e held by I.aYdu and�hell lnclode lose peyablo ctauses In fnvor ot,end In a form�oceptablo to,l.ender. <br /> —� ' <br />�� In H�o event ot lou,Oortowu chall give Lendu Immediete nottoe by mail. Lender may matce praot of los�it not made `� ---� <br /> --- promptly by Borrower. 6ath insurenco eompany oonamod li hercby euthoriud end dirocted ta make payment tor wch tose <br /> dlratiy to Leader.instead ot to Bortoxror ad ro I.endu Jolntly.AU ar eny pan of�Iw insurence pcooxd�may be applicd Ay <br /> Lendcr, et lu optlon, cl�hu(a)�o ehe redualon of the indebtcdneu under tha Noia end thia Sewrfry tiutrumen[.flrt�o eny <br /> ddinqutnt unouNe eppped in Ne order in�mngrnph 3,end then ro prepayment of prindpal,or(b)ro the rcsro�atlon or repsir <br /> ot tha dam�gcd Property. Any appliatlon ot the procada to the pdneipat ehdll no[extend or postpone the due date ot�he <br /> - - monthly pa�menn which aro referted ro in par�greph 2,or change�ho emoune of wch paynMnu.Any cxass insurence proceeda -m-� <br /> over an ertaunt rcquircd ro pay eil omstnnding indebtcdness under the Note and thi�3eeudty Instrument ehall be pafd ro tho <br /> entiry legelty enNtled therao. <br /> In tha avent of forcclasure of this Seaflry Imtmment or other ueaskr of Utle �o the Property�hat oxtinguishp Ihe <br /> indebtednw,eIl dght. tltie end inrcreat of Ho�rower In end ro Inwrence policiea in force shell pav to�ha purchaser. <br /> __� - <br />�°°---- S. Occupency, Preaervatlon, Matntenance and Protectlon o! the Property; Borro�rer'e Loun Apptlatlon; -- <br />._ _ _ LeaseAoldv. Borrower iAall ocapy,amblish, end use tho Property es Iiorrowei s prineipal reaidena withln dxry daye tRer - - <br /> "i.�! the exceutiw of Uii+3ewdry Initrument and�hall contlnue ro occupy the Property az Borrower s principil residena for et Ieast :;;ti��':". <br /> -- one year after tha d�m of acupancy,unles+the Secreaery daerminen this requirement will cause undue hudship tor Borrower. --- <br /> �''==P° or unless utenu�tlng circumstanaa exiat which are beyond Oortnwer s wntrol. Horro�ver shetl notify I.endere o( any �;r:''-�. <br /> ��::s%, utenuaHng circumsienep.Bortower shall not commit weste or dutroy,demage or aubstanHally chenge the Propeny or ellow �t_; <br />'��:*r:� the Property to duulorete,rmsonable wcar end tear excepted.Lender may inspea the Properry if the Propeny ia vuant or �y"<` <br /> -;"a',� ebandoned or the loan ia in defeult. Lender may teke reasomble actlon to protett and preserve such vecent or abandoned ' -� <br /> ��;r Propony.Bortower�hall also be in defeult if Borrower,during�he loan�pplication proceu,gave materially fdse or inaavrare �� �• <br /> -f;�.: InformeNon ar nntemenu ro Lender(or failed ro provide [.ender with any matedal information) in connection with the loan �� <br /> _,_ evidenoed by the Note:Ineludina, but not lindted ro. rcpreunutions eoncemina Bnrrower•x necua�ncy of�he Propeny a+ a �;�-�" <br /> �� � pricefpat raldena.If thii Secudty Instrumene la on a leasehold. Borrower shall comply with �he provialona of the leau. If � - <br /> t�� Bortower xquirea fx tltle a the Praperty,�he Ieazehold and fa title sh�ll not be merged unleas Lender cgrees a�he nxrger fn -- <br />--.