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. �_ _ .T______ __ _ <br /> . , __ _ _ <br /> ...., , . � � <br />: ��3� �����g . --_ <br /> i' 8. t{�urC o►P►opaiy [mura�xw Etorrower aAlil t�xp Ne Imyrovemenro novi exls�ng or here�lter erocta!on ti�e � �``." – <br /> Fropcvty lasuro4 agsinst laae 6y flro,Nw�Ms lxtuded wl�ln�he tertn'wctertded coVerage'and eny oetier Mzeid�, laclu�ing <br /> i ftooda q�flooding.!ur whlcA Latder rcqulm Insuwnoe.9LIi Insuronce�hell bn molntelnod in the emounte end for tho ped04! <br />� that Lender rtqulra.'fAe lnsuranoe certla provlding the imuronca ehall bo chosen by IIortower wbjca to I.endet's�pprovtil <br />; whlch�I�all not�o unrcasonably wllAhotd. If Ho[rower felle to melntaln covt�go deccr►bcd abovo,(.ender may,at Lendtt'e <br />! optton,aMsln eovenye to proten Lsndsr'�dghp!n the Pro�cty In ZaoMnnce atth pwgmph 7. <br /> AII Insuronoo pollcica and rurowaL�hell bo ucoeptebta ro i.eadu end shell ineludo a�tendard mortgega diuso.knQer <br />� �hatl hare the�Ight lo hold�ho polietea and�enowale.If Lcnder requlrea,Borrower�hutt promptty giva to Lendor dl iaelpb ot <br /> pald premiunu end renowel natlaa.In tLe evmt ot losa.Oortower edail glve prompt noHco ro tho insurance curiusad Leodcr. �,�__._ . <br /> I.ender may mate proof o(los�If not made promptly by Bortower. <br /> UNw Lendm and Bortower othmvlm agree!n wrlNng,lnsurance proceeda shdl bo applied to rcatontion or rcpak ot the <br /> Property damagcd.If�ho rutoretlon or apilr In coonomicelly[taa�@lo end Lendtt'e uariry le not leuencd.It�ho rcstonilon or <br /> 2p31t ii not oeonomlcally hasiblo or l.cndu's«curiry would bo lasened,the Insunnce proaeds drell be epptt�d to�he wms <br /> caured by�hb Searlty ]rotrument.�vhuher or aot then due, with eny exow pdd ro Borrower. It Bortower ibandau�he <br /> Properry,or dow not ans�ver within 30 d�y�a notice from Lender that�he inwrence certiu h�affuW ro seltla t clelm,�hen <br /> t.ender mey collea�he (nsuranco proceed�. l.endu mny use �he pracade to rcpair or reatoro�he Property or io pay Nms �— —' <br /> xcurcd by thie Bearlry Inswment,whether or noc�hcn due.lLe 30dey period will begin when�he nodca�a giveo. <br /> Unlw Luider end 13orrower olhentiise agrce in writlng, eny epplication of proaeds�o principal sfiall not exlend or <br />. postpone tAa due d�te of Ihe monthty paymente rokrrcd to in paregreph� 1 and 2 or change U�e amount ot tho paymenu. It <br /> undu pangreph 2f the Property ii acqulred 6y Lender,Bortower'e�ight ro any inwrenco poflclu and prooecda raultlag trom <br /> damage ro the Propeny pdor ro tha acqulsitlon sM1dl pass to Lendu ro the extent of�he wm+aarcd by�hla Socurity Inslrvment <br /> immediately pdor ro�ho ecquLslHon. ----...-.----. . <br /> 6.Ooaipaacy,Prescrvatlon,Malntenance end Protealon ot the Propertyt Borrower'e Loen Applicafloui Leattholds. �-=�•- <br /> Bortower shell awyy,establish,md uae ihe Property e�Bortower'a pdncipal rcsidenx wlihfn stxry daye after the exeaiion of – <br /> �hia Savdty Instrument end�hall wminue to accupy the Propeny e�Borrowu'a pdncipal ruidena for e�least ono yar eRer `=:----�-- <br /> tha dete of ocapuncy,unles�I.raMu o�Ixrnlce ogrep in wdtlng,whlcA eonsent�hall not 6e unreasonebly whhheld, or unless <br /> extenuaNng circumumca exi�t which erc beyond Bortower'a control. Bortower�hall not datroy, demage or Impilr the ��;NT�- <br /> Property,�Ilow�he Property to ducdoram,or commlt waste on �he Propeny. Bortower chall ba in defiult If my foAeimre �s,.�R�_s_- <br /> ealon or proce�ding,whaher civil or edMnel, ia begun Uut in Lender•e good faith Judgment cauld rcault In fodefmtt of the =--_– <br /> Pro or otAcnvim matMall (m r the Ilen tteated b Ni�Savrlt Insaument or Lender e iocud Intercst. Borrowu ma �<'r�°—= -=. <br /> PertY Y P� Y Y �Y Y � ' — <br /> are such e deteuit and rolnstate,a+provided in paregraph 18,by causing the aafon or procceding to be dismissed with�mling �,wN;: – - <br /> that, in Lender'� good,fel�h detertninoHon, preciudea foReiturc of the BovowePa intercat in �he Property or aher m�iulal �'rip'°,.j_ `. <br /> impe{rment nf�he Ilen�created hy this crN��y innrtmnt n�Lender's�vrity INSft'S!. LMflOwfl�hell 1154 bC Iel A!