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_ , . �� .... <br /> � <br /> ,,.,�.,.�,� , • _ —_— <br /> :�p 93- �o�� <br />�� <br /> .�� - -- <br />_"_'-���� NAh pdQnml oould tesM B/alMlms ol tl�o Rapxly a oNxvAt�mtlMt�l Np�Y N�Nn axlatl by W�BwaAy IntWmmt a L�nQ�Y � ;��,�.._ <br /> a�atti�r N{nri 6ortoxa mry ouro�ucA�MhNt�nA rtln Wlb u proNAM N pwprep�t8,by auaNp N��ctlm a praoMdip lo b� `�-'°' <br /> y '!� -�'�, 4trtlttW N1N�Mtp ihtl,N LMidd�p00d hM dlttlfNnitlOn,prltludH IoRMUra ol the 80rtOWYb Nixeri N ih�FrOpaql Or NhY I�NItlW �'� P- <br /> r° ir�.nr�a mi c�a+aaa ey wa s�w��r r:wr�c a unaar...w�nr ni�re�� Bortowr sMf Nw b�N deuult Y Oa+rowr�WMp N� . . . <br /> n' F •;. lom rNry w��a h�a�mu Ntomutlon a su�xmnte to unaa a Ww�o ay rtrurW � ~�,� - <br /> ,l £�� WDtntlQl Drooeiti Wre mtt ( DraAd�l�ndx kMll `= <br /> r � i� htqm�tlan)N eoMwtlon�Mh Ns loan w16x�otd by Ne Nots,Ndudnq,but not dMed to,reqrnentaUane oonoemFiB 8ortowerb ooaq�oi'a � , -- <br /> _�-v.,_,,, {rya Propery ne n D��J mldmoo. tl tMa 8ttvrlql Ineuummt b on s leseohdd,Barown ehe�aomyty vAh e1 Ne praBbns w N�le���. �''� , - .. . <br /> 6e � ,;i'� H Baraxw�oqNrw IN tl�M to N�Prcqry.W Iwehoa�nd the I�e tNN�h+l nol mKpe w�as lentlr�¢an to th�imrpa N wA�h� �-:� <br /> ° i��+ +�r: 1. Probotton M L�nd�Y�HIQhb In tM Prop�Ay. II Bonowa tele to px(am the oorEn�nts end�¢emknta aanfahed �� , —` <br /> l '�� � N iN�&ady In�Wman4 or fhers le� Nat mi Aphte N the Propxy pueh�e• ---.. <br /> -i,;'c-. ..,.�, kpY ProaMn9 Y cl�ManOY�Etd le(1tle1Y WuoMdny :t rn <br /> �- N GnlauDl%ProWlti tw aondamatbn a talMlun a w entorce Yvrs a repu4tlan�)�Nen lmCa may do�nd pry fa wMtavar le neatwY ,n"?..,:.:..._. <br /> � ���_jtj y�`yy, to proteet NO vWe of Na Propxry mG Lmdel�Aghle N lha Ropxry. lmAaY adbna mey hduAe peyNp�ny wmn eeared b/�ke vAJ� ,�. '- <br /> r 1 zr- hee qlorlpr wer We 8eaxb N;WmmL eDPaMp In oou4 PM�9�eeaon+We anomeys�la�md enteAnB m fhs ProPertY to�roke�WWe• �;_ ���,.. _ <br /> a i �.,�,.;; Mhwpb inMr m�y Ww adbn undx tAb pv�R+ph 7.Lenda doea not h�va to tlo ao. - � <br /> .ln? ��o My urounU dsCUned 6y Le�dar unda thb peregmph 7�hN beoome iddtlonel Aebt ol Bortaver eearted by We&a�ily In6Wment -_- <br /> "�ii, Un1131 BarawF�nd Landa�Qee to othn tefmf ol p�ymenb Nesa emounit eh�1 Cear 4ntueal lrom tha dete ol Qfbunanml�1 NO �"� '�-�_ <br /> ' -` Note nb�n0 shY be pay�6le.vrMh Nlcreat,upon notice from Lmda to Bortoxa requestlnp p�ymmt 7�, Y <br /> f}� f � 8. MORpap�InfuranC�. II Lende�raquYea motlgege Nwranea en a oondtlon ol nwldng the ben aearad by tNf SeouMy NsU�mmG '` t{ <br /> , , <br /> 1 � tt,t: 9q�ower�hd pay Ne P��requYed to m�i+laN the moNp�ge Inaunnee N eNeU. 16 la vry raaon,the mong�9a inwmee ovrmge �.