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—,—___ __ _ _,: . <br /> . .r, x�� � • • <.,_ ;. <br /> � �,- .. /iYyr :. ,. , � „, , <br /> -�'u�s��i��.Tx�3�:. , � , <br /> ` 1+On�1'Heq tV17Yi dt thelmprovemenw now or dsiee(ter etocta!oa Urd property,wd�I easemente�appu�te°nppr�e e� . . <br /> fiictorca noH or hercaitu a part of�he Droperty. All «plaoomeuro end oddtdoro shdl elso be oov�rea DY.4dh$calf(!� <br /> Inswment.N►o!tha forcdoln8 b[eferted ro In thfe Sacudry Instrument at the'Property.' . , <br /> HORROWBR COVHNADf(B that Bortowv le tewl411y Ktsed of the osteto I�ere6y eonveyed aM ha+tAo dght to gr9lit aId _ <br /> eonvey the Ptoperty nnd ihnt the Pcoperry la unenambuM,bxoept tor eneumbrances of r000rd. 8otrower werranu aM wW' � <br /> defend gener�lly t!w qdo ro 1he Vropeny egelw ell clelm+md demande.abJca w any caumbrenow otrtoob. ` <br /> TNI9 BECUIOTY INSTItUMBNT combinra ual[orm covenante for naporial uso and non•untform covenante wIN Ilmite0 <br /> varlatioro by)u�isdictlon to oorwl�uta a unita�m eecuriqr inatNmmt covuing rca!propcny. <br /> UN[FOAM OOVBNAN7'9.Borrower end Lender covaunt end egree ee follovro: <br /> 1. Pnymeat ot PHnttpal teA lnteceaq Preptyment and Lnta Chargea. Borrower shell promptiy pay when due �ho � <br /> pdncipal ot end latercst on�ha debt ovidenoed by the Noto and any prepsymcnt nnd�eee chargw due under�ho Note. <br /> 3.Fhnd�for Texev end(nturance.StbJxt w appiicable law or to a wrttten waiver by Lendtr,Qortower ehall pay to <br /> Laider on�M day monthly paymente aro due uMU the Note,unttl�he Note U paid in NII,e sum('Funda')for:(e)ycarly taxea <br /> rnd assessmeuu whlch may atteln prlodry over�Ne&adty Irotrumenc a�a lien on tAe Propeity:N)Yearly leasetiold paymente <br /> or ground renta on the Property,if eny;(c)yady heurd or propeny insumnm pruniumi;(d)yearly flood Imurazioe premium�, <br /> tf any:(e)Y�y�rtgage inawence preinium+. it any:end(�any wm�pryable by Borcowu ro Lcndu.In acoordanoa witb _ . <br /> tho provistom ot paregraph 8, io Ileu of tho prymen[of morcgage insurance prcmium+•7Lese Iteme ere called'Bscrow Item�.' <br /> I.ender may, et any tlme,collta and M1old INnds In an arrount not ro exceed�he maximum unoum a lender tor a kderally <br /> rclated mottgege loem m�y requiro for Borrower'e escrow aaount under Na federal Rul Sstaze SUtlement Procedurca Act ot <br /> 1974 as amended from time to tima, t2 U.S.C.3oMion 1601 et s�q. ('R&SPA').unles+enother lew that applita ro the Funde <br /> ku e lesser emount. (f m, Leider may, at my dma,collat and hold Punda in an amoun[not to exceed the lesur emoum. <br /> l.endu may estimeta Uio unoum of Aunde due on the basu of curtent dete end reawnabie tatimatea ot expenditurea ot Poturo ____ <br /> Bxrow Itertu or otheiwfat in a000rdena with eppliceble law. <br /> 7fie AunN shell be hcld in en InsNtution whose deposita ere tnwred by e fedenl agency. Inswmemality, or enUty <br /> (Ineluding I.ender,if T.ender ia weh an instimtioN or in any Pederel Home Loen Benk.Lender ihall epply ihe FLnd�to pay the �__ <br /> Escrow Item�.l.ender mey not diargo Horrower for holding end epplying the Funda,annuelly enalyring the eacrow aocount,or <br /> verifying the Hscrow Item+,unlm Ixnder peyc Bottower interest on�he Funds and eppliable law permiu Lendorto meke sudi __ <br /> n cherge. However.Lender may rcqu(re Bortower to pay n onrqme cherga for en independent rcel estere tex rcpoNng urvlca -"°' <br /> used by I.ender in conntetion w(th thia lomi, unless appliceble law providea othenvise. Uniese en agrament is made or �__- <br /> epplicable law rcquires imerest a be paid,Lendcr shall not be rcquired to pay Bortower my inrora�or caminga on tha Funds. �_,_. <br /> Bortower end Le�Mer may egree in writing,ho�vever,�hat Interext shell be pald on the Nnd�.Lender shell g(ve ro Borrower. �!'s- <br /> without cherge,on ennuel nccouming of the Funds, chowing credita end debiu[o ihe Funds md the purpox Por which each �-' <br /> debit to�he Fund�wa+made. 7Te Funde are pledged ai additional ucuriry for atl sum+xecured by this Security Insuument. �"�- <br /> If the Punde held by Leoda ezcced the unounu pemii¢ed to 6e heid by epplice6le lew.Lender shall aaount to Bortower � <br /> for the exm�Funds in aocordance with the rtquircmentx of appliceble law. If the amounl ot Ihe Funda held by Lender et eny �F,."