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� <br /> -.�br� _— _ ___ <br /> '4?..}.� <br /> .T,r�_ " �3. �0��4'.s � �� . -- <br /> --_—° ,aIANeM�n�ou�vro+ihlon.. <br /> - --� (a) Cerra::�s►HOt Re�e:sd.Exlenebn ot fhs um�lor p�Ym�m a modllleaYOn of amoNmUOn ol Me eume eaourad by Nle <br /> °--° oadolTruatpnntadbylanderm�nywooeuo�Inlnfe�earolBOrtowanhallnolopemtetorNaa�0.����Ymtnnar,B�s1I�Eltlb � <br /> _.__�. otNOOrlpind8onowerandBOrrown'i�uaceuonlnlnroruLLendenAhllnolberequlredtowmm�naproasdlnpHyUnN <br />....r,_:J,y� wcn�acoaa�o�orreNaroex�endumefor�aymenloroNervrleemoCiyemoro:aVOnolNS�um��eoure0Dy0us0�WO/Tru�t `-� �-� ��- �- <br /> - Ey ra�on o1�ny dem�nA�med�by Ne or pinal Elovower anA Borrower'e auoceawre in Intaroat _ <br /> ---- (b) tMdiV�►OVM�WItA0u1�H�Otlnp!h0 Il�blily 01�ny 09hl�pinon II�b4 tor Ih�p�Ymen101 eny obllyitbn hH�in <br /> --""� monlloncd.andwiNOUtefieollnpNe110noroherpeo1N1e0eadotTruriuDonerrypoNOnolNePropatlynolNenortherot0iare <br /> � ' riNNMauaourlyforNlNlUmountotellunpaltlobllpaUOnALenGe�may,lromtlmetollmemdwlNOUlnolioamralea9eany � °° --� � ��-�- <br /> _ penon�o��ble,(IqextendNemaMlryorattsrenyolNetorm�olOnYwehoDllyatlon0.11lqprenloNerindulpence0.0'Q/ellL!! --- <br /> - or reconvey�or oeuae lo bo releaaed or reoonveyeC nt any tlme at tende�s opllon any parcel.poNOn or ell ot 1he Properry, _ <br />�°-_= M�e a releaae eny oNer or aGdl�lonel eeoutlry for eny oblipa�on horeln mentlonetl,or(vq make oompoeillon�m oNer __ <br /> - =° enanpamanU wIN aebton In rektlon Norolo. —. <br />�•°-"�+ (o) ForE�aana by Nndn Not�Walwr.My lorbearenca by t.andor In exaroleln0 eiry tlyht a remedy harounAer,or _. <br /> -.-�=,�, oNeiwl�a ettorCeE oy eDD��oeblo law,U1811�01 bB e wElv9t Of Or ptB01u00 N0 OxB�0U0 01lny YUCh MgM 0�fBtn90y.Th0 �^�..---- <br /> - procvromentollnauranoaorUepaym8ntoltazeeoroNe�llensaohargasbyLOndorohellnotbanwalva�ollsndeferip�tta _ _ �: <br /> — 9ooelernte Na meroAry of Ihe IndeDteEnaea securad Dy ihia Deed ot Truat <br /> (d1 Sueuaon mA Afa19n�Bound;JoIM�nd B�v�nl Wbillry:C�Dttons.Tna covenants ena ayreemonte heraln con- <br /> � :..i� taine0 shall binE,and the riphts hareu�Mer e�all Inure to,t�e respeotive eucceeaoro nnd aeei8na ol lsnAer end Trualor.All ��3 <br /> "� COVenB�W 9nA egreBmank 0}TN810�MBII bB�oNt and l6v0�e1.The 08ptlo0!enA heeOlnBs ol the perEgtepN ol Nlt Da9d Ot � e ��� <br /> !c_'�'� Thnt ere lor oonvanlanca onty and are not to ba uaeA to Imerprat m Aefine the proNalona�oreof. d ,'. <br /> (e) HpunUOrHOtiu�.T�epenlas�erebyraquasUhetecopyoferrynoticeoldcfaulthereunderandacoDYofanynotice ,y,,- <br /> i� ot 081e tlaraundef be mail9d to eeCh peil7/to ihlt Doed ol T1uat at Ne eddrae9 88t toM aOOre In ihe menner Dra7Crlb6d Dy }� <br /> eDD�lce6ls Iflw.Except for eny olher