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<br /> _ 2 ,
<br /> CilY:aH"',Wr`,�c.:. _ _.. ........... .............__ � .
<br /> �- —-
<br /> �1[3tii�l��•'•:..-
<br /> �.,r: .... _ �I -�, ,�a�do� �-���:
<br /> •. -.' :r . rumlcm��uUun ur u�hcr tnF�ln�!oi'uny purt ni'Iltr Ih��pcily,ur 1'ur cum�c•}•nnrr in I{cu ul'�undciuir,�U�m,;ur hrrol,y n,tii�:ur�l uud �'_c� t•"-,�,�;,�x ` -:
<br /> � - tihnll I��pnid lu I.rn�irr, �� � �`
<br /> � ��s
<br /> � �:� � .- � In th� r��rt►1 ui' u tu1u1 �,t{.in, ul' Ihc 1'iu�crt��, thr �rurrrd� .luill he iq,plird �u �h.� ,um� xcur��l hy �hl, tirrarhY .. _ .
<br /> � p 1 1
<br /> ��=�,t=.-.
<br /> a -- hi,�iumcm,�vh��Ihr�� ��r nu� du�o�luc. �vl�h uny r�cr•r��aid��� Hu�ru��cr. In the l'\'plll UF il(ln►ti:il inkinti �,1'�h�� Prup��i�y iu ''_ ° `-n, ��:
<br /> -_ - -- �� �vftir{�ihr fuir m;��krl vulue ul'11►r Pittpr��y inunrdhUcly Nct�a.Ihe I��tiinEt i,���uul w ur�:irai�i Ihnn�hr;im�nmt i,t �hc vuu� --
<br /> __` _-_ ►C4B11=1I I�Y R�I,14CUI�II}� III�ICl1II��1TI IIIIIIIItIIIUI�Iy� hel�urc ihe tahin;,unlr�v Hur�aa�rs:itNl I.CIN{CI'1NI14f��'I>.4 U�'{'l'�ii� �vritin�;� . L_ _ ..
<br /> � ---� Ihc .um, �c.ur�d by� Ihl� tir�uruy In.ti�utnrn�,hull i,r ��dure�i by li�� act�a;mt c�t�tl�: pn:.Y�rd�. tm+111���10�1 hy �h�� I:�Uuu�luu �__
<br /> - 1'rnrtiun: (n) Ih��tuiA{itilt.x�pt tsf��I1C•.ttrii+�dtiQCLiI(t11I11itlHllt'1)•b�fu►c ihe u:l�anp.dl�•i�lcd hp Ibl Ihv tbir murAr��'nluc�+1'Il�c - -
<br />_°��_ ---- - 1'roperly intmediutrly b.�fi�ri` lh�• lul��ng. AUy b�dunc�` xlu►11 hc pid�t Iu Nurru���r, In tlt�e�•�nt uf u piu•linl lul,u�ti uf th� , - . . . _._..;.
<br /> _ 1'ir�»�itp in ���hich thr 1'iiir m;ui��t �uluc ��I'thr P�up::rty immcdii►t�ly hcl�arc ihr tuki�i�:Iti Ir"thw� �hc nim+uiit i�f tOr run�ti , `_
<br /> <:. ' ,ecu��'il intntrQint�l�• hrt'urc Ih� �a�kiuFs, unle+ti 1lnrro��•rr und l.endrr iqh��r�vl��� a�r�e ln �ai•itlnl� ��r unlr�� :�pplirulilc Inw
<br /> �,,.:.
<br /> ulherwi,c pruvidcr,lhr��rrn�rcd�,linll hr nppli�;ii to ih�:�um�•rrurc�l hy Ihi,tircu�iiy In�u•umrm u•I�rthcr ur n��t ihc ,um,ni�o , ,. . '
<br />_ ' , dicn dur. .
<br /> 11'Ihr 1'r��prr!}� i�nl�+imlonr�l hy Nu�rmvrr,ur il',nl'Irr nulicr hy l.rn�lcr tu H��rru��•cr 1hiU Ih��rundrnt�iur��flcrti Iu mukc `' .
