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Y' . � F"r;'• •�._.._^:i.;:i.o`'.�."%�.C,::..�:'i...�.i:-,:,i:;i..S.�-! . K''.•s tc> t1'kiYc�:;`�i.iL] r . � ,:r rt}x�.---- <br /> ��A }- � • !_E t j. f �...E� :i � x n w = . ._. <br /> ___ .} rt„ _ _.E.....:1 crL_.�.s:.:' ' G.� <br /> ��'°tP�.-rr=T:-°.»,- _ <br /> w — <br /> ` �i�'' �0�183 �`.��r:', {�'� _ _ <br /> � � 93. ,� <br /> r. . UHIFUF����VE Zs} - 'c o� tt k '. <br /> -'" NANTB.Borrowar entl Lenaor wvenant ena agrea ee fonows s�'�r� <br /> �r t. P� IIIIM 0 PdnelpU�n int�nll. BOtrowor ehell prOmD�y Dey whBn Uu0 Ihe ptlnclpel ol enC inlerebt on thB r ��'��'�` � "' -` <br /> � '`� mOeb�ed�ieue��eneeA6yNe�ote.prepeymentonAiatechergeaaaprw�ded�ntheNOte.andthepr�nUpeiolanCintereaton � 011 . � .. <br /> . , �; I any►uNre AOvenCOD 6eeur6d by Ne Oeetl ol Tmal `�� s ' 4 �"ji,-� <br /> „ , �.I F. FunQtlorTuN�nd IMUrancl.8ubeotbeCpllce6lelawonoewrlllanwaiverbyLandar,8orrowaranenpayloLende� �n -, 11 -1� i �:;_. <br /> -,�! opNeAeymontTtyln�ietlm�nteolntlncipa�enCinlaestarepayebleunEertheNOte.untllNeNOteisDelA InNll asummerein � + = ��, ,Y,�, <br /> � FunOe"16GUel la ore•MeIM ol lhe yeady texen antl ee9esamente wNCh mey anein pHOril�over tNe Deab of Tmst anC �-�r� � � h'+ ,u .,. <br /> roundrenUOntnaP ops ,11nny,pluaono•Nrolll�olyoatlypromiuminntnllmenblorha=artl neurenca.pu�one•hveltthol n ; -+ n_� - <br /> �yeary o�emium instnfimentma�or mongepp�nsuranca,�i eny,en aa renwnaEiy eaumntea iMUelly ena trom uma ro ume ey a�;i;��,,�w �,� ' <br /> � s :� Letltlar on Ne baale of e6se!lm�nW and�Illa entl rBaEOnaWe eaNmetes iher60l g �q ��k ; , <br /> '� eqeney OnWuAlnp�lenGe�r�il LenG r redeuch en/ne8eitloroacL�anEer eheil�e�era�ne tunda`0 n6e�e�ero ibuei,edeea�eaume�0. a S s?iv�-`'���-"- �r�• <br /> -� " �'����-�� meurenoepromiumeenEQrounAronu.Landermaynotc�argefww�o101ng�enCappIyIng�haFUnda.enetyzinqeslAeocount �,i��x�';.�}r�;=�:;;�J;__ <br /> E orvetlyinqendcompillnqealtle�eeaemaNnanCb711 unlesnlanGerpara 9orrowarintereslontheFunASendappIiablelew t ,.�; f, , �: <br /> pprmIWLeMertomekenuchaoharBaBorroworend�ndermayeqresinwdlingetNatimeolexecmionoflhisOeadMTmtt >> ��� ,�i �t <br /> 1�lI inlE�eit On lhE FunO!lh911 b9 D91d�O BO��Owe4 entl v01B0!luC�Bp�86mOnt 101netle 0�eppIICBIb018w Ie�UIfE!6UCh tr- :tK� �.L"�1� ._��` <br /> iMeroatlobe peidLenEerehallnmearaqWraawpay8orroweranylnteroatorearmngsonNaFunAS.LentlarahBlipivoto r,; } .�- - <br /> Borrower,wHtioulohe�ge,en annuel accountlng of Ihe FunOe nhowing oredits enC doDlta to Ihe Funde end Na purpoae Por �� *2ys�k�����_''� <br /> yINoheaa�dobittolheFUndewaemede.TheFundaerepleAgadasaddilloneleecuriryloithewmaeeouredbythlfDeatlol �'� ,t� y i Y s <br /> TN{t. * ��� f1�t �� - ' <br /> delee ol taxea,eiseaamallq.InEUfe C9 premlueme und gr0u OfirBM&ehe l'BxC09tl N6 emount fdB��UIrB�dbO p8y eLlO�ex60. � 4�'i.',` ~r , �''"� <br /> -�' 01f016(110n18,InBUfdnC0 plB111ium!end 9roufM feOM BD thBY IBII Aub.luCh exe0a!6�ell b&8t 90tfOwor!Op110n,BNhBf � {�ia} � .