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.._��.. .:�� . r lry. a� '.:.,�,_ � . i,r]n-'-fJ� ..�i : .it.. r t1".t t <<;-.•.�-•---- <br /> y <br /> v f i-1. .. -.__._ =ta�r�+r�rrcm;�: .. _._.^'T_.,. . ...i .c_r . ,_,—. _ .. — _ - .._ <br /> 1 �'{/ <br /> �i�]I Q ._,._ "___�"�_._.. <br /> _ ___ ,_� If Bortower ptyi VunAt to LenQer,the FunCf th�ll ba held In�n inttttutlon the de�i�or���ti o v$h�ro � <br /> IacuteOotQuutnteedby�FeQu�lont�te�yeneyOncWAlnyLenAeNfLenAerbt¢cr�nlnatlmtlonbLenQor�h�ll�ppty `"° ° ` " <br /> ____ �he RunA�to pty�aid hia,tsstumenn,lnsun�ce premlums aM g�wnA nnu.Lender ma)not charge far�o holEing _ <br /> �n0� ptying the Fuadt,andyzing nid wcount or verttyfng�nA complltng niA muumaau anA bi1�,ualas LenAer — <br /> _=_ _ _ pxys�rtowat tnterest on the Fund��nd appliabla kM peimta La�der to m�ke wch�chage.Bo�rover uid LenEer �- --- <br /> °-- mq�gree In�nitlny�t the tim�ot e:ecuHon otthf�Oad of 7Ywt thu intonri on the FunOnhul6o p�ld to Bortower. <br /> ;-�;;�Y.� and unien wch�grament i�made or aypliuble Iaw tequima iucA intesat to bo p�W.Lender�ddl not 6�rcqulrtd ��V_— <br /> =;,qt,� to p�y Bortower any Intetut or aming�on the FunA�.Lendet�hdl gire to BoROwtr, u�lthout chugo. �n annual — <br />:;;::�;,F.� auountingoftheFunGsthowingcrcdivandGeblblothoWnAaandtAepurposeforMhkhwcbdcbltrotheFund�was -__, <br /> t meAe.TtiaFundiaropleAgcde�addltlonel�ecurltyfortAsiumsiecuredbythliDeedot7Yust. "�"'- , __. <br /> �=��� If the�mount ofthe FuM�helA by Lender,together�vilh the Poluro monthly Instalimenti of FunM ptyable pdor to <br /> ��r'` the due dua ott�te�,�uaumenh,insurance promlum�and ground rcnts.�h�ll excud the emount rsquired ta pay sald n s �� <br /> 4j'iw�y�J��i-� <br /> f'�';Ir� tusa,euasmenta,lnsurance prcmlum�and ground ronb u they tall due,cuch ezcesa tha11 be,�t Bortower'�opHon. � ,�. � <br /> r; ')« ehhet promptlr ropaid to Uortower or credited to Bonoeer on monthly installmenn ot Punds.If the amount ot�he i ?��1`„ <br /> t �'r��- Fund�AeldbyLendet�hallnotbeiutfidenttopaytup,esussmmtt,lnsuranceprcmtum�andgroundrcntsutheyfall ��1i� �" - <br /> "+ • due,6ortoxer thall pay to Leoder any amount nettuary to make up iM deticlenry fn one or moro payment�es Lender �:_�y�,,,�.,�-+�:��- <br /> :'i,��� m�y requirc. °. ,: <br /> :`��$? Upon paymmt In full of eli sums eecuttd 6y thh Dad otTnnt Lender�hall pmmptly rePond to Bortower any �,��'`�'°�}ry,�;. <br /> � Y} Funds held by Leader. If under paragaph 17 he[eof the Propecry b sold or the Pcopert�is ofhenriu acqulrod 6y - r� <br /> '�`�"$, Lender.Lenderiball a 1 .no later than tmmediatel dorto the ule of the Pro or ia�c ufsition b Lender,an ��r�` ����� <br /> A �f FLndsheldb Lenduetthetimeofa 11catlonesnttMite slnttihe�umstuuttAb 1hisIkMofTrust.y y �r�4'�+t"�'� ?J `'�`�s'� �� <br /> <,3f;;�:�c Y PP B Y 3.?,t4��xi,yYt'��Ay'- <br /> r 3. Appikatbn ot PqTmca�. Unlas applicable law providca otherwim,ell paymenta naired by Lenda undu , ttS* <br /> y --:'- tha Nota and puagrapAs 1 and 2 hcrcof�hatl be applied by I.ender Ont in payment ot amounta payable to lender by -�� _=-- - <br /> i s T.�} Bortower under paragraph]hereof,thm to Interost payabl�on the Note,and then to ihe pdnclpal of the Nota ��t_(�r � ,,; - _ <br />_'.';t+>t���" 1. PAor MortY�ia �nd Deedr ot ltntt C6u;at Lta�. Bortower iNil perPorm all of Bortower s obllgaHons ��tr`��h;�>;ft,,��;._ <br /> s ?r�,���-� under any mortgage,dced of wst or other security agreement with a Iien whlch his priodry ova thif Deed of 7Yus4 ��sY,� ,t�� _ <br /> r.";;r$�, Including Qortower's mvenenn to meke paymenb when due. Bortowor�hell pty or ¢ause to be patd �0 texes, ,: s��"�� '. <br /> f� .