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�..:.:�, . ._.�.�.._ <br /> . :� :.. �-- _ <br />- .,_;�m,d . . <br /> . �� g3- a�� - _ _ -- <br />:;,;.=:;° <br /> � e:��y� ihe Property le eo taken or damegaA,LenOe�aheil hava Ne optlon,In Ne eola¢nG ebeolNa dlaoredon,to epply all auoh ProcMd�, <br />�-�,-:�;��;�� slNrdeQuotlnOtherefrometlooateenAexpenseainourretlOyltinoonneoWnwlthavo�Praeed�,uponanylnQabNOneNwoura0 _ <br /> heroby end In euoh orAer ee Londer mey Aetormine,or 10 appry flll evoh Pracaoda aRor aoh deduotlona,lo Ne reltoretlon of Ne _ __ __,__ <br /> ssr,�T,� ProDarryuponeuchcontlluonaeeLendermayCetermine.AnyapPlloa0onolProcaeAetolnOeDtetlneaaehallnotexlentlmpONpOne <br /> th9 due date of any peymante under Iha Nota,or oura eny dalault NereundBr o�hareunder.Any unapplled lunQ�I�sll b�pald to <br /> r. Pruetor. <br /> , �'�;. B. PMOrm�ne�by bndv.Upon No 000urronea o1 an Evon10l Dofaullhoroundor,or B ony aolle teken or laqal pr0oaedlnp <br /> i ., ,. oommaneeCwnlohmater�airyaneWnLanAOr'sm�ereetinthaProperry,bnderm�y IniqownAlaontlOn,bWwlNONODII allonfoGo <br /> � `` --• eo,end wHhout nodce to or demend upon Trutlor ana wimout releaain9 Tm�tor Iran eny obllaaWn,d0 finylOt wMOh�ru�ror h» <br /> �, „�u' nyme0 but lalle to do and may alao do eny olher aot It daame neoea�ery lo pro�ecl Ihe 6ecwily hOreoL Trwtor eliell,ImmOdiat2M -- -- -- -��- - <br /> .,. v.��; upondernandi�arelorDyLandar,paytolanaareilwntannAe:penaealnourrodnntlsumeozpendeCpy LonGerineonneollonwi� � <br /> �"'�`�3'.,--: Ih0lxerOt60 Dy LOnOa�ol tho IOrap0ing�Iphte,lOpether with IntarBtt IhOreon et the Cafaultwt0 p�ovlded In N�NOtI,whlC�Oh�fl b! <br /> �,;+:�';qy#;' edded to No InEeDlOCneb saovred �BraDy. lentlar shell not Inour eny Iloblliry 600aute o1 anylhlnp it mey Eo or Wnit to do =-- <br />`,.;c •� , hBfiullGBl. <br /> "�;'?i�f'<' B. NWrdou�Mtlul�b.hueror ehell keeD Na Proparry In complknw wNh ell appllcable lewe,orAimnoe�en0 rapul�tlon� — <br />-��=+�•";;�� �elatlny lo in0u�ulal hyplana or onvlronmantel protaotlon(collecNVaty rolerroa to noroln ea"Emlronmantel LawY1.Truttor sha11 <br />'�-`'`�'.`--� kaoDWOProparrylroelromoll�u0etaneestleemetltobe�eiarAOU�a�o:lountleranyEmironmon�ollewe(eolloatlrelyrelarredlo . _. .. __.. . _. <br /> '� '-�� hereln ee"HazarAOVe Mutadalay.Trustor horeby warcunle end rapre6an�e�o LonAar that Nare are no HazuGOU�Matariele on or <br /> �H�� t�l undart�laPropOrry.Truetorherebyagreeatolndemnityandholdharmle6eLOnAei.ibdlreelorao111eeraemplqeeaenAepente,end <br /> Bny tuCCBe6oro lo Landar�Intarent from end ageln6t eny anC eil cl9ime,Eemagal,loaaoa end Ila6illtlea nrlNng In OOnnBCtlon wIN _ <br /> r �.J-r. Ihe D�eaenco,uee,dlapoaei or vanspon ot eny Hexardoua Matanaie on,under.Irom or ebout�ha Propafry. THE