�,�,_� <br /> �-�.,- promp0y ropnid to 9orrowe�m uoditeA to Barowar on mont�ty inatellmante of Funda 111he emount of Ne iundt held bv }',.�5 <br /> Landets�allnolbeeut(Identlopsytexetiessassmente,inauraneepremlumsend�roundrenlaeathayfellduaBOrtower6hell 4} „fi}(x <br /> - p!y lo lon0er en9 amount nsceroary to make W the AoOcionry within 30 dap rom the data notlee le melleU by lenAet lo - --.. <br /> - BorrOwer rgquBttlnq payment thereol �'����.��"y� <br /> �� Vpon oeymentinNtlolallsumeteCUreChyNiaDeedolTruetLentlerahailprompltyrelunAtoBorrowerenyFundbheldby �r���� <br /> LonQO�.Ifunderpereprephl8hereot�heProoeMieeoldortheProDeMleolherwisaecquireabyLanaer.Lendara�elleppry p ❑ _; <br /> noletarthenimmeEletatyprbrtotheealaol�hoProperryori�see uiaiHOnbyLender,anEFundaheldbyLenderet0e11meol ���,�f�:. <br /> app11Cltlon es o er0tlit eyelnat Ne nume eBeureG by IMa Deea of�rual i±�_�Y.!=.. <br /> 0. ApptlutlonotP�Ym�N�.Unleaaep0���0ielaw providesot�ervrhe.ellpeymentaracuheCbyLenderundermaNOle p;.r, i, <br /> ' enA para r �e 1 antl 2h9�00t ehall E9 epptied Ey Lentlor Iiretln payment of amounle peyable to LenAer by Borrowe�unGer �� J y��. =- <br /> varepreuR�R�Breol.Ihen1o1n1erentOeyaDle0ntl�eNOte.l�0ntolheDtlneipeloiNeNOtB.entlt�entointetestendptlneipelOn ti 8�, <br /> eny Fulure AdvenCea. . �� <br /> �. CNIaOSLIM6BOttOwe�BlllellpeyeII10xeAee88e3mBn1l9nAONerChetpB&���8een0imp0altlonY811rIbu19d6tOthB t'�-{,�ts` . <br /> � Propory whloh may atlaln e pnon1y ovar th16 U6eC ot Tru6R an0lee�e�0id peymenb ot qrountl rent0.i1 any.In the m9nn9r ',7,,., -- <br /> provltled unGetC eraqrep�41�araol or,if not pelA In nuen manner,by Bortower makingpeYment w�on due.Clrectlyto the i•�,�. �r_,xo�,,,�__.,,. <br /> • payesthBreol.8orrower6Mllpromptly Nrnis��oLenAarellnoticeaolemounledueunderthlapereqrephendlnl�eavent .. <br /> Borrower s�all make1M yment tllrecay Borrower thell promptly lumie�to LenOer recaiple eWdencinq such pe�eMa Tih� �-.—__ <br /> C:;;�er 7l�e!I prxnpUy�I!^!�?tg!e!ry!len w!+!cn ha:pmNy cver thln Deetl ol Trust provitled.lMt BotrowOr eh0 not be <<:c!� , _- <br /> - ropWre0PoE16CharpEeny 6uChllene01ong8s8orrowe�Ehatlegreeinwtlllnptolhepeymentollt�eObllpalion6BCUr00GyaucO r ��� x u .. - <br /> Ilenlnamenn9raWBp19U10bLenGer,orMe111ngoo0teMeonlBMeue�llenhy.orAetentlenlorcementoleuehllenlhl6gei �'��. �J�, -_ , <br /> � D�a08d�ep�whlo�Opxate 10 p�ovenllhB onfOrcement of ihe Ilen m IOAeilure ol ihe Propory or eny pert 1�ereOt l�r<;r��.:.k�"�;_�;;--- <br /> � S. Hawrdlntunno�.BOrrowera�allkeeptt�efmO�OremenUnowaxiallnBOrhorealtereractBdonlhePrOpertyineureE Tf :�,�?��ra 3z` - <br /> tt <br /> ' eq0lnat loi�by flro.