�w <br /> - «quted by Lp�da bpaee a atsee to be N eRCG,Bortarrer ehel peY Ihe prerdume requYed to o6teln eoverapa aubatenHeP�eq�Matrn[W Ne `"'�1 ------ <br /> n �;ii' e <br /> r��..,.';-„`+ malp�pe kuuruioe provl0usy N efled,et e eosl subslentle0y equNalenl to Ihe eoat lo Bortana o1 the malqaye Nwfence pravlouay M aEect r� ,:. <br /> �,� 3.,_.•., 4�.,_.._ <br /> ,,::: .,v7,.�; hae�n Mam�ls mutp�pe harter MPmved by Lender. H eubit�nWiy eWNtlent mo+t9e8e hwranea oorefaqe Is mt awWhb� Barowa ehJ WY ��F Fi.._. <br /> K �+-_:;� to lmGa aeh monN�eum eW�to onetweiAh ol the yeafy mon9e9e Inaunnoo Wemlum btlng VeIA by Borrower when the Naumwe owen9e ,e,a y :::: <br /> �.lF��=�� lapud w oeeeed to be N atle�t Lenda x��ocept,uao end w4in Neae pa7Rnenle ee e bx resme h Yeu ol matyeqe Irou�nae. Loas raeve -�"r'�k s�..,,_�. <br /> ' `+` `•�, p�yments mry no lanper be tha optlan ot LenEer.It malgeye Nwrenca eoreraya M tha emaunt and ta the pMOA th�t Lmder ;��1:.�� : <br /> 3; <br /> - " � requtea)povlded by en Nfura epproreC by Lender ayeY�beeomw evaLeWe end Is oblalnM. Bortava ahal pey Ne prefMima roquYed to <��f�' <br /> �,`;r �:},ti:K mthWn mvlgege Yuutmee N to Provlde�ba reaene,unti ihe re9�trement Por mo�9a9e Inwfence mdt N�aaotdtna wllh aoY °-�a�.,,�,�^•._ .-.�-.. <br /> � . �,. <br /> ., . � `t wdpm�gcanmt 6tlween eonava ena�enda a evP��e uw. '}��35 i -- �-- <br /> +s �S-±`" 9. Intp�CtlOn. LenGx a fta�gant mry meka rweone6te enWea upon enA hepec�lona ol tha ProPah. Lender thel pNe Barawer �tr4J}r�4""°":'. �. _ <br /> ,x - no&e U the tYne ol a pbr to�n Inspecilai tpedryMg reeeauble aeuso fa Ne Inapeaion. ret�4 6���iZ��`� ' <br /> �t .- t'<° 10. Z'0.i(�O1i�a'S�0.'i. fia�'wLai6�G:�:r.ard c c:a.'���.�r••�"••i cr tr.xt%r 4:4 h iCnnex'„^n Wlh:m/Cx.da.rA"^..� Se:�� •r Y _._�— <br /> � ; ���`:% w othe�teitrp ol uy P�01 Ne Propvly,or�a eomm�ee H ea,m naeny euigned e�a n�ee vaa m unaer. ,.�,��'�1,,�'�s�ldl.�.�c� <br /> ';5':'�'^�•��j"+; N the aent ol�toW Ialdn ot tha Prope+y,ihe a sM1 ba eppGed ro Iha wms eecured b thb 8awd IneWmnt,whethcr or nW -S�Y'�.,�"7rW_zm- <br /> 9 wooeea r b �:';; ...tii, .;'i�.t+t <br /> �:_�k�i•,�.,:::; thm Ne.wAh any exoes�peld to Bortower. In Ihe went ol e pMW uNng ol Ihe Property h whlch the letr muka wde of the PropMy ���;},'c:�:'�f5'="�:� <br /> .F�"_y �w vsv <br /> r ,f: Bmiedlntey Defwe Ne taldn9 le equel to a pre�le�then Ne emount ol the eum�eearetl by IAb BawrAy In�trument 4nmeAatey bofae the teldng. ; .r,,� �+ fe�jy���} <br /> �,s_ _.