�_. writing. ��.:' <br /> R� F'��._: <br /> � <br /> ���f'� 6. Chergm lo Borto�rer end Protectlon of tander•e Righta in the Property. Borrawer shall pay aIl gnvemnxmel m �"' ' <br /> Sc` munidpal charges, finea nnd Imposiqons thn�re not included tn paragreph 2. Borrower ahall pay �Arse obligetions on time �i4; _'. <br /> . . dirady ro ihe entiry which ia owed ihe payment. If failurc to pay would adveraely afkct Lender's interest in the Properry,upon ��',` t-- <br /> .4�C� {a:.f:>.. <br /> :,;,.�''� Lender a roquat BortowercAall promptly fumisli to IxMer receipts evidencing these payments. k�-�.__. <br /> ;'S.+] {'e" ENii <br /> y,�,�;� If Bortower falls to m�ke�hese paymenu or�he paymenu requircd by pafagfaph 2,or(eila ro per(arm any o�her corenents `:��;:;�.�.' <br /> �''7� tnd egrcemrnts mmalned In this Secudry Insimment,or therc is a legal praceeding thet roay significently uffect Lender's rights "� • <br /> � In the Proputy(auch as a proceeding in bankmprcy, tor condemnation or�o enforcc lews ar reguletions).�hen Lender mry do <br /> ��t;, end pey wh�Mver Is ncceas�ry to prolay the raluc of�he Propcny nnd Lender s righls in ihe Propeny,including payment of +4r �. <br /> uxa,heutd insurance and olher itertu mcmioncd in pangrsph l. � <br /> -wl'�; ,£�.,�>.`.:. <br /> `-i� Any vnounts diabursed by Lender under�his paregreph ahall become an additionnl debt ot Bnrro�ver a�be securcd by S+ >' ' <br /> -r`� this Securiry Insuument.7Tcse emounts shall beer intercu from thc da�e of disburunknt.m�hc Note reta and at�hc op�fon of � <br /> ;� ��� Lendcr,shall be immediately duc and payable. � <br /> y rt � " <br /> i'.�� 7. Condemnet�on. The pracecds of a�ry award or clnim for dam�ges, dircn or mnuquential, im m�nation .vi�h any �+ `•�- <br /> 43Ej� condemna�ion or o�her taking of any p�n of tk Pmpeny,or for mnveyanee in place of condemna�ion,arc hercby assigned end =� ` <br /> e � shall bc p�id to Lender to Ihe cztent of ehe(uIl unwunt of the indebtednesc Ihat rcmains unpaid u�er Ihe Nate and this Securiry } � <br /> < < : <br /> ,�y_� Inatrunmm.Lender shall apply such praceeds m the redunion nf the irdch�edness under�he Nate und�his Security Instrument. .,•,,,,_: <br />�-°�_�,+;; first ro nny dclinqucnt amoums applial in �hc order prnvidN in paragnph 3, and Ihcn 10 prcpayment of principal. Any <br /> eppliation of the proccedz to the principal shall not extend nr postpnne the duc date of the monthly paynxms, which ere ,s �- <br /> �dp(NEI a.q.i a c <br /> 0 <br /> t _� i �fry. . <br /> 3f <br /> +��aSS°/ .�ftj�T�S__"'�'[n_ _ cry -��r-/r�s� nv�-v s�"..:. r _ri- r ^-sr--'-..-�'"-r --T:;..(I,'4'=�'�.3 <br /> �_ti-f - qRt__ � CY� . _ tLL > \ � . <br /> y � �' . . '. . . . . .._ <br /> ' . �c <br /> J.�.Y . �:r. ).. . . �v�: .i... !i . .. l - _ "a_ —e f� . . : � :.•) 1. 1 <br /> ..-.�—.._ ___ r • - ' J .r _ ' _ 1 ' _ ' <br /> �4 � S t ' y� j . . � �T . . <br /> 7. i l f4 . <br /> t 1 {r- y ..- .. [ - t �Y i � . '„ <br /> , _ <br /> � , <br /> S ` � - ��t�L i� ..i a � _ _ ,� � _ .. <br /> � -�J` t7 � " _ ' _ ' <br /> t� � . � � } � f� � � i- t � y ' - .. . <br /> y� �Gw� r +�� � � , .-� Sa - -`. , �+ . ' . ��° .�'' <br /> � } � r ;t n . . i . � �r {'_. ' f ' �.r�. 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