<br /> . un�►�vard ur sctilc u claiim f��r duniu�:r�. HUfI'Ul1'l'I'I.III`IU PC\'IUI1lI(O l.en�l��r a�ithin iU da�•.alirr�hr�latr�hr n��ticc i��;i�•rn, _
<br /> ' . l.cndcr i�nulharizcd to 4aUcct und i�pp�y tl►r prucrc�i,, w it>,upiivu. L�ti��� a�r�:,tarutlui� ;,r re{�air"1���r, �h��;,�•nr �n•iu�hc , - --- , .
<br /> _ - . . ,�um sccun�d hy Ihiy 5ccurity Imuument,���hc�hrr ur uu�dicn��1�;, ;;�`.: .
<br /> Unlr,+ Lrndcr nud Hurroa•rr rnhcr���i�� nprec in �vi�1Nn�;, any� i�ppliculiun ai�prucc«I, lu principal .rhaill n��l �xlcnd i�r ;,,,,,,,,;, , , .
<br /> �x��lpunr thr dur dutu oF Ihc�m��nlhl��puymm�ly rrl'errcd la in paru�r��pl�� 1 and�ur cl�im�;r Ibr;�niount uf.uch pa�•nu�m:. :.:::;,'`. .�_.'. �
<br /> 11. Nurro��•cr Not Rcicuscd: I���rbcaarnncc Ny l.endcr Nut +i �Y,d�•cr. t:xicn,i�m ul' �I►r timc i�►r pnymrn� ur ...?,;,,,. •,:.
<br /> mndillraliim af anturtiriilion ul'�hc�um,,�r��urod hy this hcurity In,trumcnt �r.m���l hy Lcn�lrr tu any.uccr,•ur in inlcrc.� •,`.:;i�:',c,`..;,`' ..
<br /> .,�,;;;�;t;. , uf liurro�►•cr�hnll not i►peratc tu ivlcu�c �hc IiuhHfly ut'�hc ��ri�;inul Niirru��•rr ur R��rru��•rr'� �ucr.,.un in intrrr,t. L.�nd�r ,ti:.:,, :, .
<br /> .��,;,;. , ,. .,,.
<br /> 1�l• .luill nul hc rcquirCd lu cuntnuncc prurcedinl:� n�;��in�l +iny tiurccs,ur iil inlore�l ur rcfu�c tu cxtrnd tim�, fur p:��m��.�t ur � . .
<br /> • �:.��:,��,. . _ . �;:•: .
<br /> t �., ;�y othcr�vi�r mudlt'y i�mortiiiuiun ul'Ihr sum�•�•curcd hy�hl,Scruri���b»u•ument hy rau�un�,I'iiny�Irm;u.J m;idc hy�h�a rn�iiinc�l , ,;;•�,;t��,;
<br /> ::,;,'.i'1'••, . . . �?`;.:'•,.:i!`:
<br /> Nurr�n�•et or Iio��•owcr�,ucrc,sur, in Imcrc.�, Auy tiuhc+�raincr hy Lri�Jer in cxrrci�in� any righl ur renmdy tihall n�,t lk a ;Z�:.�;
<br /> ",::fi'e:•. � ' '���..-
<br /> ' � ,�.��., t��aivcr ut�ur precludc ihc cxcnitie ui�uny ri�!hl or romrd�'. � ,•.•.. .
<br /> ,;'":`'::=' 12. tiQCCC5S111'9 illl(I A48I}�Ilti I�OIIqII�,lolnt und yc�•cral l.lttiullly:Cu-til�;ners. '1'hr ruvrntuil��utd :ipr�rmcnt�t�t'thi� . ..: � , ,_
<br /> _r,��:,,�,,�.. � • i� .
<br /> •'�{y��:i�;;,, 5ccurity Instrument �hul) hind+�nd henctil Ihe�ucc�r�ur,nnd uti�ign,nl'l.end�r an�i Hurruwer. uihjrct tu�hr��ru�i.iuns ul ,�.,:r�.:,..., __
<br /> �14},�, '�;'?:•!::;.