•a.-yS p unles� �ortower md Lender othmWSe eyrea N vrtiWg.Ne aums eecured by Ihla Bew�Ny Inswment ehel be reduond by the emaunt ol the .� t� l�t�_..: <br /> t.�: y;,�:.�?: <br />- t��ib'i �rs p�pAe multlp0ed by iha IoGOSW�9��:(e)Na toW amount ol eum�aewred Nmodleley 6atore the leldng.OMOetl by(bI tha tNr me'ket . . y{��p:rNi�. <br /> - .'Uy�.;... '�`�%'`q�':.'I�t,'.`ir �R�;tt <br /> _li;;�.�.,it.�•;� vWe ot Ne PropMy Nmt�eley 6etore tho teldnp. My balenee sha7 Ce pald to Bonower. In the evenl ol e peNel taldnq ol the Ropttly N �._�. . .,�`:`.,��� <br /> ' ��- " WhiOh lho 1eF inarkat vW a oi lhe Wopay YMkdfe4iy 6elore Ihe I�Hng b lesa Ihen ihe amount o1 Ihe tums secured Nmodetely belon tha -"�``•� �- _�f � <br /> � --�� :� teM�p,uNeq Bortowa and Le�Wer oNmvlao�qrea N wdWg ot unlesa eppLCede kw o1he1Msa prorlda,lhe prooeeds ehel be eppBed �.:t� ���`-"i <br /> Z - to Ihe aumf eewred by 1hN 8ewdry NsWmenl whether or not Ne wm�are then due. ,� � �.;' yl;_•. <br /> '� - �' M ihe Properly b aCenEOned by Bartower,a N,alla no0eo by Lender to Borrower Ihet Ihe wndemna ollero to maka m eward a aetlb �;;-;;�.,- '; '���`j:�+$�. <br /> •.�,13�y'?f �'fh` <br /> -•-�'�y''• n dein ta demngw.Bonower 1e�e to reapon0lo Lmder w1�hN 80 daye al�er ihe da�e�ho noike ia pNm,lender b aulhoAZM to w9ed {:. ,�. ,..�-''�:`�,�`;�t i��. <br /> � }� <br /> - f +'" ��' en0 epply No pmoeede,�I Ile opibn.eXhM lo rasloraUon or rCpair ol Ihe Properly w lo Iha wms sacured by�his Seariry hetrument, • � - i':� <br /> � � -- wAelher a not lhm due. (t ' .� _ <br /> ' �-. 1 Y, ; <br /> - �' Unleaf Lmder enC Bortowc*o�heiwlso aym N wdtln9•o�ry epD��etbn ol Waoeda to pMdpel aha0 nol mGend or poalpone Ue dua > � : <br /> daN ol the month le relertod lo In ha 1 end 2 a ehen e Ihe emounl oi euch e enl�. ' � <br /> . ,....-^- .r N PeYmCn Puiq9roP 8 P Ym r� ?r...�.' '� <br /> il. Borrower Not Released; Forebearance By Lender Not e Walve�. E.[one�on o��ne uma�or peymmt«modmca�wn �-- <br />.�y":";;,'a-,. . . q-'<�"i--�--. <br /> -`�'�:�" of emorU7albn ol the tums eecureC Ihia 8eani Ine4ummt renled Lentler lo en euaessor In Ntereat ol Bortower ahall no[ � �'�^"`� <br /> :';El';,,. DY b 9 M Y . . -_5ts:`-::.;�,__.-, <br />_ opae[e b�deese tho Mbiy o�ihe Mykiel Barow¢r a Bortower'e waosson in inleraet. lender�he0 nol Do requYed to commmoe . "'+' "� " <br />_;�,t� �� prooeomng�ngeNet any waussor In Blmest a raNSe to ex�md tMC fa pey'nmt a othe�wiee moCily emontratlon of iha wma aeourcd • � � <br /> ' :,.r--: �'- by thu&wAy Insuument by reason ol any danend mede by the a�glnN Barower a BonaxKa auxeaawe In Mt«eat. My toibmfence - . . <br /> - �•?Y.'