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<br /> ' � . , ._ ..--- -.. �- � - . _ . . .. . . .. _._".v---. . . .. . -�'ivr-. ._..��'_. , . . .. . .._._. ... .. .. . � -- •:-�Q��—
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<br />.__".. .. . _.. _..._ "'__"__._. . ... " __'.... . .. -. . .. ._ .. >.�' ' '1_. " _
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<br /> , • . .1 ' � l�- . . ._.. ._ � .i .. `.\�� � � _ T1`' _
<br /> . . . . ' . � � � "�'_ _-°__'__.
<br /> �lirf,,:�1;.'T`__lt_.. .. ..,._. . _'___' "' • .. .. . . . .. �6 - _.�_-_
<br /> , �,�E_� �l.U�°1�.`� _�u=-�.� _- - ---
<br /> . ,; t������r���,� ��x� ����� °�..:- _y ____-_
<br /> � ' (1 Ycar 7Ye,sury Indcx�Rot�Cag�) �
<br /> . , . . �� ';:,n;ti-�---
<br /> � 6th Junt� �,Ifl �� , '� i =
<br /> 1fHiSA�JU':TADLiIl2A't'13RIUE�Itumadalhu_......e.�_dwyot �.,, --- - -
<br /> a�A lq {nGOr{w�atcd Intn ond ehnll!rc decm:A to Amend and auprlcmesit tl�o h3orlgaya, �ccd oP Truat,ar�..^curity ActQ(tho "Sccudty � t -.
<br /> _ .-. tns�rut�unt")oP cha a�n�a ctxto gtvea by 1h�un�emfa�ncd Uho"Borrowct")t0 6ECtlIC FlUTfOWt[��AC�USUlhlP WSIO Nq1G(iL40��N014��?ro f1�l1� � _ _
<br /> �----.�.�. ,.
<br /> " _ � � ��!��..�tAt_3�Vl�,�.y 1� u, '�,� �ui:lri�tli�vr Qii.1tZQ t����rt#.�J��tl.�'_'K!l�Ithz"Lrntk+")of eho�uao ctue�utl covcriRe thC � = °•_
<br /> :__ _. prop:r�p dcscribcd In tha Stcu��iry Insttument tnd loeistcd nt: � ' _� ` �'' __
<br /> , \ °
<br /> ��322 N Sho�m4�A�a Gr��d Isl�+ndy.,�L�brasl�n, �iHAQ'1 .. '; �;:
<br /> � • (AroprnyAdd�h�) �� �• ' ,-_ � -
<br /> .'-
<br /> . • Thu note rnntalno provt�loa� eltAwla� fo�ch�ear� �n wy I�hrral ►wta �nd �uY mnnthty ;' �`,.•; �
<br /> p�ymoet��'fYita aote de�Ita�ita tbo nrnoon�my IntettN�ntc cae cdanao at�ny oaa tla�e�uA ;: ,�;,: - _ ,. -
<br /> �� euo Ide minlmum�nd tho m�r"mnm rxte 1 mn�t psy, � '�''��
<br /> .-: � _ ;'i. .
<br /> ` • � ADDITIQNAL COVBNANTS. in addltlon to tho coveaa�te and ngmments mnAa in thn ScCUdty l�uuumcat.Uonmver and I,.cndtu , �, �;i i,'. : �
<br /> `' f�rihcr covcnant�nd agrca ae Pollowa: �' :•:;; �" ';�• �
<br /> , .
<br /> � '..J:�
<br /> .�� •\.�' - . .
<br /> 'Iho Nato provldc�Por an Initlal Interest rate of g•5 _.._..°o.SecNon 4 ot tho Nate provldc�for chanpes In tito Intercst rnto and Ihe� ,,;i3a';
<br /> monlhly paymcnu,as follown; � '�
<br /> � �,�' • :��-
<br /> ' ' 4. lNT61t8STRATI'sANAAtONTNLYPA)Al6NTChfANOGS '�� '1�'�. ;�`;�,~t'Fl
<br /> 't :�:
<br /> lA1 Ghsaye��tea Ju.ly ��fl �z ,and on�hut dRy cvts�+ � � � �;;.,; �'-
<br /> Tho intcrest tata 1 wiil puy mny changc an thc flrst dny of _�_.. , ., -°
<br /> �����'�u� _monthe�hcrenftca F.nch deu an which my intercst��te coutd chnnBe ta cnUod c►"Clmnae Oato." � �-•�� ° "'-.
