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,. ,,;,��� _ ... . . 3. �Q���.� . _ �- <br /> �i`�"•.'�r„`� not penooetly 0abte oa the Note or under thb DeeA of 1turt,and(o)n�thet LeaQer ond�ny other Bortowar `_- - <br /> ,,� _� herewdu may ugrce ro ertend,madity,forbear,or moke�ny other a000mmod�Hom wlth rcgazd to the termf of thb <br /> Dad ofTwt m the Nate,wlthout that OoROmrY oonsent�nd wlthout rele��ing that Bortower or madityln�thb DeM <br /> ,5�;�,�t�?' ot7tustutoth�tBamweP�InterestlathePropeny. <br /> _:?;,��,,.-.�z, ' 17.NoNa.Bcapt for�ny notico«quRed unCec�ppllubta Inw to bo glven in anothw mmner,(ol any notica to <br />'"':��,,,•?-��� Bottowet provlded tor lu thb lked of ltust�haU 6e glvsa by deRvedng It or 6y mailing�uch notice by carNfted mail ---- <br /> =-�` � 14�-;, �dd[essed to 8o�.axar�t the Propxrty AEdres�or�t iuch otha addru�u Bortoser may dalgnato by notice to I.ender <br /> � j�ti}�' at prorldcd herolu,and @)any aoMce to Lender ihail be glren by adiAcd maU ro Lender'�add[a�tl�tcd heroin or W �•j?,_,— <br /> ''�.+r,,;".'�� sucd othoe aGdra�e�Lender may deslgone by aotice to Borsower u provlded hetela.An�notice provlded[or In tbb <br /> ,.' �.� �:�,:��7 pudot7tusefiallbedeemcdtohavebeenglrenroBorrowerorLenderwhrngivenlnthemmnndal�ttadhercla. <br /> ��� MF.�•' 13. Do*anle�I.�w�SetenDWq.'fie date and�ocal tam appllable to thb Dad ot1Yu#�all be the law�of the " <br /> ��� �•;'fzf, Jurisdicqon in which the Prop¢rry b locatcd•1f�e forcgo�ng centeaca�fiall not Iimtt the appllcnbillty of Federal law W _ — <br /> rT t�'.,;� thb Dad of 1YusA In the esent that any provbion or clause of tldi Dxd of Twt or the Nota contllcb wlth applluble :_ _ <br /> 7 $:_.- -- <br /> �,,,x,�,f�,,.:�, law,:uch conflict�hall not attat othu provlsions o[th6 Deed of T'ru:t or the Noro which can be gtven efkct wlthout the _ <br /> �..,r�+' <br />;,.�`li;,,;.;�" wn111Ming p[ovi:ton,md to thb end the provisiom of thls Dad of 7Ymt nnd the Noro ere dcelercd to be�avera e. s �.tl.*�;� <br /> 3�:;s;,i^�+t,£;�' usedheroln."cosU"."e:pensa"and"attomey�'Ra"Inctudeellium�totheertentnotpmhibitcdbyappltcabietawor =--' ---- <br /> � "�- �- °x Ihnitedhcrcin. -' - -- <br /> �� � r�" 1<. ForroeuY Co [torrower shall be fum�hed n conformed copy ot the Note md of tllis Deed ot Trust et We <br /> s�i� ��`i2t P7• ., —. <br /> j�i dms of exaution or eRer recordntion hercot <br /> '�t�- �y�� 13. ReLahWtattoo Lo�n Aq�eement.Bortowerihdl PoIfl1i ait of�otrower't obligaHons undu any home rcbablllta• �'A�s�- <br /> �7#�'1�r. tion,improrement,rcpair or other loan agreement which Bortower entm inro wtth Lender.Lender,nt Lended�optlon, �y_��4 .-Y <br /> Ct�:r,.'� <br /> ��,'�r 4,F,t may nqulie Borromr fo e:ceute end ddirtt ro I.ender,in a form acceptable to I.ender,an assignment ot any tighb. �, � <br /> -- clsims or defonw whtch Bortowcr may heve agalart partles who supply labor,metedals or cenices la conneMlon with �:4' i'` � <br /> ar 7 -:�� r:.} <br /> J•�!' lmprorementimedefotheProperry. �'-f,,sh,;'-: <br /> ';.;i;3TP�r5: -[..,,.5-, <br /> 16.Tnn�ter ot t6e Property or�Beneflclal Inlerut in Borroaer.If all or eny part of the Property or any latuest ,�� � <br /> �;��4��{% in It ie sold or trawkrred(or if a beneticial inte[at in Horrower Ia sold or trenefcrred and Borrower Is not a namral • s ft ... <br /> :;';�:%`!r,�r'f perwn)wlthout Ltndu'a pdor wrttten consent,isnder may,at Itt opNon,require Immediete payment In fuLL ot ell �";� ��,.