-_�� assessmeNS end other cherges,flna and Impeui8ons attdbutable to thc IRoperty whtch may attain a pdoriry over thfs j t��d� f`_ , --. <br /> ;�s,Jt2J';� Ik�afTrust.mdleueholdp�ymentsorgroundtent�,ifany. 1 ?h�x `� �'�-'r <br /> t !�� ..i,' S. Hwrd Insunece.Bortower shall kap the Improrementt nav existlag or hereafter eacted on the Property f�,ti„�tij,�t 6.__ <br /> } r � 0.�•:1i <br />_ (,,;y_���, insured agilnst loss by Flte,hamrds inciuded wlthin the term °eatended corerage",�nd meh other hezarde es Lender �y;,y;`{5:�n tl��__-_ <br /> F � ,.. mq requirc and In such amount�and tor:uch pedads es Lender mry rcqulrc. f+ti_„ y f� <br /> � ,�l,F;i 7Leinsunnce.carderprorldingthetnsuranttshdlbeehosenbyBorcoversubfattoapproval6yLender;provided, �,�Y �, � r <br /> �r...�.._ ��,�s 4�ch,FFr,,.AI aha11 nnt Fe up�cnp�hly uAthheld. All Insuranre Pnlic4s and renewal[Ihercof slu0�e in a faml t�..~...�.�+� L..-- <br /> s� i�rJ, acceptable to Lender and�hall Include a standnrd mortg�ge clause in famr of and in a fofin ecceptaDle to Lender. .z`T� ��P ° 9s -'_ <br /> � f� Lender shdl here the dght to hold the pollcies and rcnewal�thereof,subject ro the tcrtns of any mortgage,decd ottrurt Ar}�„s (�! _ <br /> ,'� {� orother savrityagreement�dth a lien wfilch has prioriry orer this Dad of Tnut. � ?�ln`t a}3� �4_R <br /> - " (�' In the erent of loss,Bortower thall give prompt no�ice w the{nsurence carrter and Lender.Lender may make proof J,.tiy �3� r . <br /> �ry ����� oflosslfnotmadepromptlyby0orrower. � i��r >s� ,a �-' <br /> - "��'f �' If the Pro rt Is ebendoned b 6ortower,or if Bortorer feils to rcs nd to Lender within 7fl de from the date zi�-' 3^,�% �° <br /> :._;,. . : P� Y Y M YS t t.k i� '= <br />"� ��Y.'•:�!' noticeismailedb Lenderro0orrowerthattheinsurancec�rcteroffinrosettleacleimtorinsurancebeneflts.Lenderis a�^r� "�'r��' <br /> ��(_Jt'` authodud to co lect �nd �pply the Insuronce proceeda at Lenders option either to ratoration or rep�ir of the ` '��:� �� --��� <br /> :,4�«,5 , PropertyortothesumssccurcdbythisDcedofTrust. - '. .., ,+r� r ?:.. <br /> ,.���y 6. Pnsernifon �nd M�ntenance ot Property�Lwehohb; Condominlums� Planned Unit D�refopmenN. Bor- +� - �� 6i} , �r_ ;, <br /> ':•^i tower shell kap the Proper[y in gaad repair and shall not commit wute or permit impalrment or dMerloratlon of the - '-,.r:!?t.? i,,,,,�,.;. <br /> !�'� '"' Pro n and shall com I witA the rovisions of an Iease ifthlsDad of TrmNs on a lasehold.ifthb Deed ofTrust Is -.i;ii;.;t;��;j`t;�� <br /> - -�v i P� Y PY P 7 <br /> ,t'}.� <br /> _ -,�,(., on s unit in a mndominium or e planned unit developmrnt,Uonowershall perform ail otBorrowror's obligalions under -, ?j�.� �j ;,�"�<< '' <br /> -- �{S(di. ihe declernHon or corenanls creating or goveming the condominium or p6nned unit development.Ihe bydnws and -.,,�:, �, ;U-=': <br /> At'f�j� regutationsoflhecondominiumorplennedunitderelopmmLandconstituentdocumenu. -;2't � �-' <br /> °� 7. Protcellon otlender'�Secudry.If Borroxxr fails�o perform the corenants and agreementa mntaincd in ihls �1 �:�'y�+�'�;��'f;- <br /> � _F� Deed of Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenced which matedallr affec�s Lendeis 1Merest in the Propeny. ��� ,��i��'�+��'''� <br /> ' -'', thenLender.atLendersoptlon,uponnoticetoBonower.maymakesuchappeatantts,disbursesuchsums.including � 57���'{`p_t'� <br /> ? � -?