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. —._ .____. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . _ ( _W ..._ n . . . <br /> l'. <br /> ' .f.• . _ _ ._ _ . . . . <br /> ' - . .. . .. _. _!. <br /> . . 93� ��� ` _ <br /> fwR19iHR M7�1 Q! ide lmyroremena now or 6ertatta erected on Uro PropbnY� uid afl eAUmenu, d fiu, <br /> �.:` <br /> � �QSuded9acea,rcaq.mY+hla,mlueral,oil and gaf dgfite anp proflla.watu rights end et����xar�a naw or h�e . <br /> " bittbf iha ffroy�tty}:All icylpecnknn aid adANoro shall dao be oovered by UiW&aHty tnstrumem.All of the foregofdg b - <br /> rofertM to.ln I�is Securiry tnstnuncne aa ehe"Proppny." _ <br /> 60RROWSR COVBNANTB�het Bortowcr la lawNlly�eieed ot�he caWto hereDy conveycd an0 hn��he right to grutt md <br /> Someytha Propcfly md thet tho Frope�ty Is urxnwm6ere0.exoept for enambianoea ot rcoocd.Borrower wurante ud wltl <br /> detend gcnaraUy No tttle w�ho Property ngelnst eil elelm�aM demand�,eubJea ro any encumbrenaf otrtoocd. <br /> t.I'aymwt ot Fifndpol,Inferest ead Lnte CEa�ge.�ortowu�holl piy when due�he pdnclpel of,end inrcrest on.lho _ <br /> debt evldenoed by tho Note and leee cliarga dua undu tAe Note. _ <br /> ]. MontMy Pqymenta ot Texea, Iasurance end O�ber Charges. Borrowu�hali lalude in wch monthly peyment. <br /> toguher with the pdneipal end interest n�set foeth In tAe Noro end any�aro instalimem of eny(e)texu end cpoclel <br />- auessmtate Ierled or to 6e levicd egelntt the Propnty. @) leasehold paymenu ar ground ronu on�he Propeny. end (c) — <br /> prcmtutcu for Insurenca requlred by paregreph 4. <br /> Hach aanthly iro�ellment for items(e),(b).md(c)shall equel onrtwdM of the annual amoume,s�rsatonably estitneted <br /> by I.ender,pN�an amount atHcient to malntein en addlHond belena of not moro then oneslxth o/the eattmated artrounta.7Uo __ <br /> tull enmisl nnaunt for tadi item chell be accumulated by I.ender wf�hin a perlad ending one month before en Item would <br /> bxome deUnquent. lendu shell lald the emounro co11MeQ in trust �o paY items p). @). end (e) beforo they buome �.__, <br /> deltnquem. - <br />� If et eny time the total of the paymentn hdd by I.ender for itema (a), @). ud (c), toguher with �he futuro rtamhiy f�:`:- <br /> paymcnu[or cueh items payable to Lender prior to the due detea of iuch itema,exaads by moro�hen oncsixih the estlmated --'` <br /> unount of paymentn requirod ro pay such iteme when if peymenta on the Nota ere curnnt, �hen LaWer ehall eithu R'^:". <br /> roPond the exass over onesixth o!�he enfmated paymenu or azdit the excess ovu one-sixth of the estfmated payments ro 6'��� <br /> wbaequent paymenta by Hortower,et the op�lon of Hortower.If the�otel of the paymenu made by Bortowu for Item(e).@). ��,'r�r� <br /> or (e) I� iasu�cient ro pay �he Item when due, �hen Bortower ihall pay w Lender any unount nwessery to make up �ha - <br /> deflciency on or beforc�he d�ta the(tem beoomca dua ��'" <br /> Ae u�In lhle�!ri!y Iwrunvnt, ••Secwry"mmu Ne Secretery of Housine and Urban Developrtrent or hie or her _ <br /> designa. In any yw in whtch the I.ender muat pay a mortgage insurance premium to�he Seeraary,each monthly pnyment �,;.-: <br />- shell also inelude either.(1)en instdlmrnt of the onnuel mongege insurance prcmium ta be patd by I.cnder to�he Secretary,or �:`` <br /> N) a monthly charge imtead of a mongege Imurena prcmium if thfa Secudty Imtrument ia held by tho Secretary. 8ech �,.•;,� <br />._ nwnthly InsiWiment of ihe mortgage inwrence prcmium ahell be in en emo�mt sufficient to socumul�te�he NII annual mortgege �-�j- <br /> insurona prcmium witA Lender one momh p8or ro the dete the PoII annual mortgege insurence prcmium is due ro the Secretety. �::�- <br /> or if thf� Searity Inurument ia hcld by�h¢ Saretery, each monthly cherge s6a11 be in an amant equel to ono-twelflh ot "-- <br /> onehdf perant o!�he outsunding principal balana duc on�he Nota F`y��� <br />_ �.':: <br /> If Borrower tenden m Lender the NII payment of ell sums securcd by�his Secur(ty Insttument, Oorrower'a aaount shall F�'-'� <br /> ,_y,, <br /> be crcdhed wi�6 1he Wlenoe remoining for all initallments for items (a), (b), end(c) end eny mongage insurena premium ?:_:; <br /> irofeliment Ihat Lender has no[baome obligeted�o pay to the Secre�ery,end Lender ahall promptly re(und any exeas funds w ` <br /> Bortower. Immediately pdor to a foreclosure sale of�he Propeny or its acqui:ition by I.eiMer. Oorrower s eccount�hall be r;<�_�` <br />�- credfled wilh my balena ttmaining for ell instalimenn tor i�enu(a),(b),and(c). "'-"- <br /> E:4, <br />_ �:,� <br />= 3.Applkatlon ot Paymente.All paymrnts under parogmphs 1 and 2 shoil be applicd by Lender es followa: t�i�;!:;: <br />_ f?�`e <br />- First,to the mongege insurance prcmium ta be paid by Lender ro the Secrewry or w�he monthly charge by the SecrUVy �.`'�_( <br />= ins�cad of�he monthly mortgage inwrentt premium: �����- <br />-- Second,to an �axes,s iai ossessments,leasehold menu or raund rcms,and firc, flood end other hezard 3nsuracee ��;" <br /> Y Pa WY 8 t�-�-: <br />- Premiuma.m rcquircd: 4�'^� <br />�- Third,ro fnteres�duc under thc Nmr, i�_-� <br />-� Fourth,to amoni�a�ian of thc priiripal o(thc Noie: �''`'�� <br />- FiIIh,ro late charga due under the Noce. -- <br /> �+; <br />- r.i--._. <br />.- �-0AINEI �ro.xe�e F'':�:. <br />- O i•i:�r. <br /> • �`r'' _ <br /> � _ �t i)� T '— I_ � .CJ J---.e. �h i��1_". �-.- ..'3-.�j.^�.. ,��^i^ �T�'...+ � -i <br /> �i ,i? � Si S �tit r . <br /> } i'- ' /s'/}G� - ` �t e, � - _ttt "� <br /> �tt � � : i , ` + � , <br /> , .. <br /> , �- i; ; ; <br /> � <br /> ..'Y.[ �if. 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