<br /> . p�u•u�roph 17, liurn�wcr\cuvcnant� und n�:rcrmrnl, .hidl tk jniitt :ind �reri:il. Any Hurrowrr ��liu cu-,igm �hi� ticcurity
<br /> In.trwncm biu di�cti nut cxccu�c Ihc Nau: 1:�)i.ci,•tii�:ning�hl,tieruriq• Imii�unun� unl�• tu mur�ga�r,�:ran�+�nd ci�m�ry th;u �
<br /> Hocr��wcr\inl��rc.rt in Ihc Pru�x�yy und�r Ihc Ierntti ui'It►i+tierurity ImUUmonl: Ih1 i,nol penunully��hligatrd tu pay �hr,um� {.
<br /> " sccurcd h��thl�Scrueity In,trumcnt;un�l lcl a�:rcr�tlsU Lcndcr;�nd un���,thcr Hurruwrr nu�y n�r•_c t�,extrnd,mudil'y.t'orlwar . ;,
<br /> .. , , . rr makc uny i�rrummudutiom ���i�h ngiird i�� �hc �c�m• nf �hi. ti�rurity In.trume�u nr tl�r Nutr ���ithuut thut l3urru��•cr�
<br /> cun.ent. i�:., ,,,F;
<br /> ��,.;;_..�. r
<br /> 1�. I,�um ('hur�e5, If thc lu.m �ecur�d h�• Ihi� S�rtu�ily In`truntenl is tiuhj�cl tu u Ia��� �tihich .rl, mi�rimunt Inun ,�_:;ti ..;.t;:ais.;:,,'
<br /> . . rh�trgcs.�n►1 lh�ri lutv iti tina�lly ittt�r��retcd•��ttr,u ihr im�r��t ur uthcr I�,:tn rhargc+��+Urrt�d ur R+��<<v�Ucctcd in rannccliim '. •,
<br /> ;, .' ��"�,.i;,'�r..,;;
<br /> ��•ith thc luirn�xrced thr prrmiUcd limi�,,t(i<n: lal nny tiurh luan ch:ugr•h;tU tk rrduccd h)�Ih�:ic��r::at ncc�„ury to rrducr .' "_�.
<br /> • .1 _ ' -,��••`.
<br /> ;-- - - Ihe�h:�rge tu Ihe p�nfliue�i iimi�:anii ii�i uu. .i;itt,�i{�'4tt:1y i:ill{CCSCtI IiiS:::lis�e::�:�.�s•:41��,•1��,c.r�clr�i�cmiiucd Iimily�vill ho - -_ _
<br /> '.,,.,;�`. rufundcd tu Hurru��•�'c Lcndrr�nay rhi�uu ta mukc Ihi,rctluid h�'rc�hirini thr p�inre��;d��t�c�l tntdcr thc Nnl�ur hy mal.ing a { .
<br /> .;'���,�•, dircrl paymrm to H�,n�u��•er. If�i rct'un�1 r�duceti principal,Ih�� reduc�iun�cil{he tre.ued a.a pui�tial prup:�yntunt u•ithuu�uny t� :;;�;:',; 1
<br /> --- _- -- - nrepavmm�t charti'c und�r the Nate. • _ ,,.. ���•.. • E: :.: h� �.� .. - --- .
<br /> :. 1$. Mi�U<<cs. Any nt�licc U� Ru�ru�err pru��idc�l tur In Ilu�accurit� imtrumrni,i�uii Ih' �:�::�� � :. :.�;;.^•'r • ..
<br /> , �. _�
<br /> � nt:��u„�:��ny�tii:tit rla,+mail unlcrti applirahlr lu�v rrquirr,u,r ut'nnu�hrr nt�thcul.'1'h�nulic�+hall►x dirvrtcd tu�hc Nm�+��ty
<br /> A�idrer,��r any uthcr nddrrti,Nurru«cr dr,igniur, hy nuiire tu Lri�dcr. Aiiy nuiir�to l.cndcr yNall hr Eiern hy lir,t rlu�ti � ,
<br /> ui;�il ti�Lendcr'�ad�ll'e�+�l;itvd hrroin�,r uny ulht r�uldrr�ti I.�nd�r dc�i��t;U��h�•nuti�r lu 11u�•I•o����r. �1ny �lutir�pruvidrd I�ul•
<br /> in thi� Sccurily h��t�umcnt rhall hr �Irrnud a� ha�•� hrrn �ivrn lu liurro��rr ur I.ri«ler ��hrn �:ivcn :i. pru�•id4d in thi� �
<br /> piiragr.iph.