FOAEQOINO <br /> ' WAflRANTIEBANOHEPRE8EN7ATIONB.ANOTRUBTOR'BOBIJOATIONSPURBVlWTTOTHEFOREQOIN�INDEMNIiKBNALL -- <br /> '�FT -�' BURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRU8L h <br /> �n�rf� f 0. Awynm�nt ot R�nU.7ru��or hereby eaalgns to Lenaer f�a renu,iaauae and prorne of Ne Property,Drovidad Nat T�ue�or f � <br /> :�� ahell,untlllheooCUne�C9019nEvent0lDBtBNIhgfBUnGer,h9ve�hetlghltototl8etondrelBineuehreM0.18fue89ndp(Ofill88NBy h�" -.� __ _ <br /> ,^�}�� =' becomo due anA pflyable.UOOn fha oceurronee ol en Evant ot Ueleul4 Lander mey,oiNar in pereon or by�pent w0h or without � >>,.� 4 <br /> „�NY�?!h bdn0lny eny eotlOn 0�p�oceetling,O�by e�eeeNer app0lnted by a c0urt enA wRhout regard to Ne edequaq ot i!7 seeudry.6�te� 1 ",��•- ` <br /> ,� �}�.; uponanAlBkepoaEeaalonoHheProperry.orenypartthereol.InilaownnemeorinNenemeoltheTmitee.BnAtloeirya�iewhiehit t�� i. <br /> � �°,ti�• dbemsnecebleryo�tlealrablatopreservelhevaiue,marke(86111yorren18bl11ryofNePropBrty.oranypanihweoforintereflihereln, -�rh�`�.� e_," <br /> �l+Pi l� inc�eaee the Ineome therefrom or p�oteet ihe eeeurity horeof end,wi�h or without teking poeaesalon ol Ne Proparty,eue lor or �r� ._ <br /> -j�{ - �i otharwi6e eollbet the renu,feavee and proffle Nereol,Includin thoae ael due end un aM,and eppty ihe aeme,leab wate end '�F1�,�s t -_ <br /> .._c:..:,: <br /> � .� expenaeeoloperetlonandeollectlonindudingetromeye'leea.Oonenyintlebtedneaasevcuradhereby.e111n�uchordareaLender _ �%.�.;_r{}y�' �- <br /> t� ?�i+� may determinB.Th9 ontetln8 upon end Iflkin9 poaseasion oi Ue Proparty.Ne colleetion ol eueh renle.leauen and profilf end Ne kf� � � <br /> s,�;i:� epD���e��on Ihereot at eforeaeld,ehall wt eure or waive eny defaWt or nollee ot Aetautt nereuntler or InvaliAeta eny aU done In �3 _ri�f�,� <br /> '�+?,3� �eaponeet06uChEefaultorpur6venttowchno0ceo1d81eu11antl.notwllhsNnEingthecontlnuenceinpwaeulonoNhePropertyor ,,°-;�pt.,�h�l:-"—� <br /> ,t' ,.� the eollettlon,reeelpt flnA applleellon ol renW,ieavea or profite,and Truslee enC Lender thall be entlllBd b exerUee every dght s4?J z.;i._;,��5�:._- <br /> -�. id7+ ptoNdedlotlnanyoftheloenlnelrumenleOrbylawuponoccvrrenceolenyEventoiDelault.inUuAingwiUwutllmll8fi0ntherigM � ,,.,. ,z,,,_,, _ <br />.,�.�, .,,,.� <br /> ;;�:i.,,., toexercl�elhepoweroleele.Futlher,LenderedgMeanAremedie6unAerWaparographt�911becumul9UVewlth,endinnoweya '��;�,z's`�e;T:��,...