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<br />�4r_- npplicnbl6 Inw nu►y s�xciFy fuc iiins�ntcnunll t�cl'ure snlc�uf th� Il����a�i9y pu►,unn� tu any pmvar oP�:i�lc c+�nud�ud in thiv �= x � _-
<br />•e�.�. � •-�� ticrurily Inwiru�ue�t�:ur lN)cnt��y ul'n.1t��1kAn��ut cntittuln 1 thf�.`it�t�til;�hiui��uutrnl, 'i'huro�u�lditiun.r w'u Utul Uu�ruwe�: liU , �„�•.---
<br /> �. .T=� ��nyA I.endar i�ll sumy �vlitch �hen ���vul�i Ne d►i� �mdi+r �hir, Sn�itil;� hthtniment ond dic NQtQ 1l9 I` Illl ll4l'CICNI111II (I11tI "`�'�� W
<br /> �'��;, ��ecurred;tb?rnreg iu�y deFi�ult��f'nny nlhGr c���•emtrilF ae���t��t�qnmit,f��l pnys uil exp�nscy li�t'urr.1d In r��foreing thir Securily ,�--� _
<br /> ,- .- � fn5tmmr��b 1�tcluding, hi�t nat Ilmitrd tu. rc:�annillu nilttti�layv'j�i�ns: 11111� (lI) UlI(CY 4Ul'Ii l:l'IIIIII ll> I.rudcr m�►y rc��onnbfy w _
<br /> rc�}ui��c i�,u��ur4 tl�nt tha lian of thl�Sccu�ity lnt,nimnnl,t,afld►'e�rll;hts in thC i'r�►�rrtiy n�td i��xruwcr�:ul�Jl�;atia»ti�pay tl�� _
<br /> _� � , _� xumti secur��d hy thiy Securily lastnunrn� shnU�cunlimia unchuuµrd, t.i,ats r�fs�t3litTlC4tt i�y 4�,•�-rowr.r, q��� Seaurltv �.___� .+;_„_..- ___
<br /> ��.: -- _- �� insin�mcnt imd�hc oitilbititrnts securicf hcr::h}:lutlt remnln f�!1!y efl%��•1►ve ny if nu nccclerutlon h�td�w�un•ed. Huw�:ver,lhis ___ _
<br /> ��TM: �� riBlit tu rcinr�ntc�lu�ll not npply In thc cc►sc��f ncc�:Ir�iiUon undar�ii�rn��nph t7. `'� :
<br /> � - l9. S�tc of Nota: CQ�ungu ut Lt►un:iervka�; Th�� Natu��r a pnni«I intnrasl in Iha Notc pu��cthcr wiih this S�curit3� ' .t
<br /> Intitr�nnenq m,�y hc sold�m� or m��ro Nmes�vl�ha►U prlor n��ti�:� tu Hurr�►a��r, A halc may rerult In c�rhunge in Ihs ctUiry ; . ,. �.:
<br /> (knuwn�s►hc"l.ui�n Scrvir.or")thul collecls ma��lhl��paymcntt;duo undur tht���+itti�u�d Iltiv ticcurlty I��tilrutnent. '1'hcre nlsu ; . .
<br />. "� - mny tn�anu or amre chnn�;es of thc Lonn Sc�Vicar uflic:li�tuJ tu a 5alu uf tht�Nutn. II'ihcrc is u chnngc uf�hc Li�un Scrvircr,
<br /> ''��" Barco�vcr wUl tw givon wrUtcn��adcu ui'�hc chuny}�in uccordim�����vlll�parngraph 14 i�hovc und appllcuhlc Inw, Ti��umicc . `
<br /> will stntc thu nnmr,and iuldrosv ul ihe now Loan 5c:rviccr i►nd thc nd►Iresr•to wMch p�.iyments ti hc�u ld hc mi�dc, 'f hc no�ica will
<br /> . '' also contain nny utl�cr infurm�ilion rcNuircd hy u}�},1i�;ahl��law. .
