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. : �, <br /> �at � �— ?y <br /> :Id n.J . r �P - --� . .. ': } ._ " . ). -� .T. •. _ <br /> �,,� > -rr <br /> rc�>( 1 yi'm l_. �t° �i"�"r"rR`� _L���-�':� t, -" �,�'"' asOrF,e.�,�,-+?45515h� . .,. � - > I�,l,�f � Q.' _ _ _ <br /> _ r,. - t r. -� - �r...s•>._ �..v:._..�F�-'1.. - . �:.i.�i.u�]::dL�X� <br /> ' - .. - . . . -� . <br /> ' � <br /> }.� [J s __". '_ . .. <br /> ,�S � <br /> 4 (�� i%� � • V�m �VRTO� �r Ru .:p — .. <br /> ��{�(�(Yy .i � G� C� _ . <br /> !!f ) .� � Y <br /> ��' ��5 UNIiOHM OOVEWIMd 8ortana nnd lmda oovmanl nnd�yrea u lo9ovra: .'�'�'�%"����i: .:_Z. �"' <br /> +�, , ,���;:� 1. Prym�M a4 PdnotpU and tntveWt Pr�peyment md Ub Ohupo� Oonowtr alN9 D�M�N P�y���th� , ,� � , ,; <br /> „_., pMOlpd al uW Ntrnl an N�debl aMx�oeO by iM NoU end�ny Dr�ymMt�nd Yte ohup��du�uMa�h�Nola �:n , � .}t • <br /> ��r �" p. Fund�4a Y�x�� md In�urano�. sunJea to�ppneaeu�iw a a�wdiien w�Fra by tanaa,Baridxii ihil pGy t8 l-vnd�M �r�� � , <br /> ;�, ,y; Ih�6�Y monlhy ptymenl�W��unOx Ih�Nal�,un41 Ih�Nol�b qW N M,��um pFunde')f�(�)Y�Y��t md utmmmt�whkh '�� t ' 'G'4, ��- <br /> y f -h�, mry a1tWi pAOAIy ovx IAU BeauAry In�Wment�e�kn on the FroQay,(C)YeuN Ixaehdd prymenle or�ovn0 renla m the PropKly� +*�' .�; <br /> �'T ,l,r� , .. <br /> , �Sr, r_ ��^Y(o)YwN hwrd a propMy Munnoe prmaumr,(�1 YaM fiood Nfurmoe PraMuma tl my,h)Y�N naip[po N�unnw Wcmhime. � ��,i , � rm , - <br /> '-�'-4 �f�,,i;� N eny,end(9�y sume pryebN Dy Bmawa lo lenAa,In naaadanoe Mlh Ne provUbne ol pua�aph B.In!eu oi Ns D�yment ol malyfCe _.� �i �t - <br /> ,,,,s:�j�-,�,��� N�unnCa D��mf, mea�Rsme v�ouaa 'ESaow Itant'. LenAe�mtY,a.ny uma 000ea�na naa Fu�ae h�unwm�m w ac«e �:; 1+�r' ....'�.' f n... <br /> � tM mu0rum unamt�Nnda fa�ledmiy tWIW monqp�Ian rtuy rpuln tu BarowW�uorow i000unt unMr ths tad�nl i1W ar� }���� -aL� <br /> � F�*t i �� EtYb 8ettlwnmt Ptoo�diva Ad o11071 ae�mendad Iram Ifi�b flme.l2 U.B.O.�Y601 M teq. (•REBPA').unPoSO anoNC+4w N�t�ppiae to �: � {,�r ty^� : - <br /> t <br /> ' jo�'!!' th�FunM�ets�bua emounL II ao,Lender m�y,�t�ny Iima ooBad md Iwld iund�N m unounl not lo meoeod Iha leaaa�mounl. LaWer �� �j���i� �`-t»' , �-- <br /> y __.�.,t� 5„ , <br /> f, ��1,Y.; mry actliwto Na uiwunt ot funA�due on the W�le of artmt dite�nA rea�on�ble h6iute�ol m�enWNroe of Muro Eaamv Itane a olhcivAa� .; r - _ <br /> +,�'y<�r ��r�`�i_ N�ThOOOrONq�b�Atl�7 In�11 t16IXUY0n xllose 0 SMe ere 116u1eE �tOdOtel� M h6WmenYYry.q on071 Mdudlny LenAM tl LondOr `�� - ;��s'x i:o���-- <br />•:i:tti`�ys,'�1'. Mu DY 9 �Y� �,�i,.r._��eh'-,:i:..r'f:_. <br /> � le weh�n hiliMbn)a h�ny Fedenl Nome Lan Benk LenEer ahd rpDN Ne FunEa to P�Y the&aow Itcmti Lenda m�y nol ehupe ;� i�` �� )�? ���.