<br /> 15. Gorernin� I.i�a: tie�•cruhilitc. '1'hi� ticrurity In.irumrnt �h;ill hr �:�,�•rrncd hy 1'c�lrr;d la��• and the I:n�• uf thr I
<br /> ' jurisdictiun in whirh thr Nra{xrty i, Inrat�il. In thc c��cni�hai uny pruvi.iun ur rlau,e uf Ihi.tir�tu�il� En.trumrnl ur Ih�'Nulo
<br /> cot�ilictti wilh appliraihlc la��.�u�•h runtliri �hall rn��attcrl uihcr pn+��i,iun,��f ihi.tirruri�y In,�runui�.t or�lu Nutc ��•hich ram �
<br /> :,t•{� hc tiivcn cl�frct ��'ithuut Ihc cantlictin�. pn�vi�iun. 'lii Ihi, �nd Ihr prnvi,ium ul Il�i.Svrurily Intitrumcnt antl Ih� '��•t� arr
<br /> declntcd!c�hc,cvcr:►hlc.
<br /> 16. Hurrowcr's t'opy. Nurru«•.r.hatl hv giv�n wtr runl'urntc:i cup)��N'Ilio M1��t�und ul liii.Sccarit� In�lrum.•nt. {,
<br /> 17. 'Il�nnsi'cr of thc P�upert}•or u Henciiclal lntcretit(a Ra��ati+•4r. �f uIl u� .u�� ��art�,f thr 1'r:�,crty ur:+�iy� in::^:�e;^ '
<br /> . il is�old i�r triintii'rrrrJ (ur it';i tknrl'iri;d intrrr�� in 1lurru��•or i�.uld ur ira�n,lcrrc�l iuld Hor�•uacr i>n�+l a ntUUnd ���r���n� �
<br /> � �vithout l.rndcr's priur wriurn ci,nwn�. Lrnilcr nxi�•.at iiti up�iun,�rquir�imnudiatr p;���mnl in lull ul'ull+um..�currd h�
<br /> . , thiti Sccurity In,trumcn�. Hu��tvcr,ihiti uptiun,hnU nut hr r��rri.�d i,y I.rndcr il r�crri.r i.pn,hihited hy Irdcri�!la�� �.��S' �
<br /> . Ihc datr uf�his Scruriry In.lrumrnt.
<br /> � :?,_' U�Lcndcr r�rirl�r�Ihl+uplion.l_rndr�'•hall�ivc Hurru��rr ni�tirr ul';tccclrraliun. '1'hr nonrc�h:ill pruviil��i��riu�f u�
<br /> , , � n�►1 Ietiy thcen�Il il,�yti(rum thc�lalr Ihr nolii•�i.deli�•cr.d�n•mailed ��iliun���hirh Hurrm�rr nui�i pa� atl.um.+reur�d b� il�i.
<br /> • '' Scrurily I►�urumcnt. li'Burrawcr t��il. tu pa�• thc,o .um� priur�u ihr e���iratiun al thi, p�ria�t. G.rndrr nu�y invukr an�
<br /> •%�"':��,• remedir��knniucd hy�hi,Se.•urit} ln,trumen��cithuu�tiuthcr nu�icu ur.iemand vu 13�+rr�,��cr.
<br />.;; � lH. Nurro�r•cr'y Rf�hl tu liein+lalc. II� Nurru��rr m��t� er�lain r"mfitiun.. H�,�•��u����r ,hall havr Ihc ri;�hl Io ha�r �
<br /> ,;�.,.�' f
<br />. .,. .. ,
<br /> .. cnfurcemcnt of Ihi,ticruril�•ln,trumcnl di.ranlinurd al an) �imr��riur ta tli�rai•li�•r ot: I:u S �la•••�ur,urh u11��r periui a. I
<br /> , tiinflr I.mul. F+�nnle\1ac h'rcddic SUic l�IPuRV f\ti Ytil�1M�!• t udom�('��.rr.:a;. �Y40 ip��er a n/n�4tcr„ �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> }
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> ' . !
<br /> . _
<br />