(�Iit If ru_•�i_r;.,- -� <br /> Horto�ver,dudng the loan applicedon prooesa,gave materially felu or ineccurote Informetion or:tetemema to Lender(or tdled �.��wp – <br /> to provide Lender wieh eny nvtedal infomution)in connx�ion wilh ihe loan evldenad by Ihe Note,Including, bul not Iimfted "�j-�-='•'!==�=—._ <br /> to,rc reunteNons rnnamin Borto�ver'a oav c of the Pro rt as a dnci I roidence.If this Securit Instrvment 6 on e i"'� '�^-�'��e_ <br /> P 8 P� Y P� Y P P8 Y �;�;ys�--:i•.,�-.--`- <br /> lemuhold. Borrowcr chall mmpty with ell thc provis(ons of thc leeu. If Bortower acquirca ke �ide ro �he Propeny, the `�?d7ti�i�5�����x-_�`� <br /> Icasehold end�hc fee titic shdl no�merge unless[.ender egras to the mcrger in writing. y�5ty �,y y, ,�.. <br /> 7.ProtMion of Lender'e Righte in Ihe Property.If Borrowcr feilx lo perfortn Ihe mvenants end egramenucon�ilned in n,``�."`.4�2`�f,��,:_– <br /> Ihia 3ecudty Instrument, or therc is e Iegel praceeding�he�may signifieamly affect Lender s rigM1ta in 1he Propeny (such at a ,:��>-j sY�ri;''•-� <br /> proteeding in bankruptcy,probate,for cnndemnation or for(dmrc or ro cnforce la�va or rcgulalions),�hen Lcnder may do end ''+:%'i���x�;;i�="°'�= <br /> pay for whacever ia necessery to protcet�he velue of the Propeny end Lender's rights in �he Property. Lender':ectiom mey ��3���'��5,`y�tiv;;;:,� <br /> `S*�:'G't�'���'?�y,'.- <br /> tnclude paying any sume savred by n lien wldch has priority ovcr this Saurity InsWment. eppeadng in aurt, paying yri . �„ . � _• . <br /> rcawnable attomrys'fees end entering on�he Pmperty to nnke rcpairs.Alihough LeMcr n�ay�akc ac�ion under�Ais pangreph ;\.�`{�`' % .._ <br /> 7.Lendcr dces not hevc to do so. ;f ti•' ,�j�"{ s{„,; <br /> Any amounts disburscd by Lender undcr this paragraph 7 shall bxomc addi�ionnl debt ot Oormwer secured by this �` `}��S ` =� <br /> �v� �r�` �i\�t��: . <br /> Securiry Imtrununt.Unicss Bortowcr and Lendcr agme�o other tcrms of paymcnt.�hese nmaunu shall beer intcrcst trom�he '-�- <br /> de�e of disburaemem et thc Note rate nnd shall 6c peyeble, with imeres�. upon na�icc tmm Lender to Borrowu r e q u e slin g ,a;o Z',��,�.�(��is _,: <br /> payment. �1>>... ., F. - <br /> 8.Morl �i�,�s ,t.�1r` ..,'-- <br /> guge Insurantt.If Lender rcquired mongnge insurxnce as u mndi�ion nf mnking ihe loan secured by�his Savrity -,�;:�_��,i�,`,._;;-, <br /> Inswnxnt, Borrower shnll pay �he prcmiums requirul to maintain �hc mm�gagc imurance in cffttt. If, far eny reason,�he. 1�,�±� v+' �y ;.�:� <br /> mongege insurance mverngc rcquircd by Lender lapus ar crases m be in effect. Uormwer shali pay the premiums requircd to ?"; ���;,�.-',_ <br /> obtain mverage subrentially equivalent to�he mortgage insurance prcviously in effttv.nt a mst subsuntinlly equiralern m the �°� "��-'�t.L=:i-'��• <br /> �l::.v.�,.4 <br /> cost m Harro�ver of�he mort n c incurancc rcvioud m efkcL Gum an altcrna�c nx�n a c inaurcr a mved b [.endea If -"�'`��'�5U`�J'<" <br /> 8 8 P Y � F B PP Y :-;.:���,��..:�.ti_. . <br /> substanlially cquivalem mongage inmrana covcragc is nat awilublc. Dnrrnwcr.hall pay to Lemter each nwnth u wm oqu�l to �h'�'i��':,t'�c��'-;:-:"`� <br /> _s h'1-.:i,r�:;' <br /> onrtaelhh of�he yddy mangage inxur�nm premium heing paiJ hy finrrower�vhen�he inwrance co.rmge lapsal ar ceaxd to +���1;- <br /> be in efkct.Lender will accept.uae and rc�ain�heu p�ynMn�.a} a Im. rcxrce in licu nf mnngage insurance. Loss ¢serve - �'"��� ` <br /> ,��`:�:;c-�'i:� � <br /> Fonn3028 9180 •"�r'�i���.j �' <br /> e+r o o�a .':r.;�i,'i�` <br /> a : npf.l.,-.r . . r�.`.n : ., . . . `� � . ... . . . s._ _.ry'�y"'�::^ , . .%'t�ti�:T�'_:C.F _�.. . . .� <br /> � -�L'- . . . _" . _ " " " <br /> �,�'_ _ -- - . .. _. - _ . ' ._ _ - <br /> *'_'.3� - . _ .. _ ' <br />- -`-'��-: . . <br /> `'�IYS}.��•��' - . . . <br /> f��2 14i''..� . _ . _. <br /> 'j�(f1� ('� . . . . - <br /> � .�G�..: . . .. . . . . - <br />..5.l� . . . . • <br /> If 1 � ' - <br /> ( <br /> i�;� 1 ) - ' _ , � - , - <br /> , /. . <br /> "• <br /> � . � :� J t ' �� `: . . <br /> t <br /> /"�- � 1- 3 I t ' .. - .. . <br /> � ,�F 1 , • • -.�. �_ " . .: � <br /> .. . . _, h 1 .. Gi� .. _4�. 3 . . .. _ .. . �� .. . ... . � . � _ . � . . . . _ _... <br />