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D�I��f`0F TRU�'� g3� �i�� - <br /> -:--. : � . <br /> � THI89EEDOFTRU9TIsmadethl8�•� � lOtA d of �y <br /> 18.._�,4_�8rt10�gih0Try�o�;' ��chael H. az an tie�eaaa J, p1i11er <br /> ` ��' e�enane ana Frite �heroln"Bonowor'�,FlrBtlev Benh,NaUOnal Aesooletlon, == <br /> _ - ° Omaha,Nebraske,(hareln"Truatee"),andBenellCiary.FirdTlarBWikNaUOnelAeaoolatlon,Oma�e,Nabreflu,� ° - <br /> fsas::ri <br /> „ � � oo�poretlon orpenized and existing under the lawe ol The UNfed Btatee of Amedoe,whose eddreee le 1100 L <br /> Fernam Btree4 Omflhe,Nebreeke,88102•Y189(hereln"Lende1�. <br /> TM�� , � - <br /> �r� y� BORROWER,In oonsldereflon ot the indebtedness herain recited end the truet hereln craet8d,frcevocabty � _ <br /> grantsend convey�atoTiuetae,fn vuat wilh pov�erofealo.tho follovring dpscrtbsd propoAy locctad In thoCOUnly <br /> �k�_"� ot Ha 1 .8tete 01 Nebraske: : .-. <br /> -�; 8raolional Lot Ten (10), in Practional Block 7wenty - one (21)� in Pairviaw i�� ', ;: <br /> ° s-;. Park Additlon to the Clty o£ Grand Island� Nall Covnty� Nebraeka� nnd ite � ,r-„`-' <br /> � --, complament, Practional Lot Tan (10), 1n Practional Block 91x (6), oP c� y. - <br /> H '�} Wallioh's Addition to the City of Grand ieland, Aall Covnty, Nebraska. ��}��,.-.:- <br /> ..:.ex<-`� .�±�,.'.- <br /> S i. <br /> °�{r:� i� �s� _ <br /> -,iy: �t �. ."— <br /> '- .tf.. .t'>i�.+.::.::: <br />_`'.:::i�)l:. r.dP:?:��:- <br /> =��.��f'_`• 1�r}. Qr <br /> :dG i! ,��',iF.�i[1�;��'. <br /> r��' //(' . <br /> ;�Y�;S zFy :�;: <br /> , � t q• <br /> ,���t� `,S r�;,;:: <br /> _:,_�.�,:. 7'-.z�,;.- <br /> I ?�,�Es`i���.': <br /> h" <br /> 5<< - : ��4,'_ln :. <br /> _ ..� (� a>, , <br /> ! �i� a: <br /> �\)��tt 2 4�i V <br /> 1 1 �k4��{ _� <br /> ttt� � �' ,��+lts� ' <br /> � � 1.f� <br />:�,^:?i:.ii 1-a;:.�y,- <br /> ,.-; R ;j��. <br /> s t. <br /> -.•.;;.�.}: ,.-..;�: .. <br /> ..�^„>:.':I ::.Ya-ii,.' <br /> �,s'!<� a7� j :,;'s <br /> i ,<. <br /> pl,�vn,:. - 4t'.,, <br />_ q.�%, �l� ��'{ <br /> , .µ'.. ,..1'•: <br /> ;`/�. <br /> � .1 ._. _ <br /> \y ' }� j _ <br /> ,.l{.�./- .�!'i, <br /> __,�^..'�\. ..�.�.`,,: , <br /> Y:'` / '�` <br /> .�`'n . <br /> ::��.�,n p. ..iy.-, <br />�`�j1.�. .-:i.`:Y1i: <br /> '�- ,'-i::: -'." <br /> - ���i;°i°[r - " ''.._ <br /> Ti.1:��,;:i;; <br />;r-,�,,f� `�c• ' <br /> . `l" i ".y,. <br /> - whlCh�89lheaAOresaol - ..____804 North i.incoln Gcand ieland -- <br /> .. ia«o---— -�un � . <br /> ``+-�. Nebrneke 6flgpl _ (heram"Propeny Address'q; ( <br /> ' 16YYV�I1�1 � <br /> � a ��_ TOOETHER wiN atl lhe improvementa now or herealter erectetl on Ihe properry.and ell easemeMS,righta, t <br /> ;[.:-� epputlenentes.rente(aub�acthowevertolhenghlsanAeuthoritieagrvenhereintoLenCertocollectandepply [�" '_ <br /> - = such renta),royelnea.mmaral,o�l an0 gns nghta and prolns,waler,water rights.end water stock,and all tixtures ; - .'`-���` <br /> � � .� , now or here9lter eflaC�otl to t�e property.ell ol whic�,incWAing replacemants antl addittona thereto,shall be r . ' <br /> = doemed to ba entl reme�n e pah ol the Droperry coveretl by this Deed of Truak end al I ol the loregoing,togelher � - � <br /> ^��-`;`�+� with said properly(or�he ieaaehol0 esteta�1 this Daed of Trust is on a IeasholA)are herein referreC to ae the � <br /> _ �c � <br />.. �;:;:�. ..vrouem.. : . <br /> •'�?��' TO SECURE to LENDER le�Ihe re0ayment ol the mCebtednesa evitlenced by Borrower's note tleted — � <br /> =`� Mav 10. 1993 _ (herem"Note").in the prinapel eum ot Gix h�.�a�� a+.d no/100-- _ <br />� ;iS���s,, _ <br /> . ` -'r<e nnn nn) ----"°'--------- <br />'- ����� �•� --Bollara.wllh intereat thereoa orovidina for mnnthlv inalailmonts <br /> -'- .'+"� ol principnl nntl mtmobl w���Ine Dalencx ol t�e mdebtetlnese.d not sooner Deid,due entl peyeble on _ <br /> "}�`-��.� w�y� �99x ,�.___ �;Ih0 Oayment ot all other auma.wilh intorestth9repn,advenced <br />_,:... ..� <br /> �°;,S-�° - fn eccortlance hBrewiN to proloct tha necunty of thla Daetl ol Truak entl the Dedormence of tha covenanta end <br />��'�'�-'� agreemeMe O1 Borrowo�hormn Contmnotl:an0 ell renewals,extensiona and modificetione Ihereof:and(b)tha <br />�`�:=`'��``� reDeymonto�enylvturaetivanCOB.wnhmtoroatmt�ereon.metleto8orro�verbyLandorpursuenttoperagraph2l <br /> ��``r �` �ereot(haraln"Fufwa Advancoe"1- <br /> =<�-+Gl i` BORROWER covanente Iha1 Borrowor ia lawlully 6oued ot Ihe est9ta nereby convey0d ena nea ihe right to <br />-.e,:�ii�:'•S'. <br /> ,. J... grant enC convoy Iho P�oporty.lhnt th0 P�oporry 18 unoncumDarad,end that Borrowar will warrant antl defend <br />:.:,;�,_,:�;. <br /> ,. ;,,_„ genorelly the tltle lo Mo PropoM apamal all claima end demantle,subject to any declaranons.easemonte or <br /> �''°�rr' reatrictlon!Ilatod In o ichodulo ol oxcopl�one to covorage in anytitle insu�ence p0ticy Ineuring Lendefa Intereat <br /> � �` in t�9 PrODOrty <br /> ,i,7 <br /> � ' - ' <br /> . . <br />..__ .i..c� . . _ . . . - ,_. . <br />