+T?�_--� <br />"�«;�;'�<:e�`�. wms aeeured b thb Deed otTruat.However,thb o tion shell not be exerc1sed by lender Itexercise ie proh�bited by �f' <br /> t x �;.. Y P ��"�i <br /> � `- 'N� federal lsw as of the dete of thls Dad ot Trust. n r{''.t+i� -.- <br /> , , ��'!;4 tf Lender exerefca thu optlon, Lender thell give Borrower notice of acaleretlon.TAe notla thell provlde a �'a <br /> ; . _:-.e;. : 3yG, . '. <br /> �- •��{ period of not lesa then 30 days from�he dero the notice te delivered or meiled wfthin which Borrower must pay all sums �'�l�t`p . <br /> secured by thl�Dad of Trust.It Horrower felis to pay these suma prlor to the ezpiraUon of thb pedod,Lender may .1.� i1 ' <br /> � 4'•- ``:�i'� invoke eny remedlu permfited by�hla Dad ot Tmst w(thout tunAer notiee or demend on Borrowea ;?p�f� r,,,;` <br /> � -' _t;_ Nox•UNIFOnMODVerUNT5.8ortoxxrandLenderfurthercovenmtandagreemfolloxa: }� � ,._ <br /> 17. AoceksaHoo�Remedia.Bsoept u prorlGed In pua�apb Ib heROi,apao dormxeri bieach oiau��at � -_ <br /> j - ���i or�reement o[Bo�roeer In t6b Dad otTrmt,Incledlep BortoxerY f�llore W pq,by the wd ot 10 alend�r dap dtcr -=�'� ' ' <br /> .,' :;._,j;'��r'�r_ • . <br /> t6c��te due��tom��ao[ed by Ih4 Dted o[Trwt�Lcadee pdor to acoelenNon dWl Qiw noUce W Bartowe+r �15>i . <br /> ,. - :;.}; Prohded lo Pen�+P61]hereot�Pcet[y[e¢i(i)tM 6ra�cht(1)the eeHon rcqvlxd W curo�ae6 breacht l3)�date�not '�`�1y,r ��. <br /> !w�hao 20 dsri f�om t6�dab t6�noNa�mvled W Bortower.b�vhleh�nc6 bcach mo�t 6e caxdt�d(d)tlut .;?��� .j;:. <br /> �-- �' [dluro W care�ueh 6itaeh o¢or 6etom�M date speclQed In i6e eoda mq malt In eoceleaLLoe otthe mm�ucared by �-� :-<i*,-.. <br /> ``�-�'��-.:s 'i:•;:_:<^,•, <br /> W4 Uad of 1Ywt�ad�ale of the Properry.T6e notice�hdl[art6er Into�m Boaower o!the dpfit to rcimhb�thr 3�.!<..�r!-:`� <br />- �..;i`.':�;�i�.:�� koelentlon�adtheNyhtWbrina�ooutactlontowertWenone:4kacao[adefadtor�o7othadeteowotHaroxer '�:-`;::r%;`::-- <br /> :,•�i' W�coelentkn�nd��1�.It�he 6reac6 4 not ca�ed on or 6etoro t6e due�put0td In the nodce.Lender,at Lendcr,� `:'j�':�.���:"-: <br /> o �on,m declu�e dl of tM�um��ecored b t6�Iked ot 1Yatt ro be tmmed4 dae�nd aDle vltho¢t[aRher "'t:}��°,*, <br /> .,� �:;, P �1 7 �' P�7 u-i;,:..f;:.?�_-� <br />-�''�+., ---� dem�ad�ad ma�Inroke t6�powerot�il��nd�n7 mher nmeNa permttted b�appUcable br.Leader t6d16e taHOed ::��._\;':.�;�` <br /> -'.c�.. ., ro rolicet dl cwonebie cab�nd apenu�Incurrcd In pvnulny IL�«medla prodded la tW�Pa+�aP617,indodla{. �.:i;;--_;.,.,::: <br /> .ir .: 6utnatlimltcdro.�eawn�bleattomq�'fen. � c' ��_: <br /> _ It�he powee otule V InroYed,'husta s6ai1 ruo:d a notice o[dc6dt In eae6 cooaty In whle6 t6e Propuq or�ome � , .1,_•.- <br /> - ut�herco!�loated md ihd!mdl co la of aue6 no�lce In tha mmnu racriheJ b ilabls bx w Borroxer aad `'�'°',•-'•'.�"-. <br /> . . P P P 7 WP ,�.-.�,.. . .