notlea roqWred undar appiicable 18w to be phren In anolher menner,any nollce proNded {'�S -� <br /> f�i�'�� torinNleDaedof7rusteheilbe0�vanbymelltngoucnno�ICeEycerll�edmailaAdreaeatltotheomerpaNeaattheaddresseet �-ir'4 "—� <br /> ---�R `!' forl�above.Any nollee DrwldeA tor In Nie Deed of Tmat ehell be elfecUve upon melling in Ihe menner deal9nated heraia 11 �f��j�f��' . <br /> '$ ' ' hustor If mora Nen one parno4 notice seM to Ne eddreas aet tonh above ehell Ee notice to ell such pareons. � �«��s,��,. <br /> -'` (Q (n�p�etlon.L6ndar may make or cause to be mede reasoneble entri9a upon end inapeellona ol the Propert�G Drovldo0 � ` �+-._ <br /> Y��; that Lender ehall gWe Truator notlee pdor ro eny eveh Inapectlon epeeitying reasonebla eeute therela related lo LenAera + �-'�..v � <br /> __.�, Inle�osl 10 N9 PtOpBrty f���4 ;»�,,_ <br /> y -�t, (g) RwOnv�yana�.Uponpeymentotelleumeeeeured6ythiaDeetlofTruatLenderehatlroquaftTrueleatoreoonveyNa f :,r` : <br /> �;- �. ProDertyentlehdleurrend8rthiaD08UO1Tru6tBnAellnoleDavidBnein8ind0bteAneaaaewredDythleDeetlolTruSttoTruetea 4'ji`ii�irx�- <br />_ .:'T?.;� Truatee ehell reconvey Ne Proparty wiNOUt warceny end without cherge b Ne Daraon or pereona legely en11YeE Nereta t+y�._, F.�;���,_ <br /> s.-: Truator ehell pay ell coeU of rewrdenon.If eny. � �t�: <br /> �� ', (n) P�nonal Propsrly;Bwudry Aynsmmt Ae edditlonel aeouriry tor the payment ol Ne Nole.Trusror here6y gmnta �� r'���F" ^ <br /> u'-•� Lenderundart�eNa6�askeUnilormCommerclalCOdeeseeurltylnlereelinallllxlureaequlpmentandolherpereonNpropary � �ti`�� �� <br /> •� � ��N J�_I� � k f `Zfif-1 <br /> ° u:�inxnr.seCai�IthL"xreele:s^_.1!!�Rrovemen!o�Mea mas��,�ndno�omerw�seaee�aredordeemedto6ea nof .suf ..-fD <br /> �s=.� Na real e+tate aecuretl hereby.Thie InavumeM ehell be conatrued as e Secudry dgreement unEer aeM Code,enC Ne LenAer �7�.� � � qpi._. <br /> eheil h8ve etl the dghte end remeOlea oi e 6ecute0 perty untlBr eaid Cotle In eAtlillon tothe riphta end�emedioa Crealetl under yi pa SS fsc�,'-- <br /> 7� end eccordeA the lender pur6uantfo Nla Deed olTruaC proWded t�at lender'e�igh�a end remeAlea unde�Ihie paregreDh ehall ya - p ,� a� ;' <br />.-?,.".�:.4,' r�ii�% F .kS4.;- <br /> be cumulelive wi1h.end In no wey e Iimitelion on,Lendero dyhte end remeOlee under any olher secudH egreemeM dgned by . _�,.� . <br /> -�: BOrtOWBf OI TNl10f. � + y+f -rt�. - <br /> ,-Y :' m Wms end EneumEnnoe�.7ruewr hereby warrenu and repreaems that there ia no dalault under me provieiona of any y i'}��'�4° •=_ <br /> ' ' mo e e,deed ol Wet,loeb9 of urehe6e eonVaet AeacrlEln ell or en art of IhB Pro �'�� ; �R � �- <br /> ��-'' � g P g y p perty,or olher eoniwct InawmaM or ,y�f �M1� <br /> i rf � egreemeM ConsGNling e Ilen or encumbtance egeinet ell or eny pprt ol the Properly(eo118etirely,"Liene'),axiaUnp ae of 1he t f� � __' <br /> Aale of Nla Deed ol Truel and Nat any nnE all exietlng Llen�remain unmotlined except et discloaetl b Lender In Tru4tore - qa `y i <br /> ,S�Y, wdtlon Olacbaure ot Ilena and eneumb�encea proYded lor herein97rusfor ehen Umely p P o P�ol TruslOr'e obligatlo�nA ,,2��;,t,���r`!