• by Lendtt h meerdaNp a'ry�ighl a remedy ehel nol ba e weNer of or preduda Ihe exttdae ol eny right or remetly. <br />:•-!���: :��-. 72. Succeesors end Asstgne Bound; Jolnt and Sovo�al Llebllity; Co-siflnara. The eovments end egramimte m <br /> -:���f�+. t�u 8eciuXy Inatnunmt nhel bNE ena DmcRt Na succeaaore end essigne oi lmda end Bonare(,sub�al lo Ihe proHSbna of pueyuph - -� <br /> , <br /> � 17. Borrowa't oovenenle end egreemmts shal be joNt md aevenL My Bortower who easiqna lhis 3ecmtly InsWment but doa not <br /> acttvle the Mote:(a)le eaNgning thls 3ewdty Natrumml ony to monqege,qrent and wnrry thet Bortowere Nterest N the Property <br /> - C+�;,.,.�: � � und¢r the lama ol Ihb Secmily InaVUmmt: (bI b noi pMionelly obYpeletl lo pey Ihe surt�v securetl by Ihb Secufily InaWmenq and(c) . <br /> - aqrcea tMl Lander end arc/olhet Bortowa mey eqree to extmd.moGty,lo�bear or make eity axommo0allona wllh rcgerE to the lerm�ol <br /> . thb Sewtlly InsWment a the Nole wMOUI iMt Oortowera eonaml. - <br /> , 13. LO811 ChOtQBe. X the Won eewre0 by ihis Sow�ity Insbummt Is subject to e�aw which aNS mewnum lo�n c�argef.anA <br /> � �- t�el kw ie fneDy hteryrelM w Ihat tM Intxeal or oihtt bon cha�qes colleaetl or�o oe<oeecled in conoecuon wnn ihe loen eece¢0 <br />_ �� ��- t11a yMlMltd NMe,t�M1: (ej flrc/aueh ben Ghrtqe shell G8 retlute0 by I�e�mounl necesa�ry to re0uce the Cherpe to t�e pM�YItEd <br /> "-"�y�:;: - OMC end(D)eny ams olrmtly coDOC1eE ham Barower which exceetletl D�metl 4m11�will be reNnaetl�o Bertowa. lender meY��se <br /> '��I•..i.� �L��W r�irA FV�M�ilnn 1�u rMwin�l�rM�mAV�A�YN�Ir Iw�n�Lhn��YrW n n Cx�n�v�r X��M�M�u6�w iuL�. . <br /> _ `:,�,:...".� dpal,ihe�eductla�w�l be trmled ea a peNel p¢yaymmt wnnoul eny prepeymmi cnarge unEa tha Nota. _' ' " ' ' ""�' _.. <br /> 14. NOSICBB. My notke lo Bartower povided fOr in Ihif SeWtlry InSWmenl ShaB he qNen by OeGrlxNg fl or by meGng R by hat <br /> � '``;'�:7.'� � deaf inei unleae eppYCe61a tew requYes uae ol�nother me�ho0. The notlae shaE be dvecteE to the Properry MJdrcsa or erry o�hx etldreas <br /> �.;�.,�i= '1 <br /> - '-i-.d '7 <br /> a ''� _�;� ]OVliem(]pi] wae J o�5 Form J028 O/BO <br /> {.;� 1 <br /> r:�; � <br /> ''•. z;-t.:}?:.. ' <br /> �,:-} <br /> . :.. � <br /> � I <br /> . �`;''d'.t . <br /> . � � � �`��:' � • � <br /> , , �.1 <br /> : ..::` . <br /> .�.- - - ---- -- _ ._ . _ . . .__..-- <br />