- <br />- - � w t6e oWu om racdhcd b � Ilable law.Attee Ih�I� �a ohuch Hme u ma be ulred b ticable IaN, " '�"-'�'-- <br /> :� P� P 7 DP P 7 rc9 7 WP ' ���;'. <br /> " - ltaita ihail�i•a pubile noua o[�ile to the psnom md In t6e manner pmcdbed by appllubb IaM.l4oitee,Mt6ont ���+'•- <br /> �:-° � . demand on Boiroxer,i6a11 uU the Propcnf at pu6lic auctlon to Ihe WQhat bldder�t Ihe dme�nd plaa�nd mdu the =�':-'��'-,f.. <br /> � - .. � temu dalgwted ta the noVa o[�d�tn ooe or mon p�ics4 md in�oc6 order u Tnutee ma�determine.Trosta may - � <br /> � palpone wle o[dl or an7 pucel ot ehe Properry by publlc moomcement at the ttme�nd placa of�a�prorlomly �`'�r�' <br /> '�:- ceLedultd tale.I.ender or I.enderY daf�ee ma7 Pwchue the Properry at ao�de � <br /> . Upoo receipt of prymeat ot Ihe pdcc bid.Twtee dull ddher to 1he purchner Tru�tay deed mnrellag the � � - - <br /> � Pmperry�old.7'he recihla In 16c 7Yaata'� dad ibdl be pdms 4efe eHdentt o[the trut6 at the sutemeoq made � <br /> thercln.Trmtee�ha0�pply�he proceab ot We ule in tbe[olloxing orden In)to dl ratonable cosd and eepeoca of the <br /> �ile,Incladlvg,bvt nm Ilmlted to,TwtaY[ea�NOiI1J Incarred of no�more thno .............%o[the grou�de r <br /> pda,rwooable�qomep'[oa ted cosb of dtle erldenoet @I to all�umo�ceared br this Dnd of Tmste�d(cl the e=• . <br /> ca�,it�ey,ro t6e penon or penom legdl�enNtled thercto. - <br /> 18. Dorroxu4 RIgAt to ReWtue.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sumc ucured by thiz Deed of ' ' <br /> Trmt,due to Bortower'a brmch.Bortower shall hare the right to have any praceedingr begun by Lender to en(orce this � <br /> Dced of Trust diswntinued at any time prior to the earlitt w occur of(i)the fifth dey beCorc the ule of the Propeny <br /> punuant to the power of sale eontained in this Decd af Trust or(ii)mery ofa judgment enforcing this Dttd of Tms�iE <br /> (a)Bortower pays Lender all sums which would be�hen due under this Deed of Trust und�he Note hed no acnieration <br /> . oceurred;(b)Bortower cums all braches of any other corenants or agreements of Borrower containcd in this Daed ot <br /> � ' Trust; (c)Bortower pays all rcasonable expenses ineurnd by Lendcr and Trustee in enforcing the mrenants and <br /> .. f0� ��I: �L:�fWJ�[T�. ..A i ..f r. ..I�M� ..A T.. �nrlis viArl i <br /> iaiR�i � i��� v. .v.,�. ...-...v. i:e�. .. ......� . <br /> _ . - patagraph�l7 hercof,including.but not limited �o,rcasonable attorneys'kez:and(d)Bortower takes such action as <br /> Lcnder may rcasonebly require to auurc that the lien of this Deed of T�usL Lender i imercst in the Propeny and <br /> Bortower i obligntion to pay�he smnx secured by this Decd oCTruse shdl�vntinue unimpaired.Upon such pnyment and <br /> cure by Botrower.this Deed of Trust and the obligations zecured herebr zhail remain m fuil foree and effect as i(no <br /> acoeleratlon had ottutred. <br /> '� y9. Msl�mmt of Rwu{ Appotnlmeot ot Rettheq Lender In Pos�«slon. As additional security hcrcunder. <br /> . � Bortower hercby assigns to Itnder the renls o(the Propeny,provided that Dartower sAall.priar to acceleration under <br /> - paragnph V hereof or abnndonment olthe Propeny.heve the right to crollect and rceam such rcn:s as lhey become due <br /> -��F end payablc. <br /> - �. Upon acceleration unda peragraph 17 hereotor abandonment of the person,6y agent or by <br /> � - � judicially appotnted rocefrer the116e entlqed to enter upon,hke possasion af and manage ihe Property and to milat I <br /> . <br /> S: . <br />