—, <br /> j(j;;-•- IlmiletlonoqLenCeYerlp�leanOremeaieaunaerenyass�gnmencofieazeaendreniereco�dedngainetiBePiuyo�Yr•Unda.T�uot;o �y'�-y �„_ <br /> �j�q4 ; end t�e recelver 6he11 be IIa61e to eccomt only lor Ihoae rente actually reeelved. r }�r� ` '� <br /> i�H; �a <br /> ��, -,; 1 t. EveN�W DstaNl The following ehall wnstlWte an Event of Doleull unAer 1Me Dead ol T�ust >>ss�} �+'3���a C <br /> i-r, (e) FelWre to pey eny Inalallment of DdnUpal or Intereat of eny oNer aum secured heroby w�on due: Z r4r du <br /> - `� "r . (b)Abreac�oforAeleWtunderenyprovieloneon�alnedlnt�eNOlo,ihieDeeAOliroet.airyo�IheLOanlneWmenle,oreny +y ,,,��tr�' <br /> :. zrF1ip; olher Ilen or aneumbrance upon Ihe Propeny, . )r 'ri�iz• .._ <br /> ��i I (C)A wdt ol exeeuliOn or ettechment or pny a�milar proeese ahall be entered egaimt Tmstor which shall beeome a Ilen on r�t1 (;' ji "' <br /> �%�flqj�i:: Ne Property or any potlion Nereof or Inte�esllhereirc S��a�E���.;;;:� <br /> -". �1:��]A. ��:������:�� <br /> _k t� , (d)There ehell be filetl by or egeinal Truslor or Borrower en eeuon untler any present or luwre IetlemL atele or oNer _.�.` f� >�f;-;, <br /> . ,�� � ateWto.lew or repulelion re�etlng to bunkmptcy.innolvency or olher reiiel br debror6:o�there 6�e11 be appoinletl any huatee. a,:. �R� <br /> _t ---•L reeeiverorliquidelorolTmatororBOrrowerorolallorenypartoilhePrope�ry.ortherentAlaaue5orprofitslhe�0ol,orTruslor �—�� ;t�� .��.-, <br /> - � f'' ' or Boe)The aetel't enafer�leaea ai�ign en1,eonveyan e8orffuMer�ncumbmnee ol all or eny Oart olor eny interest in Ihe ! � i �,��i� � , <br /> r� �-'i; Propary,eilher volunleruy w invWUntadly,rrilhoul ihe expreaa wrinen conaont ol Lender,proviAeO ihet huabr aha11 be ' - � ��ffaY� } .-_ <br /> ��� f�:� permilledtoexecuteeleaeeottheProperryt�atdoesnoteonfainanopYOntoOUrcheseandt�elermolwhiehdoeanotexeeed �,e �eryt <br /> Y �� '� �` �� �� <br /> - �,s ��e(q Abendonment oi t�e Propeny:or - - i �� � <br /> � -, ��' (q)IlTrubtO�bnotenindivitlueLlheiaauenCe.Sele.Iran410r.eseignmenCCOnv6yanceorencum6rUnceOlmOretMneto�el �5 �- :. 1� � �- <br /> r� �.. �.t .`.. � t <br /> y�i _: ol pereentof(1 a corpomlion)�le iseueA enC ouletenCing eloCk or(1 e petlners�ip)e lolal ol Oertenl oi � -c��}r ��J ` � ._� <br /> .! � petlnerbhip interesb Ouring Ne pe��od ihls Deetl ol hust remeins a Ilen on Ihe Property. yi, <br /> t� ��� . 12. flemedlei;AeeeleratlonUponDelaulllnNeeveMOlanyEveNOlDefaultLendermay.wMOUtnol�ceexceD�eareqWreOby � -, ��t <br /> Iew,deelare ell InAebledneaa 6xu�etl hereby lo be Oue entl paye0le antl the aeme shell lhBreuDOn become Aue and peyable ; � � <br /> - �'.� : � � wiNOUt eiry D�esenlment,tlemen0.proleat or no4ce of any kmd.Thereafler Lender maY . .�. . „ .� <br /> (a)DemenC t�at hmtee exercise fhe POWER OF SALE gramed�erem.antl Tmstee ahaii Uereafter eease imsbra � �. . ` � t^,.:.-. <br /> �`�"P-,' fnlereal in Ihe Propety to be aold anE ihe pweee0s to De AiSlnbuted.all m the manner prov�tleA in t�e Nebraske 7rolt DeetlO - <br />...i�c'�.