--. <br /> : r�,.;. ��sY r ; , : <br /> ,� + ;-fir� Barowm ta holdnp md�ppyNq ths Funtla,�nnuaYy�n�lyiing Ne aaaow�000unt a vaAylnp the Eaaon Xana unleaa lender Wys Bortaxx ,! �+t (r-_r,� �, :_ <br /> . ���'.-.k.:F` Ntacst m the Funde mA -. <br /> t J F WP9aEle lew PertNte Lmdc+ro meke woA e ehupe. Hmvever.Lender mry raqvtre Bortowa lo MY�one�tne ohuYe �;�t�`r>^'r� �un v <br /> j.,:�.N.;__�t'�_ fa�n Ndepaidant ral e�ute tu rtpalN9 salloe wed by Lenda N oonnedbn wXh thls bm,unln��PP�e Yw prorWea olhavMa UNes� �M1 e:t_. rc<'.: <br /> ��f ,�� "• N���^^�I le miEe or yp9oeble I�w requlrea Ntxest to be pald, Londa�h�1 not ba requYed to pry Bortower�ny Nlereat a Nmhge on ihe ��� j r�w w� = <br /> , ( £r�'l�" Funda. Bortowx�nd lmd�r mry a�ee h wAINg howeve,iMt Nte�esl shel be pYd on ihe FunCe. LE�IdM ih�l pNe f0 Bortowq�vrRhoul �; 1 �}f� ,y�,+ - <br /> �1� �„>t, clwp0.�n�nnud aeoounMg of tha Fund�a�aN�O aMRe end deblls Io iho Funda end tha purpoae Iw whkh mch deb11 to Iha Funde �.,, ' ����� ` - <br /> ��r c� - 1� vnt mtde. Tha FunAe ue plodyed ee�AEIGaW�eady ta A wma aewred by ihb Bewriy NsWment :T r >1,�i'. F" — <br /> ��S�L�;�r£ �_ II the Funds hNd by lender exeee0 Iho emounb pmMted�o be heJd by�pPlleeble kw.LenAer eheE eoeount to Barower tor tha muese ' j � �n1 X i.F�s� :- <br /> ,� p� ,� .,` Funds N a000rdenoe wtth the requiremenU ot appleebfe lew. II�he anwunt ol the Funds held by Lendn�t my rine la not eulAdent to pry tha ,"r "i �7.-3 ( t ". <br /> '4�s �� faaow tlemf whm due,Lentler eo not Barowtt N end in sueA cane Barowa aheL pay to Lenda Ihe amount neaeasery lo meke ,.t � `1 L ' -� <br /> od �� --�^i: �Y HY ��& ��-, � S. (�_ _ <br /> ��"+'Y}�, .;� up the delldenq. Bonower sAel meke up the AMdenq N no more tNn itteNe momhy peymente,�t LenCere aofe mscreUOn. � 4c �r• <br /> �d� , ��f UOU�WYment N M W W wme�eaved by thle 8ewdty IniWman6 lenda e�e1 prompy�reNnd to Baraver�ny Funds helA by i.enda. II �, > i t }y <br /> , ,., : T�� <br /> � lj,, (`i E unda peia�aph 41,lende e�N eoqute a ee0 the Properry,Lentler,pbr to Na eequifXlon a eale ol the Propaly.ahal eppy airy Funde htld ;; ��-?+„-; r <br /> � �� a� _:�. by Lenda e11he Wne ol eoqylaNbn or eale en a aedt aqNnat the sum+searcd by thU Sewray Inswment !�, A}�u�.�� <br /> i rvtr ,; 9. wppilwtion oi Paym�nn. uniess�ppuaaa uw povwe�omavao,u wrmanu reoenea oy ienaer unaer par.�.pna 1 .�a t r r � ,1` ? fi i <br /> ��,3r t--�;, sM1 b0 eppAed:ket,to My prepq�nml tl�erpea due wAM ihe Note;atond,to emounta pryeble under pe'eg�eph 7,ih4d,to NlMOSt due �.'` � S_ 4{�'�K _. <br /> •�„y1. , . :` tw�1h,to pihdpal due;end laet to erry kle eherpes dua under fhe Nota �,,� ��t - � �_ :: <br /> ' � h- ; 4. Charp�s; IJens� Barower�hell pry�E tare�.aieesEmenlf,cherpea•Mea end Npoeitlom atWbuleble to ihe Propeity whkh rtuy �F.