��zOrde Included wilhin the term"extenAed Coverege",end auch oMer hezerOa ea LenEer mayrepuire .r' f ,� _ <br /> entlineuc�amoumeendforsuchponodsesLenOermay repulre:prori4e0,��etLender�hallnotr Wremadhaemoumoi -7< <4 �r>,,,� -.� <br /> �ac�covetego ezceOA Net amount ot eoverega reauiretl to pey Ne eume secutetl by thia Deetl ol�mat �_ - -: f� - � <br /> iNSlnwranceCarnerPrOVlUingthoinauranceahallbec�oaenbY Borrowertub�ecttoe rovelpy LenAer,prodded.MSl - �� ^ ; _ <br /> 6uC�epprovelahellnotEBUnrea6oneDWwrth�e�O.Anpremmmaoninaureneepo�iciesshePB�ce�ainlhemannerprovlAeO . f � �;-,� <br /> unCO�Daregreph2�e�eofOr,ilnotpe�dinsuehmenner.by8orrowermekingpayment.when0ue.tlirecltytoth0lnsuranee � t- 5 �,�,5������� <br /> eGtrlBf- �• <br /> All�nauruncepWlc�eferMre�ewa�sNereolsha�l6embrmecceptabletolentlerendshellincludeeslenda�tlmortgage ��"� ��F����i--�_ _ <br /> clpuaomfevOrol9ntl��brmeCOeD�aDiotoLeMer.LenAerahellhevelhen�MtoholUthepoticiesentl�enewalathereo�en0 . . ..,_a°;�r.,;;.�= <br /> porrower e�ell DromptlyWm�aMO LenOer en renewel nouceaand ell rece�p a ol paid D�emmme.ln Iheevontol lose.Borrower t N., q•r:. <br /> s1u11piveprompInoCeetOt�emwre�cecarnerentlLenEer.Lentlermaymakeproofolloesifnotme0epromDtlybyBarrowec � �yi �i14-,Y;: <br /> Unln6elondatenOBOrroweroNetwiaeegreemwnfing,msureneeproceetlsMBllbeaOP��otltoreslOreGOnorrBpeirolthe - +�• - <br /> ProDOrry Camnqe0,Dron0o0 soen reatoreuon or repen Is aconom�ca1lyfeasiCie antl Ihe eecunly Of Nb�OBd 01?NSI B If01 �' �+i 35-'�--i <br /> � IhoroDy im uotl 116uc�ro4tO�ehon or repart is�o�eeonom�eelly leeeible or d Ihe sewnry ol thu Deetl ol Tmat would 6u � � . `�{ •- - <br /> �mDe�rod.iRo meuranee pr000e0e anatl be aOG��eE�o�he aums eecureC by Ih�a DeaC of Tmsl with Ilie a�ry.Peid to � _� � <br /> Borrowei.II I00 PiopBrry�e eban0onaa by Bo�mwor.or d 0orrower ta�ls to reapon0 to Lentler w�ihin 30 days Irom Ne tlale _ , <br /> n0YC0�6 ma�lBtl Dy lBMOr to 8ortowo�Iha11h0 msu�ance cBmer OXera to SBllle e cla�m 10�maurenCe OBn8818.LenCer ie '{- . <br /> nuNOn:eE to collecl an0 e ply ihe maurance D�oceetl!et LenEer's opuon e�lher to reatoral�on or repmr ol ihe PropaM or lo - - <br /> tne euma eaeuraa oy mif 8eea oi Tms� -- <br /> � Un108DL0AtlOfEntlB0llOwetolhB�w�soa9leemwt�hng.anysuchBpp��CU4onolptoteetl8lopnnC�001s�911noi0x18ntlor . _ <br /> po6lpone tne Ouo Ae10 0l l�o momNr inatallmem�relerreO lo m peregrepha t nn0 2 hereol or cnange t�e amount ol suc� <br /> mtlellmeM�-i�unEBr paiayrep�1 B�ereol t�e Properry ie ecam�eC by Lender,aii nght����e an0 mterBSlO�BortOwO�m end 10 - <br /> � anymauroneopo�¢ie�fintlmnnA�otho0�aceeaa�nereol�esumngiromdamagetolhePropem/prwrlotlie%leoracqm&t�on <br /> Mell pn6f�o LonOer t0 Ne oatoN o1111e�ume 6eca�e9 by ih�s DeBd o�Truat�mmetl�9lely Dnor to suth aele ot aCqmat6on. <br /> 0. Pr�HnaflonMdM�Inlenene�olProp�Ny:LeasaholAr.COndom�nlumf:PlanneUUnllDerelo menU.BOrrowerahen <br /> �eop Iho Propetly m 9ootl mpau en0 chalt nol commn weste or porm�l impartment ol