<br /> �, ,'1' �':�,�:• '•-'.
<br /> i5. ,.!..;,' _
<br /> , (81 '1'AO Icdea !� �, ::� ' , i� �;_
<br /> - Beginning with tha flrst Chcuigc Date,my Imcrcwt rnte�viil l�e tvlscd an nn lndex.Tho"lndox"i�thi�wcekly avernga Ylcid on Unitad�tt�tr� ;,��,`, � ;:
<br /> Ttc��sury securiUes ctcllust;,d ta a constant maturity of 1 ycflr,w mado a�•nllnbic by tha Fodctxl Rcserve F3on�d,Tho�nost recent Indc��fln�va ;i•, � , ; '�,:,'
<br /> qvtdlnble ns ai tha duto 4J doys beforo each Chnngc Qnt¢is called tho"Cun•cnt lndca." i:��� ` . i�'�����°
<br /> I/lho lndex Is no longer avaUnblq the Note Ho1dc�will choosc n ncw indcx wMcA ie bused up�n com�aru6lu intornmUon.The Nato !'�'': �
<br /> Haldcr wlll Elve mc notico of this choicc. ky�, ' �
<br /> ti� '. . .
<br /> (� (�lcuiWanolCd�tojcs }}�� �� �jJ,f �`��' ,,
<br /> � Dofar�,c�ch Ghange Dnte,tho Note HoldeT wlll a►iculnte my new lntorc�t rato by ncidinp... ---- perornt�ge ,
<br /> '�--- • palnta(_ ''" °lo)to tha Cu��ent Incicx and rounding to tho acimc:t i f"aii�oi i'o�auDj�.t ta ttx 0lm1t�st°ta!!n Sxiles�4(��!�!��±: i t,: ----��
<br /> , •�,`) Th4e roundednmaunt+vill ba mY now interest mt�until tho rtext Chungo Dnta ���� �`
<br /> The Nato Haldar wiU then determino the nmount af tho monihly nnymxm thnt would bo sufficltnt to Tepny In full 1ho principi�!nr� ,.
<br /> �,,. ', '.
<br /> �• . ' _ �> 1 amonta ha�he matuiitv dn10 at tf1V t10W IR1QfCSl fatQ.'fho result oi thi�culc�+lalion
<br /> � '
<br /> _ aipoeicci iv owc dn i�ai�rdi+'e��it 3A:ulw..si!!.R!!;!y�la.� _ - - : .... - . ---
<br /> --� -
<br /> ' wiil ba tha new pmaunt at my monthly poymem. r' �
<br /> f j.
<br /> (D) lAmUa or Intere�l ltate CA*�ges � �'�
<br /> '�� Tha inrore�l �nta 1 nm required to p�y a1 thc fl�st Chunge Dnte wlli not bo grrnter thpn . 11•� °�� or Ih�y thun !�,'
<br /> . , , �-� aJo.Thercnfta�,my interesl ratc will ncvcr bc incrcused ar decrcnaed aa xny sinplo Chnnne Dato by mo�e thnn.�'Ji161...___.— �� �
<br /> . (�:.(L�. fmm the mtc ot interest 1 havo been paying iar the prcccdin�y twelvc manthF.Tho minlmum Interest rnte an ihis lonn w!U a:cvcr C�e
<br /> lesa than_�5--_----°%o and 1hc maximum ime�ost rate will ncver bc grcntcr than "L�F�.`� °10• :i• •.
<br /> (�) �{(lC1IYO I?it0 OI CA�Ogq �
<br /> . My ncw Intereat rato wlil becomo cifective on cach Change Datc.l wlll pay tha umaunt af my now monthty payment beglnnlnB on thr Ci�nt 1 •
<br /> manthly payment doto attet the Chunge Datc untll Ihe amount of my monthly pnYmcnt chanIIa aq�in. • : . '
<br />' , � (F� NotkeotC�sn�a i..