�4 t � r : �. <br /> 5 i _ .,� e11eN ptloAty Ovcr ihb 8ewdly InsWmenl,and kesehoid pepnmis or qound rmle.N any. Barowu aheG pay thae abAyetlana N tha meoner - t r�- 7 ; s�r3! <br /> 'k, i _;:: P�a'�ded N puaq�ph 2,or tl nol peld N that memM.Barower ehall pey than on tYne drecYy to the pereon oweA peyment Barower�ha1 �.- l ' ' �.N7 <br /> ��-�- pranptly fumbh to lenda eo notlooa ol emounb lo be peiC under thb�we{yeph. 11 Bortowa mak»Ihese peymmle d4eclly.Bartower r, p --.r�, �� <br /> � r �f' alul ro Nmbh to lender 9 peym � U {g <br /> � P mDUY reoelple eNdendn t�a ente. � ; �l,:r� I:S <br /> ���!{, Bortower Mt0 pomptt�disGw9a ury Gon whkh haa qiairy over Ws 8ewMy InsWmmt unbea Bortower:pI�9roea N rttXNp ro the poy� � �>,§�i� <br /> i � mu�t of the oblgelbn searod by Ne Im In e menna eoaplehle to Lendar.(b)wntesle In good teXh tho Ym by.or dalands ageNat mlarament � . n��- <br /> a <br /> _ •• ,.;j..= ol No Om N.IegN ptoceeAnge whkh N 1he Lmdefa oqnbn opefate ro Prevent tha mlorcmimt ol No Gm:or fe)aecvrea hom Ne holda ol tha �.� _. �.t _:ia::.�;: <br /> � - "�R, Gm an aqre[ment atlstadary to Lender aba�n�Wp Iho Den to lhie 8eadry NaWment tl Lender detertNne�thet eny pert ol the Property b '.�_•. + �_�, <br /> �- Tr�};.! wb al to e len whkh �-" -: : <br /> 1 mry nttaN qbAry over thb 8ewtlty InaWmonL lmder mey yke Bonawer e noUw Idm1lf�Mp Ihe Aen. BonowM shd . i�; <br /> , ��j"��,�..,; eetlsy the kn a lake on�or mas ol lhe edbne set IoM ebore vdthh 10 tleya ol Ihe qMny ol notke. ,•. ,.r��-�. ' <br /> '''�•sy��'�+�•� 6. Huerd or Property Inauranae. Borrower aheo keep�he Imprwememe now ca�unq a nereaner neaed on�he Propary m�wed � _ ' '_,��-�:�•�' �` <br /> •.::�:;,.,.��_e ( :t.-i.\ <br /> ageNet bse by Ne,hezerd�Indudtd vAWn the 1mn•ezlenEetl coveroge'and eny olha hourd�,indudlny 1loods a Iloodng,for whlch Lmdtt t <br /> ,`"�'f requirea Nauranee. Thla Naurenee ahN De maNWned in ihe emounte md 1w fhe pe+loAa Ihal Lender requBei. The Insurenoo w�ier prorldmg - 5�'.,� --_ <br /> ',' b } _. u_ �� <br />---• '""--_�` lhe Nauronea she7 be chosm by 8orrowe eubJaq to lendtt'a approvd whkh nhell not be unreaeonehy wXhheld II Barower IeW to meNWn _ � � . <br /> -'y?:_1:,,`:;•i.. .;;_..;_. P:,.n .. <br /> � �-- -�=•r.�- owerage deacribetl ebove,Lender mry,el LenEer'e optlon,ob1eN corenge to protect Lmdeta Aghta h Ihe Proptty N eaorEance wRh , }s!"� '�� <br /> s�t:'.�i'.