<br /> : 20. Hozur�tous Suhst�mces. Borra�ver:�itAll nal causc or pcnni�Iha prc.r•anrc,usc,di.r•pu.r•itl,sWragc,or rcic;isc ol'uny ' ..
<br /> `���.f ' Ha•r.nnlouq Substnnccs on ur in thc 1'ropeny. H�irruw.r sh�dl n�n do,nur nllo�v nnyrn�c cl+c to do, nnything uffccdng thc ' • '
<br /> un �nvimnmc�ual l.aw. The receding two sentenre.r shnl!not►�pply tu the proycnce,usc,ur �'.
<br /> Propurty i1�nt iy in violnu�n oF y P
<br /> ' staroIIo on tliu I'��uE�eny��f,mnll qunndtics of Hi►t.urdou�Suhstimc�s thut iu•c grnwra�lly rccn�:nircd to bc uppn,priutc tu nurmi�l . �
<br /> :� • retildundnl uscs imd w mninteni►nce of the Prapchy. '•�.v���.
<br /> -� Burniwcr shnll promptly givc Lendcr wrutcn nulicc��f nny Invc+tigi�tion,clalnt,dcm+ind,luw�ui���r othrr��cUon hy�my
<br /> ;.�:, ' guvcrmnnnu�l ur rc�uln�u�y ogcncy or privatc pnrty involvin� th�: 1'r��p�rry und�my Flitt:�rd��us Suh�lnncu ur Fnvironmentul ,,. '�'�°�`"�;
<br /> `_;+� : ' ' I.atv of which Borrawcr hns nctuul knowlcdgc, If Barrowcr loams, ar is nodficd hy uny govcrnmcnuil or ��cgulnt�ry I `r
<br /> '�• authudry,that tmy removal or athcr rcmcdindon�S uny Hw�rdnus Sub�tnncc ni'Fcctinp�hu Prupcny is ncccss.�ry,Horra�vcr !
<br /> ' , shnll proauN,tly t+�ke all necessiiry rcmedii+l i�cUons in nccordnncv wilh F���ir•onmenhd Law. , .'�=`_
<br /> , As use�1 in thfs para�raph 2U,"H��urd��uti Subrtimc��s•"aro thost subsuuucs dciincd iiti tuxic or hiui►rdouti�ubsu►nceti by � � -
<br /> . ' ` L'nvirun���a:Jal l.aw nnd�hc followin� suhstancev: gnsolina, komsa�o,othcr flnmmublc or tuxic {x;tralcum pnxiucts,u�xic . . ,-• t�'?-
<br /> � `' pesticides and herhicides, vulaUlu salvei�ty, mi�teritilti c��ntuinin� +whe:;tos ar fbrmuldehyd�, und rndivactive muteriids, Ati ,,. '"�„�,.
<br /> • . used in�his paragrt�ph 20,"�nvirunmcn�cd Li��v"mciinti frdcral li��vs;►nd I�ws oT�ha juri�tliction whcrc thu f'roperty is I�xutcd j. __
<br /> ' �hnt rclnte to hcnith,sufcty or r..nvironmunt�+l protcction. � �~
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVFNANTS. IioROwer imd l.enda�furtlicr covenunt nnd iigrcc as follo�vs; ,, ��
<br /> �� 21. Acccle�i�Uon; ltemedte9, Lende�sht�ll Five nuUce to Ilarrotiver prlur to;�t��etera�tlon fnllwvin� 8ar�awcr's
<br /> • breuch aY iin covenun!or upreement in thly Securlty Instrument lbut not priur tu acc�lsrution unde�puru�;t'uph 17 , �,..
<br /> untess nppllM ble lu�v prnvldes otherwise). Tlte eec�tEce yhall�peclPy: lu!the d.eP��utr�4)4he nction�cqulred to cure the �._,�
<br />.-; .
<br /> � defnu�t; (cl u dnte�oat te�.a thun i0�uys f�om¢�ae a9s�te tho nollce is given E�a C�i�rru�ver.by whlch Ihe dePuult mu9t be i�'?;! ��
<br />: , ti`,.. . .