� rwsonable attomeyi tees,end teke such acilon as is necessary to proteet I.ender's interac 1f Lender requlred mortgage `� � �Y�!, , <br /> �:r .: �.;.. 7;-'h'.,;:•:"j'•.. <br />_ - , InsuranceuamndltionofmakingtheloansecuredbythisDeedofTrust.Bmrowershallpaytheprcmiumsrcquircdto � -�,.�_t ..- . <br /> maintain such insurance in eRat until such time as the requircmm�for such insurantt termineta in eccordanee�vith � � . �,-�r±�����4��,' <br /> ,. Bovower'sandLenderswrittenagreementorapplieableLv. � <br /> Any �maunts disbursed by Lender punuant m this paragreph 7, with interat thereon, at the Note nta shnll - � <br /> become additional indebtrdness of Uorrox•er zecured by this Deed of Trust. Unleu Borrower and Lender egree to � _ <br /> �_; ,`p. other tem�s ot paymem, meh amoums shell be p�yable upon notitt trom Lender to Borro�ver ttquesting paymmt l • <br />' " � .j4 thercoLNothingcont�inedinthisparagraph7shallrequircLendertoincuranyexpenseortakeanyactionhereunder. i � - � - <br /> ; ' `� 8. Iaspecdoo. Lender m�y make or causc ro be made rcasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. � , <br /> - -� provided that Lender shall gi�e Bovower nmice prior to any such inspec�ian speci(ying reasoneble cause thertfor <br />� `''`,'' ��' reiated to Lender's interest in the Propetty. ' <br />-- �7`,'���-:� 9. Condemoaqon.The proceeds of eny award or claim for dam�ges,dircet or connection wi�h <br /> +"'•;�'i � onY condemnafion or other aking of the Propeny,or pin thercof.or for mnveyance in lieu of condemroiion. are <br /> - '•� �' hereby auigned md shdl be paid m Lenden:ubjat m the terms o(anymottgage.daed af tmst orother securi�y agree• -� <br /> ;;i i.i, <br /> - ': �. mentwithalienwhichhasprioriryortt[hisDecdofTrust. <br />- ':�,;�%' �� 10. Bortoxtr Not Rdtaseda Forbearmar B� 1.endee Not a Walrea Extmsion of �he time for pa�mcm or <br />- ' '" madifleetion of�mortization of lhe sums saurcd brlhis Deed otTrvst granied by Lender to any successor in intercst of <br /> :'�•i�>:� <br />- . Borrower shall not operate w rclease,in any manner,the Iiabiiity otthe original Bortoxer and Borrox�er's sucasson in <br /> intercst.Lendershall not be ttquired to commence proceedings against such successor ar refuse toexund time for pay- <br /> ment or otherwise madity amonization of the sums ucured by this Dad of Trust by rcason of anydemand made by the <br /> - -- - original BortoxYr and's successors in interesL Any forbearmce by Lende�in exercising any right or remedy <br />� hereunder.or otherwi:e aftorded by applicable law�,shall mt be a waimr of or preclude�he e:ercise of any such right or <br /> remedy. <br /> -+�' '�{'-*� il. Sucm�on �nd Auigos Bomd1 Jolnt �nd Serunl Lln6ilil�t Coaignen. The rnvenants and agrcemems <br />�-F��,'�=��r>; herein contained shail bind,and the ri hts hereunder shall inurc to.�he rcs nve successon and azsi m of Lender and <br /> -�_,t,}}.;..y 8 PK� B <br /> :c�;�,;;• Borrowee,subjtet to the provisions of patagteph 16 hercof.All coren�nis and agrcemen�s of Borcower shall be joim and <br /> ' �"' ureral.Any Bovowerwhomaigns this Dced otTmst,but dces not execute the Note.lalis coaigning this Dccd o(Trust <br /> � ii only to grent and conrey that Borcower s interest in the Property to Trmtee under the tttms o(this Deed of Tmst,lb)is � <br /> 0 <br />