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<br /> = D. Ut�9F'URri lik.(:i►IlAll+INS�'NUIt#�:N�'�CiIVL�bINING; D,AW{b�vEBAH91.!'1CY ---
<br />- --_- . v Unfforrn ibvat�nt 1!af Ii�r.Sec��rity In�t�nuncnt 1�enundcd lo rt�d Fu tollows:
<br /> '3..._�� � iS� 11�IfMm reea�4ty�R�tntnn�Nt=4ovn�Le�Ni�ren�MNiy.lhla Porm of Se�Y�ri�y Ii»Irumcnt rduiGfnc�unlPoti�m co�cnants for n�tloa�!tu� °`__�_--...—.------
<br /> �� �M!���n.►���IPanu c.we:wnie wIth�kaited��tlonf bY lurl�di�tian to rcrosNtc�te n n�fg����ePeuei�y tn�tsur��nt tav�rl�g eca!�s4p�rrty.'Y�i� _-- - -- -
<br /> ` - _ �rcurlly In�tn�ment ohFU ise governcd by�ederal law enn tl�n inw ai th�jurlsdktt�n ir w:llcii�Ih�C�c:,��ty t3 tx�tYt. in eh:c�ent tflaE sny �-- -- -
<br /> .°- - � provtsta;l or Gfausa of chi�3ccurity ir►�tru�,ttiii oe iF�a t,at�ca�:ilcts tiitI:a�s�lt�9'w!»W.sush e�n_silet?��+�t��ftrt�!1 r��rpvlgions of t�1�
<br /> � � _.. — --
<br /> = S:cudry in�trument nr Ihc Nota tvMch cbn be givcn ciiect without tho canflicdng prmt�iron,rtnd tu thla end tho provi�lom o!thla Sccudty
<br />_ . •-- ..._. . _
<br /> In��rumcntc�redtheNotaarodn:lnrcd tolsoecveTable, � ���� ��� ���
<br /> -- � �. TNAN91�f112 Q��'e1E PRANI's�1TY Qfft A BENk.�IC1AL INT6El�ST iN BQRROWFR � _ --_
<br /> � - � UnlPorm Covcnent 17 oP thc Sccudry In9trumc�it I�amcnded to ecad as Follows: _ _
<br /> —� � .,..� ' i F•� .� o � t�m ,��-�:
<br /> _ ,- � 17. Tre�c�fer of tNe A�ropcny or�e�.�-aails3�1 iaicrc�i t���—��:.:.if al,o:ar.� ^ t of th:Pro;ert,or.r.lnt-rest th..cCin i9 901d Oi Irnrtaferred � _
<br /> - (or!f q beite�cl;d intecest in Ror[ower Is eald ar tran�ferral nnd F3otrawer Is not n n.au�mi ncrs�n)without l,ender'a Prtor wfiu�n consent. t�
<br /> � I,encle�ms�Y.at�.ende.r'e aptian.dec:l�u�o�Il tha sums sec�ued by this Security Instnimtnt to bo Immedlatcly due and pnyRblo.Nowevee.this 5 z����
<br /> �;�� aptlnfl 5hn11 nat be excrclscd by Lcndcr If cxcrciso(s nat authoti2ed by l�edetul ipw,I.cnder mtty wnive thr.excrclso oP thf�aptlon if:(a)Durrower �-���_
<br /> .:'�. causn9 to bc�submUtcd ta I.cndcr InForm�tlon requir�by Lcndcr to cvoluate thc intcnded t�ansferco oa IP a ncw logn wcro tuiug mgde ta thc ' ;� - �
<br /> ����,�r tronsi'erc�;nnd(b)l.cur�ee�casonahfy detcrmincs Ihat Lcndcr's sccuNty witl not be impalrcd by the toan assumption and that Iho risk of the ;:��.�_.-:__
<br /> { ,, ...�—
<br /> ,: f f � brr_ach ni any covcnant or ogrccmcnt in thls Sccurtry Instrumcnt is acceptmbic to Lcnder,
<br /> �� To Ehe rntent permll�cd by applicnble Inw,Lcndcr mny chnrgc a�cc�sonable fcc nv o condition to Lcnder's consent tu the l�nn assumption.
<br /> i�=�:. l.c»de.r m�Y nisu re�utra the trnnsferco to kcep ntl Ihe promisa and cgtcements mndo in t ho Note an d In t h is Secu�lry Ins t�u men t. ' _
<br /> ��,�; , a�-.
<br /> _�--�' "If I,endcr oxerclse9 sttch optlan to ncceleruta,Lender ehall mnil Borro�ver noslco aP aecelerntion in nccordunce wtth paragraph 14 hcrcof. �,�,. _
<br /> ,��i;, Such natlao ahttli provide a pedod of not less thnn 30 daye from tho dnte the notice is msiled wit�ln which Botrower may pay tho suu�s decltuEd -�� '�
<br /> _ _�j,r ;��1 duc.If Borr�wa�PAtls ta pny such sums prior to tht:xplraUon of such pr.riad,l.cndc�mAy,�vithout i'urthcr aoNco or demancl on Barrowor, _.�—
<br /> <'���,r.. ' invake any remMtaa permittcd by�hi�Securiry Instrumcnt." � `y -
<br />,�:':y����;s��t�; � "Nat�vtthstn�dtng n sttle or transtcr.�OftOWCP\VII)COIIlIOLtC l0 bC ObIIgAICII UridCl'Iht NOlO MA(I ihJS SC�`�3J:Sy Instrumcnt unless Leuder hus = �
<br /> � -'�; ` rcic:►xed k.�orta�vcr fa n-ritlnA." ' -�•°
<br /> '�: ��.. _ �...�i�
<br /> a� �:,... �. I.DAN C�1caN�� '_ _�` i�
<br /> v ��"= li tha lona cecurecl hy the Sr..-r,^.ri�y lasttument is subject ta a law whlch ecGv^na�eimum l�xn c�`��rges,and tia�t law is finally interprcted so �,;:s,;, ;�=-'
<br /> R�`�.,"�f=.,� i'
<br /> ,�,,,,,{rt; ;., , th:u tAr int�teat ar other laan chnr�collected or to be callected i,���unner.ilon with the loun ext�'d permitted Iimits,then:(q any such lottn �—
<br /> ''"'NL;��.:.�t._ chat�a sfi�U ae redured by 1ho amount nccessnry to reduce the ch�tn,;e to the pe!aulted limft;ond(2)nny sums niready coliected from borrower 1� , � � -
<br /> `"'�'� �vhich exceedcd petmi.aed limits wtll be refunded ro C����rower.Lender may cha+sr t>>malce th1�refund by reduc�ee the princlpRt owed under tite • � �- � _
<br /> +;
<br /> �tr��?:�'�q '� Noto or by mnkiaEt n dit.ct payment to Borrower.6f n seS��nd reduces principal.�he reduction�vlll be t�eated aa a p�tUnl prepayment under the .„�,�(�-
<br /> _,�s-�� .
<br /> --`.�ra;`;;,�t: . Note, =:,s
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