aetunorelion oPthe ProDery enA 9hB�l <br /> cOmpl wd�Ihop�Orilionsolnnyi0aeodlh�sDeeOOfTrusti6oneluaee�old.11t�isUeetlolTruat�soneu��ImBCOnOOmmwm <br /> oi B D�annoC uml EovoloDmenl.Bortower ane��OeAOrm alt ol BOrrower s obhge4ons un0er 1�e declereuon or cOVenenb <br /> uonhna oi qovoi���p No condommmm or D�a��ed unn EevulopmenL t�e 6y-�ewa am7 regute6ons ol�he candominmm or <br /> piannotl uml4ova�oDmOnt.on0 conslduenl Oocumenls 118 con0omimum o�D�annetl um[4uvBlopmeni ntlur i3 extNed�y - <br /> 13onOwaranAfOCOfE0C1000�herwil�l��6DBOGO�Tme1.t�BtOrunnMSenOag�oemeNSOlsuchnAerehailbBincdpOreteC <br /> mlolnO M011 nmo�0 0nE 6upD�emo�l l�e Coronenis n�a egwemenb o��hu DeeO ul Tmst ee d the nEer were a pan nereo� <br /> � 1. Proballon ol LsndarY 8seunty.n Oorrownr�ons to peno�m mu covenams ana egreemenu conlametl m mis DeeC o� <br /> i�up.or d eny ncUOn o�D�ocwmnq�e commencnd wnh matnunny xl�ecls LenOei f mterest m Ihe ProDerry.mtluAmg Out noi <br /> LmiloO to ummeniUOmam.�n5oMOm v Cotlo enln¢omonl o�dunnpemer.IS at proCefd�ng�mvOlrmg a b9nkruD�OrEEteOenl. <br /> I�tnLOnOl�OILO�OB��oD��O� vponnoLCnloFbu•.we� maym0ke5uC1��10UearPnc85.tlt5bur5e5Uth5umSBnA18kB5uC0 <br /> 1cbOn ns�f na[Oeenry IO D�a�oct Lertle�a mlure�I mi u,a�n .�W not umiletl lo.tlrs0u�sement ol reaso�aDie anomey s�ees an0 - <br /> ontryupo���oPro0o�lyiomoaoro0ansnLenne�rn,�v�re�mongaqe���w�anceasaconAdinno�makmqmeioensxuredbr <br /> mo DooA o�Tm3t Boaower shnn Vay Ine G�am�um4 mnm�M Io maimem sucn mw�ence��e11ec1 mtn such hme as me � <br /> �opm�omo�Ibrwc�msurn�cnto�mmalov��acr.m�ancew��n9o�rowe�san0�nntle�'swnite�ay�eemento�aDp����belaw _„ <br /> OOIfON01 6�911 Ddy 1110 9TOUn1 0l nli motlqOqP�n5u�d�r�pP�miym5��IhC mannet ptOV�AQO U�der pa�eg�ep0 2�ereof. . <br /> �ny nmouNf Uanu�eoa DY L�•�WC� pu�Sai��� b 1��5 pJiOg�AO� � �'�����+ews� tnereon. snan oecome aaanwnai - <br /> mEObloO�oes ot Ib�rone�sncwoa Dr�nrs Uuetl M���s�V niess Purrown�nntl LenCe�ngree lo oi�er lerms ol Deyment,such <br /> . ... " _ _ . .' _'___""""..""""".._...____..__..�....e..� e.....n.��me...,...mae�mmmn _. . <br /> nmounmanonoovalnwvuNVnn.n...o..v....�....�........................��._., v..r.._....._.__.._.."_"_"" ""'__' _ - <br /> OBIOOItlitbu�eOmOM�ll�a�0loPn)nD�ohOmLmp�nmm�unowa�andmq pnnnoa�u�tlenheNO�eume550aymentolmteres� _ <br /> ,M�nGh t11I0 WOU�O bO CoOi�Oty 10 HUP���aO�C ww •u w���t�erm�i suCh Amounl5 sheli b2d� �me�es�a�me mpnest �BIE <br /> Vo1mnl�ElO untlo�nDV��'-n0�u Inw Nol�mq rO�l.i�netl m Inn Pa�aV��Dn 7 shl�l repmm Lentler lo mCU�lny e•DenSP o�ieke eny <br /> A[601�hD10UA001 <br /> �. III{0%IIOn-LOntlN mnY���aAa u��nulo lo br�niUr ma5���mMe�•��li iPS upOn an�ms0eclqn5 n�IhN P�upetly.P�OndM <br /> I�•li LOndO��INO�no[lOrtnw�n nnL�r V�^•�In.1i�v 4�1���.r�1V�•���•�^•.U�GIY��tq���.l5nnablP C.lu1v I��•�olu�o�rl.lipd tOl¢ntlQIS - <br /> mlo�ofl m I�n P�nPO�ry . <br /> f <br />