<br /> Tho Note Halder wlll mall or deliorr to mo a nottco before cuch Change Dato.Tho notice wip ndvise mo of: �., ,
<br /> (q the new interest rato on my loan us of the Ch�nge Datc; ' �
<br /> (II) Iho umount of my monthiw paymont following tha Chn��r Datc; � .
<br /> (UI) uny ndditlonal matters tivhich tha Natc Holder 1s rcqulrcd to disClosc;and !
<br /> ''•�'`�?' (Iv) Iho sddre.c.a of ihe aasacistivn you could wntnct regatdlna any Questlons nbaut tna adjuttmant nodco,
<br /> I,
<br /> �`, I
<br /> i�`�''�':,.'.
<br /> � �� � B. CHARGF�;LIENS �
<br /> �.,;.:.: . , .
<br /> � ' Uniform Covenant 4 of tha Sccurity Instrum:nt ia amended to rcad us fallawe:
<br /> . 1
<br /> 4. C6nrgea�Lew.Horrower ahull pay ull taxes.wsesamanta,nnd othe�chnrges,fina,and imppsltiona atulbutabla to the Prop�rty�vhlc�h mny .
<br /> attain a priority ovcr this 5ecvaity icmuument,and leasehold puymonta oi g�ound renta,if any,ln iho mnnnor ptovideA under psuagroph 2 h�aeof , •
<br /> or,if not pnid(n auch mflcu�rr.Cy Borrawer moking puyment,whon duo,directly to the pnyce thareot.Borrawer ahall ptomptly fLmitN I.endca ,
<br /> all noUcCS oi amounts cice under this p�tngtaph,and in the event Borrower shnll meko puyment directly,Bortawa eha9 promptly fandth to ,
<br /> �r.dcr�rn:f�ts evidcncina euch pnymenta.8orrawer ahuU ptampdy dic:htjcge any Hen wtilch hai priority over this St+t�:rity ln�t.�,umt�+t;
<br /> - Aow�c��cr.Fiorrower shufi noi be requircd io dischnrge ai►y such lien s�..��,as Eorro�aa:ta)shull�a In wrldn�t^tlsc^W�a=t pf cha
<br /> obligatlon secured by such lien in the manne�accepinblo ta 4ender;(b)shuU in good f�lth contwt sueh lien by,or deknd ugainst eitforet�YS:t at
<br /> such Ilcn in,legal procceclin�s which in the opinion of I.cnder operatc to prcvenl iha enPorcemont oi tho Uen or torieltura of cAo Pruprrty cn nny ,
<br /> � p1r1 the�eo(;or(e)ahall secure from the holder of euch lien nn a8reement�n a form sadstactory to l.ondet subordlnssLy such lir.�to tMt
<br /> � Security Insirumcnt.
<br />• I If I.ender dcterminca that all or nny part of the Property is�ubJect to a Ucn which may attaln a ptioritY ovet thle SceuNty lnterama�t,
<br /> i Lcndcr sholl givc Horrowcr a notice idenUiying such licn.Borrower shall satisfy such lien or taka ona or morc of the ncdans cat fortlh nbnva
<br /> I wlthln ten doys of thc giving oi thc naticc.
<br /> � C. NOTICE
<br /> I
<br />- � Unlform Covennnt 14 of Ihe Sccurity tnsirument ie nmendcd to�ead ua Pollows:
<br /> � 11. Notks.8xcept for any notice requlred under applicable!aw to be gl�en In nnothcr mnnncr,(a1 any notico to Uottower provldal fot in�hlt
<br />_ � Security Insaument shntl be aivcn by deUvedng it or by malilag it by tiret class muil to Bo�TOwer at tha Property AQd�es�or at tuc.5 othc4 n�ldrasa
<br /> os Borrower muy dnignntc by notice to Lender w pravided hereio,oad(b)any notice to Lender ahull ba given�y Qrat cls�s ma�il to Lcntic:'e
<br />- � addtese ttated herein or to auch athcr addrca+as Lender moy dcalgnate by notice to Borrower ue provideA hereln.Any naticc provtQecl fot in ehit
<br /> Securicy Instrument shall bo deemc�l tu hova beon given to Borrower or l.ender whon given in tha mnnner dealg�at�d herein.
<br /> i
<br />