�'�it P�0�7. ' . T:�:._ ' <br /> '"� ' ':��� M Insuranoa poGdea and rmwmla sNll be eaepkhle fo tha lender end�hell Ndutle e nundard mafgeye d�une. LmAer s�eY hara the - � <br />�l�� ���� � t to hdd the Oda�md renaneb. if Lenda r u4ee.Bonower alul <br />_` ;.:,j. Agh po eq promp�N ghe to Lmaer en�ecelpla of peid premWma end rmewN i . <br /> ��:��� � - '- natices. In Iho ermt of bse, Bortwrtt ehell give prompl notice to the insunnce unitt end LmAer. lmtler mey meke Drooi ol loaa N not mede — <br /> - P��PUN q'Barower. <br /> � Unlau Lmdw nntl Barowcr ahmd:o a9ree in rrtlWg,imurcnee qxei!ns snan�e eppted�o.n�omtlon w repetr ol�he Propmy demeged.M . <br /> the roEtotBtlDn or repelf b ttonaNr.a�y Ieaelhie end Lenaer n aeturity is not IebsenEd. II ihe reabratbn«repeir b not eCOnoMmlly feesble <br />-, or LmdeYe eeourNy would be IauenM.Ihe Inamance proceeda ahall be appGM ro Ihe sums aewred 6y Ihis Securily Inawment,whether or not <br /> • � t��n Cue,wllh any exousa pald lo Dortowtt. II Bonower abandona fne Hopwly, or 0oee nol enswer wllhin 99 Eey�a notlea Irom lendx IMI the <br /> _ Nwrence eanip Ma olltttd to teltle e Wkn,Ihm LmCtt may cdleU t�e insurence proceeda. Lender may use Ihe procetds to repe4 a re�lore <br /> . tha Propttty or lo pey wma sew�ed by Uie Searity Nntrumenl.whelhtt or not thm Eue. The 30-My pMod w0 bepin when Ihe notke b pNen. <br /> Unlese lmdM CnA Bmower o1hEVMSe egree t�wriling.any eDP����a�V�a�s to pindpal aha0 not oxlmd or posipMe Ihe tlue tlale <br /> �_ - � ol t�a monihy paymmfs�¢Im¢d lo in W�9reph 7 en0 2 or chanpe the emounl of ihe Daymmlf. II under paregnph 21 ihe Property b ,.. <br /> aoquYM by lmdtt,Bortower'e tlpht to�ny insuronee poutles end pioceeds�esutlinq Irom dameqe lo the Propeny prbr to 7�a acquisXlon <br />- 6M0 peu lo LCt1AM to ih�e%IBnI ol�he auma aea:retl by thi!SecUriry InsWmen(Imme0i9�Ny ptlOt to ihe BCQULUIbn. <br /> - o. vecupaney, rree;orvaiion,i�nainionenco nnd rroieciion oi ino vroperiy; Borrowera i.oan wppiicaiion; <br /> Y-�, LB880hOlde. Borrowtt aho9 xwpy,estabfsh,enC use N�HopeNy aa Barower'e pindpnl reaitlmce w11hN s61y Oeys o11M the execWOn of <br /> thlt 3ecmRy InaWmmf mA s�el ConlhuY to aapy Ihe PropPAy es BartOwab pdndpel re5idence for al leaat one ye9r eI1M t�e date ol � <br /> - oaupenry,unloes Lmdtt olhawhe agree� in wdWp,whkh wnsent eM1aY no1 be unreasoneby wtthheld.w unlese etlenualinp arwmstencef edst <br />-- - whkh ore beiond Barow�Ye oonvol. Bortower aheA noi deaUOy,dameye a Npek Ue RopMy.e8ow�he PropMy to detenorete,or comM — <br /> � rraate on the Propttty. 8ortower sha7 be in deMutl X e�ry toAe�me aWOn a qoceeSmg.w�qhtt ekl or a4Nna1.1�bepun thal N LendeYe pooO <br /> = ����'" <br /> �".s�'..-'.' wnf.rtm(79+) ww�a 5 Form 3028 BfBO <br /> �.�:�' <br /> r�-.. ,,�• �•t <br /> :���:�.+:} / I � �fL� � <br /> ,e. <br /> _ ' _ "'_.�"�.� —___. . ___ —_. Vl ��0 '. �.1 <br />