` a' <br /> ' j:y_ covenenl0.rBpreeenteUOne9nEwarrentle9underen endellexisllln andfuNreuena.ehall rom tl to'wflrtltolenGe�co Iea j' _. <br /> + 01811 noliCee ot tlel8ult eenl in connection wilh a'ry an0 ell exialing or fuNre Llem,enE ehell not vdl�oul Lender'e ptlor xrtillen yxF ci�� �,A' : <br /> - >T��` eOnaent In eny menner motlity ihe proWSionn ol or ellow any IuW re edvanee9 under eny ex�atlng or tulure LIOne. ,-c l�'S i::yt '- <br /> ---yr�{ 0) AppllceBOnolPeymeM�.UnlesaotherwiserequiredGylaw.eumapeitltoLenCerhereuntler.inelvOingwilhoNllmiiellon �r��;-_:L„y1 :� <br /> «�`� menro o1 dncl 1 P P P PP �Y - <br /> ,,,,�„_„ pay p pa end intereat,inev�anee rcee9tln,undemnatlon roceede enA renU antl rofils,e�all Ce a Iletl _ <br /> -�= Lender1011�0amwntadueanCOwin IromTrualorenUBorrowerinsuMOrCereeLentlerinttsaoloA�screUOndeem�0esirlbl6. Z����aj- s <br /> > (p 8ev�qWlly.If nny prorinion ol�hia Deed ot Truat contliete with eOP���abte law or ie declared Inve11A or othenriae �>f'� ;;,�'�` <br /> �' i� unenforeeaDle,sueh conllict or invalitlly eha�l not aPOC�Ue olher Drovbons ol thie Deed ol Truat or Ne No�e wMeh can be �k{����� � <br /> t.iir� glveneXaetwll�outN0con11lc1lnyprorlslon,endtoNisenAlheproWNonaolth18DeetlofTruetendiheNOteBrgdetlerodtobe :-i <br /> N�. ieverabla � f',i+��� . <br /> - �- (q Tem�.Tha lerma"huatof'and`BOrrowar"ehell IncWCe bolh aingulnr entl plurel.end when Ihe Truator flnC Borrower , ._, � + F..� <br /> _ � , �� e�e Ne seme person(e).Nose lerma ae usetl in Nle Doetl o�Trual s�all be interchengeable. 1 z:: 1`-3'` <br /> "' � (m) �OVaminp IAw.ThlB DBeE ol7ruat shell be govemed by NB�awe oi Ihe 8te10 of NBbreak0. � t � <br /> _S._ x -.,,kr • <br /> Truetm hea exeeute0 Nie Deed oi hust ae of the Cate wHtten above. /� � - 5+. �u<<-`': <br /> �,.5�2'' /�R't4tY_1' .�� Cti<H-�.� �� .o. .x fr; <br /> ? •. •1}i� _ <br /> s; Daniel R Cronk / 7mawr Nuebend �- �- ��! � : <br /> _. �) 1 j 7) �,r ° at' _: <br /> � ,,_� Lynri Gion Tms�or Mlfe ! -. �- � <br /> •�C�!�(. � t 4 ��` <br /> ;:•� ��• .. . . <br /> •:I`: <br /> ���f. � _ . . I� �' . <br />... _ � 1. . � . <br /> �.%f.-� ' � <br /> - .;Ipt,I- I. <br /> : ../ ' <br /> +'•'j`�`:� p' ._ <br /> .'�} , <br />'.1L.[�' - . <br /> ..�. <br /> '.s��. <br /> �::_k ' <br />��.c._ i �' <br /> -:va:il'i.( �- . <br /> f <br /> T'y ::' <br /> �r <br /> ° t <br /> S_" ,_ . <br /> ._ ..- . _._.____ — ---- _` . .-.>--.._. . <br />