_. <br /> �ime la not suffieient lo pay the Fscrow Itemswhen due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in writing,end,in such case Bortower F=,;���` <br /> ahall pay ro Lender�he emoum necessary ta make up the de0cicney. ltorrower shall nuke up the deficienry in no morc�hm 1+'� <br /> �welvc momhly paymenta,a�L.eMePx mte d'ucretion. y;f�°-� <br /> Upon peyment in PoII of�II sum+ socurcd by �his Sttvrity huerument. Lender sh�ll prompUy rePond ta Borrower any <br /> 't�;,t. <br /> Fund�hcld by Lender.If,underparea»ph 21.Lender ahall�cquirc or scll the Property,Lender,prior Io the acquisition or sele {;�:;' <br />- of Ihe Propeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender nt the�ime of acquisition or sale ac n credit egainst the sums securcd by �c;:;��,. <br /> th(a Seeudty Instmment. ':_ <br /> 3.Applicatlon of Payment+.Unless epplicable luw pmvides mhcrwise.all paymems received by Lender under paregraphs " <br /> I and 2 shall be applied:first, w any prcpayment churges due under�he No�e: secnnet, m xmounts p�yeble under paragruph 2: ��[�-�. <br /> third,ro interest due:founh, to principal due:and lac6 tn eny hue chnrges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Charga;Llens.Bnrroaer shall pay all toxe+,ns.ussments,chargca. fines und imposi�ions mtribmable w�he Propeny �'�r` <br /> which nuy ettuln priori�y over�his Securi�y Instrument, anJ Ieueehotd payments or ground mnts, if nny. Bormwer shull pay <br /> thex obliga�ions in ihc mmncr provideJ in p�mgnph?.or i(nnt paid in tha�m;mncr, Uurro�ver.luJl pay them on�imc dircetly <br /> to ihc perwn owcd payment. lkvrnwer shall promptly furnish to lendcr ull notims af nnxunu to he paid undcr this paragmph. ;�;;.::� <br /> If Borrower makcs� pay�nenn dirmly.Bnrrowcr shall pmmp0y(urni.h�o Lcndcr rtteipt+cridcncing the paymcnts. ` <br /> Borrower shxll pmmptly diuiiarge uny lien which 6a.priorily over�hi.S�tiurity Inumment wiless Ik�rtnu�er.(al `.��,-,-- <br /> writing�n�he paymcnt of ihc nAligirtian xcurnl M1y the licn in a manncr aaeptablc tn l.cndcr,tM1l am�ats in g«�d faith ihc lien .+.'�_'- <br /> by, or dcfcnds agairot enfnrcement af the licn in. Ic@al pn+cc:Jing� �rhidt in �he IxnJcr:opininn operaie to prcvem �hr �".��`"�� <br /> ento�cemrnt of�hc lien:ar(cl x.urc.Gom�he holJcr nf�hc licn an agrean.nt sni.Lirtarc�n[cnJer.uhonlinating ihc licn lo _ - <br /> �his Securi�y Inammem.If LenJer de�ermine,�h:n any p:m��I�he Pru�rnr i..uhjivt �n a licn�chic6 may anain priori�y over -.�:". <br /> this Scniriry�In.uumenL Lcndcr may givc IA+rtmccr a nntim iJrmilping Ihc licn. Rnrrrn�cr.hall .au.f��thc lirn nr lakc.+nc nr i.�.: <br /> more ohhc accinro tc�(onh ahrn�e wi�hin 10 d:q...r�hc tnin}ol nmiac. ?'-.. <br /> Porm 3028 8180 '``` <br /> �ap�]e�6 <br /> �`� .. <br /> � .., . <br /> �Tt ',�U '%m.n':,,_ .._...... . _� . . .. . .. .. - _�f". __ .. _ I�t. �. .. :aJ.?' . . ._, <br /> ,i, , <br /> .;�;• . . . . . <br /> ..:;�.':?:'•'- - - - : - _ � � . — --� <br /> �,.` <br />-- ��(,��"� .r;r . <br />_ ;r-: .. ._4,` - . <br /> '+;?I. ._,�;,. :_ _ __ . - ' . <br /> " '�i:._.: . � - . - . <br />- :i,• .__ . _ . . - . . _ . _ <br /> .�a; - _ . - . . . <br /> . 1��( .�... ' 4 �� . _ . - .� - . <br /> � �, . . _ ' - � . 4-. <br /> 1 � . � � - i � , � ` <br /> � ! i <br /> � ! � �I ! � . � '- t <br /> . ) � .•i.. �n .. _ . - ... .� . . . . . .. . � .. `,I • .�.t..� '� . - . .-.�� <br />