�"�,�� ACt . . <br /> '� `;�'-�- (U) Etercise eny anE eli ng�U prov�UeC lor m eny ol ihe loan Instmmenls or Oy�aw u0on ocewrence of anY Event ol <br /> oeiaoic aoa <br /> -=- - (c)Commenco an action to toreUOSe Inis DeeC o1 TmSt as a monyage.aDPO�nt e� sped�rtei�y enlorr.aany o�1ne <br /> cOVenenli hereot. . <br /> NO rem0dy�erein conlBrreO uDOn or reaervetl lo Tmslee o�Lentla��e imen0ed lo be exClusrve ol any OIhB��BmeGy here� NB . <br /> loen In6lNmente or Dy 18w providetl ar D8rmi118tl.but eat�a�eli DB cumuletfve.S�ei��e�n eCO�bo��o every ol�e�remetly qwen . <br />- hereunder,m t�a Loan Insvumenb or now or ne�eatler e+nimp at�aw o�m eQmry or Dy s�awto.anE may De e.ere�stV conwrrently. <br /> IntleDenOenUy orsucceEarvelg <br />- 73. TNtIeB.T08 TN91BB may re5�9n at any 4me wi�nout cau6o.an0 le�tlo� may ai any ume enG wMOUt fAUSe e0POm1 e <br /> ButC685or or Bu�8l�iule T�ustee-Tmete96�a11 nol OB hable'o Bny Da�fy•ncluOmg w�l�out hmdeh0�Le�der.BOrrower.TmslO�or any <br /> pUlCh8E0�p1111B PfODB(�y.(O�B�y i049 Or EBTeyO un1039 CuP 10 r@�kle55O�willlU�miSCOnEuCt.0�0lh8���O�OB�BOurtB010�ek0lny <br /> �' -�'� �� eG40n in COnnethOn wtlh IhB B��Or�ement al lhia O88C O�Tue�unie5f��Oemndie0.��wnunp.b�aii wsta,compe�mtwn or <br />..,L-_�C_.-. <br /> � p expBnBea w�iCh mBy 60 ef9ooBlod 1�erowrth fn 000rt:0�.Ttu5100 mey OBCOmO 8 DurCh25@�BI 6ny 80�0 O�NB PrOpBrty UuOiGZI Or <br /> Vn00r lhe power ol eale grenletl�8�8��1.DOSlpone Ihe saie ol a�l or eny pOrtwn ol tne PropeM�ee D�ov�Aetl DY�aw,or 6ell lno <br /> .t.. .m.�.m�� <br /> - __ , °:vy'v.:j u:u:k.°.:0.O::.^.^•'_!_�Ye�_._.�_�.9" """"""'"'"'" <br /> - 14. Foee anA EipOnso�.����6 eve�l Truslee se�ls Ina P�oOe��Y Or o+e�cise ol powo�o�sale.Trusloo sna�� Do enOtloC lo apO�Y <br />_ 0�Y��B p�OCEOA!���61 IO pBylOB�t OI EII COSIS 8�0 BipB�50s U�BxB�P9�0o pOwBr 0�68�0.��dUO��B BII TrW10B 8 100f.UM L8/N8�6 <br /> 0nd Truetea'!0I10��ey'9 ioea.6Uually mW rrgd 10 ea�ent Oerm�tle0 Dy oDD��CeOie�aw In lne evo�t BOnowe�or Trusto�oze�nSB!eny <br /> rlgnt prov10e0 by�aw b eure an Evont o�De�euLL LenAe�anan oe eninleO lo recore�hom iruslar an coile antl e:peneee oeWany <br /> _ ___ _ IflGy«80 69 8!Bl�It OI TN6I0f 6 dB18U�1��CIUOiOO W�1110Ui hTi1800n 811 T�yg100!eftd 8tlOm0y!lOBB.b 1�0 BzIBOI p8fI11N9d by <br />- %� - apDIICaDIe law. <br /> "�`+•'�;` 75. FuNro AEranee�.Upon reGuest ol Borrower.lenCer�U opuo�.make eOC�eo�a�anG�uN�e a0rencee anE re- <br /> ' HEYHnCOlIOBOftOWBLSuChBCvEnCBeBnOfeetiv8�t05.w����MBreellhB�8044heIIDBeBCUrBtlDyllueDBtldO�iruSlA�nOM1mOE�el1 <br />-� �•�,,5r::- the ptlneipel emounl ol lhe mdaCie�iuem eecmed 6y Ih�a DeeE of i�osl� n n um�etlranCBG Io D�oled Ine6otu��y of ihi9 <br /> . .`�=�=-- �oetl ol Troat ezeeeA 1�e or+yinal o���NPa1 emoum atetea nerem.or S ��•���'�� wnrcnover q 9reater. <br /> ��d��;_ � 3ti s;;:. <br /> .«: .�� <br /> . <br /> . .; . <br /> ; � i <br />