<br /> ,. � cu�cdi and(d)ths�t i'uilure to cure the defa�ult u�a ar Q►efo�e the date sprci�ir�'J Bn i9�e nutice mi�y result In accdernllon uP ,, Y
<br /> .
<br /> -----�—�: �_ '•.... .'Q:.:r.tu!�e stta!!f��rlhec!n`nrtn f3�rrower uf '���
<br /> thc sutits stcu�cd Dy tM9�ccurl�y insirumc�ti urea ac3F�of:=e Q e..e�ri;. `-''
<br /> < � ' Ih+e�lgh!►n rcinrtute t�f'te�nc�rl�rAUon t�nd the ri�ht to brin�;a�v�urt uctiun t�azseM the a��mexistence of a dci'�ult or
<br /> - - - --
<br /> �.�• uny other defense of Ilorruwcr to ucccleraitlnn und sule. li'Ihe defnult is mat curcd on or hePare th�dutc spect�icd ln �
<br /> _ ,__ . - - - . �ho noflce.Lender nt ity u�tt�n mi�y requlre immedie�te piiyment i�fLll of nt�sumw secured by this heeuNty Ijnrstr1ument �. j
<br /> „ . . .. _ •• , __t��_ t/`q�%iY �MW� _-- ____.-_
<br /> �cllhaut f'urther demund and m��y im��k� thu p�wcr o�sale unq any otne� remea��w p������a��i �� aNN -_ _
<br /> • Lender shAll he entltled t�► cullect all expooses incurred In pursuln� thN remedies provided in thfs pnrn�ri�ph Zl�
<br /> Indudinb,hut nnt Ilmitecl ta.reasaonblo uttorneys'Pees und c��sts oi tUle evidence.
<br /> � � � iP!hu poever oP stde Is involced�7Yu�tce tihull rccord a nntice oP dcPauN In ci�ch countv In wNtch any pnrt nf thc , .
<br /> • Pmperty ly luc�ted und sht�ll mUll cuple5 af such nolic�in the manner prercrihed I�y uppUcuble lu�v tu Harruwer and tn
<br /> thc otha�parsan�prescrlbed b;i�pplici�hle Imv. Af�cr thc 1lmc rcqul�•ed bv applici�bte Inw,'tl•ustee vhi�ll tilve publlc '
<br /> ° naUre af tinlo to Iho pe�rcros�md ia the ma�ner prescribed hy uppUcublr 1���•. 'I�uxtee�«•Ithout demi�nd o�Bor�awc��
<br /> yhnll�eU tha Prapurty aA publlc i�ucU��n to the hlphetit biddcr ut the time i��d pl�ue imd undcr Ihe terms desiRnuted In
<br /> the nat8�e uf xnlc In one nr mare pi�rc�9�i�nd io uny order'llruytec delern�incs. 'Iruytce mc�y postpono sale��f NII ar unv ,
<br /> • p�arns!a���hw P��aperty hy puhllc unr�4�uncement ul fhu time imd�3ace uf an,r prevlously ticheduled+ule. I.ertder oc it�; �; � �',
<br /> �' ' dr�ygoee muy purchnse the P�aperty iit iem•��le. •.,';` �
<br /> ,. , Upun recelpl uP puyment uP the p�lcc bid,'�ustee shull deUvcr to 9C�i purchuser 'llru!+tce'y de�s���n��y�an� ahe ��F;:
<br /> Prnperly, 'The recittds�a the'Irustec's deed si�uii be primu Pi�cla er•Idcncc r+9�4�e truth oP the vtnt�me�etc aa�n�lc dher49�. :f
<br /> .,, 'irustee yhi�ll upply thr prnrceds uP the S�ile fo the Pollo�vin��a�dc�: 1a11u ul��v�.�ts und�xpenses�►i'excrcisi�g tRe�►c��ti•cr
<br /> �,
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